717 research outputs found

    Finite Element Approach to Analysis of Axisymmetric Reverse Drawing Process

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    The intention of this research is to make analyze of deep drawing Cr-Ni stainless steel process. The research is related to forces that appear in machine tool during the process and also to material stress and its behaviour. The results are taken from two sources and their comparison is made. The first source of results are experiments made on hydraulic press, and the other source are results obtained by creation of finite element model (FEM) and process simulation on MSC Marc Mentat program package. The measurements are made in cases of different reduction coefficient and different tool material. Comparison that is given is related to punch and pressure plate forces, and the state of material stress for each reduction coefficient is observed too. Datasheets and force diagrams present the results, and material stress can be seen on figures that are result of the simulation


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    The Principles Problem of ranking and selection is to select the Best Population among the several population are usually based on the some parameters of the underlyning family.one such way to select a population that belongs to some parametric family

    Management of Uterine Fibroid in the Ayurvedic perspective - A Case Study

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    Uterine fibroids are commonest benign tumor of the uterus. Histologically this tumor is composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue, so named as uterine leiomyoma, myoma or fibroma. The cause for some of the most common gynecological problems among women presenting to gynecology emergency and outpatient departments. They are often asymptomatic but they can cause a multitude of symptoms such as abnormal uterine bleeding, a feeling of pelvic pressure, urinary incontinence or retention, or pain. Uterine fibroids are a major cause of morbidity in women of a reproductive age (and sometimes even after menopause). There are several factors that are attributed to underlie the development and incidence of these common tumors, but this further corroborates their relatively unknown etiology. The most likely presentation of fibroids is by their effect on the woman’s menstrual cycle and pelvic pressure symptom

    Massive Assymetrical Virginal Breast Hypertrophy: A Case Report

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    Virginal breast hypertrophy (VHB) is a rare , distinct disorder of unknown etiology with the rapid onset of macromastia at the onset of puberty.We reported a 12 year old, peripubertal girl presented to us with abnormal assymetrical growth of her breasts in 10 months. Due to the enormous breast volume, which caused her physical and psychological problems, she curtailed her social life. On examination, left breast was enlarged more in comparision to right, with associated skin changes. Endocrinological investigations were normal. A bilateral reduction mammaplasty with free nipple graft was performed. Histological analysis of the breast tissue revealed the diagnosis of virginal hypertrophy. During the follow-up period of 13 months, no recurrence was noted and patient is physically and psychologically satisfied


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    ABSTRACT. Let T be a completely hyponormal operator, wit

    Utjecaj materijala i geometrije radnog komada kod savijanja laserom

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    Seit den siebziger Jahre ist durch die Einführung des Laserstrahls in die Fertigungstechnik eine ganze Reihe neuer Verfahren entstanden. Einige dieser Verfahren sind mittlerweile in die technische Anwendung übergangen wie zu Beispiel Schneiden, Schweißen, Drehen, Fräsen, Bohren und Umformen. Gemeinsames Merkmal der Lasergestützten Formgebungsverfahren ist die digitale Speicherung der Werkstückgeometrie in einem NC-Programm anstelle der analogen Speicherung im Werkzeug und sukzessive Abarbeitung dieses Programm, die zusätzlich Steuermöglichkeiten während des Prozessablaufs ermöglicht. Weiterhin ergibt die Vorgehensweise eine sehr hohe Flexibilität hinsichtlich der Werkstückgeometrie, die im Bereich des Rapid Prototyping genutzt werden. In dieser Arbeit wird Werkstoff - Geometriewerkstückbeeinflussung auf den Laserstrahlbiegen analysiert. Einfluss hat Blechdicke, längen der Biegekante und Biegeschenkel.Od kada je sedamdesetih godina uveden laser u tehnologiju izrade nastali su mnogi novi postupci. Neki od tih postupaka našli su tehničku primjenu u tehnologiji izrade kao na primjer rezanje, zavarivanje, tokarenje, glodanje, bušenje i oblikovanje metala deformiranjem. Karakteristika je postupka izrade potpomognuta laserom digitalno spremanje geometrije radnog dijela u NC - program, provođenje analognog spremanja podataka u (stroj) alat i sukcesivna obrada ovog programa, koji osigurava dodatno mogućnost upravljanja za vrijeme odvijanja procesa. Nadalje, postiže se fleksibilnost s obzirom na geometriju radnog komada, koja se primjenjuje u području brze izrade prototipova. U ovom se radu analizira utjecaj materijala i geometrije radnog komada na savijanja laserom. Utjecaj ima: debljina lima, duljina ruba savijanja i duljina kraka savijanja