7 research outputs found

    Workpiece hardness classification using vibration signals in stone drilling

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    Kroz rad se istražuje mogućnost primjene neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama za klasifikaciju tvrdoće kamena na temelju signala vibracija snimljenih pri obradi bušenjem. U prvom dijelu rada iznosi se značaj i vrste nadzora obradnih procesa, što je dodatno prošireno dubljim pregledom karakteristika signala snimanih tijekom indirektnog nadzora. Na kraju teorijskog dijela, analizirani su model obradnog sustava s modulom za indirektni nadzor tvrdoće kamena i novodizajnirano svrdlo s kanalom za ispuhivanje. Nakon teorijskog dijela, detaljno je prikazan provedeni eksperiment. Redom su opisani: eksperimentalni postav, korištene vrste kamenih uzoraka, mjerenje i obrada signala, te izdvajanje značajki. Zatim je iznesena struktura, matematički model i principi rada neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama. Naposljetku su prikazani rezultati provedenog eksperimenta te je iznesen konačan zaključak o primjenjivosti mreže za klasifikaciju tvrdoće.The paper explores the possibility of applying the radial basis function neural network for the stone hardness classification based on vibration signals measured during drilling process. In the first part of the paper, the importance and types of monitoring of machining processes are presented. Which is additionally expanded by a deeper overview of indirectly monitored signals. At the end of the theoretical part, the model of machining system with the module for indirect stone hardness monitoring and the newly designed drill bit with a channel that allows the flow of cutting fluids were analyzed. After the theoretical part, the conducted experiment is thoroughly described in the following order: the experimental setup, used types of stone samples, measurement and processing of signals, and feature extraction. Subsequently followed by explanation of the structure, mathematical model and operating principles of the radial basis function neural network. Final chapter presents the results of conducted experiment and concluding remarks of applicability of neural network for hardness classification

    Workpiece hardness classification using vibration signals in stone drilling

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    Kroz rad se istražuje mogućnost primjene neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama za klasifikaciju tvrdoće kamena na temelju signala vibracija snimljenih pri obradi bušenjem. U prvom dijelu rada iznosi se značaj i vrste nadzora obradnih procesa, što je dodatno prošireno dubljim pregledom karakteristika signala snimanih tijekom indirektnog nadzora. Na kraju teorijskog dijela, analizirani su model obradnog sustava s modulom za indirektni nadzor tvrdoće kamena i novodizajnirano svrdlo s kanalom za ispuhivanje. Nakon teorijskog dijela, detaljno je prikazan provedeni eksperiment. Redom su opisani: eksperimentalni postav, korištene vrste kamenih uzoraka, mjerenje i obrada signala, te izdvajanje značajki. Zatim je iznesena struktura, matematički model i principi rada neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama. Naposljetku su prikazani rezultati provedenog eksperimenta te je iznesen konačan zaključak o primjenjivosti mreže za klasifikaciju tvrdoće.The paper explores the possibility of applying the radial basis function neural network for the stone hardness classification based on vibration signals measured during drilling process. In the first part of the paper, the importance and types of monitoring of machining processes are presented. Which is additionally expanded by a deeper overview of indirectly monitored signals. At the end of the theoretical part, the model of machining system with the module for indirect stone hardness monitoring and the newly designed drill bit with a channel that allows the flow of cutting fluids were analyzed. After the theoretical part, the conducted experiment is thoroughly described in the following order: the experimental setup, used types of stone samples, measurement and processing of signals, and feature extraction. Subsequently followed by explanation of the structure, mathematical model and operating principles of the radial basis function neural network. Final chapter presents the results of conducted experiment and concluding remarks of applicability of neural network for hardness classification

    Workpiece hardness classification using vibration signals in stone drilling

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    Kroz rad se istražuje mogućnost primjene neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama za klasifikaciju tvrdoće kamena na temelju signala vibracija snimljenih pri obradi bušenjem. U prvom dijelu rada iznosi se značaj i vrste nadzora obradnih procesa, što je dodatno prošireno dubljim pregledom karakteristika signala snimanih tijekom indirektnog nadzora. Na kraju teorijskog dijela, analizirani su model obradnog sustava s modulom za indirektni nadzor tvrdoće kamena i novodizajnirano svrdlo s kanalom za ispuhivanje. Nakon teorijskog dijela, detaljno je prikazan provedeni eksperiment. Redom su opisani: eksperimentalni postav, korištene vrste kamenih uzoraka, mjerenje i obrada signala, te izdvajanje značajki. Zatim je iznesena struktura, matematički model i principi rada neuronske mreže s radijalnim baznim funkcijama. Naposljetku su prikazani rezultati provedenog eksperimenta te je iznesen konačan zaključak o primjenjivosti mreže za klasifikaciju tvrdoće.The paper explores the possibility of applying the radial basis function neural network for the stone hardness classification based on vibration signals measured during drilling process. In the first part of the paper, the importance and types of monitoring of machining processes are presented. Which is additionally expanded by a deeper overview of indirectly monitored signals. At the end of the theoretical part, the model of machining system with the module for indirect stone hardness monitoring and the newly designed drill bit with a channel that allows the flow of cutting fluids were analyzed. After the theoretical part, the conducted experiment is thoroughly described in the following order: the experimental setup, used types of stone samples, measurement and processing of signals, and feature extraction. Subsequently followed by explanation of the structure, mathematical model and operating principles of the radial basis function neural network. Final chapter presents the results of conducted experiment and concluding remarks of applicability of neural network for hardness classification

    Development of a PLC system for greenhouse plants watering and environmental variables control

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    Kroz ovaj rad, prikazano je softversko i hardversko rješenje automatizacije zaštićenoga prostora, konkretno plastenika za uzgoj biljaka. U uvodu je iznesen značaj i uloga zaštićenoga prostora te različiti mogući načini automatizacije istoga. Zatim se iznose i opisuju potrebne komponente automatiziranog sustava, te njihov značaj za biljke. Naglasak je na programibilnom logičkom kontroleru i senzorima čiji je rad detaljnije opisan. Za opisane komponente predložen je popis uređaja i senzora dostupnih na tržištu pa je za iste izrađen troškovnik. Također se prikazuje primjer rasporeda i shema spajanja uređaja na skici plastenika. S time se prelazi na upravljački kod, gdje se najprije ukratko opisuju korišteni softveri. Nadalje se detaljno opisuje cijeli upravljački kod i dizajn korisničkoga sučelja. Nakon toga se opisuje laboratorijski postav na kojemu je izvršena simulacije, te se prikazuju rezultati simulacije. Naposljetku iznosi se zaključak cijeloga rada i moguća poboljšanja u sustavu.This paper has presented the software and hardware solution for the automation of a growhouse. In introduction, the importance and function of growhouse and various ways of automating one is presented. It is followed by the description of the required components of automated system, and their imporatance for plants. Accent is on programmable logic controller and sensors whose operating principles are described in detail. For described components a list of commercially available devices and sensors is proposed, and a cost estimate has been made. Moreover, an example of the layout and the device connection scheme is outlined on the dimensional drawing of the considered greenhouse. In the second part of this work, the development of the control program is presented, starting with the software environment used for programming, followed by the actual control code development and the design of the graphical user interface (GUI). This is followed by the description of the laboratory setup which is used for process control simulation, which has been used for actual process simulation within the proposed control framework. Final chapter gives the concluding remarks and possible improvements of systems

    Development of a PLC system for greenhouse plants watering and environmental variables control

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    Kroz ovaj rad, prikazano je softversko i hardversko rješenje automatizacije zaštićenoga prostora, konkretno plastenika za uzgoj biljaka. U uvodu je iznesen značaj i uloga zaštićenoga prostora te različiti mogući načini automatizacije istoga. Zatim se iznose i opisuju potrebne komponente automatiziranog sustava, te njihov značaj za biljke. Naglasak je na programibilnom logičkom kontroleru i senzorima čiji je rad detaljnije opisan. Za opisane komponente predložen je popis uređaja i senzora dostupnih na tržištu pa je za iste izrađen troškovnik. Također se prikazuje primjer rasporeda i shema spajanja uređaja na skici plastenika. S time se prelazi na upravljački kod, gdje se najprije ukratko opisuju korišteni softveri. Nadalje se detaljno opisuje cijeli upravljački kod i dizajn korisničkoga sučelja. Nakon toga se opisuje laboratorijski postav na kojemu je izvršena simulacije, te se prikazuju rezultati simulacije. Naposljetku iznosi se zaključak cijeloga rada i moguća poboljšanja u sustavu.This paper has presented the software and hardware solution for the automation of a growhouse. In introduction, the importance and function of growhouse and various ways of automating one is presented. It is followed by the description of the required components of automated system, and their imporatance for plants. Accent is on programmable logic controller and sensors whose operating principles are described in detail. For described components a list of commercially available devices and sensors is proposed, and a cost estimate has been made. Moreover, an example of the layout and the device connection scheme is outlined on the dimensional drawing of the considered greenhouse. In the second part of this work, the development of the control program is presented, starting with the software environment used for programming, followed by the actual control code development and the design of the graphical user interface (GUI). This is followed by the description of the laboratory setup which is used for process control simulation, which has been used for actual process simulation within the proposed control framework. Final chapter gives the concluding remarks and possible improvements of systems

    Development of a PLC system for greenhouse plants watering and environmental variables control

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    Kroz ovaj rad, prikazano je softversko i hardversko rješenje automatizacije zaštićenoga prostora, konkretno plastenika za uzgoj biljaka. U uvodu je iznesen značaj i uloga zaštićenoga prostora te različiti mogući načini automatizacije istoga. Zatim se iznose i opisuju potrebne komponente automatiziranog sustava, te njihov značaj za biljke. Naglasak je na programibilnom logičkom kontroleru i senzorima čiji je rad detaljnije opisan. Za opisane komponente predložen je popis uređaja i senzora dostupnih na tržištu pa je za iste izrađen troškovnik. Također se prikazuje primjer rasporeda i shema spajanja uređaja na skici plastenika. S time se prelazi na upravljački kod, gdje se najprije ukratko opisuju korišteni softveri. Nadalje se detaljno opisuje cijeli upravljački kod i dizajn korisničkoga sučelja. Nakon toga se opisuje laboratorijski postav na kojemu je izvršena simulacije, te se prikazuju rezultati simulacije. Naposljetku iznosi se zaključak cijeloga rada i moguća poboljšanja u sustavu.This paper has presented the software and hardware solution for the automation of a growhouse. In introduction, the importance and function of growhouse and various ways of automating one is presented. It is followed by the description of the required components of automated system, and their imporatance for plants. Accent is on programmable logic controller and sensors whose operating principles are described in detail. For described components a list of commercially available devices and sensors is proposed, and a cost estimate has been made. Moreover, an example of the layout and the device connection scheme is outlined on the dimensional drawing of the considered greenhouse. In the second part of this work, the development of the control program is presented, starting with the software environment used for programming, followed by the actual control code development and the design of the graphical user interface (GUI). This is followed by the description of the laboratory setup which is used for process control simulation, which has been used for actual process simulation within the proposed control framework. Final chapter gives the concluding remarks and possible improvements of systems

    The Influence of Internally Cooled Drill Bits on Cutting Dynamics and Workpiece Hardness Monitoring in Stone Machining

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    Drill bits with internal cooling capabilities are still not employed in stone machining practices within shop floor environments. Therefore, a conventional industrial drill bit used in stone machining was subject to a redesign wherein an axial cooling channel was machined throughout its body. A comparison was drawn between the standard drill bit without cooling capabilities and the redesigned drill bit, which used compressed air as a cooling medium. The experiment was performed by drilling three types of stone samples varying in hardness with nine combinations of cutting speed and feed rate. During the machining process, two types of process signals were continuously measured—namely, cutting forces and vibrations. Additionally, the cutting edges of the drill bits were inspected after a specific number of drilling cycles using a vision system. The primary objective of this study was to compare the cutting forces and tool wear dynamics achieved by those two drill bits. Furthermore, the usage of vibration signals in the classification of stone hardness during machining with an internally cooled drill bit was additionally analyzed. The results of this study unveiled improvement in minimizing cutting forces, vibrations, and the intensity of tool wear when utilizing an internally cooled drill bit. Even though the machining system generally exhibited lower vibrations, vibration signals again demonstrated commendable efficacy in classifying stone hardness