1,798 research outputs found

    Evaluation of CNN architectures for gait recognition based on optical flow maps

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    This work targets people identification in video based on the way they walk (\ie gait) by using deep learning architectures. We explore the use of convolutional neural networks (CNN) for learning high-level descriptors from low-level motion features (\ie optical flow components). The low number of training samples for each subject and the use of a test set containing subjects different from the training ones makes the search of a good CNN architecture a challenging task.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Screening of the quantum-confined Stark effect in AlN/GaN nanowire superlattices by Germanium doping

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    We report on electrostatic screening of polarization-induced internal electric fields in AlN/GaN nanowire heterostructures with Germanium-doped GaN nanodiscs embedded between AlN barriers. The incorporation of Germanium at concentrations above 1020cm310^{20}\,\text{cm}^{-3} shifts the photoluminescence emission energy of GaN nanodiscs to higher energies accompanied by a decrease of the photoluminescence decay time. At the same time, the thickness-dependent shift in emission energy is significantly reduced. In spite of the high donor concentration a degradation of the photoluminescence properties is not observed.Comment: Manuscript including Supplemental material (15 pages, 5 figures

    Estimação dos volumes das seções do bulbo úmido na irrigação por ponto.

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    Influência do pH de extração na atividade de inibidores de papaína em extratos proteícos de sementes de Crotalaria pallida.

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    Inibidores de enzimas digestórias são proteínas encontradas naturalmente em animais, microrganismos e plantas, sendo de larga ocorrência em sementes de leguminosas (RYAN,1990). Plantas do gênero Crotalaria, vulgarmente conhecidas como guizo-de-cascavel, são originárias da África e foram introduzidas no Brasil com a finalidade de cultivo de cobertura de solo e fornecimento de adubo verde, sendo consideradas atualmente como plantas invasoras, em face de sua ampla disseminação natural (DIAZ et al, 2003). Pesquisas relacionadas com inibidores de enzimas proteolíticas vêm se desenvolvendo largamente nos últimos anos com o intuito de melhor entender sua estrutura, especificidade e mecanismos de ação. A maioria das pesquisas refere-se ao estudo do envolvimento dessas proteínas inibidoras de proteases nos mecanismos de defesa de plantas e sua aplicação terapêutica em doenças como o câncer, diabetes e obesidade, entre outras (OLIVEIRA et al., 2007). Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a influência do pH de extração na atividade de inibidores de papaína em extratos protéicos de sementes de Crotalaria pallida

    Polymeric ionic liquid nanoparticle emulsions as a corrosion inhibitor in anticorrosion coatings

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    In this contribution, we report the facile preparation of cross-linked polymerizable ionic liquid (PIL)-based nanoparticles via thiol–ene photopolymerization in a miniemulsion. The synthesized PIL nanoparticles with a diameter of about 200 nm were fully characterized with regard to their chemical structures, morphologies, and properties using different techniques, such as Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy. To gain an in-depth understanding of the physical and morphological structures of the PIL nanoparticles in an emulsion, small-angle neutron scattering and ultra-small-angle neutron scattering were used. Neutron scattering studies revealed valuable information regarding the formation of cylindrical ionic micelles in the spherical nanoparticles, which is a unique property of this system. Furthermore, the PIL nanoparticle emulsion was utilized as an inhibitor in a self-assembled nanophase particle (SNAP) coating. The corrosion protection ability of the resultant coating was examined using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The results show that the PIL nanoparticle emulsion in the SNAP coating acts as an inhibitor of corrosion and is promising for fabricating advanced coatings with improved barrier function and corrosion protection.Mona Taghavikish, Surya Subianto, Naba Kumar Dutta, Liliana de Campo, Jitendra P. Mata, Christine Rehm, and Namita Roy Choudhur

    Comparison of the material quality of AlxIn1-xN (x ~ 0-0.50) films deposited on Si (100) and (111) by reactive RF sputtering

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    Here, we compare the material quality of AlxIn1-xN layers deposited on Si with different crystallographic orientations, (100) and (111), via radio-frequency (RF) sputtering. To modulate their Al content, the Al RF power was varied from 0 to 225 W, whereas the In RF power and deposition temperature were fixed at 30 W and 300oC, respectively. X-ray diffraction measurements reveal a c-axis-oriented wurtzite structure with no phase separation regardless of the Al content (x = 0-0.50), which increases with the Al power supply. The surface morphology of the AlxIn1-xN layers improves with increasing Al content and it is similar for samples grown on both Si substrates (the root-mean-square roughness decreases from 12 nm to 2.5 nm). Furthermore, from TEM images we notice a similar grain-like columnar morphology and defect density on samples deposited on both Si substrates under the same conditions. Simultaneously grown AlxIn1-xN-on-sapphire samples point to a residual n-type carrier concentration in the 1020-1021 cm-3 range. The optical band gap energy of these layers evolves from 1.75 eV to 2.56 eV with increasing Al content, consistent with the blue shift of their low-temperature photoluminescence. In general, the material quality of the AlxIn1-xN films on Si is similar for both crystallographic orientations. Nonetheless, samples deposited on sapphire show an improved structural and morphological characteristic likely due to the lower difference in lattice constants between the nitride and the sapphire substrate