1,258 research outputs found

    On the Two-View Geometry of Unsynchronized Cameras

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    We present new methods for simultaneously estimating camera geometry and time shift from video sequences from multiple unsynchronized cameras. Algorithms for simultaneous computation of a fundamental matrix or a homography with unknown time shift between images are developed. Our methods use minimal correspondence sets (eight for fundamental matrix and four and a half for homography) and therefore are suitable for robust estimation using RANSAC. Furthermore, we present an iterative algorithm that extends the applicability on sequences which are significantly unsynchronized, finding the correct time shift up to several seconds. We evaluated the methods on synthetic and wide range of real world datasets and the results show a broad applicability to the problem of camera synchronization.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 201

    Tax treaties between Slovakia and the Middle East countries

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    The objective of this article is to provide a basic systematic review of tax treaties between Slovakia and the Middle East States and their similarities and differences as compared to the standard OECD/UN Model Tax Conventions. The methods used include abstraction, comparison, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and summarization. Findings include diverging practice concerning the scope and objective of double tax treaties such as criteria for residency, zakat provisions, transfer pricing rules, and anti-abuse rules. Taking into account the context of Slovak administrative practice and lack of experience with double tax treaties this diverging practice may lead to occasions of tax treaty override

    PreCNet: Next Frame Video Prediction Based on Predictive Coding

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    Predictive coding, currently a highly influential theory in neuroscience, has not been widely adopted in machine learning yet. In this work, we transform the seminal model of Rao and Ballard (1999) into a modern deep learning framework while remaining maximally faithful to the original schema. The resulting network we propose (PreCNet) is tested on a widely used next frame video prediction benchmark, which consists of images from an urban environment recorded from a car-mounted camera. On this benchmark (training: 41k images from KITTI dataset; testing: Caltech Pedestrian dataset), we achieve to our knowledge the best performance to date when measured with the Structural Similarity Index (SSIM). Performance on all measures was further improved when a larger training set (2M images from BDD100k), pointing to the limitations of the KITTI training set. This work demonstrates that an architecture carefully based in a neuroscience model, without being explicitly tailored to the task at hand, can exhibit unprecedented performance


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    Interdisciplinarna suradnja kod ortodontskih pacijenata važan je dio terapije u kojem ortodont, zajedno s drugim stručnjacima u svom timu, uz stalnu interakciju i komunikaciju, postavlja realne ciljeve liječenja koji će istovremeno zadovoljiti interdisciplinarni tim i pacijenta. Cilj: Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi učestalost interdisciplinarne suradnje specijalista ortodoncije i specijalista drugih grana dentalne medicine te utvrditi s kojom specijalnošću se najčešće surađuje u terapiji ortodontskih pacijenata. Materijal i metode: Analizirano je 586 ortopantomograma (OPG) pacijenata iz privatnih ortodontskih ordinacija u Splitu koji su pripadali pacijentima oba spola i dobnoj skupini od 10 do 42 godine. Prikupljanje se odvijalo nasumičnim putem, tijekom ožujka i travnja akademske godine 2015./2016. Analizirala se evenutalna potreba za interdisciplinarnom suradnjom s pojedinom specijalističkom granom. Analiza je provedena softwareom „MS Excell“. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da je od analiziranih 586 OPG-a, 98 pacijenata (16,72%) bilo uključeno u interdisciplinarnu suradnju. Od 98 pacijenata, 47,96% slučajeva bilo je uključeno u suradnju sa oralnim kirurgom nakon koje slijedi specijalist protetike s 25,51% slučajeva, specijalist restaurativne dentalne medicine s 14,29% slučajeva te specijalist parodontologije s 12,24% slučajeva. Analizirala se i frekvencija razloga suradnje s oralnim kirurgom. U 65,95% slučajeva razlog su bili impaktirani očnjaci, 14,89% impaktirani drugi premolari, 4,26% impaktirani molari, 2,13% impaktirani lateralni sjekutići, 8,51% slučajevi ugradnje implantata te 4,26% slučajevi rascjepa čeljusti. Zaključak: Ovi rezultati i pregled literature potkrjepljuju hipotezu da je potreba za interdisciplinarnom suradnjom kod ortodontskih pacijenata česta te da se najčešće surađuje s oralnim kirurgom. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja na većem uzorku i razdvajanjem ispitanika po dobi i spolu da bi se dobio cjelovit prikaz problematike interdisciplinarne suradnje u ortodonciji.Interdisciplinary collaboration during the treatment of orthodontic patients is an important part of the therapeutic process. During this process the orthodontist should collaborate with other experts in the field, which includes constant interaction and communication with each other as well as setting realistic goals for treatment, which will in the end satisfy the interdisciplinary team as well as the patient. Objective: The objective of the research is to examine the frequency of interdisciplinary collaboration of orthodontists and other dental specialists as well as to determine which specialty is mostly collaborated with during the therapeutic process. Material and methods: The research was conducted in Split. The data, that was collected and analyzed, were 586 orthopantomograms (OPGs) belonging to patients from private orthodontic clinics in Split. The patients were both male and female from 10 to 42 years old. The corpus was collected randomly during March and April of the academic year 2015/2016. After gathering the OPGs, they were analyzed in terms of whether there was potential need for interdisciplinary collaboration with different specialist branches or not. The data were analyzed using the software „MS Excell“. Results: The results showed that out of 586 OPGs, 98 patients (16.72%) needed interdisciplinary collaboration. Out of these 98 patients most of them, i.e. 47,96% of cases needed collaboration with oral surgeon, after that comes prosthodontist with 25,51%, then restorative dentist with 14,29%, and last periodontologist with 12,24% of cases. As oral surgery was the most frequently collaborated branch, these cases were analyzed in more depth. The analysis showed that 65,96% of cases included impacted canines, 14,98% impacted second premolars, 4,26% impacted molars, 2,13% impacted lateral incisors, 8,51% of cases included implant placements and 4,26% of cases included cleft palates. Conclusion: The results and literature overview corroborate the hypothesis that there is frequent need for interdisciplinary collaboration during the treatment of orthodontic patients. The results show that an oral surgeon is the most collaborated specialist during the therapeutic process. Further research with a larger sample and separation of patients by age and gender is necessary in order to obtain a full overview of the problems of interdisciplinary collaboration in orthodontics


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    Interdisciplinarna suradnja kod ortodontskih pacijenata važan je dio terapije u kojem ortodont, zajedno s drugim stručnjacima u svom timu, uz stalnu interakciju i komunikaciju, postavlja realne ciljeve liječenja koji će istovremeno zadovoljiti interdisciplinarni tim i pacijenta. Cilj: Svrha istraživanja bila je utvrditi učestalost interdisciplinarne suradnje specijalista ortodoncije i specijalista drugih grana dentalne medicine te utvrditi s kojom specijalnošću se najčešće surađuje u terapiji ortodontskih pacijenata. Materijal i metode: Analizirano je 586 ortopantomograma (OPG) pacijenata iz privatnih ortodontskih ordinacija u Splitu koji su pripadali pacijentima oba spola i dobnoj skupini od 10 do 42 godine. Prikupljanje se odvijalo nasumičnim putem, tijekom ožujka i travnja akademske godine 2015./2016. Analizirala se evenutalna potreba za interdisciplinarnom suradnjom s pojedinom specijalističkom granom. Analiza je provedena softwareom „MS Excell“. Rezultati: Rezultati su pokazali da je od analiziranih 586 OPG-a, 98 pacijenata (16,72%) bilo uključeno u interdisciplinarnu suradnju. Od 98 pacijenata, 47,96% slučajeva bilo je uključeno u suradnju sa oralnim kirurgom nakon koje slijedi specijalist protetike s 25,51% slučajeva, specijalist restaurativne dentalne medicine s 14,29% slučajeva te specijalist parodontologije s 12,24% slučajeva. Analizirala se i frekvencija razloga suradnje s oralnim kirurgom. U 65,95% slučajeva razlog su bili impaktirani očnjaci, 14,89% impaktirani drugi premolari, 4,26% impaktirani molari, 2,13% impaktirani lateralni sjekutići, 8,51% slučajevi ugradnje implantata te 4,26% slučajevi rascjepa čeljusti. Zaključak: Ovi rezultati i pregled literature potkrjepljuju hipotezu da je potreba za interdisciplinarnom suradnjom kod ortodontskih pacijenata česta te da se najčešće surađuje s oralnim kirurgom. Potrebna su daljnja istraživanja na većem uzorku i razdvajanjem ispitanika po dobi i spolu da bi se dobio cjelovit prikaz problematike interdisciplinarne suradnje u ortodonciji.Interdisciplinary collaboration during the treatment of orthodontic patients is an important part of the therapeutic process. During this process the orthodontist should collaborate with other experts in the field, which includes constant interaction and communication with each other as well as setting realistic goals for treatment, which will in the end satisfy the interdisciplinary team as well as the patient. Objective: The objective of the research is to examine the frequency of interdisciplinary collaboration of orthodontists and other dental specialists as well as to determine which specialty is mostly collaborated with during the therapeutic process. Material and methods: The research was conducted in Split. The data, that was collected and analyzed, were 586 orthopantomograms (OPGs) belonging to patients from private orthodontic clinics in Split. The patients were both male and female from 10 to 42 years old. The corpus was collected randomly during March and April of the academic year 2015/2016. After gathering the OPGs, they were analyzed in terms of whether there was potential need for interdisciplinary collaboration with different specialist branches or not. The data were analyzed using the software „MS Excell“. Results: The results showed that out of 586 OPGs, 98 patients (16.72%) needed interdisciplinary collaboration. Out of these 98 patients most of them, i.e. 47,96% of cases needed collaboration with oral surgeon, after that comes prosthodontist with 25,51%, then restorative dentist with 14,29%, and last periodontologist with 12,24% of cases. As oral surgery was the most frequently collaborated branch, these cases were analyzed in more depth. The analysis showed that 65,96% of cases included impacted canines, 14,98% impacted second premolars, 4,26% impacted molars, 2,13% impacted lateral incisors, 8,51% of cases included implant placements and 4,26% of cases included cleft palates. Conclusion: The results and literature overview corroborate the hypothesis that there is frequent need for interdisciplinary collaboration during the treatment of orthodontic patients. The results show that an oral surgeon is the most collaborated specialist during the therapeutic process. Further research with a larger sample and separation of patients by age and gender is necessary in order to obtain a full overview of the problems of interdisciplinary collaboration in orthodontics

    Strong parity vertex coloring of plane graphs

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    Graph TheoryInternational audienceA strong parity vertex coloring of a 2-connected plane graph is a coloring of the vertices such that every face is incident with zero or an odd number of vertices of each color. We prove that every 2-connected loopless plane graph has a strong parity vertex coloring with 97 colors. Moreover the coloring we construct is proper. This proves a conjecture of Czap and Jendrol' [Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 29 (2009), pp. 521-543.]. We also provide examples showing that eight colors may be necessary (ten when restricted to proper colorings)

    Importance of Oral Hygiene and Maintaining Oral Health in Persons With Disabilities

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    This paper aims to approximate and facilitate the routine of daily oral hygiene for persons with disabilities, as well as to emphasize the importance of educating persons with disabilities and their caregivers about oral health as an essential part of overall health. Desk research of electronic databases was conducted with the aim of writing this paper, using the following keywords: ‘oral hygiene’, ‘dental plaque’, ‘oral health’ and ‘persons with disabilities’. Literature research has shown that persons with disabilities have poor oral hygiene, as well as that there is a lack of education among them and their caregivers about the importance of oral health and proper oral hygiene. Poor oral hygiene can affect a person’s quality of life due to discomfort during eating, bad breath, poor self-esteem, pain, and disturbed sleep, which is a result of caries or other diseases of the oral cavity. Maintaining oral health is an essential part of overall health

    Rijedak slučaj karcinoma pločastih stanica u divertikulu mokraćnog mjehura uspješno izliječen poštednom kirurgijom

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    The aim is to report a rare case of squamous cell carcinoma arising in a urinary bladder diverticulum and present recent literature overview of treatment options. A 56-year-old man presented with intermittent hematuria. Ultrasound examination indicated primary carcinoma in the urinary bladder diverticulum. Diagnosis was confirmed with cystoscopy and computed tomography. Transvesical diverticulectomy with regional lymphadenectomy was undertaken. Two years after initial treatment, the patient was well without evidence of tumor relapse. This report implicates that although aggressive surgical approach is recommended in the majority of bladder diverticulum tumors, simple diverticulectomy may be indicated in selected, confined cases.Cilj je predstaviti rijedak slučaj karcinoma pločastih stanica u divertikulu mokraćnog mjehura i prikazati pregled novije literature o mogućnostima liječenja. Muškarac u dobi od 56 godina javio se zbog intermitentne hematurije. Ultrazvučnim pregledom postavljena je sumnja na karcinom u divertikulu mokraćnog mjehura. Dijagnoza je potvrđena cistoskopski i kompjutoriziranom tomografijom. Potom je učinjena transvezikalna divertikulektomija s regionalnom limfadenektomijom. Dvije godine nakon početnog liječenja bolesnik je dobrog općeg stanja, bez dokaza o recidivu tumora. Iako se agresivni kirurški pristup preporuča u većini tumora smještenih u divertikulu mokraćnog mjehura, jednostavna divertikulektomija može biti indicirana u odabranim slučajevima

    The MRS UAV System: Pushing the Frontiers of Reproducible Research, Real-world Deployment, and Education with Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    We present a multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle control (UAV) and estimation system for supporting replicable research through realistic simulations and real-world experiments. We propose a unique multi-frame localization paradigm for estimating the states of a UAV in various frames of reference using multiple sensors simultaneously. The system enables complex missions in GNSS and GNSS-denied environments, including outdoor-indoor transitions and the execution of redundant estimators for backing up unreliable localization sources. Two feedback control designs are presented: one for precise and aggressive maneuvers, and the other for stable and smooth flight with a noisy state estimate. The proposed control and estimation pipeline are constructed without using the Euler/Tait-Bryan angle representation of orientation in 3D. Instead, we rely on rotation matrices and a novel heading-based convention to represent the one free rotational degree-of-freedom in 3D of a standard multirotor helicopter. We provide an actively maintained and well-documented open-source implementation, including realistic simulation of UAV, sensors, and localization systems. The proposed system is the product of years of applied research on multi-robot systems, aerial swarms, aerial manipulation, motion planning, and remote sensing. All our results have been supported by real-world system deployment that shaped the system into the form presented here. In addition, the system was utilized during the participation of our team from the CTU in Prague in the prestigious MBZIRC 2017 and 2020 robotics competitions, and also in the DARPA SubT challenge. Each time, our team was able to secure top places among the best competitors from all over the world. On each occasion, the challenges has motivated the team to improve the system and to gain a great amount of high-quality experience within tight deadlines.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figures, submitted to Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (JINT), for the provided open-source software see http://github.com/ctu-mr