6 research outputs found

    Managerial styles and their relationship with job satisfaction in information technology companies

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    The purpose of this paper is to identify and evaluate which managerial style prevails in the operational area of five IT companies and their relationship with the job satisfaction of their employees. For data collection, a questionnaire was applied to 120 participants, validating 110 responses. Questions regarding the three factors of EAEG were integrated in order to identify the focus in which the leadership predominantly operates in these companies, and the five dimensions of EST were used to measure the level of employees satisfaction regarding each dimension evaluated. Descriptive statistical processing allowed to observe that the managerial style focused on the Task prevails, with an overall average score of vt = 4.11. As dispersion measures, the sample standard deviation (St = 0.39) and sample amplitude (At = 0.91) corresponding to this factor (Task) were calculated, respectively, showing that the values are very close to the average score. It indicates that there is uniformity between the scores for each item of the factor Task. It was found that 65 % of participants confirm the role of the leadership focused on the Task. The Satisfaction with the nature of work dimension reached an average score of vd = 5.09, showing employee satisfaction. The dimension Satisfaction with colleagues reached an average score of  vd = 4.34 indicating indifference on the level of satisfaction, whereas the dimensions Satisfaction with salary, promotions and leadership, reached averages of  vd = 3.87, vd = 3.70 and vd = 3.46, respectively, indicating levels of dissatisfaction. Finally, were highlighted some criteria as motivators for avoid turnover in organizations that contribute to the job satisfaction of these employees

    Implications of additive manufacturing on supply chain and logistics

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has attracted the interest of industrial professionals and researchers in the last years. This interest lies primarily in understanding the trends, benefits, and implications of AM technology on supply chain (SC) and logistics, as it requires reconfiguring the supply chain based on a distributed manufacturing strategy, closer to the consumer market, with shorter lead times and less raw materials. It still is an emerging field, and needs further study. Therefore, a better understanding of main trends will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about AM technology and its consolidation. This article seeks to investigate the implications of AM, as an advanced manufacturing model, on SC and logistics. A four-step research method was used to develop a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis on the AM implications in SC and logistics. The main implications of AM on SC and logistics were classified in seven key issues gathered as result of the literature review. Additionally, bibliometric study allowed understanding researches major trends in this field. The key aspects highlighted and characterized as major implications of AM on SC and logistic are: supply chain complexity reduction; more flexible logistics and inventory management; better spreading and popularization of mass customization; decentralization of manufacturing; greater design freedom and rapid prototyping; increasing of resource efficiency and sustainability, and the need to have clearly defined legal and safety aspects

    Integrated mathematical model based on a heuristic method for loading and routing of vehicles: application in a tobacco company

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    The vehicle-routing problem (VRP) combined with freight-loading problem is a complex and relatively recent issue studied by the scientific literature. This paper presents the formulation of a mathematical model and a procedure to solve this problem in a Cuban tobacco company aiming to determine the quantity of merchandise to be loaded on vehicles and the best route to be taken. For this purpose, a decomposition’s heuristic method was used and it was integrated with multiobjective programming by-goals and mixed binary quadratic programming. This approach allowed simplifying the problem and offering a satisfactory solution based on the demand fulfillment, the vehicles’ rational use and for searching the local optimums of the traffic load indicator. The model was tested in a case study and its feasibility evaluated based on a real operational situation in a tobacco company. Although the results of the application of the developed model does not imply reaching the optimal solution to the problem studied, it represents an opportunity for company’s performance improvement and it could be adapted and applied to other institutions dedicated to the same activities


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    O objetivo deste artigo é estabelecer um modelo de equações estruturais que resuma o grau de incidência das variáveis relacionadas à gestão da inovação das organizações. Primeiramente identificaram-se as variáveis a analisar, segundo a literatura e aquelas que foram comprovadas segundo a consulta a expertos. Logo foram construídos instrumentos para a medição destas variáveis.   Estas variáveis foram avaliadas em 111 empresas de diferentes sectores produtivos. Com isto, foi feito uma análise fatorial confirmatório a fim de verificar a incidência das variáveis na gestão da inovação. Foi construído um modelo que mostra a relação entre as diferentes variáveis que contribuem ao processo da gestão da inovação, confirmando, com isto, a natureza multifatorial da inovação. Os dados que facilitaram a geração do modelo permitiram estabelecer a lógica da gestão da inovação desde a gestão integrada das dimensões que os condicionam, assegurando uma correta gestão dos recursos humanos, de processos e comercial

    Implications of additive manufacturing on supply chain and logistics

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) technology has attracted the interest of industrial professionals and researchers in the last years. This interest lies primarily in understanding the trends, benefits, and implications of AM technology on supply chain (SC) and logistics, as it requires reconfiguring the supply chain based on a distributed manufacturing strategy, closer to the consumer market, with shorter lead times and less raw materials. It still is an emerging field, and needs further study. Therefore, a better understanding of main trends will contribute to the dissemination of knowledge about AM technology and its consolidation. This article seeks to investigate the implications of AM, as an advanced manufacturing model, on SC and logistics. A four-step research method was used to develop a systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis on the AM implications in SC and logistics. The main implications of AM on SC and logistics were classified in seven key issues gathered as result of the literature review. Additionally, bibliometric study allowed understanding researches major trends in this field. The key aspects highlighted and characterized as major implications of AM on SC and logistic are: supply chain complexity reduction; more flexible logistics and inventory management; better spreading and popularization of mass customization; decentralization of manufacturing; greater design freedom and rapid prototyping; increasing of resource efficiency and sustainability, and the need to have clearly defined legal and safety aspects

    Modelo de Gestión de Cartera de Proyectos para una Microempresa de Comercio Electrónico de Artes

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    The objective of this work was to propose guidance parameters to the managers of a small company for the improvement of decision-making related to the management of project portfolio. This, through the establishment of a methodology with homogeneous and clear criteria, based on the consolidation of the data of the different initiatives present in the portfolio of the organization studied. The exploratory research was carried out through a qualitative and quantitative case study of an e-commerce microenterprise in the arts segment. The current scenario of the company was characterized and a management model was proposed with processes for maximizing performance, monitoring and control of the project portfolio. Also, thus verifying points of attention in relation to the financial risks of the consolidated portfolio, as well as opportunities to balance product lines and types and to identify the importance of balancing financially attractive initiatives with strategic projects for long-term goals. The main contribution of the work, however, was the formalization of the project portfolio management process, which will allow the company to optimize the allocation of its resources in pursuit of its organizational objectives.Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo proponer parámetros de orientación a los gerentes de una pequeña empresa para la mejora de la toma de decisiones relacionada con la gestión de carteras de proyectos. El trabajo se llevó a cabo a través del establecimiento de una metodología con criterios homogéneos y claros, basada en la consolidación de los datos de las diferentes iniciativas presentes en el portafolio de la organización estudiada. La investigación exploratoria se realizó a través de un estudio de caso cualitativo y cuantitativo de una microempresa de comercio electrónico en el segmento de las artes. Se caracterizó el escenario actual de la compañía y se propuso un modelo de gestión con procesos de maximización del desempeño, monitoreo y control de la cartera de proyectos. De esta manera, se verificaron los puntos de atención en relación con los riesgos financieros de la cartera consolidada, así como las oportunidades para equilibrar líneas y tipos de productos. Para los objetivos a largo plazo también se identificó la importancia de equilibrar iniciativas financieramente atractivas con proyectos estratégicos. El principal aporte del trabajo, sin embargo, fue la propia formalización del proceso de gestión de cartera de proyectos, lo que permitirá a la empresa optimizar la asignación de sus recursos en busca de sus objetivos organizacionales