31 research outputs found

    The Criticism of „Schematism" as an Integral Part ofthe Rhetoric of Socialist Realism in the First Half of the 1950s (Discussions before the 2nd Czechoslovak Writers' Conference)

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    The presented article analyses selected discussions of the first half of the 1950s which were related to the preparation of the 2nd Czechoslovak Writers´ Conference in the year 1956. At the same time it pays attention to the contemporary term known as the criticism of so-called Schematism. In the author´s opinion the formation of the term is related to the processes having its prehistory in the period when the dogmatic application of Socialist Realism was the official doctrine of the Stalinist Epoch. It cannot be seen as synonymous with the criticism of so-called Cult of Personality or the process of „acknowledging“ the period of Stalinism because the notion „Schematism“ became a part of the literary-critical discourse of those times before Stalin´s death. In this context the author makes references to the findings by B. Groys, especially to his analysis of the paradoxes of Stalin´s rule where logical statements containing no contradictions were regarded as one-sided and so invalid. The slogans such as „struggle against Schematism“ and „for greater fidelity of literature“ were a part of the contemporary language of the Stalinist Epoch and should be interpreted accordingly. They were not directly related to the criticism of Stalinism, and they did not question the aesthetical doctrine of Socialist Realism

    Implementation and Benefits of TPM Method into Tube Rolling Mill Plant in TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, a.s.

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    Cílem práce je zavedení metody TPM u vybraných zařízení provozu VT - Válcovna trub a vyhodnocení jejího přínosu. Dalším z cílů této práce je na základě poznatků z odborné literatury vypracovat/navrhnout změnu digitalizace dat v TPM. Dále pak zhodnotit aktuálního stav a vypracování návrhu na úpravy systému hodnocení abnormalit, oprav a samostatného mazání v TPM s ohledem na aktuální stav aplikačního software. Zhodnocení aktuálního stavu a návrh úprav metody hodnocení strojů a zařízení pro zařazení do systému TPM. Vhodným způsobem navrhnout změny na cestě k metodě autonomní údržby, a v rámci hlavního cíle této práce na základě získaných dat, jejich analýzy a výpočtů, vyhodnotit přínos zavedení metody TPM u vybraných zařízení.Objective this work is a implementation method TPM selected machines into plant VT Válcovna trub and evaluation his benefits. Other objectives of this work is on the basis expertise piece of knowledge, create/change system digitalization dates into TPM. Furthermore evaluation actualy state and create plan for change systems assessment abnormalities, repair and autonoumous lubrication into TPM with consideration on the actual aplication software. Evaluation actual status and create change metod to assessment machines for the enlistment to the TPM metods. In the appropriate manner propose conversion to way to metod autonomous maintaining and on the basis retrieve dates, analyses and calculations, evaluate assets implenentation TPM metod at choise machines.634 - Katedra ekonomiky a managementu v průmysluvelmi dobř

    Chance as a subversive element in the 1960s philosophical and aesthetic discourse

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    The author uses chosen texts (philosophical essays) and films of the 1960s new wave as examples to demonstrate the function of chance serving as a subversive element in the philosophical and aesthetic discourse of the time. In particular he pays attention to M.Forman´s film Černý Petr (Black Peter),Vladimír Mináč´s essay Paradoxy okolo umenia (Paradoxes around the arts) and J. P. Sartre´s piece of writing Marxism and Existentialism. As well as to chance he pays attention to the motifs of everyday life and authenticity, which used to be previously kept in the background – what used to be perceived as marginal and non-systemic becomes a legitimate part of theoretical reflection. In the conclusion the author states the role of chance in the 1960 literature, art and film cannot be reduced to a sort of arbitrariness, or uncontrolled behaviour. Its function tends to be related to moments of playfulness and spontaneity, which at the same time review everyday life as a kind of creative potential present in film and literature as well as music and fine art

    Change of literary-critical paradigm in the first half of the 1960s exemplified on the reflection of Mináč s short proses

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    The author uses the critical reflections of Mináč´s short proses published in 1960 and 1963 as an example to demonstrate how the literary-critical paradigm in the first half of the 1960s was changing. A number of authors have noticed that while reflecting on the decade, it is the early 1960s that is the crutial period. The first three years defined the character of the whole decade and contain the seeds of the future cultural and social changes. Within the framework of the situation of that time two directions of literary criticism can be identified - the first tried to stay loyal to the principles of socialist realism, the other favoured the autonomy of a piece of writing. Both tendencies are epitomized by the contemporary reflections of Mináč´s short proses Tmavý kút (Dark corner) and Záznamy (Records), while the early 1960s are dominated by the former, more ideologically orthodox one

    On Several Issues of the Current Theoretical Discourse on Censorship

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    The author of the paper deals with an overview of reflection on censorship in the current literary theoretical discourse focusing on the Czech cultural context. He pays special attention to the two-volume monograph titled v Obecném záujmu / In Public Interest/ and the anthology of theoretical studies which were pubished under the title Nebezpečná literatura? /Dangerous Literature?/. He draws attention to the theoretical works by P. Bourdieu, J Butler and L. Losev. He puts individual theoretical findings into relation with contemporary poetics as it was formed by the canon of Socialist Realism (cryptic forms of Esopian language in the contemporary satire). He also pays attention to dispersed forms of censorship which formed the poetics of the 1970s and the 1980s during the period of so-called Normalization (the formation of parallel circulation)

    The Literary Polemic Hamada – Mináč and Its Contemporary Context

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    The presented article reconstructs the literary polemic between the writer and essayist V. Mináč and the literary critic M. Hamada which took place in the liberal enviroment of the first half of the 1960s in Slovakia and became emblematic of that period of time. The author pays attention to its impact as well as the events and the writings preceeding it. The central subject of the polemic was the category of estrangement in the context of various interpretations of Marxist philosophy. It also helps identify the political and cultural processes forming the intellectual climate of the 1960s. On the one hand it became a part of the wide-ranging social discussion about the critical „acknowledgement“ of the Stalinism´s legacy, which continued until its violent interruption by Normalization after 1968, on the other hand, it made space for new ideological, philosophical and aesthetical initiatives. However, the polemic also raised other issues, which have reached beyond the context of the period of time in question and are permanently present in the current discussions about finding alternatives to technological rationality and other strategies of the „Post-Modern“ power (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Bauman, Žižek)

    Slovak literary samizdat periodicals in the 1980s

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    The article presents an overview of Slovak literary samizdat periodicals published in the 1980s: Kontakt, Altamira, K, Fragment, Fragment K. The authors describe them, deal with their thematic focus, content structure, conditions of their emergence and general context of the period, and analyse selected texts that represent the specific poetics of literary samizdat. At the same time, it devotes space to the discussion of the Czechoslovak context of literary samizdat which cannot be separated from Slovak literary samizdat. At the same time, the article briefly outlines theoretical definitions of the concept of the literary samizdat as used in Central and Eastern European context, taking especially into account the specific character of Slovak literary samizdat. The authors draw on international research on samizdat, especially on the works of Czech literary scholars summarised in the encyclopaedic monograph Český literární samizdat 1948 – 1989 ([Czech literary samizdat 1948 – 1989] 2018). The article aims to inspire further research on Slovak literary samizdat