128 research outputs found

    Persistent Evidence of a Jovian Mass Solar Companion in the Oort Cloud

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    We present an updated dynamical and statistical analysis of outer Oort cloud cometary evidence suggesting the sun has a wide-binary Jovian mass companion. The results support a conjecture that there exists a companion of mass ~ 1-4 M_Jup orbiting in the innermost region of the outer Oort cloud. Our most restrictive prediction is that the orientation angles of the orbit normal in galactic coordinates are centered on the galactic longitude of the ascending node Omega = 319 degree and the galactic inclination i = 103 degree (or the opposite direction) with an uncertainty in the normal direction subtending ~ 2% of the sky. A Bayesian statistical analysis suggests that the probability of the companion hypothesis is comparable to or greater than the probability of the null hypothesis of a statistical fluke. Such a companion could also have produced the detached Kuiper Belt object Sedna. The putative companion could be easily detected by the recently launched Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE).Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, submitted to ICARU

    Disruption of giant comets in the solar system and around other stars

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    In a standard cometary mass distribution (dN/dM) alpha M(-a), a = 1.5 to 2.0) most of the mass resides in the largest comets. The maximum mass M sub max for which this distribution holds uncertain but there are theoretical and observational indications that M sub max is at least approx. 10(23)g. Chiron, although formally classified as an asteroid, is most likely a giant comet in this mass range. Its present orbit is unstable and it is expected to evolve into a more typical short period comet orbit on a timescale of approx. 10(6) to 10(7)yr. The breakup of a chiron-like comet of mass approx. 10(23)g could in principle produce approx. 10(5) Halley-size comets, or a distribution with an even larger number. If a giant comet was in a typical short period comet orbit, such a breakup could result in a relatively brief comet shower (duration approx. less than 10(6)yr) with some associated terrestrial impacts. However, the most significant climatic effects may not in general be due to the impacts themselves but to the greatly enhanced zodiacal dust cloud in the inner Solar System. (Although this is probably not the case for the unique K-T impact). Researchers used a least Chi square program with error analysis to confirm that the 2 to 5 micrometer excess spectrum of Giclas 29 to 38 can be adequately fitted with either a disk of small inefficient (or efficient) grains or a single temperature black body. Further monitoring of this star may allow discrimination between these two models

    Sublimating icy planetesimals as the source of nucleation seeds for grain condensation in classical novae

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    The problem of grain nucleation during novae outbursts is a major obstacle to our understanding of dust formation in these systems. How nucleation seeds can form in the hostile post-outburst environment remains an unresolved matter. It is suggested that the material for seeding the condensation of ejecta outflow is stored in a primordial disk of icy planetesimals surrounding the system. Evidence is presented that the requisite number of nucleation seeds can be released by sublimation of the planetesimals during outbursts

    Planetological implications of mass loss from the early Sun

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    The element lithium is observed to be underabundant in the Sun by a factor of approx. equal to 100. To account for this depletion, Boothroyd et al. (Ap. J., in press 1991) proposed a model in which the Sun's zero-age-main-sequence mass was approx. 1.1 solar magnitude. If this is the explanation for the lithium depletion, then astronomical observations of F/G dwarfs in clusters suggest that the timescale for mass loss is approx. equal to 0.6 Gyr. Assuming this approximate timescale, the authors investigated several planetological implications of the astrophysical model

    Comet nongravitational forces and meteoritic impacts

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    We have considered those comets whose original orbits have been determined to be hyperbolic when only planetary perturbations are accounted for. It is found that formally unbound incident trajectories correlate most confidently with orbits that have small perihelion distances and move in a retrograde sense relative to planetary motion. Arguments are presented that these results are not due to measurement error or to selection effects. We conclude that the phenomenon is attributable to enhanced volatility leading to abnormally large nongravitational forces. Since the effect is absent in the prograde small-perihelia population, increased insolation is not the sole explanation. It is suggested that the significance of the retrograde correlation is connected with a larger energy of relative motion between retrograde comets and a population of prograde ecliptic meteoroids which impact the comet mantle exposing the underlying volatiles. The subsequent enhanced outgassing is the cause of the larger nongravitational forces

    Sublimating comets as the source of nucleation seeds for grain condensation in the gas outflow from AGB stars

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    A growing amount of observational and theoretical evidence suggests that most main sequence stars are surrounded by disks of cometary material. The dust production by comets in such disks is investigated when the central stars evolve up the red giant and asymptotic giant branch (AGB). Once released, the dust is ablated and accelerated by the gas outflow and the fragments become the seeds necessary for condensation of the gas. The origin of the requisite seeds has presented a well known problem for classical nucleation theory. This model is consistent with the dust production observed in M giants and supergiants (which have increasing luminosities) and the fact that earlier supergiants and most WR stars (whose luminosities are unchanging) do not have significant dust clouds even though they have significant stellar winds. Another consequence of the model is that the spatial distribution of the dust does not, in general, coincide with that of the gas outflow, in contrast to the conventional condensation model. A further prediction is that the condensation radius is greater that that predicted by conventional theory which is in agreement with IR interferometry measurements of alpha-Ori

    Biases in Cometary Catalogues and Planet X

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    Two sets of investigators -- Murray (1999) and Matese, Whitman & Whitmire (1999) -- have recently claimed evidence for an undiscovered Solar System planet from possible great circle alignments in the aphelia directions of the long period comets. However, comet discoveries are bedevilled by selection effects. These include anomalies caused by the excess of observers in the northern as against the southern hemisphere, seasonal and diurnal biases, directional effects which make it harder to discover comets in certain regions of the sky, as well as sociological biases. The stream proposed by Murray is shown on an equal area Hammer-Aitoff projection. The addition of newer data weakens the case for the alignment. There is also evidence that the subsample in the stream is affected by seasonal and north-south biases. The stream proposed by Matese et al. is most obvious in the sample of dynamically new comets, and especially in those whose orbits are best known. The most recent data continues to maintain the overpopulation in this great circle. This pattern in the data occurs about once in a thousand times by chance. Numerical integrations are used to demonstrate that a planet by itself can reduce the perihelia of comets in its orbital plane to sufficiently small values so that they could be discovered from the Earth. There is a need for a sample of long period comets that is free from unknown or hard-to-model selection effects. Such will be provided by the European Space Agency satellite GAIA.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Modulating terrestrial impacts from Oort cloud comets by the adiabatically changing galactic tides

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    Time modulation of the flux of new Jupiter-dominated Oort cloud comets is the subject of interest here. The major perturbation of these comets during the present epoch is due to the tidal field of the relatively smooth distribution of matter in the galactic disk. A secondary source of the near-parabolic comet flux are stars penetrating the inner Oort cloud and providing impulses that create brief comet showers. Substantial stellar-induced showers occur approximately every 100 m.y. Less frequent (but stronger) impulses due to giant molecular clouds can also perturb comets from the inner cloud. These occur on timescales of approximately equal to 500 m.y. In contrast to these infrequent stochastic shower phenomena is the continuously varying tidal-induced flux due to the galaxy. As the Sun orbits the galactic center it undergoes quasiharmonic motion about the galactic midplane, which is superimposed on the small eccentricity, near-Keplerian motion in the plane having epicycle period approximately equal to 150 m.y. In the process the galactic tidal field on the Sun/cloud system will vary causing a modulation of the observable Oort cloud flux. We have created a model of the galactic matter distribution as it affects the solar motion over a time interval ranging from 300 m.y. in the past to 100 m.y. into the future. As constraints on the disk's compact dark matter component we require consistency with the following: (1) the observed galactic rotation curve, (2) today's flux distribution of new comets, (3) the studies of K-giant distributions, and (4) the periodicity found in the terrestrial cratering record. The adiabatically varying galactic tidal torque is then determined and used to predict the time dependence of the flux. We find that a model in which approximately half the disk matter is compact is consistent with these constraints. Under such circumstances the peak-to-trough flux variation will be approx. equal to 5:1 with a full width of 9 m.y. This variability will manifest in the terrestrial cratering record and is consistent with the observed cratering periodicity, if over half of the impacts on Earth are caused by comets or asteroids that originate in the outer Oort cloud

    Relativistic theory of inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron in strong magnetic field

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    The relativistic theory of the inverse beta-decay of polarized neutron, νe+n→p+e−\nu _{e} + n \to p + e ^{-}, in strong magnetic field is developed. For the proton wave function we use the exact solution of the Dirac equation in the magnetic filed that enables us to account exactly for effects of the proton momentum quantization in the magnetic field and also for the proton recoil motion. The effect of nucleons anomalous magnetic moments in strong magnetic fields is also discussed. We examine the cross section for different energies and directions of propagation of the initial neutrino accounting for neutrons polarization. It is shown that in the super-strong magnetic field the totally polarized neutron matter is transparent for neutrinos propagating antiparallel to the direction of polarization. The developed relativistic approach can be used for calculations of cross sections of the other URCA processes in strong magnetic fields.Comment: 41 pages in LaTex including 11 figures in PostScript, discussion on nucleons AMM interaction with magnetic field is adde
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