24 research outputs found

    Materials produced from plant biomass: part II: evaluation of crystallinity and degradation kinetics of cellulose

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    In this study Eucalyptus grandis (CEG) and Pinus taeda (CPT) cellulose fibers obtained from kraft and sulfite pulping process, respectively, were characterized using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and thermogravimetry (TGA). The degradation kinetic parameters were determined by TGA using Coats and Redfern method. FTIR results showed that CPT presented a more ordered structure with higher crystallinity than CEG. Thermogravimetric results showed that CPT had a higher thermal stability than CEG. The kinetic results revel that for CEG the degradation mechanism occurs mainly by random nucleation, although phase boundary controlled reactions also occurs while for CPT the degradation process is more related with phase boundary controlled reactions. Results demonstrated that differences between thermal stability and degradation mechanisms might be associated with differences in the cellulose crystalline structure probably caused by different pulping processes used for obtaining the cellulose fibers

    Spontaneous poisoning by Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) in horses

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    ABSTRACT: Sida carpinifolia poisoning causes a chronic neurodegenerative disorder associated with lysosomal storage by indolizidine alkaloids (swainsonine). The epidemiological, clinical, pathological and lectin histochemistry findings of an outbreak of natural poisoning by S. carpinifolia in horses in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, are described. Five horses from a total of 15 that were kept on native pasture with large amounts of S. carpinifolia presented during 90 days clinical signs of progressive weight loss, incoordination, stiff gait and ramble, in addition to exacerbated reactions and locomotion difficulty after induced movement. Four horses died, and one of them was submitted for necropsy. At necropsy, no significant gross lesions were observed. Histological findings observed in the central nervous system were characterized by swollen neurons with cytoplasm containing multiple microvacuoles; these abnormalities were more severe in the thalamus, hippocampus, cerebellum and pons. Using lectin histochemistry, the pons and hippocampus sections stained positive for commercial lectin Con-A, sWGA and WGA. This study aimed to detail S. carpinifolia poisoning in horses to be included in the differential diagnoses of neurological diseases of horses

    Increased frequency of pneumonia in dogs with meningioma in ventral rhombencephalon

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    ABSTRACT: Intracranial tumors occurring in specific brain regions, such as the cerebellopontine angle, may be associated with cranial nerve dysfunction and dysphagia in humans and animals. Although dysphagia is a known risk factor for pneumonia, only postoperative pneumonia has been investigated in veterinary medicine. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathological features of dogs with untreated intracranial meningiomas and concomitant pneumonia. Data from post-mortem examination registries from 2011 to 2021 were used (n=23). The frequency of pneumonia and other characteristics were compared between dogs with meningiomas in the ventral rhombencephalon region (VR group; n=13) and those with meningiomas in other intracranial sites (OIS group; n=10). The frequency of pneumonia was higher in the VR group than in the OIS group (n=5 vs. n=0; P=0.039). Plaque-like lesions were also more common in the VR group than in the OIS group (P=0.012). Dogs with concomitant pneumonia had cerebellopontine angle (n=3) and basilar meningiomas (n=2), mainly plaque-like lesions extending to or from other brain areas. In dogs with concomitant pneumonia, meningiomas had invasive (n=5) and compressive (n=3) growth behaviors and nerve roots involved in the swallowing process were frequently affected. Microscopically, these meningiomas were classified as atypical (n=4) and meningiomas (n=1). The reported clinical signs included anorexia (n=3), adipsia (n=1), and dysphagia (n=1). Our findings suggest untreated dogs with ventral rhombencephalon meningiomas may develop cranial nerve damage and aspiration pneumonia

    Pathological features of 78 metastatic or multicentric neoplasms involving the central nervous system in dogs

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    ABSTRACT: Secondary neoplasms affecting the central nervous system (CNS) may occur through blood flow or direct extension. This condition occurrence has increased both due to a longer life expectancy of dogs, as well as with the employment of chemotherapeutics, which may increase the survival period and, thus, the odds of the occurrence of metastasis. The aim of this study was to analyze the epidemiological features, such as the age, breed and sex of the animals affected, as well as the gross and microscopic findings of the metastasis from neoplasms involving the CNS of 78 dogs, and, based on the data, estimate the occurrence and frequency of the metastatic or multicentric neoplasms. Females (71.79%) were most affected than males, with an average age of 9.5-years-old and a median of 10-years-old. Most of the cases had a multifocal distribution (73.07%), and epithelial neoplasms (50%) were the most common. Telencephalon was the most affected neuroanatomical region (61.1%). Mammary neoplasms were the most frequent (47.44%), followed by hemangiosarcoma (19.23%), lymphoma (10.26%) and melanoma (6.41%). Less common neoplasms included osteosarcoma, histiocytic sarcoma and lung carcinoma (2.56%). Mammary neoplasms were mainly composed of anaplastic and micropapillary carcinomas, of which only multifocal microscopic lesions were observed

    Causas de morte em vacas leiteiras no Rio Grande do Sul

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    RESUMO: As causas de morte em vacas leiteiras no Rio Grande do Sul foram analisadas através de um estudo retrospectivo dos protocolos de necropsia de 600 vacas leiteiras examinadas entre os anos de 1998-2012. Do total de vacas analisadas 67,5% eram oriundas da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre, seguida das Regiões Nordeste Rio-Grandense 12,4% e Centro Oriental Rio-Grandense 10,4%. Quanto às raças, 76,5% eram holandesas, 9,8% Jersey e 13,7% misturas dessas raças. O diagnóstico definitivo foi possível em 85,8% dos casos. A categoria de doenças inflamatórias e parasitárias foi a principal causa de morte com 48,2% dos casos conclusivos, seguida por neoplasias (17,5%), doenças tóxicas e toxi-infecções (15,9%), doenças nutricionais e metabólicas (8,5%), doenças causadas por agentes físicos (7,4%) e outras doenças (2,5%). As principais enfermidades diagnosticadas em cada categoria foram: tristeza parasitária bovina (120 casos), linfoma (77 casos), intoxicação por Senecio spp. (23 casos), retículo pericardite traumática (19 casos), cetose e timpanismo (11 casos cada uma) e fulguração (5 casos)

    Infecção pelo vírus influenza A em suínos no sul de Moçambique

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    RESUMO: A influenza suína (IS) é uma doença aguda e altamente contagiosa do trato respiratório de suínos, causada pelo vírus influenza A (VIA). A doença provoca perdas econômicas na suinocultura e também, tem importância na saúde pública devido ao seu potencial zoonótico. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a infecção pelo VIA em suínos de Moçambique e realizar a caracterização anatomopatológica e imuno-histoquímica (IHQ) das lesões pulmonares associadas. Pulmões de 457 suínos abatidos foram avaliados e coletados 38 (8,3%) pulmões de suínos com áreas de consolidação pulmonar em um abatedouro na cidade da Matola, no Sul de Moçambique. As áreas de consolidação em cada lobo pulmonar foram classificadas em 4 graus de acordo com a extensão da lesão. Amostras de pulmões com consolidação foram submetidas ao exame histopatológico e IHQ para a detecção de antígenos do VIA, Circovírus suíno tipo 2 (PCV2) e Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. Os pulmões coletados apresentaram áreas multifocais ou coalescentes de consolidação pulmonar, frequentemente, observadas nos lobos craniais, mediais e acessório. Estas lesões acometiam principalmente um ou três lobos pulmonares e as lesões de grau 1 e 2 foram as mais frequentes. As principais lesões histopatológicas observadas foram bronquiolite necrotizante (23/38), infiltrado de neutrófilos nos alvéolos (24/38), hiperplasia de pneumócitos tipo II (26/38), hiperplasia de tecido linfoide peribronquiolar (28/38), e pneumonia intersticial mononuclear (29/38). No exame de IHQ, antígenos do VIA foram detectados em 84.3% (32/38) dos pulmões com pneumonia, e a nucleoproteína do vírus foi visualizada, no núcleo de células epiteliais de brônquios e bronquíolos e em macrófagos alveolares. Suínos positivos para o VIA na IHQ eram provenientes do distrito de Matutuine (5/32), distrito da Moamba (2/32), distrito de Namaacha (21/32), distrito de Boane (3/32) e Cidade da Matola (1/32). Todas as amostras foram negativas para PCV2 e Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae pelo exame de IHQ. Os resultados demonstram que o VIA está presente e é causa de pneumonia em suínos em Moçambique

    Causes of death in goats in Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil: analysis of 322 cases (2000-2016)

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    ABSTRACT: The diagnosis of the cause of death in goats submitted to necropsy from January 2000 to December 2016 by Setor de Patologia Veterinária from the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul was reviewed. Epidemiological features, such as the breed, sex and age, in addition to the clinical and pathological features were evaluated. During this period, 322 goats were necropsied, in which a conclusive diagnosis was obtained in 290 (90%) goats. Goats that were part of other experimental study were excluded from this study. From these 290 cases, 167 (57.6%) corresponded to diseases of infectious origin and toxinfectious diseases, while 123 (42.4%) were classified as non-infectious conditions. Infectious diseases included 55 cases of bacterial origin, 59 cases with parasitary involvement, 14 cases of viral origin, and 39 toxinfectious cases. Non-infectious conditions were grouped into metabolic diseases (44 cases), plants or chemical substances poisoning (36), mineral and nutritional deficiencies (20), and neoplasms and developmental disorders (5). In the remaining 18 cases, a conclusive diagnosis was obtained, however the conditions did not fit into those criteria and were classified as “others”. The age range of the goats in this study was from 1 day-old to 10 years-old. Most of the goats were females (201), while 121 were males. Affected breeds included Boer, Saanen, Anglo-Nubian, Toggenburg and mixed breeds. Parasitic, infectious and toxin-infectious diseases were the main cause of deaths, especially haemonchosis, pleuropneumonia, eimeriosis and enterotoxemia. Among the non-infectious conditions, metabolic disorders, especially rumen acidosis, pregnancy toxemia and urolithiasis, were directly related to the management employed in the property. Plant poisoning diagnosis was also highlighted with locally present plants, such as Sida carpinifolia, as the most important

    Osteoporosis in swine

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    Forty-six pigs presented muscle weakness, hind limb paresis and paralysis, weight loss, lateral recumbency, and death in a clinical course of 7 to 10 days. Two pigs were necropsied and exhibited bone fragility, bone callus formation, and multiple fractures in the limbs, ribs, and vertebrae. Microscopically, there was a diffuse and marked decrease in thickness and number of trabeculae. These were disconnected, with a “free-floating” appearance, while the cortex of the long bones was thinned, with an increase of the cortical porosity by enlargement of Haversian canals and endosteal erosion and decreased osteoblastic activity. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry in liver samples revealed significant zinc overload (>2300ppm) and copper deficiency (<33.1ppm). In this communication, we present the first pathologic description of an outbreak of osteoporosis in pigs, and we also provide a brief review of metabolic bone diseases in pigs.This article is published as Lorenzett M.P., Cecco B.S., Bianchi M.V., Cruz R.A.S., Linhares D.C.L., Guedes R.M.C., Driemeier D. & Pavarini S.P. 2022. Osteoporosis in swine. Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira 42:e07068, 2022. DOI: 10.1590/1678-5150-PVB-7068. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY NC 4.0). Posted with permission

    Canine papillomatosis: a retrospective study of 24 cases (2001-2011) and immunohistochemical characterization

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    A retrospective study of 24 cases of papillomas in dogs was performed from January 2001 to March 2011. Additionally, immunohistochemistry (IHC) was used to characterize and evaluate the samples. We found that disease was observed more in mixed breed dogs, ages ranging from 6 months to 10 years (mean 3.1 years), and there was no gender predilection. The main lesion sites were the skin (75%), lips (16.7%), and eyelids (8.3%). Upon histological evaluation, we observed papillary exophytic proliferation of squamous epithelium and papillary endophytic proliferation (inverted) in 87.5% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. The tumors were characterized by spinous layer hyperplasia (87.5%) with koilocytes (70.8%) and intranuclear pale basophilic inclusions bodies (8.3%), prominent granular layer with large amounts of keratohyalin granules (95.8%), and hyperkeratosis in the stratum corneum (100%). Positive immunostaining for Papillomavirus was found in 83.3% of cases, which were distributed between the granular layer and the stratum corneum. These findings indicate the following: that papillomas in dogs are caused by Papillomavirus, the viral cytopathic effect induces epithelial lesions, viral particles are found inside the cell nuclei, and inclusions bodies are rare