5 research outputs found


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    Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan menganalisis faktor bauran pemasaran yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian madu PT Kembang Joyo Sriwijaya di Kota Batu. Metode penelitian studi kasus. Responden penelitian adalahi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Kota Batu yang ditentukan secara accidental sampling method. Analisis data dengan menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian adalah produk dan harga sedangkan faktor yang tidak berpengaruh signifikan adalah variabel lokasi, promosi, sdm dan proses

    Curcumin Menghambat Karbonilasi Protein Lensa pada Model Tikus Diabetes yang Diinduksi Streptozotocin

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    Aim : lens protein carbonylation is one of mechanism th at involved in complication cataract of diabetes. T he aim of this study was proving the effect of curcumin antio xidant to inhibit lens protein carbonylation in dia betic mouse models. Material and Method: curcumin was solved in maize (corn) oil with concen tration 0.4 mL/100 mg curcumin. Diabetic mouse models were induced by intraperitone al Streptozotocin injection with dose 150 mg/kg of body weight. Curcumin was given once a day as long as two days t o the mouse that had glucose level more than 200 mg /dL. The effect of curcumin was compared to control group, a qua treated group, metformin group and curcumin+met formin group. Lens of diabetic mouse models were pounded t o get homogenate that will be examined the carbonyl protein level. Absorbance was read using spectrophotometer with wave length 375 nm. Result and Discussion: Carbonyl protein levels (nm/ml) were like below: Control gro up (33.16± 19.83), Diabetes+Curcumin group (32.07± 9. 52), Diabetes+Metformin (98.61± 17.72), Diabetes+Curcumin +Metformin group (57.27± 12.19), Diabetes+aquades gr oup (311.83± 73.69). Carbonyl protein level of diabetic mouse lens that given curcumin was not different wi th control group and curcumin+metformin group. Carbonyl protein leve l of diabetic mouse lens that given curcumin was si gnificantly different with aqua treated group and metformin gro up. Conclusion: curcumin inhibits carbonylation of lens protein in diabetic mouse models that induced by streptozotoci n. Suggestion: this experiment must be improved more in order to give option preventive therapy of cataract compl ication of diabetes

    Financial Performance and Labour Involvement of Small-Scale Dairy Farmers: A Case Study at the SAE Pujon Dairy Cooperative

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    In Indonesia, small-scale dairy cattle farming dominates, constituting 80% of the industry, with economic pursuits secondary to subsistence needs. Challenges include limited green fodder, declining farmers, low milk quality, diseases, and inadequate infrastructure. Despite these issues, dairy farming persists, particularly in East Java's Malang Regency, a major contributor to national dairy cattle population and milk production. The significance of Pujon Sub-District comes to the forefront, housing the Sinau Andandani Ekonomi (SAE) Pujon Cooperative established in 1975. This cooperative plays a pivotal role in supporting small-scale farmers in Pujon, actively addressing challenges through collaborative efforts. This cooperative facilitates small-scale farmers in Pujon, addressing challenges through collective efforts. In such systems, family labor, including women and children, is integral due to limited availability. The study aims to analyse the income of dairy cattle farmers and their labour allocation as the members of SAE Pujon Cooperative, Pujon District, Regency of Malang. The data of the farm management parameters were collected through a survey at the study area. The results indicate that the average income of the farmers is IDR 4,306,798 per month. Regarding labour allocations, wives work to household affairs and husbands focus more on farming activities. The research concludes that the income of dairy farmers and their labour allocation are related to the farm scale

    Do Dynamic Capabilities and Digital Transformation Improve Business Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Insights from Beekeeping MSMEs in Indonesia

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    This study investigated the influence of Dynamic Capabilities (DC) and Digital Transformation (DT) on Business Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Using cross-sectional data from 388 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of beekeeping in Indonesia. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis and executed by SmartPLS 3.0 software. The main results of this study indicate that DC plays an important role in improving MSMEs’ DT. However, the essential role of DT on firm resilience only happened for micro, small, and medium firms of family businesses. However, DT has an insignificant effect on firm resilience in small nonfamily businesses. Yet, the effect of DC on firm resilience is mediated by DT. Nevertheless, our empirical findings indicate heterogeneous effects among micro, small, and medium firms. Based on the study’s findings, we suggested that the policy implication in developing beekeeping firms should be more specific based on the firm scale. The results of this study can be generalized to the national level to inform decision-making regarding the intangible assets of MSME livestock products in developing countries. The findings are also relevant to other livestock products, which tend to be dynamic during a crisis

    Do Dynamic Capabilities and Digital Transformation Improve Business Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Insights from Beekeeping MSMEs in Indonesia

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    This study investigated the influence of Dynamic Capabilities (DC) and Digital Transformation (DT) on Business Resilience During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Using cross-sectional data from 388 micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) of beekeeping in Indonesia. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis and executed by SmartPLS 3.0 software. The main results of this study indicate that DC plays an important role in improving MSMEs’ DT. However, the essential role of DT on firm resilience only happened for micro, small, and medium firms of family businesses. However, DT has an insignificant effect on firm resilience in small nonfamily businesses. Yet, the effect of DC on firm resilience is mediated by DT. Nevertheless, our empirical findings indicate heterogeneous effects among micro, small, and medium firms. Based on the study’s findings, we suggested that the policy implication in developing beekeeping firms should be more specific based on the firm scale. The results of this study can be generalized to the national level to inform decision-making regarding the intangible assets of MSME livestock products in developing countries. The findings are also relevant to other livestock products, which tend to be dynamic during a crisis