8 research outputs found

    q-Deformed Relativistic Wave Equations

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    Based on the representation theory of the qq-deformed Lorentz and Poincar\'e symmeties qq-deformed relativistic wave equation are constructed. The most important cases of the Dirac-, Proca-, Rarita-Schwinger- and Maxwell- equations are treated explicitly. The qq-deformed wave operators look structurally like the undeformed ones but they consist of the generators of a non-commu\-ta\-tive Minkowski space. The existence of the qq-deformed wave equations together with previous existence of the qq-deformed wave equations together with previous results on the representation theory of the qq-deformed Poincar\'e symmetry solve the qq-deformed relativistic one particle problem.Comment: 17 Page

    Exact two-particle Matrix Elements in S-Matrix Preserving Deformation of Integrable QFTs

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    In a recent paper it was shown that the response of an integrable QFT under variation of the Unruh temperature can be computed from a S-matrix preserving deformation of the form factor approach. We give explicit expressions for the deformed two-particle formfactors for various integrable models: The Sine-Gordon and SU(2) Thirring model, several perturbed minimal CFTs and the real coupling affine Toda series. A uniform pattern is found to emerge when both the S-matrix and the deformed form factors are expressed in terms Barnes' multi-periodic functions.Comment: 9 pages, Latex, no figure

    Replica-deformation of the SU(2)-invariant Thirring model via solutions of the qKZ equation

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    The response of an integrable QFT under variation of the Unruh temperature has recently been shown to be computable from an S-matrix preserving (`replica') deformation of the form factor approach. We show that replica-deformed form factors of the SU(2)-invariant Thirring model can be found among the solutions of the rational sl2sl_2-type quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation at generic level. We show that modulo conserved charge solutions the deformed form factors are in one-to-one correspondence to the ones at level zero and use this to conjecture the deformed form factors of the Noether current in our model.Comment: 30 pages, Latex, Dedicated to Moshe Flat

    On the deformability of Heisenberg algebras

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    Based on the vanishing of the second Hochschild cohomology group of the enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg algebra it is shown that differential algebras coming from quantum groups do not provide a non-trivial deformation of quantum mechanics. For the case of a q-oscillator there exists a deforming map to the classical algebra. It is shown that the differential calculus on quantum planes with involution, i.e. if one works in position-momentum realization, can be mapped on a q-difference calculus on a commutative real space. Although this calculus leads to an interesting discretization it is proved that it can be realized by generators of the undeformed algebra and does not posess a proper group of global transformations.Comment: 16 pages, latex, no figure

    Selfdual 2-form formulation of gravity and classification of energy-momentum tensors

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    It is shown how the different irreducibility classes of the energy-momentum tensor allow for a Lagrangian formulation of the gravity-matter system using a selfdual 2-form as a basic variable. It is pointed out what kind of difficulties arise when attempting to construct a pure spin-connection formulation of the gravity-matter system. Ambiguities in the formulation especially concerning the need for constraints are clarified.Comment: title changed, extended versio