316 research outputs found

    Chiral magnetoacoustics

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    Nonreciprocal microwave devices are key components of communication platforms. Nonreciprocity can arise in chiral systems, where chirality refers to a fixed handedness that is preserved under time reversal. Chiral excitations (quasiparticles) provide opportunities for the realization of miniaturized microwave components with directional properties. In particular, surface acoustic waves that propagate in magnetic media are chiral and can display pronounced nonreciprocal character. Because surface acoustic waves are an established technological platform, hybrid surface acoustic wave/spin wave devices have great application potential. In this mini-review, we introduce the general concept of chiral and nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves. We discuss a widely employed phenomenological model based on magnetoelastic coupling and magneto-rotation that quantitatively accounts for many experimental findings and give a brief overview over selected experiments and advances in this emerging research field

    Automated Micro-PIV measurement in Lab-on-a-Chip systems

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Flow rate and wall shear stress are important parameters for perfused cell culture systems and should be monitored. An easy and non-invasive method is the particle image velocimetry (PIV). In this work PIV was used to characterize a cell culture system with included peristaltic pump. The time-dependent flow profile was measured on several points of the chip for different pumping speeds to figure out which forces are applied to dissolved and adherent cells. The results can be used to improve the developed pump in respect to its layout, the excitation and the position within the chip

    Je schneller, desto besser? – Chancen und Risiken beschleunigter Verfahren in der Bauleitplanung

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    Die Ausweitung des beschleunigten Verfahrens nach § 13a BauGB auf den Außenbereich (§ 13b) macht eine grundsätzliche Diskussion und Bewertung des Verfahrens und seiner Wirkung auf die Siedlungsentwicklung erforderlich. Der Beitrag verbindet hierzu die Analyse der planungsrechtlichen Verfahrensgrundlagen mit der praktischen Anwendung in der Bauleitplanung im Großraum München. Aus den betrachteten Fällen geht hervor, dass ökologische Risiken zwar durch andere fachrechtliche Bestimmungen teilweise etwas abgemildert werden können, dass aber eine sich abzeichnende Schwächung der Steuerungswirkung der Flächennutzungsplanung ein grundsätzliches Risiko für die nachhaltige Siedlungsentwicklung darstellt

    Coherent phonon-magnon interactions detected by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy

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    We investigated the interaction of surface acoustic waves and spin waves with spatial resolution by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in a Co40_{40}Fe40_{40}B20_{20} ferromagnetic layer on a LiNbO3_{3}-piezoelectric substrate. We experimentally demonstrate that the magnetoelastic excitation of magnons by phonons is coherent by studying the interfering BLS-signals of the phonons and magnons during their conversion process.We find a pronounced spatial dependence of the phonon annihilation and magnon excitation which we map as a function of the magnetic field. The coupling efficiency of the surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and the spin waves (SWs) is characterized by a magnetic field dependent decay of the SAWs amplitude

    Coherent surface acoustic wave–spin wave interactions detected by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy

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    We investigated the interaction of surface acoustic waves and spin waves with spatial resolution by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in a Co40Fe40B20(10 nm) ferromagnetic layer on a LiNbO3-piezoelectric substrate. We experimentally demonstrate that the magnetoelastic excitation of magnons by phonons is coherent by studying the interference of light scattered off generated magnons and annihilated phonons. We find a pronounced spatial dependence of the phonon annihilation and magnon excitation, which we map as a function of the magnetic field. The coupling efficiency of the surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and the spin waves is characterized by a magnetic field-dependent decay of the SAWs amplitude

    Nanoscale Magnetic Imaging using Circularly Polarized High-Harmonic Radiation

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    This work demonstrates nanoscale magnetic imaging using bright circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation. We utilize the magneto-optical contrast of worm-like magnetic domains in a Co/Pd multilayer structure, obtaining quantitative amplitude and phase maps by lensless imaging. A diffraction-limited spatial resolution of 49 nm is achieved with iterative phase reconstruction enhanced by a holographic mask. Harnessing the unique coherence of high harmonics, this approach will facilitate quantitative, element-specific and spatially-resolved studies of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, advancing both fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale magnetism.Comment: Ofer Kfir and Sergey Zayko contributed equally to this work. Presented in CLEO 2017 (Oral) doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_QELS.2017.FW1H.

    Laser‐induced real‐space topology control of spin wave resonances

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    Femtosecond laser excitation of materials exhibiting magnetic spin textures promises advanced magnetic control via the generation of non-equilibrium spin dynamics. Ferrimagnetic [Fe(0.35 nm)/Gd(0.40 nm)]160 multilayers are used to explore this approach, as they host a rich diversity of magnetic textures from stripe domains at low magnetic fields, a dense bubble/skyrmion lattice at intermediate fields, and a single domain state for high magnetic fields. Using femtosecond magneto-optics, distinct coherent spin wave dynamics are observed in this material in response to a weak laser excitation, enabling an unambiguous identification of the different magnetic spin textures. Moreover, employing strong laser excitation, versatile control of the coherent spin dynamics via non-equilibrium transformation of magnetic spin textures becomes possible by both creating and annihilating bubbles/skyrmions. Micromagnetic simulations and Lorentz transmission electron microscopy with in situ optical excitation corroborate these findings

    Laser-induced real-space topology control of spin wave resonances

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    Femtosecond laser excitation of materials that exhibit magnetic spin textures promises advanced magnetic control via the generation of ultrafast and non-equilibrium spin dynamics. We explore such possibilities in ferrimagnetic [Fe(0.35 nm)/Gd(0.40 nm)]160_{160} multilayers, which host a rich diversity of magnetic textures from stripe domains at low magnetic fields, a dense bubble/skyrmion lattice at intermediate fields, and a single domain state for high magnetic fields. Using femtosecond magneto-optics, we observe distinct coherent spin wave dynamics in response to a weak laser excitation allowing us to unambiguously identify the different magnetic spin textures. Moreover, employing strong laser excitation we show that we achieve versatile control of the coherent spin dynamics via non-equilibrium and ultrafast transformation of magnetic spin textures by both creating and annihilating bubbles/skyrmions. We corroborate our findings by micromagnetic simulations and by Lorentz transmission electron microscopy before and after laser exposure.Comment: 19 article pages, 12 supplementar

    Nanoscale magnetic imaging using circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation

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    This work demonstrates nanoscale magnetic imaging using bright circularly polarized high-harmonic radiation. We utilize the magneto-optical contrast of worm-like magnetic domains in a Co/Pd multilayer structure, obtaining quantitative amplitude and phase maps by lensless imaging. A diffraction-limited spatial resolution of 49 nm is achieved with iterative phase reconstruction enhanced by a holographic mask. Harnessing the exceptional coherence of high harmonics, this approach will facilitate quantitative, element-specific, and spatially resolved studies of ultrafast magnetization dynamics, advancing both fundamental and applied aspects of nanoscale magnetism