340 research outputs found

    SCOOP: A Tool for SymboliC Optimisations Of Probabilistic Processes

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    This paper presents SCOOP: a tool that symbolically optimises process-algebraic specifications of probabilistic processes. It takes specifications in the prCRL language (combining data and probabilities), which are linearised first to an intermediate format: the LPPE. On this format, optimisations such as dead-variable reduction and confluence reduction are applied automatically by SCOOP. That way, drastic state space reductions are achieved while never having to generate the complete state space, as data variables are unfolded only locally. The optimised state spaces are ready to be analysed by for instance CADP or PRISM

    Implementation of corporate social responsibility in the republic of Moldova

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    Perception regarding the role of businesses in our society has been going through a transformation. We no longer identify a company’s sole purpose as being that of maximizing shareholder return but we increasingly expect companies to do good for society. There is growing recognition that Corporate Social Responsibility is essential in today’s business and companies are voluntarily disclosing their effects on the people and communities where they operate. Corporate responsibility is helpful not only for corporations to show higher commitment to practice ethics particularly to develop economic forces and to improve the quality of lives of the workforce and their respective families but also for stakeholders. Social discrimination puts stones in the way of corporations for not to build up good capacity for sustainable livelihoods. This study undertakes the significance of Corporate Social Responsibility not only for wealth creation but also for maximizing the value of wealth creation to society.A percepção relativa ao papel dos negócios na nossa sociedade tem vindo a sofrer uma transformação. Não mais identificamos como o único objectivo de uma empresa o de maximizar o retorno monetário do accionista e cada vez mais se espera que a empresa seja benéfica para a sociedade. Há um crescimento no reconhecimento que a responsabilidade social de uma empresa é essencial nos negócios e as empresas estão voluntariamente a divulgar os seus efeitos junto das comunidades onde operam. A responsabilidade corporativa é vantajosa, não só para que as empresas demonstrem uma maior dedicação à prática de ética particularmente para desenvolver forças económicas e para melhorar a qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores e das suas respectivas famílias, mas também para os accionistas. A discriminação social é um óbice no trajecto das empresas dado não conseguir desenvolver sustentáveis boas condições de vida. Este estudo baseia-se na importância da responsabilidade social empresarial não só como criação de riqueza mas também para maximizar a importância da criação dessa riqueza para a sociedade

    Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy: An experimentally accessible paradigm for quantum computing

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    We present experimental results which demonstrate that nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy is capable of efficiently emulating many of the capabilities of quantum computers, including unitary evolution and coherent superpositions, but without attendant wave-function collapse. Specifically, we have: (1) Implemented the quantum XOR gate in two different ways, one using Pound-Overhauser double resonance, and the other using a spin-coherence double resonance pulse sequence; (2) Demonstrated that the square root of the Pound-Overhauser XOR corresponds to a conditional rotation, thus obtaining a universal set of gates; (3) Devised a spin-coherence implementation of the Toffoli gate, and confirmed that it transforms the equilibrium state of a four-spin system as expected; (4) Used standard gradient-pulse techniques in NMR to equalize all but one of the populations in a two-spin system, so obtaining the pseudo-pure state that corresponds to |00>; (5) Validated that one can identify which basic pseudo-pure state is present by transforming it into one-spin superpositions, whose associated spectra jointly characterize the state; (6) Applied the spin-coherence XOR gate to a one-spin superposition to create an entangled state, and confirmed its existence by detecting the associated double-quantum coherence via gradient-echo methods.Comment: LaTeX + epsfig + amsmath packages, 27 pages, 12 figures, to appear in Physica D; revision updates list of authors and reference


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    Eexcessively droughty autumn in the south-west of Romania during 2011. The atypical weather of 2011 continued also in autumn. Consequently, Oltenia had two distinct parts: a first warmish and droughty part, and a second cold part, characterized by drought too. In September, 7 days with maximum temperature values exceeding 35°C were registered. The warmish weather continued also in the first week of October, followed by a sudden cooling. This was the first excessively droughty autumn of the last 13 autumns in Oltenia. In November the weather was colder than normal and negative maximum thermal values were registered during the day, which means that there were winter days. The paper analyzes the characteristics of this autumn in detail and the study is completed by a comparison to the last 12 autumns. The paper is useful to researchers, specialists in climatology, master graduates and Ph.D. candidates

    Synthesis, structural characterization and electrocatalytic properties of cobalt phosphides and pyrophosphates derived from glyphosine

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    Póster presentado en el XXX Simposio del GE3CMetal phosphonates (MPs), a subclass of coordination polymers, result from the bonding of phosphonic acids (RPO32-) with metal ions, giving rise to an uniformly dispersion of the metal sites at the atomic scale. This characteristic allows the preparation of metal-phosphorous-based nano-carbon composites by a simple one-step pyrolysis, what makes them very attractive precursors of Non-Precious Metal Catalysts (NPMCs). Herein, we report the synthesis, characterization and electrochemical properties of three cobalt(II) coordination polymers derived from the glycine-N,N-bis(methylenenphosphonic acid) (BPMGLY), with formula [Co(C4H9O8NP2(H2O)2]·nH2O (n=0, 2). In contrast with the zero-dimensional structure of [Co(C4H9O8NP2(H2O)2]·2H2O (Co-BPMGLY-I), the two new polymorphs synthesized, Co(C4H9O8NP2(H2O)2 (Co-BPMGLY-II and Co-BPMGLY-III), whose structures have been solved from powder diffraction data, show two-dimensional frameworks with different connectivity between the Co2+ ions and the ligand within the sheets. These MPs were used as precursors of NPMCs by pyrolyzing them under 5%-H2/Ar at different temperatures. The electrochemical behavior of the resulting compounds, mainly crystalline cobalt pyrophosphates and/or phosphides, is fully studied regarding to the Oxygen Evolution and Reduction Reactions (OER and ORR, respectively) as well as Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER). Cobalt phosphide (CoP) derived from Co-BPMGLY-I displayed the best results, showing an overpotential of 156 mV for HER.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyectos nacionales MAT2016-77648-R y PID2019-110249RB-I0