306 research outputs found

    Круглий стіл "Модернізація державного управління та державної служби: крок до демократичного управління"

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    18 червня 2010 року Управління державної служби Головдержслужби України в Донецькій області та Донецький державний університет управління зорганізували круглий стіл на тему: "Модернізація державного управління та державної служби: крок до демократичного управління"

    Thermo-mechanical and stratigraphic numerical forward modelling: recent advances and their joint application in the Pannonian Basin

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    International audienceBasin analysis and subsidence history provide key insights into sedimentary basin forming mechanisms. Directobservations have long been the only source of information on their thermal and lithological architecture. State of the artmodelling techniques today enable the prediction and computation of their formation and evolution constrained bygeological field observations, geophysical and deep borehole data. Understanding the inherent connections between largescaletectonic and local basin-scale surface processes requires the joint application of thermo-mechanical and stratigraphicmodelling techniques. To this aim, we combined the thermo-mechanical lithospheric-scale numerical code Flamar and thehigh-resolution 3D deterministic stratigraphic software DionisosFlow. This joint modelling method quantifies forcingfactors, such as crustal and lithospheric thinning, lithospheric flexure, sea-level and climatic variations associated withwater and sediment influx and sediment compaction. The modelling shows the migration of extensional deformation inspace and time creating deep half-grabens. After a rapid uplift event, the subsequent post-rift times are characterised bycontinuous kilometre-scale differential vertical movements. The modelled tectonic subsidence and uplift rates and halfgrabengeometries are imported into the 3D stratigraphic modelling code. Our modelling of a 120 km × 150 km area showsthat such scenarios are associated with continental alluvial to shallow-water sedimentation and footwall erosion during theearly stages of the syn-rift, followed by rapid deepening during the subsequent syn-rift evolution. Finally, the basins arefilled by a large-scale prograding shelf-margin slope system during the post-rift times. We differentiate betweenunconformities caused by tectonics, sea-level variations or auto-cyclic processes. Our tectonic and stratigraphic results arecompared with geological and geophysical constraints from the Pannonian Basin of Central Europe.Tektonikai és rétegtani numerikus modellezés: együttes alkalmazásuk és új eredményeik a Pannon-medencében Összefoglalás Üledékes medencék térben és időben változó süllyedéstörténete jól tükrözi az egy adott területre jellemző főbb medence-formáló klimatikus, üledékes és tektonikai folyamatokat. A klasszikus medenceanalízis módszere fúrási és további geofizikai adatokból, valamint az üledékes rétegsor megismeréséből származtatja egy medence süllyedés történetét. Napjainkra azon-ban különböző numerikus modellezési módszerek lehetővé teszik medencék süllye déstörténetének és fácieseloszlásának számítását és előrejelzését, amennyiben ismerjük a terület fejlődését leíró főbb fizikai folyamatokat. Ezen folyamatorientált modelleket geológiai és geofizikai adatokkal kell hitelesíteni. Ebben a tanulmányban litoszféraléptékű tektonikai és medenceskálájú felszíni folyamatok kapcsolatát vizsgáljuk, amely megköveteli a különböző térbeli és időbeli skálájú numerikus modellek együttes alkalmazását. Ennek megfelelően ötvöztük a 2D termo-mechanikus Flamar tektonikai modellt és a nagy felbontású DionisosFlow rétegtani modellező programot, így képesek voltunk számszerűsíteni a kéreg és litoszféra rideg és képlékeny deformációjának és elasztikus meghajlásának léptékét. A tektonikus numerikus modell által számított süllyedéstörténetet bemenő adatként használtuk a rétegtani modellezésnél, ahol a fejlődő részmedencékben vizsgáltuk az üledékes szállítási útvonalak és az üledékes környezetek fejlődését. Ezzel egyidejűleg figyelembe vettük a vízszintváltozások és klimatikus hatások szerepét a medence süllyedés-és feltöltődés történetének szimulációja során. Aszimmetrikus litoszféra extenziós modell eredményeink jelzik mély félárkok fejlő dését a medenceperemektől a medence belseje felé. Egy rövid kiemelkedési fázist követően a "posztrift" időszak további kilométer nagyságrendű differenciális vertikális mozgásokkal jellemezhető. Modellünk rávilágít a vízmélység értékek térbeli és időbeli változékonyságára, valamit a kialakuló unkon-formitások okaira. Modelleredményeink egy lehetséges forgatókönyvet jelentenek a Pannon-medence tektonikai és rétegtani fejlődésére. Abstract Basin analysis and subsidence history provide key insights into sedimentary basin forming mechanisms. Direct observations have long been the only source of information on their thermal and lithological architecture. State of the art modelling techniques today enable the prediction and computation of their formation and evolution constrained by geological field observations, geophysical and deep borehole data. Understanding the inherent connections between large-scale tectonic and local basin-scale surface processes requires the joint application of thermo-mechanical and stratigraphic modelling techniques. To this aim, we combined the thermo-mechanical lithospheric-scale numerical code Flamar and the high-resolution 3D deterministic stratigraphic software DionisosFlow. This joint modelling method quantifies forcing factors, such as crustal and lithospheric thinning, lithospheric flexure, sea-level and climatic variations associated with water and sediment influx and sediment compaction. The modelling shows the migration of extensional deformation in space and time creating deep half-grabens. After a rapid uplift event, the subsequent post-rift times are characterised by continuous kilometre-scale differential vertical movements. The modelled tectonic subsidence and uplift rates and half-graben geometries are imported into the 3D stratigraphic modelling code. Our modelling of a 120 km × 150 km area shows that such scenarios are associated with continental alluvial to shallow-water sedimentation and footwall erosion during the early stages of the syn-rift, followed by rapid deepening during the subsequent syn-rift evolution. Finally, the basins are filled by a large-scale prograding shelf-margin slope system during the post-rift times. We differentiate between unconformities caused by tectonics, sea-level variations or auto-cyclic processes. Our tectonic and stratigraphic results are compared with geological and geophysical constraints from the Pannonian Basin of Central Europe

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    Large-scale diapiric salt movements affect the architecture of sedimentary basins and often prevent the understanding of their mechanics by hiding or distorting subsidence patterns. One good example is the evolution of the Transylvanian Basin, which formed during Miocene times in an area located in between the rapid slab rollback and continental collision recorded at the exterior of the Carpathians and the extension of the neighbouring Pannonian Basin. In the absence of major genetic fault systems, quantifying these external tectonic forcing factors requires an accurate reconstruction of subsidence evolution. Having the advent of a detailed 3D geometrical model of the Transylvanian Basin, we apply a 3D numerical modelling technique that couples salt re-distribution and subsidence evolution to quantify and understand the basin kinematics and vertical motions. Two techniques, backward and forward modelling are coupled in order to discriminate between salt migration driven by overburden and the influence of external tectonic forcing factors. The results show that salt kinematics was more complex than simple unidirectional migration, suggesting the existence of areas with significant subsidence hidden by the inward salt migration and areas with apparent large subsidence that are in reality artefacts of outwards salt migration. Additionally, the results suggest that parts of the basin have been successively affected by in- and out-ward salt migration events, an effect of localising subsidence and overburden. Furthermore, accelerated moments of salt migration took place during the main Miocene contraction events recorded at the exterior of the Carpathians, demonstrating that salt migration is enhanced by intraplate stresses. Our study also infers that the subsidence of the Transylvanian Basin is the result of the superposition of the contraction at the exterior of the orogenic chain and the back-arc extension

    Isolating lithologic versus tectonic signals of river profiles to test orogenic models for the Eastern and Southeastern Carpathians

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    Fluvial morphology is affected by a wide range of forcing factors, which can be external, such as faulting and changes in climate, or internal, such as variations in rock hardness or degree of fracturing. It is a challenge to separate internal and external forcing factors when they are co-located or occur coevally. Failure to account for both factors leads to potential misinterpretations. For example, steepening of channel network due to lithologic contrasts could be misinterpreted to be a function of increased tectonic displacements. These misinterpretations are enhanced over large areas, where landscape properties needed to calculate channel steepness (e.g., channel concavity) can vary significantly in space. In this study, we investigate relative channel steepness over the Eastern Carpathians, where it has been proposed that active rock uplift in the Southeastern Carpathians (SEC) gives way N- and NW-wards to ca. 8 Myrs of post-orogenic quiescence. We develop a technique to quantify relative channel steepness, the relative steepness index, based on a wide range of concavities, and show that the main signal shows an increase in relative steepness index from east to west across the range. Rock hardness measurements and geological studies suggest this difference is driven by lithology. When we isolate channel steepness by lithology to test for ongoing rock uplift along the range, we find steeper channels in the south of the study area compared to the same units in the North. This supports interpretations from longer timescale geological data that active rock uplift is fastest in the southern SEC

    Дефініції поняття “інтеграція” та його ролі в конкурентному ринковому процесі

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    Метою даної роботи є дослідження дефініцій розуміння інтеграційних процесів в аграрній сфері та їх ролі в конкурентному економічному середовищі

    Малярчук О.М. Тоталітаризм проти західноукраїнського села

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    Рецензі на монографію Малярчук О.М. Тоталітаризм проти західноукраїнського села. – Івано-Франківськ: Місто НВ, 2008. – 228 с

    фольклорно-етнографічні матеріали на сторінках журналу «Основа»

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    In the article folk and ethnographical materials of the «Osnova» magazine are analyzed. The role of this edition in development of the ethnography is defined

    Large scale deformation in a locked collisional boundary: Interplay between subsidence and uplift, intraplate stress and inherited lithospheric structure in the late stage of the SE Carpathians evolution.

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    The interplay between slab dynamics and intraplate stresses in postcollisional times creates large near-surface deformation, particularly in highly bent orogens with significant lateral variations in mechanical properties. This deformation is expressed through abnormal foredeep geometries and contrasting patterns of vertical movements. Intraplate folding is often the controlling mechanism, particularly when the orogenic belt is locked. The study of these tectonic processes in the SE Carpathians indicates a generalized subsidence period during latest Miocene-Pliocene times driven by the slab-pull and an intraplate folding due to an overall Quaternary inversion. The latter accommodates -5 km ESE-ward movement of this area with respect to the neighboring units, which creates complicated three-dimensional deformation patterns potentially driven at a larger scale by the interaction between the Adriatic indentor and the entire Carpathians system. The lithospheric anisotropy inherited from the subduction times concentrates strain and induces large-scale deformation far away from the active plate margins. This anisotropy is dynamic because of deep mantle processes related to the subducted slab during postcollisional times, such as thermal reequilibration or increase in slab dip. Copyright 2007 by the American Geophysical Union