32 research outputs found

    The Principles of Functioning of the Internal Market of the BrodRegiment (1769 - 1857)

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    Autor u radu analizira osobitosti funkcioniranja trgovine na prostoru Brodske krajiÅ”ke pukovnije. Istaknuta je razlika između dvije vrste trgovine: tranzitne i unutarsatnijske, tj. one trgovine koja se odvija unutar granica Brodske pukovnije. Velike količine robe i životinja, a na kraju i novca, koji su prolazili preko prostora pukovnije privlačile su znatan broj krajiÅ”nika da sudjeluju u toj trgovini. Nasuprot tome unutarsatnijska trgovina je ograničavana nizom odredbi Dvorskog ratnog vijeća kojemu je temeljni cilj bio da u Vojnoj krajini bude Å”to viÅ”e jeftinih vojnika.In this paper the author analyses the position and the role of the trade in the Croatian Military Frontier ( Vojna krajina). Having taken the example of the Brod regiment from the middle of the 18th till the middle of the 19th century, the author emphasises the significant dependence of the trade on the needs of military authorities of the regiment. That is why he emphasises two basic forms of trade in Brod regiment: transit trade and retail trade within company limits or internal company trade. The transit trade was carried out in the directions east-west and south-north, i.e. along the river Sava and in the direction from the Ottoman Empire to the regiment. The south-north trade direction was much more profitable for the inhabitants of the regiment. The main imported goods were live cattle, primarily pigs. The free military community Brod on the Sava, through which most of the trade was carried out, was one of the most important places for the import of pigs from the Ottoman Empire into the Hapsburg Monarchy. The annual income of the regiment from the pig trade at the turn of the 18th and the 19th century was about 200,000 florins. Unlike the profitable cattle trade, grain from the south Hungary toward Sisak and Karlovac was carried out in the Sava direction, but that direction did not have any significant financial effect in the regiment. Unlike the transit trade in which large quantities of goods and money fluctuated, the retail trade in companies of the Brod regiment made a completely different impression. Namely, military authorities made trading difficult, either directly or indirectly. There were several basic ways of preventing the development of the trade activities mentioned in the text. First of all, it was giving preference to a house cooperative whose important feature is autarchy and its needs for trade goods were very small. The introduction of common village warehouses in which frontiersmen had to bring the surplus of their products had also a negative impact on the trade: a trade potential of about ten thousand florins per each company was captured in warehouses. The price limitation, so-called limitation, by which maximum prices of goods were set for tradesmen is emphasised as the most direct form of influence of military authorities on the trade activity. Each violation of limitations was strictly punished. In fact, the only form of internal company trade supported by military authorities were fairs, but even there they insisted on complete knowledge of all trade transactions. Mostly it was due to the fact that the regiment earned large income from leases and fair taxes, about 70,000 florins per year, but also because military authorities wanted to control each segment of Frontierā€™s life. The freedom demanded by the trade and also partly symbolised by it, directly opposed the ideas of the Court War Council how the Hapsburg military province should look like. The result of that is the minor importance of the trade in everyday life of the Brod regiment frontiersmen

    Fortress and free military community in Brod na Savi, the example of military-civilian relations in the Habsburg military border

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    Tijekom 18. stoljeća u HabsburÅ”koj Monarhiji provedene su opsežne reforme vojske koje su se ponajprije ogledale u standardizaciji i povećanju broja stalnih vojnika. U vojsci Monarhije najviÅ”a zapovjedna mjesta zauzeli su pripadnici vladajuće elite. Stoga je povećan vojnički utjecaj na zbivanja u državi, a samim time i na svakodnevni život civila. Takav utjecaj dramatično je oživotvoren u Vojnoj krajini. Autor zato analizira odnos ā€œnevojničkogā€ mjesta, vojnog komuniteta Brod na Savi i vojnog obrambenog diva, tvrđave Brod.During the 18th century the importance of army in the Habsburg empire increased. During that period the strength of the standing army grew to 200.000 men and officers were mainly recruited among the most influential aristocratic families. In the Military border region the influence of the army was especially strong, because it was almost completely administred by the military authorities. The only exception were free military communities. It is interesting and important to research and understand the level of military influence over free communities. Brod na Savi was one of such communities, and it was surrounded by three military institutions - Brod regiment, fortress Brod and Brod quarantine. It could be expected that fortress Brod had a particularly strong influence over the development and life of the Brod free community, because the fortress was located in its immediate vicinity. Relations between fortress and free community are indeed comlex and multi-layered. They can be researched through the relations between two institutions, relations between fortress and citizens of free community, relations between the institutions of the free community and crew of the fortress, and through personal contacts between citizens and crewmen od the fortress. The urban expansion of the free community depended on the approval of the fortressā€™ construction office, because the army did not permit the constrution of objects and houses which could have weaken the defence capabilities of the fortress. In connection with the construction of new houses, fortressā€™ construction office imposed three limitations on the citizens and community authorities - streets had to run vertically toward the fortress, only the constrution of single-story houses were allowed and houses built within the range of rifle shot had to be made of wood. The last restriction caused the widespread opposition of the free community citizens, because houses made of wood were liable to fire and their market price was smaller in comparison with the houses made of solid materials. The fortress command wanted to enlarge the free area around the fortress, and it made several attempts to resettle the free community to the pasture grounds which were located to the east of the free community. Only the lack of financial funds made these military plans unachievable. The archival sources testify that only low key personal relations between fortress crew and civilians developed. According to the documents, there were only several incidents (fights, quarells) and litigations concerning the debts. Therefore it is highly unlikely that relations between army and civilians were orderly and the military clearly dominated over the civilians. Unfortunately, the documents of the Courtā€™s war council and Military border administration are lapidary concerning these issues

    Boris NikÅ”ić, Osmansko Carstvo 17. stoljeća očima bivÅ”eg zarobljenika, Zagreb, 2001.

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    Prikaz knjige: Boris NikÅ”ić, Osmansko Carstvo 17. stoljeća očima bivÅ”eg zarobljenika, Zagreb, 2001

    Imposed duality: foundation of the free military community in Vinkovci (1765-1787)

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    Autor u radu analizira problem nastanka i funkcioniranja slobodnog vojnog komuniteta Vinkovci. Naglasak stavlja na podvojenost naselja, tj. na paralelno egzistiranje vojnog i civilnog na istom prostoru. Isto autor detektira i u slobodnim vojnim komunitetima Mitrovica i Nova GradiÅ”ka. PoÅ”to su sva tri komuniteta ujedno bila i zapovjedna mjesta slavonskih krajiÅ”kih pukovnija, autor postavlja tezu da Vinkovci, Mitrovica i Nova GradiÅ”ka predstavljaju novi model vojnih komuniteta koji nastaje nakon neuspjeha projekta prvih vojnih komuniteta u Slavonskoj vojnoj krajini.In this paper we aim to analyze the foundation of the noncombatant institution of the military community in the command center of the Military Border regiment. Vinkovci was the command center of the Brod Military Border regiment, which was declared a free military community in 1765. The same occurred in Mitrovica, the center of command for the Petrovaradin military border regiment, and in Nova GradiÅ”ka, the command center of the GradiÅ”ka military border regiment. However, unlike the communities established in the Slavonian military border in 1748 and 1753, which were completely extracted from the military-administrative hierarchy, the communities founded in 1765 resulted from an administrative division of one community into two parts. In the case of Vinkovci this division is clearly evidenced by the relevant number of inhabitants. Namely, prior to the division, census showed that the population of Vinkovci numbered around 1300 people, whereas after this division in the military community, Vinkovci registered less than 500 inhabitants. Analyzing this administrative division of inhabitants occupying the same space, we came to the conclusion that this division occurred as a consequence of the failure of the project aimed at creating military communities in the Slavonian part of the Military Border. Namely, the inability to meet financial objectives, which had been set before the communities in 1753, forced the military authorities of the Slavonian Military Border to establish new military communities. As the slavonian Military Border did not have urban centers wherein nonagrarian activities would account for a larger portion of activities, the only choice for the new communities was to establish them as military command centers for the regiments. Unlike other places in the Slavonian Military Border, the inhabitants of the command centers were not overburdened with military duties. All the time, guard was kept by soldiers from the remainder of the regiment so that the permanent inhabitants of what became the command center never had to perform this duty. This had left enough room for the inhabitants of Vinkovci, Mitrovica and Nova GradiÅ”ka to dedicate their time and energy to the development of crafts, trades and agricultural activities. Yet, despite the good prospects that such centers enjoyed in view of the enlarged market emerging from constant fluctuations of soldiers and civilians in the command centers, not one of the communities founded in 1765 managed to justify its existence. None managed to achieve any significant results for the war treasury. Why was that so? The reason clearly lies in the fact that they had not been offered a new or at least a different functional concept, but they had to cope within the inadequate conceptual framework of the ā€œold communitiesā€. This eventually led to their abolishment in 1787


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    U radu autor analizira dva slučaja rjeŔenja problema crkvi u Brodu na Savi. Na primjeru dva potpuno različitia slučaja u kojima se 1754. brodskim franjevcima oduzima župa te brodskoj pravoslavnoj zajednici 1801. dopuŔta osnivanje parohije, autor ukazuje na povezanost tih slučajeva kroz habsburŔki model upravljanja Vojnom krajinom


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    Na primjeru iskoriÅ”tavanja krajiÅ”kih Å”uma u Slavonskoj vojnoj krajini tijekom 18. i 19. stoljeća autor pokuÅ”ava pokazati djelovanje suprotstavljenih silnica: nastojanja vlasti da zakonima regulira eksploataciju krajiÅ”kih Å”uma i, nasuprot tome, praksu slobodnog iskoriÅ”tavanja prirodnih resursa koja je utemeljenje imala u uvjerenju krajiÅ”nika da su Å”ume zajedničko dobro zajednice. Nastojanja vojnih vlasti svoju snagu su crpila iz jasnih izračuna o vrijednosti krajiÅ”kih Å”uma, a krajiÅ”ke težnje su se napajale zazivima za ā€œstarim pravicamaā€. Kako su te suprotstavljene težnje utjecale na krajiÅ”ku svakodnevicu? Autor je odgovorio u ovome članku.With the liberation of Slavonia from the Ottomans in 1699, the process of legal regulation of everyday life in this area began. One of the areas in which the inhabitants of the Slavonian Military Frontier most resisted the intrusion of the legal system into everyday life had to do with the exploitation of the forests. Since wood played a key part in the everyday life of the Frontiersmen, as it was the most important building material, used in the production of most of the artifacts necessary for sustaining life, and the only source of fuel for heating, it is obvious that the Frontiersmen would assert their ā€œancient rightsā€ to unlimited and free exploitation of the forests. They considered this a matter of legitimacy. Conversely, the authorities in the Habsburg Monarchy and the Military Frontier recognized the immense commercial potential of the Frontierā€™s forests, thus they attempted to limit the willfulness of the Frontiersmen. These attempted limitations can be seen through the introduction of legal regulations, organs of supervision and the establishment of fines for transgressors. Yet, during the 18th and 19th centuries there are three areas in which the Frontiersmen continually breech the legal regulations. These are the unlawful cutting of trees, the unlawful clearing of forests and the lawful grazing of forests by the flocks of Frontiersmen. In spite of their desire for unlimited exploitation of the forest, the Frontiersmen were aware that they could not destroy the system in which they lived and they utilized the forests only in so far as they had to meet the needs of their own existence. The real destruction of the Frontierā€™s forestry resources was begun by the state in the 19th century when large tracts of forest were cleared for the production of potash or crossties used in railway construction

    Brod\u27s travellers through the world of barriers - a small contribution to the investigation of history of Slavonski Brod

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    Autor u radu pokuÅ”ava analizirati odnose u cehovskoj organizaciji Broda na Savi u razdoblju 1750. ā€“ 1850. Pritom komparira odnose moći među cehovima i cehova prema obrtnicima koji nisu članovi ceha. Posebno je analizirana hijerarhijska struktura obrta te želja niže rangiranih u toj hijerarhiji da se uspnu na druÅ”tveno cjenjenije i poslovno isplativije pozicije.The author of this paper sets out to provide a comparative analysis of the relationships within the guild as an organization and within the handicrafts in Slavonski Brod. We identified two levels for comparative analysis: the horizontal level which represents boundaries between the guilds and the vertical level representing the hierarchical structure within the handicraft. At both levels the psychology of power is at work. Power primarily derives from the rules and regulations imposed by the central state and which, interestingly enough, were labelled Privileges. The guilds protected these privileges on the horizontal plane by proscribing engagement with the handicraft for any individual who is not member of the guild; by limiting the size of guild membership, by banning imports of the goods produced by handicraftsmen from the city and other similar restrictive measures. On the vertical plane one also detects a typical fight for retention of positions gained and a classic desire to move upward on the social ladder. These tendencies were evident in the relationships between master craftsmen, assistants and apprentices ā€“ the three pillars of any handicraft. These tensions resulted in the breach of one of the strictest provisions in the Military Border ā€“ the provision on limitation of movement. In the area where even the slightest movement, even the shortest trip was conditional on the acquisition of special permits, and in the country in which poor education and ignorance of other cultures was a rule rather than exception ā€“ the youth opted for long unpredictable travels throughout the Habsburg Monarchy to gain the skills and knowledge necessary for them to compete for the positions of master handicraftsmen, and thus move one, but an important step higher on the social ladder