The Principles of Functioning of the Internal Market of the BrodRegiment (1769 - 1857)


Autor u radu analizira osobitosti funkcioniranja trgovine na prostoru Brodske krajiške pukovnije. Istaknuta je razlika između dvije vrste trgovine: tranzitne i unutarsatnijske, tj. one trgovine koja se odvija unutar granica Brodske pukovnije. Velike količine robe i životinja, a na kraju i novca, koji su prolazili preko prostora pukovnije privlačile su znatan broj krajišnika da sudjeluju u toj trgovini. Nasuprot tome unutarsatnijska trgovina je ograničavana nizom odredbi Dvorskog ratnog vijeća kojemu je temeljni cilj bio da u Vojnoj krajini bude što više jeftinih vojnika.In this paper the author analyses the position and the role of the trade in the Croatian Military Frontier ( Vojna krajina). Having taken the example of the Brod regiment from the middle of the 18th till the middle of the 19th century, the author emphasises the significant dependence of the trade on the needs of military authorities of the regiment. That is why he emphasises two basic forms of trade in Brod regiment: transit trade and retail trade within company limits or internal company trade. The transit trade was carried out in the directions east-west and south-north, i.e. along the river Sava and in the direction from the Ottoman Empire to the regiment. The south-north trade direction was much more profitable for the inhabitants of the regiment. The main imported goods were live cattle, primarily pigs. The free military community Brod on the Sava, through which most of the trade was carried out, was one of the most important places for the import of pigs from the Ottoman Empire into the Hapsburg Monarchy. The annual income of the regiment from the pig trade at the turn of the 18th and the 19th century was about 200,000 florins. Unlike the profitable cattle trade, grain from the south Hungary toward Sisak and Karlovac was carried out in the Sava direction, but that direction did not have any significant financial effect in the regiment. Unlike the transit trade in which large quantities of goods and money fluctuated, the retail trade in companies of the Brod regiment made a completely different impression. Namely, military authorities made trading difficult, either directly or indirectly. There were several basic ways of preventing the development of the trade activities mentioned in the text. First of all, it was giving preference to a house cooperative whose important feature is autarchy and its needs for trade goods were very small. The introduction of common village warehouses in which frontiersmen had to bring the surplus of their products had also a negative impact on the trade: a trade potential of about ten thousand florins per each company was captured in warehouses. The price limitation, so-called limitation, by which maximum prices of goods were set for tradesmen is emphasised as the most direct form of influence of military authorities on the trade activity. Each violation of limitations was strictly punished. In fact, the only form of internal company trade supported by military authorities were fairs, but even there they insisted on complete knowledge of all trade transactions. Mostly it was due to the fact that the regiment earned large income from leases and fair taxes, about 70,000 florins per year, but also because military authorities wanted to control each segment of Frontier’s life. The freedom demanded by the trade and also partly symbolised by it, directly opposed the ideas of the Court War Council how the Hapsburg military province should look like. The result of that is the minor importance of the trade in everyday life of the Brod regiment frontiersmen

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