246 research outputs found

    Incidence of the Ventilation Holes and the Mechanical Ventilation Systems of Façade on the Noise Insulation

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    This study will assess the influence on the acoustic insulation of façade of small elements such as ventilation holes or mechanical ventilation systems. These elements are present to ensure an appropriate air exchange, and they can be with or without heat recovery units. The noise insulation of façade, taking into account such ventilation holes, was evaluated starting from the calculations carried in accordance with the procedures laid down by the standard EN 12354 and performing measurements concerning specific case studies

    an adaptive neural network model for thermal characterization of building components

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    Abstract Building materials are usually characterized in stationary or almost-stationary conditions and mono dimensional heat flow regime. The existing standards (such as ISO 9869 or EN ISO 6946, EN 12664, EN 12667, ISO 8302 etc), require experiments carried out in steady-state conditions, with a very fine control of the measuring parameters with the aim to apply a simple and reproducible procedure for the determination of thermal properties. However, the thermodynamic conditions that lead to a steady-state operating mode and mono dimensional flow are very difficult to obtain (in real conditions) or very expensive and time consuming (in climate chambers). In this paper the authors present the development of a method for thermal characterization of building components, inferring the steady-state conditions, when only measures in transient conditions are available. The method, based on an adaptive linear neural network (ALNN) model also could be have the potentialities to determine the thermal diffusivity from a significant transient behavior ad hoc imposed. The study targets multilayered walls homogeneous and the results are compared with the experimental data measured by a climate chamber that operate according to the standard EN 1266

    An Adaptive Neural Network model for thermal characterization of building components

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    Building materials are usually characterized in stationary or almost-stationary conditions and mono dimensional heat flow regime. The existing standards (such as ISO 9869 or EN ISO 6946, EN 12664, EN 12667, ISO 8302 etc), require experiments carried out in steady-state conditions, with a very fine control of the measuring parameters with the aim to apply a simple and reproducible procedure for the determination of thermal properties. However, the thermodynamic conditions that lead to a steady-state operating mode and mono dimensional flow are very difficult to obtain (in real conditions) or very expensive and time consuming (in climate chambers). In this paper the authors present the development of a method for thermal characterization of building components, inferring the steady-state conditions, when only measures in transient conditions are available. The method, based on an adaptive linear neural network (ALNN) model also could be have the potentialities to determine the thermal diffusivity from a significant transient behavior ad hoc imposed. The study targets multilayered walls homogeneous and the results are compared with the experimental data measured by a climate chamber that operate according to the standard EN 12667 (c) 2017The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Potential for building Façade-integrated solar thermal collectors in a highly urbanized context

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    Development of technologies, materials, support systems, and coatings has made the integration of solar thermal systems into the building envelope increasingly possible. Solar thermal collectors can either be directly integrated, substituting conventional roof or façade covering materials, or constitute independent devices added to a roof or façade structure. Aimed at estimating the real effectiveness of building-integrated solar systems for domestic heat water (DHW) production or for heating integration, when horizontal or inclined pitches on buildings are not applicable, the authors analyze a case study with different scenarios, taking into account the issues connected to a highly urbanized context in the Mediterranean climate. A GIS model was used for estimating the energy balance, while the real producibility of the simulated systems was calculated by a dynamic hourly simulation model, realized according to ISO 52016. The savings in terms of primary energy needs obtained by installing solar thermal systems on the facade are presented, and the differences between the cases in which the system is used for DHW production only and for space heating too are distinguished and discussed. The evaluated potential is quantified in the absence of roof collectors, despite their high potential in the Mediterranean region, in order to better appreciate the effects induced by integrated facade systems

    D(-)lentiginosine-induced apoptosis involves the intrinsic pathway and is p53-independent

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    We have recently found that D(-)lentiginosine, a synthetic iminosugar exerting glucosidase inhibitory activity, but not its natural enantiomer lentiginosine, is endowed with an unexpected, pro-apoptotic activity. Here, we investigated mechanisms involved in apoptosis induced by D(-)lentiginosine in MOLT-3, HT-29 and SH-SY5Y tumour cell lines. The results showed that D(-)lentiginosine increased caspase 9 expression at 18 h in all the cell lines from 1.5-3.1 folds. Cytochrome c in the cytoplasm was found to be increased from 2.3-2.6 folds in treated cells with respect to control cells. These effects were accompanied by a remarkable collapse of the mitochondrial membrane potential and by the downregulation of anti-apoptotic genes, as well as the upregulation of pro-apoptotic genes of the Bcl-2 family. U937Bcl-2 transfectants, highly expressing Bcl-2, were reluctant to undergo apoptosis even following treatment with 500 μM D(-)lentiginosine, whereas apoptosis by D(-)lentiginosine was induced also in U937 cells, naturally deficient in P53. Thus, our study establishes that the enantiomer of a natural iminosugar is endowed with a possible anti-tumorigenic effect that might be ascribed not only to their capacity to inhibit glycosidases but also to other unknown mechanisms. These data encourage further investigation on similar compounds to make them an interesting platform for the generation of new anticancer drugs

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of phosphonated dihydroisoxazole nucleosides

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    Phosphonated isoxazolinyl nucleosides have been prepared via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction of nitrile oxides with corresponding vinyl or allyl nucleobases for antiviral studies. The cytotoxicity, the anti-HSV activity and the RT-inhibitory activity of the obtained compounds were evaluated and compared with those of AZT and diethyl{(10SR,40RS)-10-[[(5-methyl-2,4-dioxo-3,4- dihydropyrimidin-1(2H)-yl)]-30-methyl-20-oxa-30-azacyclopent-40-yl]}methylphosphonate, a saturated phosphonated dihydroisoxazole nucleoside analogue

    Inhibition of IκBα phosphorylation potentiates regulated cell death induced by azidothymidine in HTLV-1 infected cells

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    Adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) can be susceptible, at least transiently, to treatments with azidothymidine (AZT) plus IFNα and/or arsenic trioxide. However, the real role of AZT in this effect is still unclear. In fact, while reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibition could explain reduction of clonal expansion and of renewal of HTLV-1 infected cells during ATL progression, this effect alone seems insufficient to justify the evident and prompt decrease of the pro-viral load in treated patients. We have previously demonstrated that AZT is endowed with an intrinsic pro-apoptotic potential towards both peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy donors or some tumor cell lines, but this cytotoxic potential cannot be fully achieved unless IκBα phosphorylation is inhibited. Since the constitutive activation of NF-kappa B (NF-κB) appears a common biological basis of HTLV-1-infected cells, a pharmacological inhibition of IκBα phosphorylation seems a potential strategy for treating and preventing HTLV-1 related pathologies. In this study, we have demonstrated that a combination treatment with the IκBα phosphorylation inhibitor Bay 11-7085 and AZT induced increased levels of regulated cell death (RCD) by apoptosis compared to the single treatments in HTLV-1 infected cells of different origin. Importantly, levels of RCD were considerably higher in infected cells in comparison with the uninfected ones. Inhibition of NF-κB activation following the combined treatment was confirmed by analysis of both gel-shift and functional activity of the NF-κB complex proteins, p65/p52. Moreover, a transcriptional analysis revealed that the addition of Bay 11-7085 to AZT treatment in HTLV-1-infected cells modified their transcriptional profile, by inducing the upregulation of some pro-apoptotic genes together with the downregulation of some anti-apoptotic genes. Our data suggest that addition of adequate concentrations of IκBα phosphorylation inhibitor to therapeutic regimens including AZT could be a promising strategy in ATL

    Inhibition of NF-κB activation sensitizes U937 cells to 3′-azido-3′-deoxythymidine induced apoptosis

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    In this study, we investigated molecular mechanisms underlying low susceptibility to apoptosis induced by the nucleoside analog azidothymidine (AZT) and the role of nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activation in these phenomena. A preliminary screening in different cell lines indicated U937 monocytic cell line as suitable to this purpose. Treatment of U937 cells even with suprapharmacological concentrations of AZT induced only moderate levels of apoptosis. Surprisingly, SuperArray analysis showed that AZT induced the transcriptional activity of both pro- and anti-apoptotic genes. Interestingly, moreover, several genes upregulated by AZT were NF-κB related. In fact, AZT, after an initial inhibition of NF-κB activation with respect to control, induced a transient, but consistent, increase in NF-κB-binding activity. Inhibition of NF-κB activation in U937 cells, stably transfected with a dominant-negative IκBα or by pharmacological treatment, sensitized them to apoptosis induced by AZT and impaired the upregulation of anti-apoptotic genes in response to AZT treatment, with respect to control cells. These results indicate that NF-κB activation by AZT has a role in protecting target cells from apoptotic cell death, improving our understanding of the toxicology and the therapeutic usage of this drug

    Phosphonated Carbocyclic 2'-Oxa-3'-azanucleosides as New Antiretroviral Agents

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    Phosphonated carbocyclic 2¢-oxa-3¢-azanucleosides have been synthesized and tested for their antiretroviral activity. The obtained results have shown that some of the compounds were as powerful as azydothymidine in inhibiting the reverse transcriptase activity of the human retrovirus T-cell leukemia/lymphotropic virus type 1 and in protecting human peripheral blood mononuclear cells against human retrovirus T-cell leukemia/ lymphotropic virus type 1 transmission in vitro. These data indicate that phosphonated carbocyclic 2¢-oxa- 3¢-azanucleosides possess the necessary requirements to efficiently counteract infections caused by human retroviruses