158 research outputs found

    Regulating Television and the Case of Football World Cup

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    This paper deals with EU-Directive 89/552/EEC "Television Without Frontiers", which enables each EU-country to set up a list of major events that are not allowed to be transmitted in Pay-TV. We analyze this kind of regulation using instruments of game-theory and monopoly-theory. We compare the market results of the EU-Regulation with two alternative arrangements, namely with a general ban of Pay-TV and with a 'laisser-faire'-solution. Our model shows that a selective ban may be welfare-superior to both other forms of Pay-TV treatment. Finally we show that there are good arguments to forbid Pay-TV-broadcasting of major football events. -- Dieses Paper beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob sportliche Großereignisse im Pay-TV oder im Free-TV übertragen werden sollten. Aktueller Anlaß für eine breite Diskussion dieses Themas ist der Kauf der Übertragungsrechte für die Fußballweltmeisterschaften 2002 und 2006 durch die ISL/Kirch-Gruppe. Verfechter einer weit-reichenden Regulierung des Fernsehmarktes befürworten Maßnahmen, die bis zu einem Verbot von Pay-TV reichen. Andere wollen hingegen der ISL/Kirch-Gruppe die freie Vermarktung ihrer Rechte belassen. Unsere Analyse nähert sich dem Problem aus ökonomischer Sicht. Wir gehen dabei von einem dreistufigen Fernsehmarkt aus, in dem ein Erstrechteinhaber als Monopolanbieter die Übertragungslizenz vergibt. Auf einer zweiten Stufe entscheidet der Lizenznehmer über die Ausstrahlungsform. Die unterste Ebene ist von fußballbegeisterten Fernsehzuschauern geprägt, die eine wertvolle Zielgruppe für die Werbewirtschaft darstellen. In einem einfachen monopoltheoretischen Modell werden Bedingungen abgeleitet, unter denen eine Regulie-rung des Fernsehmarktes erfolgen sollte. Unsere Empfehlungen stützen sich dabei auf eine wohlfahrtsökonomische Bewertung der Modellergebnisse.Pay-TV,Football,Media economics,Advertising,Applied Game Theory,EU-Directive 89/552/EEC

    Genetic and Molecular Analyses of PEG10 Reveal New Aspects of Genomic Organization, Transcription and Translation

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    The paternally expressed gene PEG10 is a retrotransposon derived gene adapted through mammalian evolution located on human chromosome 7q21. PEG10 codes for at least two proteins, PEG10-RF1 and PEG10-RF1/2, by -1 frameshift translation. Overexpression or reinduced PEG10 expression was seen in malignancies, like hepatocellular carcinoma or B-cell acute and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. PEG10 was also shown to promote adipocyte differentiation. Experimental evidence suggests that the PEG10-RF1 protein is an inhibitor of apoptosis and mediates cell proliferation. Here we present new data on the genomic organization of PEG10 by identifying the major transcription start site, a new splice variant and report the cloning and analysis of 1.9 kb of the PEG10 promoter. Furthermore, we show for the first time that PEG10 translation is initiated at a non-AUG start codon upstream of the previously predicted AUG codon as well as at the AUG codon. The finding that PEG10 translation is initiated at different sides adds a new aspect to the already interesting feature of PEG10's −1 frameshift translation mechanism. It is now important to unravel the cellular functions of the PEG10 protein variants and how they are related to normal or pathological conditions. The generated promoter-reporter constructs can be used for future studies to investigate how PEG10 expression is regulated. In summary, our study provides new data on the genomic organization as well as expression and translation of PEG10, a prerequisite in order to study and understand the role of PEG10 in cancer, embryonic development and normal cell homeostasis

    Bone Sialoprotein Shows Enhanced Expression in Early, High-Proliferation Stages of Three-Dimensional Spheroid Cell Cultures of Breast Cancer Cell Line MDA-MB-231

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    Normally, bone sialoprotein (BSP) is an important contributor to bone micro-calcification. However, it is also highly expressed in bone-metastatic malignancies, including prostate, lung, and breast cancer. In these disorders, BSP correlates with poor prognosis. Its expression in triple-negative breast cancer cells is enhanced by the transcription factor RUNX2, and both, BSP and RUNX2 are under control of IGF-1 and TGFβ1. Knockdown of BSP or its inactivation by specific antibodies were found to reduce the metastatic potential of MDA-MB-231 triple-negative breast cancer cells in xenografts. While the role of BSP in bone metastasis was studied using such in vivo models, valid in vitro test systems to investigate BSP biology have been lacking since this protein is expressed at very low levels in classical 2D cell cultures and the frequently used breast cancer cell line MDA-MB-231 is difficult to grow in 3D. Here, we have developed a long-term 3D spheroid culture model using MDA-MB-231 cells in a sandwich approach using cell embedding between a non-adherent surface and basement membrane extracts. This allowed consistent growth of spheroids for more than 21 days. Also, co-culturing of MDA-MB-231 with CCD-1137Sk fibroblasts yielded stably growing spheroids, suggesting the importance of extracellular matrix (ECM) in this process. In addition, we have set up a novel and simple open source analysis tool to characterize protein expression in 2D cultures and spheroids by immunofluorescence. Using this approach in combination with Western blot analysis, the expression profile of BSP was analyzed. BSP was enriched at the rims of spheroids, both in mono- and co-cultures and its abundance in general correlated with that of TGFβ1 under different conditions, including spheroid maturation, cytostatic treatment, and fibroblast co-culture. Conversely, correlation of IGF-1 and BSP was limited to mono-culture time course profiles. In conclusion, we present novel tools to study the regulation of gene expression in combination with cell proliferation and apoptosis in a long-term 3D model of breast cancer and find dynamic abundance profiles of the metastasis-relevant protein BSP and its regulators

    Systematic analysis of T7 RNA polymerase based in vitro linear RNA amplification for use in microarray experiments

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    BACKGROUND: The requirement of a large amount of high-quality RNA is a major limiting factor for microarray experiments using biopsies. An average microarray experiment requires 10–100 μg of RNA. However, due to their small size, most biopsies do not yield this amount. Several different approaches for RNA amplification in vitro have been described and applied for microarray studies. In most of these, systematic analyses of the potential bias introduced by the enzymatic modifications are lacking. RESULTS: We examined the sources of error introduced by the T7 RNA polymerase based RNA amplification method through hybridisation studies on microarrays and performed statistical analysis of the parameters that need to be evaluated prior to routine laboratory use. The results demonstrate that amplification of the RNA has no systematic influence on the outcome of the microarray experiment. Although variations in differential expression between amplified and total RNA hybridisations can be observed, RNA amplification is reproducible, and there is no evidence that it introduces a large systematic bias. CONCLUSIONS: Our results underline the utility of the T7 based RNA amplification for use in microarray experiments provided that all samples under study are equally treated

    ALK1 signalling analysis identifies angiogenesis related genes and reveals disparity between TGF-β and constitutively active receptor induced gene expression

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    BACKGROUND: TGF-β1 is an important angiogenic factor involved in the different aspects of angiogenesis and vessel maintenance. TGF-β signalling is mediated by the TβRII/ALK5 receptor complex activating the Smad2/Smad3 pathway. In endothelial cells TGF-β utilizes a second type I receptor, ALK1, activating the Smad1/Smad5 pathway. Consequently, a perturbance of ALK1, ALK5 or TβRII activity leads to vascular defects. Mutations in ALK1 cause the vascular disorder hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT). METHODS: The identification of ALK1 and not ALK5 regulated genes in endothelial cells, might help to better understand the development of HHT. Therefore, the human microvascular endothelial cell line HMEC-1 was infected with a recombinant constitutively active ALK1 adenovirus, and gene expression was studied by using gene arrays and quantitative real-time PCR analysis. RESULTS: After 24 hours, 34 genes were identified to be up-regulated by ALK1 signalling. Analysing ALK1 regulated gene expression after 4 hours revealed 13 genes to be up- and 2 to be down-regulated. Several of these genes, including IL-8, ET-1, ID1, HPTPη and TEAD4 are reported to be involved in angiogenesis. Evaluation of ALK1 regulated gene expression in different human endothelial cell types was not in complete agreement. Further on, disparity between constitutively active ALK1 and TGF-β1 induced gene expression in HMEC-1 cells and primary HUVECs was observed. CONCLUSION: Gene array analysis identified 49 genes to be regulated by ALK1 signalling and at least 14 genes are reported to be involved in angiogenesis. There was substantial agreement between the gene array and quantitative real-time PCR data. The angiogenesis related genes might be potential HHT modifier genes. In addition, the results suggest endothelial cell type specific ALK1 and TGF-β signalling

    Ingestion of colostrum from specific cows induces Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP) in some calves

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    Background: Since 2006, cases of haemorrhagic diathesis in young calves have been observed with a much higher incidence than previously known. The syndrome, now uniformly called Bovine Neonatal Pancytopenia (BNP), is characterized by multiple (external and internal) haemorrhages, thrombocytopenia, leukocytopenia, and bone marrow depletion. Although various infectious and toxicological causes of bleeding disorders in calves have been ruled out, the aetiology of BNP remains unknown. However, field observations have led to the hypothesis that the aetiological principle may be transmitted to calves via colostrum. The objective of the present study was to verify whether ingestion of colostrum from dams of known BNP calves can elicit signs of BNP and typical haematological findings in conveniently selected neonatal calves. Six such calves received one feeding of colostrum (or a mixture of colostrum batches) from dams of known BNP calves. As controls, another six conveniently selected calves from herds which had never had a BNP case received one feeding of colostrum from their own dams. Haematological and clinical parameters were monitored. Results: One of the six experimental calves never showed any haematological, clinical or pathological evidence of BNP. In the other five calves, thrombocyte and leukocyte counts dropped within a few hours following ingestion of colostrum. Of those, three calves developed clinical signs of BNP, their post-mortem examination revealed bone marrow depletion. Of the remaining two calves, a pair of mixed twins, marked thrombocytopenia and recurrent leukocytopenia was evident in one, in which only slight changes in the bone marrow were detected, while in the other thrombocyte counts dropped, but rebounded later, and no bone marrow changes were noted. Thrombocyte counts of the experimental calves were statistically significantly lower than those of the control calves at 2 hours post ingestion of colostrum and at every sampling point between 9 hours and 8 days postcolostral. Leucocyte counts of the experimental calves were statistically significantly lower than those of control calves at 2 hours post ingestion of colostrum and 3-7 days postcolostral. Conclusions: BNP can be induced in some calves by ingestion of colostrum from cows that have given birth to BNP calves

    Sweet Taste Is Complex: Signaling Cascades and Circuits Involved in Sweet Sensation

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    Sweetness is the preferred taste of humans and many animals, likely because sugars are a primary source of energy. In many mammals, sweet compounds are sensed in the tongue by the gustatory organ, the taste buds. Here, a group of taste bud cells expresses a canonical sweet taste receptor, whose activation induces Ca2+ rise, cell depolarization and ATP release to communicate with afferent gustatory nerves. The discovery of the sweet taste receptor, 20 years ago, was a milestone in the understanding of sweet signal transduction and is described here from a historical perspective. Our review briefly summarizes the major findings of the canonical sweet taste pathway, and then focuses on molecular details, about the related downstream signaling, that are still elusive or have been neglected. In this context, we discuss evidence supporting the existence of an alternative pathway, independent of the sweet taste receptor, to sense sugars and its proposed role in glucose homeostasis. Further, given that sweet taste receptor expression has been reported in many other organs, the physiological role of these extraoral receptors is addressed. Finally, and along these lines, we expand on the multiple direct and indirect effects of sugars on the brain. In summary, the review tries to stimulate a comprehensive understanding of how sweet compounds signal to the brain upon taste bud cells activation, and how this gustatory process is integrated with gastro-intestinal sugar sensing to create a hedonic and metabolic representation of sugars, which finally drives our behavior. Understanding of this is indeed a crucial step in developing new strategies to prevent obesity and associated diseases