27 research outputs found

    Oleogranulomatous Mastitis: A Topical Subject:

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    Paraffin and petrolatum have been known for more than 100 years as volumizing products. Certain countries still use them despite important complications. The authors report the case of a 39-year-old patient presenting a bilateral oleogranulomatous mastitis. An injection of petrolatum had been realized 2 years ago in Chechnya for cosmetic reasons. Clinically, she presented dense, erythemic, and painful breasts. The radiological examination found diffuse oily cysts. After first abdominal expansion, a bilateral mastectomy with immediate reconstruction was performed. The authors present a literature review about the clinical and radiological data and the possible treatments, and underline the numerous risks of this procedure, which should be strictly forbidden

    Oncological safety of nipple-sparing prophylactic mastectomy: A review of the literature on 3716 cases

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    INTRODUCTION: The objective of our study was to evaluate the risk of cancer after prophylactic nipple-sparing mastectomy (PNSM). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The PubMed database was consulted using the following key-words: "nipple-sparing mastectomy", "prophylactic", "locoregional recurrence", "oncological risk". Articles published between January 1995 and December 2016 were searched. RESULTS: Out of the 270 articles found, 19 were included. Overall, 15 studies were retrospective, 2 prospective, 2 prospective and retrospective and 3 were multicentric. All told, they involved 3890 patients corresponding to 6786 mastectomies, among which the total number of prophylactic nipple-sparing mastectomies was 3716. Average age of the patients was 44.4years and average follow-up was 38.4months (8-168months); 29.4% of them had a BRCA 1 or 2 mutation; 85 and 15% underwent prosthetic and autologous reconstructions, respectively. Average cancer rates exterior to and within the nipple areolar complex (NAC) were 0.2 and 0.004%, respectively. The overall average rate of histological pre-malignant lesions in the nipple areolar complex was 1.5%. The overall complication rate was 20.5%, and necrosis rates of the nipple areolar complex and the skin were 8.1 and 7.1%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In prophylactic breast surgery, conservation of the nipple areolar complex does not seem to increase the risk of cancer development. However, short follow-up time and the different methodologies applied in the different studies presently preclude generalization of the technique

    Serum biomarkers for detection of breast cancers: A prospective study.

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    International audienceUsing surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization-time of flight (SELDI-TOF), Li et al. [Clin Chem 48(8): 1296-1304, 2002] identified 3 serum biomarkers, BC1 (4.3 kDa), BC2 (8.1 kDa) and BC3 (8.9 kDa), whose combination significantly detects breast cancer patients from non-cancer controls. This work aimed to validate these biomarkers in an independent prospective study. We screened 89 serum samples including 49 breast cancers at pT1-4N0M0 (n = 23), pT1-4N1-3M0 (n = 17) or pT1-4N0-3M1 (n = 9) stages, 13 benign breast diseases and 27 healthy women. The BC2 biomarker significance was not recovered. However, we found 2 peaks that we named BC1a (4286 Da) and BC1b (4302 Da), that could correspond to Li's BC1 since they significantly decrease in breast cancers (p < 0.00007 and p < 0.0002, respectively). Similarly, BC3a (8919 Da) and BC3b (8961 Da) are significantly increased in breast cancers (p < 0.02 and p < 0.0002, respectively) and could correspond to the Li's BC3. For each biomarker we defined stringent (no errors) and flexible (less than 10% errors) cut-off values and tested the power of the combined BC1a/BC1b/BC3a/BC3b stringent and flexible profiles to discriminate breast cancers. They identified 33% and 45% cancers, respectively. Applied to the same series, Ca 15.3 test identified 22% patients. Interestingly, in association with the BC1a/BC1b/BC3a/BC3b profiles, Ca 15.3 improved the number of detected cancers indicating that it is an independent parameter. Collectively, our data partially validate those of Li's study and confirm that the BC1 and BC3 biomarkers are helpful for breast cancer diagnosis

    [Trisomy 21 and breast cancer: A genetic abnormality which protects against breast cancer?] = Cancer du sein et trisomie 21 : une anomalie génétique qui protège contre le cancer du sein ?

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    INTRODUCTION: Trisomy 21 (T21) is the most common chromosomal abnormality and one of the main causes of intellectual disability. The tumor profile of T21 patients is characterized by the low frequency of solid tumors including breast cancer. METHODS: The objective of this work was to analyze the literature to find possible clues for the low frequency of breast cancer in T21 persons with a focus on one hand to the various risks and protective factors against breast cancer for women T21, and on the other hand to changes in the expression of different genes located on chromosome 21. RESULTS: T21 women have hormonal and societal risk factors for breast cancer: frequent nulliparity, lack of breastfeeding, physical inactivity and high body mass index. The age of menopause, earlier in T21 women, has a modest protective effect against breast cancer. The low rate of breast tumors in T21 women is probably mainly linked to the reduced life expectancy compared to the general population (risk of death before the age of onset of the majority of breast cancers) and the presence of a third chromosome 21, characterizing the disease. It might lead to the increased expression of a number of genes contributing directly or undirectly to tumor suppression, decreased tumor angiogenesis and increased cell apoptosis. Moreover, changes in the mammary stroma of persons T21 could have an inhibitory role on the development of breast tumors. CONCLUSION: The low frequency of breast cancers for T21 patients may not only be explained by hormonal and societal factors, but also by genetic mechanisms which could constitute an interesting axis of research in breast cancer

    STARD3: A Swiss Army Knife for Intracellular Cholesterol Transport

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    International audienceIntracellular cholesterol transport is a complex process involving specific carrier proteins. Cholesterol-binding proteins, such as the lipid transfer protein steroidogenic acute regulatory-related lipid transfer domain-3 (STARD3), are implicated in cholesterol movements between organelles. Indeed, STARD3 modulates intracellular cholesterol allocation by reducing it from the plasma membrane and favoring its passage from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to endosomes, where the protein is localized. STARD3 interacts with ER-anchored partners, notably vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated proteins (VAP-A and VAP-B) and motile sperm domain-containing 2 (MOSPD2), to create ER-endosome membrane contacts. Mechanistic studies showed that at ER-endosome contacts, STARD3 and VAP proteins build a molecular machine able to rapidly transfer cholesterol. This review presents the current knowledge on the molecular and cellular function of STARD3 in intracellular cholesterol traffic