295 research outputs found

    Static and dynamic phases of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in an optical lattice

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    We investigate the properties of a Tonks-Girardeau gas in the presence of a one-dimensional lattice potential. Such a system is known to exhibit a pinning transition when the lattice is commensurate with the particle density, leading to the formation of an insulating state even at infinitesimally small lattice depths. Here we examine the properties of the gas at all lattices depths and, in addition to the static properties, also consider the non-adiabatic dynamics induced by the sudden motion of the lattice potential with a constant speed. Our work provides a continuum counterpart to the work done in discrete lattice models.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figure

    Genetic Polymorphisms as Risk Stratification Tool in Primary Preventive ICD Therapy

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    More and more implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) are implanted as primary prevention of sudden cardiac death (SCD). However, major problem in practice is to identify high-risk patients for SCD. Different methods for noninvasive risk stratification do not have a sufficient positive or negative predictive value. Since current approaches lead to implantation of ICDs in a large number of patients who will never suffer an arrhythmic event and simultaneously patients still die of SCD who currently did not seem eligible for primary preventive ICD implantation, there is a need for additional tools for risk stratification. Epidemiological studies point to a hereditary risk of SCD. Different susceptibility of each person concerning arrhythmogenic events might be explained by genetic polymorphisms. By obtaining an individual “pattern” of polymorphisms of genes encoding for proteins which are important in arrhythmogenesis in one patient, risk stratification in primary prevention of SCD might by improved

    Acupuncture for Relief of Gag Reflex in Patients Undergoing Transoesophageal Echocardiography—A Protocol for a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Background: Gagging during transesophageal echocardiography examination (TEE) can be distressing and even dangerous for patients. The needling of acupuncture point CV24 was described to be effective in reducing the gag reflex during TEE in patients with ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack. Methods: We describe a proposal for a prospective, randomized, patient, practitioner and assessor-blinded, single-center trial with two arms/groups; real acupuncture will be compared to placebo acupuncture. A total of 60 (30 per group) patients scheduled for elective TEE in order to exclude a cardiac embolic source, endocarditis or for valve failure evaluation will be recruited according to patients’ selection criteria and receive either indwelling fixed intradermal needles at acupoints CV24 and bilateral PC6 or placebo needles at the same areas. Patients, the practitioners who will perform the TEE procedure, and the assessor of the outcome measures will be unaware of the group’s (real or placebo) allocation. Results: The primary outcome is the intensity of gagging, measured using verbal rating scale (VRS-11) from 0 = no gagging to 10 = intolerable gagging. Secondary outcomes include the incidence of gagging, the use of rescue medication, patients’ satisfaction with relief of unwanted side effects during TEE procedure, success of patients’ blinding (patients’ opinion to group allocation), heart rate and oxygen saturation measured by pulse oxymetry. Conclusions: To study the effects of acupuncture against gagging during TEE, we test the needling of acupoints CV24 and PC6 bilaterally. A placebo acupuncture is used for the control group. Trial registration number: NCT NCT0382142

    Quantum chaos in interacting Bose-Bose mixtures

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    The appearance of chaotic quantum dynamics significantly depends on the symmetry properties of the system, and in cold atomic systems many of these can be experimentally controlled. In this work, we systematically study the emergence of quantum chaos in a minimal system describing one-dimensional harmonically trapped Bose-Bose mixtures by tuning the particle-particle interactions. Using an advanced exact diagonalization scheme, we examine the transition from integrability to chaos when the inter-component interaction changes from weak to strong. Our study is based on the analysis of the level spacing distribution and the distribution of the matrix elements of observables in terms of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis and their dynamics. We show that one can obtain strong signatures of chaos by increasing the inter-component interaction strength and breaking the symmetry of intra-component interactions.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Investigating nanoplastics toxicity using advanced stem cell-based intestinal and lung in vitro models

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    Plastic particles in the nanometer range–called nanoplastics–are environmental contaminants with growing public health concern. As plastic particles are present in water, soil, air and food, human exposure via intestine and lung is unavoidable, but possible health effects are still to be elucidated. To better understand the Mode of Action of plastic particles, it is key to use experimental models that best reflect human physiology. Novel assessment methods like advanced cell models and several alternative approaches are currently used and developed in the scientific community. So far, the use of cancer cell line-based models is the standard approach regarding in vitro nanotoxicology. However, among the many advantages of the use of cancer cell lines, there are also disadvantages that might favor other approaches. In this review, we compare cell line-based models with stem cell-based in vitro models of the human intestine and lung. In the context of nanoplastics research, we highlight the advantages that come with the use of stem cells. Further, the specific challenges of testing nanoplastics in vitro are discussed. Although the use of stem cell-based models can be demanding, we conclude that, depending on the research question, stem cells in combination with advanced exposure strategies might be a more suitable approach than cancer cell lines when it comes to toxicological investigation of nanoplastics

    Conditional face image manipulation detection : combining algorithm and human examiner decisions

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    It has been shown that digitally manipulated face images can pose a security threat to automated authentication systems (e.g., when such systems are used for border control). In such scenarios, a malicious actor can, in many countries, apply for an identity document using a manipulated face image, which can then be used to gain fraudulent access to a system. Research has shown that humans and algorithms struggle to detect digitally manipulated face images, especially when the type of manipulation is unknown or when evaluated across multiple types of manipulations. In this work, we consider the detection performance of algorithms and humans on datasets consisting of retouched, face swapped and morphed images. Specifically, we investigate the joint performance of algorithms and humans in a differential detection scenario where both a trusted and suspected image are presented simultaneously. To this end, we propose a conditional face image manipulation detection approach where the human decision is only considered when the algorithm is unsure about the decision outcome. The results show that the automated algorithm performs better than the human detectors and that combining the decisions of algorithms and humans, in general, leads to an increased detection performance. To our knowledge, this is the first study to explore the joint detection performance of algorithms and humans in a differential face manipulation detection scenario and when using a variety of face image manipulations

    Cowpox Virus Transmission from Pet Rats to Humans, Germany

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    We describe a cluster of cowpox virus (CPXV) infections in humans that occurred near Munich, Germany, around the beginning of 2009. Previously, only sporadic reports of CPXV infections in humans after direct contact with various animals had been published. This outbreak involved pet rats from the same litter

    Digital chest radiography: an update on modern technology, dose containment and control of image quality

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    The introduction of digital radiography not only has revolutionized communication between radiologists and clinicians, but also has improved image quality and allowed for further reduction of patient exposure. However, digital radiography also poses risks, such as unnoticed increases in patient dose and suboptimum image processing that may lead to suppression of diagnostic information. Advanced processing techniques, such as temporal subtraction, dual-energy subtraction and computer-aided detection (CAD) will play an increasing role in the future and are all targeted to decrease the influence of distracting anatomic background structures and to ease the detection of focal and subtle lesions. This review summarizes the most recent technical developments with regard to new detector techniques, options for dose reduction and optimized image processing. It explains the meaning of the exposure indicator or the dose reference level as tools for the radiologist to control the dose. It also provides an overview over the multitude of studies conducted in recent years to evaluate the options of these new developments to realize the principle of ALARA. The focus of the review is hereby on adult applications, the relationship between dose and image quality and the differences between the various detector systems

    Impella versus extracorporal life support in cardiogenic shock: a propensity score adjusted analysis

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    Aims: The mortality in cardiogenic shock (CS) is high. The role of specific mechanical circulatory support (MCS) systems is unclear. We aimed to compare patients receiving Impella versus ECLS (extracorporal life support) with regard to baseline characteristics, feasibility, and outcomes in CS. Methods and results: This is a retrospective cohort study including CS patients over 18 years with a complete follow-up of the primary endpoint and available baseline lactate level, receiving haemodynamic support either by Impella 2.5 or ECLS from two European registries. The decision for device implementation was made at the discretion of the treating physician. The primary endpoint of this study was all-cause mortality at 30 days. A propensity score for the use of Impella was calculated, and multivariable logistic regression was used to obtain adjusted odds ratios (aOR). In total, 149 patients were included, receiving either Impella (n = 73) or ECLS (n = 76) for CS. The feasibility of device implantation was high (87%) and similar (aOR: 3.14; 95% CI: 0.18–56.50; P = 0.41) with both systems. The rates of vascular injuries (aOR: 0.95; 95% CI: 0.10–3.50; P = 0.56) and bleedings requiring transfusions (aOR: 0.44; 95% CI: 0.09–2.10; P = 0.29) were similar in ECLS patients and Impella patients. The use of Impella or ECLS was not associated with increased odds of mortality (aOR: 4.19; 95% CI: 0.53–33.25; P = 0.17), after correction for propensity score and baseline lactate level. Baseline lactate level was independently associated with increased odds of 30 day mortality (per mmol/L increase; OR: 1.29; 95% CI: 1.14–1.45; P < 0.001). Conclusions: In CS patients, the adjusted mortality rates of both ECLS and Impella were high and similar. The baseline lactate level was a potent predictor of mortality and could play a role in patient selection for therapy in future studies. In patients with profound CS, the type of device is likely to be less important compared with other parameters including non-cardiac and neurological factors