11 research outputs found

    Automatic road analyzer- ARAN

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    Opisuje se višenamjenski mjerni uređaj suvremene tehnologije i njegova primjena u analizi stanja cesta i prognozi njihova ponašanja. Radi se o automatskom analizatoru cesta (ARAN), koji omogućuje brzo, točno i isplativo snimanje konzistentnih podataka. Uređaj otkriva pukotine, snima uzdužnu i poprečnu ravnost kolnika, mjeri trenje vozne površine, daje video zapis za katastar cesta, GPS koordinate itd. Ti podaci predstavljaju osnovu za sustavno održavanje i gospodarenje cestama.A technologically advanced multifunctional measuring device is described and its use in the road condition analysis and prediction of road behavior is commented. The device is called the Automatic Road Analyzer (ARAN) and it enables rapid, accurate and cost-efficient gathering of consistently reliable information. The device detects cracks, measures longitudinal and transverse evenness of pavement, analyzes friction at the driving surface, provides video logs for the road survey office, GPS coordinates, etc. The information obtained in this way represents a basis for the systematic performance of road maintenance and road management activities

    Evenness of pavement surfacing on road structures

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    Prikazani su postupci i uređaji za mjerenje ravnosti vozne površine kolnika s isticanjem problematike postizanja ravnosti kolničkih zastora na građevinama cestovne infrastrukture (most, vijadukt, tunel). Utvrđeno je da nije realno očekivati postizanje proporcionalno istih vrijednosti indeksa ravnosti asfaltnih zastora na građevinama i na cesti. Predlaže se razmatranje mogućnosti uvođenja koeficijenta umanjenja vrijednosti indeksa ravnosti IRI za vozne površine na građevinama.Procedures and devices used for measuring evenness of pavement surface are presented, and problems of obtaining an appropriate evenness of pavement surface on road structures (bridges, viaducts, tunnels) are emphasized. The authors have determined that proportionally similar roughness indices can not realistically be expected for asphalt pavements on structures when compared to roads. A possibility of introducing a coefficient for reducing the international roughness index (IRI) index for driving surfaces on road structures is proposed

    Cold recycling of asphalt pavements

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    U radu je sažeto prikazan novi način rehabilitiranja kolničkih konstrukcija cesta tehnologijom recikliranja hladnim postupkom i na cesti. Opisana je primjena, izvođenje, potrebna mehanizacija, a dan je i osvrt na prednosti ove tehnologije sa stajališta ekonomičnosti i zaštite okoliša. Obrađen je prvi primjer primjene te tehnologije na projektu obnove državne ceste D55 (dionica Vinkovci-Županja) izvedenom 2008. Sugerira se praktična primjena tehnologije na cestama u Hrvatskoj.A new way of rehabilitating road pavement structures, based on the cold process recycling technology, is presented in the paper. The application, realization, and required mechanical plant is described, and an overview of advantages of this technology from the standpoint of cost-effectiveness and environmental protection is presented. The first example of the use of this technology for rehabilitation of national road D555 (Vinkovci - Županja Section), conducted in 2008, is analyzed. A practical application of this technology on Croatian roads is recommended

    Determining soil freezing depth under the pavement structures

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    Opisuje se istraživanje za određivanje indeksa smrzavanja zraka. Praktični doprinos ovoga rada jest izrađena karta kontura indeksa smrzavanja zraka (ISZ) za područje Hrvatske. Metodologija određivanja dubine smrzavanja ispod ceste na osnovi vrijednosti ISZ, koje su ustanovljene ovim istraživanjem, ima dvostruku inženjersku primjenu: za provjeru osjetljivosti na smrzavanje projektirane konstrukcije i za ocjenjivanje otpornosti na smrzavanje postojećih kolničkih konstrukcija.The research carried out to determine the air freezing index is described. The practical output of this research is the contour map with air freezing indices (AFI) for the territory of Croatia. The methodology for determining freezing depth under roadways, based on AFI values defined in this research, has two engineering applications: to check susceptibility to freezing of a designed structure, and to estimate freezing resistance of existing pavement structures

    Use of HDM-4 model for county road management

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    Ocjenjuju se potrebe i dugoročna strategija održavanja županijskih i lokalnih cesta na području Zagrebačke županije. Analizira se stanje cestovne mreže na osnovi terenskih mjerenja i vizualnog pregleda oštećenja kolnika. Primjena HDM-4 modela, omogućila je ustanovljenje tehnički ispravnih i ekonomski opravdanih strategija održavanja i rehabilitiranja, kao i određivanje vremenskog slijeda njihove provedbe. Određena su i novčana ulaganja potrebna za provedbu radova održavanja.Long term strategy and requirements for the maintenance of county level roads and local roads in Zagreb county are estimated. The current road network condition is analyzed on the basis of field measurements and visual inspection of actual pavement damage. The use of HDM-4 model enabled definition of technically correct and economically justifiable road maintenance and rehabilitation strategies, including also time schedule for implementation of such strategies. The funding needed for these maintenance activities has also been determined

    Microorganisms in bioremediation

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    Bioremedijacija je proces u kojem se mikroorganizmi koriste za sanaciju okoliša i uklanjanje toksičnih spojeva iz ekosustava. Zahvaljujući tome što mikroorganizmi mogu živjeti na zagaĎenom području i vrlo su prilagodljivi na teške životne uvjete koriste se u procesu bioremedijacije. Evolucijski su razvili mnoge enzime kojima razgraĎuju i razne umjetno stvorene spojeve i tako osiguravaju sebi energiju za život i rast. Razvojem tehnologije i mnogih tehnika saniranja okoliša možemo kvalitetno upotrijebiti navedene karakteristike organizama u sanaciji okoliša bez prouzrokovanja daljnje štete na okoliš. Kako bi proces bio što brži i efikasniji potrebno je poznavati prirodu i karakteristike mikroorganizama, kemijske strukture zagaĎivala te karakteristike zagaĎenog tla, podzemnih voda i mora. Na optimizaciju bioremedijacije utječu abiotički i biotički čimbenici kao što su nutrijenti, temperatura, dotok kisika i kompeticija meĎu mikroorganizmima.Bioremediation is a process that uses microorganisms to degrade toxic compounds in the polluted environment. Microorganisms are able to survive in the most hostile environments and they can adapt quickly to the local environmental conditions. Over the years, During the evolution, microbes developed many enzymes that can break down various artificially created compounds, and thus provide themselves with the energy needed for life and growth. With the development of environmental technology and technological progress in general, we can use certain characteristics of microorganisms in bioremediation without harming the environment. To make the process fast and efficient, it is necessary to know the nature and characteristics of microorganisms, the chemical structure of contaminants, and the characteristics of the contaminated area. Bioremediation is usually regulated by abiotic and biotic factors such as nutrients, temperature, oxygen supply, and competition between microorganisms

    Microorganisms in bioremediation

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    Bioremedijacija je proces u kojem se mikroorganizmi koriste za sanaciju okoliša i uklanjanje toksičnih spojeva iz ekosustava. Zahvaljujući tome što mikroorganizmi mogu živjeti na zagaĎenom području i vrlo su prilagodljivi na teške životne uvjete koriste se u procesu bioremedijacije. Evolucijski su razvili mnoge enzime kojima razgraĎuju i razne umjetno stvorene spojeve i tako osiguravaju sebi energiju za život i rast. Razvojem tehnologije i mnogih tehnika saniranja okoliša možemo kvalitetno upotrijebiti navedene karakteristike organizama u sanaciji okoliša bez prouzrokovanja daljnje štete na okoliš. Kako bi proces bio što brži i efikasniji potrebno je poznavati prirodu i karakteristike mikroorganizama, kemijske strukture zagaĎivala te karakteristike zagaĎenog tla, podzemnih voda i mora. Na optimizaciju bioremedijacije utječu abiotički i biotički čimbenici kao što su nutrijenti, temperatura, dotok kisika i kompeticija meĎu mikroorganizmima.Bioremediation is a process that uses microorganisms to degrade toxic compounds in the polluted environment. Microorganisms are able to survive in the most hostile environments and they can adapt quickly to the local environmental conditions. Over the years, During the evolution, microbes developed many enzymes that can break down various artificially created compounds, and thus provide themselves with the energy needed for life and growth. With the development of environmental technology and technological progress in general, we can use certain characteristics of microorganisms in bioremediation without harming the environment. To make the process fast and efficient, it is necessary to know the nature and characteristics of microorganisms, the chemical structure of contaminants, and the characteristics of the contaminated area. Bioremediation is usually regulated by abiotic and biotic factors such as nutrients, temperature, oxygen supply, and competition between microorganisms

    Microorganisms in bioremediation

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    Bioremedijacija je proces u kojem se mikroorganizmi koriste za sanaciju okoliša i uklanjanje toksičnih spojeva iz ekosustava. Zahvaljujući tome što mikroorganizmi mogu živjeti na zagaĎenom području i vrlo su prilagodljivi na teške životne uvjete koriste se u procesu bioremedijacije. Evolucijski su razvili mnoge enzime kojima razgraĎuju i razne umjetno stvorene spojeve i tako osiguravaju sebi energiju za život i rast. Razvojem tehnologije i mnogih tehnika saniranja okoliša možemo kvalitetno upotrijebiti navedene karakteristike organizama u sanaciji okoliša bez prouzrokovanja daljnje štete na okoliš. Kako bi proces bio što brži i efikasniji potrebno je poznavati prirodu i karakteristike mikroorganizama, kemijske strukture zagaĎivala te karakteristike zagaĎenog tla, podzemnih voda i mora. Na optimizaciju bioremedijacije utječu abiotički i biotički čimbenici kao što su nutrijenti, temperatura, dotok kisika i kompeticija meĎu mikroorganizmima.Bioremediation is a process that uses microorganisms to degrade toxic compounds in the polluted environment. Microorganisms are able to survive in the most hostile environments and they can adapt quickly to the local environmental conditions. Over the years, During the evolution, microbes developed many enzymes that can break down various artificially created compounds, and thus provide themselves with the energy needed for life and growth. With the development of environmental technology and technological progress in general, we can use certain characteristics of microorganisms in bioremediation without harming the environment. To make the process fast and efficient, it is necessary to know the nature and characteristics of microorganisms, the chemical structure of contaminants, and the characteristics of the contaminated area. Bioremediation is usually regulated by abiotic and biotic factors such as nutrients, temperature, oxygen supply, and competition between microorganisms

    Study of pavement structures for motorways

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    Prikazana je studija kolničkih konstrukcija autocesta u Hrvatskoj koju je izradio tim autora iz Građevinskog fakulteta u Zagrebu i Instituta građevinarstva Hrvatske. Prikazane su i analizirane naše izvedene konstrukcije te praksa i najnoviji trendovi u projektiranju kolničkih konstrukcija autocesta u europskim zemljama. Temeljem toga razrađena su i predložena odgovarajuća idejna rješenja kolničkih konstrukcija naših budućih autocesta, koja su u odnosu na dosadašnja, poboljšana.The study of pavement structures for motorways in Croatia, prepared by the team composed of experts from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Zagreb, and the Civil Engineering Institute of Croatia, is presented. The authors present and analyze existing structures in Croatia, as well as the current practice and latest trends in the design of motorway pavements in European countries. Based on this information, the authors analyze and propose appropriate conceptual designs for pavement structures of future motorways in our country, which will bring some improvements when compared to current solutions