401 research outputs found

    MicroNIR/chemometrics assessement of occupational exposure to hydroxyurea

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    Portable Near Infrared spectroscopy (NIRs) coupled to chemometrics was investigated for the first time as a novel entirely on-site approach for occupational exposure monitoring in pharmaceutical field. Due to a significant increase in the number of patients receiving chemotherapy, the development of reliable, fast, and on-site analytical methods to assess the occupational exposure of workers in the manufacture of pharmaceutical products, has become more and more required. In this work, a fast, accurate, and sensitive detection of hydroxyurea, a cytotoxic antineoplastic agent commonly used in chemotherapy, was developed. Occupational exposure to antineoplastic agents was evaluated by collecting hydroxyurea on a membrane filter during routine drug manufacturing process. Spectra were acquired in the NIR region in reflectance mode by the means of a miniaturized NIR spectrometer coupled with chemometrics. This MicroNIR instrument is a very ultra-compact portable device with a particular geometry and optical resolution designed in such a manner that the reduction in size does not compromise the performances of the spectrometer. The developed method could detect up to 50 ng of hydroxyurea directly measured on the sampling filter membrane, irrespective of complexity and variability of the matrix; thus extending the applicability of miniaturized NIR instruments in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis

    Investigation of single particle devolatilization in fluidized bed reactors by X-ray imaging techniques

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    A non-intrusive X-ray imaging technique has been used to investigate the behaviour of solid feedstock particles in a lab-scale fluidized bed reactor operated at temperatures up to 650 °C. Beech wood and polypropylene particles of different sizes have been chosen to represent the main constituents of typical thermochemical processes feedstock. The experiments were conducted under either oxidizing or inert conditions. The presence of oxygen showed a strong effect on the overall devolatilization time, which was found to be in the range of 30-112 seconds and 40-174 seconds for beech wood and polypropylene, respectively. Surprisingly, the oxidizing nature of the fluidizing medium appears to have no influence on the volatiles release within the bed in form of the so-called endogenous bubbles. These volatiles bubbles are responsible for a lift force acting on the feedstock particle itself, which ultimately encourages the segregation towards the bed surface. A one-dimensional physical model has been developed to predict particle axial location over time, taking into account both dynamic and thermal conversion behaviour of a single feedstock particle. A revised version of the model has been proposed due to new knowledge of endogenous bubbles size provided by a novel X-ray imaging approach. Results showed very accurate predictions of the 1D model for biomass particles, which segregate towards the bed surface according to the multiple bubble segregation pattern. However, the model fails in describing plastics behaviour, possibly due to different mechanisms of reactions. The observations reported in this work show the importance of investigation at single particle level and may serve to promote new methods to gain a better understanding of plastics thermal decomposition in fluidized beds, whose mechanism is still uncertain

    Axial segregation behaviour of a reacting biomass particle in fluidized bed reactors: experimental results and model validation

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    Axial segregation behaviour of a single biomass particle in a lab-scale bubbling fluidized bed has been investigated from both experimental and modelling perspectives. Experiments were conducted using beech wood particles of different sizes, ranging from 8 to 12 mm under either oxidizing or inert conditions. The fluidized bed reactor was operated at temperatures and fluidization velocity ratios, U/Umf, in the range of 500–650 °C and 1–2, respectively. A one-dimensional model has been developed to predict the axial location of the particle over time, taking into account both dynamic and thermal conversion mechanisms. X-ray imaging techniques allowed to identify endogenous bubbles released during devolatilization and carry out direct measurements of their size. This information was used to propose an expression for the lift force acting on the fuel particle. The model showed very accurate predictions and the segregation behaviour of the fuel particle appeared to be independent of the nature of the fluidizing medium

    Biohydrogen: A life cycle assessment and comparison with alternative low-carbon production routes in UK

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    This study focuses on the production of hydrogen from municipal solid waste (MSW) for applications in transportation. A life cycle assessment (LCA) was conducted on a semi-commercial advanced gasification process for Biohydrogen (Bio-H2) production from MSW to evaluate its environmental impact on five impact categories: Climate Change, Acidification, Eutrophication Fresh Water, Ecotoxicity Freshwater and Photochemical Ozone Formation (human health). The biogenic composition of waste and the effect of carbon sequestration were analysed for Bio-H2, uncovering a net-negative carbon process. The counterfactual case of MSW incineration further bolsters the carbon savings associated to Bio-H2. The production of Bio-H2 from waste is proven to be competitive against alternative hydrogen productions routes, namely blue hydrogen (Blue-H2) produced via steam methane reforming/autothermal reforming coupled with carbon capture and storage (CCS), and green hydrogen (Green-H2) from solar and offshore wind, with respect to climate change. These climate change advantages are shown to carry forward in the context of decarbonisation of electricity grid mix, as analysed by scenarios taken for 2030 and ‘net-zero’ 2050

    Sorafenib and Thyroid Cancer

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    Sorafenib (Nexavar) is a multikinase inhibitor, which has demonstrated both anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic properties in vitro and in vivo, inhibiting the activity of targets present in the tumor cell [c-RAF (proto-oncogene serine/threonine-protein kinase), BRAF, V600EBRAF, c-KIT, and FMS-like tyrosine kinase 3] and in tumor vessels (c-RAF, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2, vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-3, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor β). For several years, sorafenib has been approved for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced renal cell carcinoma. After previous studies showing that sorafenib was able to inhibit oncogenic RET mutants, V600EBRAF, and angiogenesis and growth of orthotopic anaplastic thyroid cancer xenografts in nude mice, some clinical trials demonstrated the effectiveness of sorafenib in advanced thyroid cancer. Currently, the evaluation of the clinical safety and efficacy of sorafenib for the treatment of advanced thyroid cancer is ongoing. This article reviews the anti-neoplastic effect of sorafenib in thyroid cancer. Several completed (or ongoing) studies have evaluated the long-term efficacy and tolerability of sorafenib in patients with papillary and medullary aggressive thyroid cancer. The results suggest that sorafenib is a promising therapeutic option in patients with advanced thyroid cancer that is not responsive to traditional therapeutic strategies

    Detection of viruses infecting Lilium spp. by RT-PCR and Real-Time PCR

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    In order to enhance the Italian lily bulb production, a breeding program was carried out at CRA-VIV in Pescia (PT – Italy) during the last years. Asiatic hybrids (Lilium × elegans Thunb.), lily cultivars and other native species were involved in the program. The obtained lily lines, which presented interesting traits, were preserved in a collection. After years of vegetative propagation, some of the new selections showed symptoms referable to viral infections. Virus diseases represent some of the most dangerous threats of Lilium, so the application of fast and effective diagnostic techniques for early detection is very important. The aim of the present study, in the frame of a phytosanitary survey of the lily collection, is to investigate the presence and incidence of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), Lilium symptomless virus (LSV), Lily mottle virus (LMoV) and two tospoviruses (Impatiens necrotic spot virus, INSV, and Tomato spotted wilt virus, TSWV). Among the 60 samples object of this study, infections by LSV and CMV were frequently observed. Also LMoV was detected in a smaller amount of samples. All of the samples were negative to INSV and TSWV
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