703 research outputs found


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    〔総説〕国際的な枠組みの動向と,持続可能な開発目標(SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals)の紹介:栄養に関する内容を軸に

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      In the wake of rapid social and environmental change, paradigm shifts have been emerging worldwide in a variety of areas including health and nutrition. This review article first provides a historical insight into the trend toward a global framework of what constitutes better health and nutrition. The framework examined begins with the WHO constitution, which redefined “health” just after the World War II, and continues through the Sustainable Development Goals proposed in 2015 which are projected to be fulfilled by 2030.  Then, the authors explain the context and identify the goals the Sustainable Development Goals aim to achieve. The concept of “Human Security” is also examined.  Finally, the authors present the specific goals and targets related to nutrition using practical examples and suggest future career option for registered nutritionists


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    Porcine placenta extract (P-placenta) is widely applied in medicine and cosmetics. However, few studies have examined the effect of the extract on the cellular behavior of the osteoblastic cell line Saos-2. Here, we demonstrated that P-placenta enhances the proliferation, collagen type I production, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) secretion of Saos-2 in vitro. Proliferation of Saos-2 was assessed by MTT and DNA synthesisassays. Type I collagen production and ALP secretion were evaluated using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and ALP assays. The cells were treated with/without 20, 200 and 2000 g/ml of P-placenta for 24 h. We found that 200 g/ml P-placenta significantly induced the proliferation of Saos-2 and enhanced type I collagen production and ALP secretion. The results indicate that P-placenta controls the cellular behavior of osteoblasts,resulting in the secretion of early bone-related biomarkers

    Spontaneous Erythroid Leukemia in a 7-Week-Old Crl:CD (SD) Rat

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    A young male Crl:CD (SD) rat with erythroid leukemia that presented with emaciation, abdominal distension and a pale visible mucosal membrane was euthanized at 7 weeks of age. At necropsy, enlargement of liver, spleen and pancreatic lymph node was noted. Analysis of blood smear samples revealed many mono- or binucleated erythroblasts that had PAS-positive vacuoles in the cytoplasm. Histopathologically, neoplastic proliferation of atypical cells was observed in the hepatic sinusoids, splenic red pulp, bone marrow, pancreatic lymph node, kidney and lung. Neoplastic cells showed a round to spindle shape, and some neoplastic cells had deeply stained small nuclei and small cytoplasms and resembled erythroblasts. Immunohistochemically, many neoplastic cells were positive for hemoglobin. To our knowledge, this is the first report of erythroid leukemia in a rat of this age. The observed features were similar to those of pure erythroid leukemia in humans

    Glaucoma in a New Zealand White Rabbit Fed High-cholesterol Diet

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    Goniodysgenesis, malformation of the filtration angle, was observed in a New Zealand white rabbit supplied with 100 g/day rabbit chow containing 0.2% cholesterol for 10 months. Histopathology revealed cupping of the optic disc, atrophy of the retina and hyalinization of the ciliary body in the bilateral eyeballs. These findings corresponded with histopathological features caused by glaucoma. On the basis of these findings, we diagnosed this lesion as glaucoma, and classified it as primary glaucoma because of the presence of developmental defects of the filtration angle. In this case, hypercholesterolemia-induced changes, such as aggregation of lipid-laden macrophages and cholesterin clefts in the sclera or choroid, might cause deterioration of the lesions in glaucoma

    WIDGET: System Performance and GRB Prompt Optical Observations

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    The WIDeField telescope for Gamma-ray burst Early Timing (WIDGET) is used for a fully automated, ultra-wide-field survey aimed at detecting the prompt optical emission associated with Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs). WIDGET surveys the HETE-2 and Swift/BAT pointing directions covering a total field of view of 62 degree x 62 degree every 10 secounds using an unfiltered system. This monitoring survey allows exploration of the optical emission before the gamma-ray trigger. The unfiltered magnitude is well converted to the SDSS r' system at a 0.1 mag level. Since 2004, WIDGET has made a total of ten simultaneous and one pre-trigger GRB observations. The efficiency of synchronized observation with HETE-2 is four times better than that of Swift. There has been no bright optical emission similar to that from GRB 080319B. The statistical analysis implies that GRB080319B is a rare event. This paper summarizes the design and operation of the WIDGET system and the simultaneous GRB observations obtained with this instrument.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, Accepted to appear in PAS

    〔資料〕仮設住宅における社会的孤立と精神保健 ―東日本大震災から3年後の状況―

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      As of January 2016, there are 178,000 evacuees forced to leave their homes by the Great East Japan Earthquake(GEJE)and 65,704 temporary prefabricated housing units. Within two or three years of both the Hanshin Awaji and Chuetsu Earthquakes an incremental growth in the suicide rate among disaster was observed. In an effort to determine the cause for this we interviewed twenty of the elderly people who were evacuated after the GEJE.  The subjects were 20 people over 65 years old who have been living in temporary housing for 3 years. They were interviewed in person using a semi-structured questionnaire in 2014. Most of the participants had been engaged in agriculture or fishery and had experienced the sudden loss of family members, friends, and property in the aftermath of the GEJE.   Findings indicate that individuals who had less emotional and financial support had experienced greater feeling of sadness, social isolation, and suicidal thoughts. They had been strongly affected by economic insecurity which aggravates the risks for social isolation and psychological distress. The destruction of the local economy further exacerbated the vulnerable situation of the older adults. The findings also suggest that the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030” and “Build Back Better” plans for reconstruction and recovery need to be customized to better address the situation of the older adults and reduce the risk that they will commit suicide