294 research outputs found

    Metal-free α-trifluoromethylthiolation and α-trifluoromethylselenolation of carbonyl derivatives

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    The incorporation of a SCF3 or a SeCF3 group into organic molecules is a topic of great interest, especially for the pharmaceutical and agrochemical industries. Due to their high lipophilicity and high electron-withdrawing character (Hansch lipophilicity parameter piR =1.44 (SCF3) vs piR =1.29 (SeCF3)), these moieties represent a powerful opportunity to influence the pharmacokinetics properties of a drug molecule. In the last years, new structural units, rising from the association between chalcogens and fluorinated moieties, have been introduced into carbonyl compounds, as emerging class with potential applications on several fields. New reagents have been developed as sources of electrophilic SCF3 and SeCF3 groups; however, a widespread use of such fluorinated compounds is hampered by the very limited number of strategies available for their preparation. In this contest, we have developed two methodologies for the preparation of alpha-SCF3 and alpha-SeCF3 substituted carbonyl derivatives starting from non activated ketones or their derivatives

    A review on invasions by parasites with complex life cycles: The European strain of Echinococcus multilocularis in North America as a model

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    In a fast-changing and globalized world, parasites are moved across continents at an increasing pace.Co-invasion of parasites and their hosts is leading to the emergence of infectious diseases at a global scale, underlining the need for integration of biological invasions and disease ecology research.In this review, the ecological and evolutionary factors influencing the invasion process of parasites with complex life cycles were analyzed, using the invasion of the European strain of Echinococcus multilocularis in North America as a model.The aim was to propose an ecological framework for investigating the invasion of parasites that are trophically transmitted through predator-prey interactions, showing how despite the complexity of the cycles and the interactions among multiple hosts, such parasites can overcome multiple barriers and become invasive Identifying the key ecological processes affecting the success of parasite invasions is an important step for risk assessment and development of management strategies, particularly for parasites with the potential to infect people (i.e.zoonotic)

    Comparative study of indoor-outdoor exposure against volatile organic compounds in South and Middle America

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play an important role in indoor and outdoor air pollutants. In the present study, samples were analyzed from indoor (schools and houses) and outdoor air in urban, industrial, semi-rural and residential areas from Argentina (La Plata region) and Mexico (Mexico City region) to consider VOC exposure in different types of environments. VOCs were sampled using a passive sampling method with passive 3M monitors. Samples were extracted with CS2 and analyzed by GC/MS detectors. The results show significant differences in concentration and distribution between indoor and outdoor samples, depending on the study area. Most VOCs predominantly originated indoors influenced by local outdoor emissions (traffic and industry).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Comparative study of indoor-outdoor exposure against volatile organic compounds in South and Middle America

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play an important role in indoor and outdoor air pollutants. In the present study, samples were analyzed from indoor (schools and houses) and outdoor air in urban, industrial, semi-rural and residential areas from Argentina (La Plata region) and Mexico (Mexico City region) to consider VOC exposure in different types of environments. VOCs were sampled using a passive sampling method with passive 3M monitors. Samples were extracted with CS2 and analyzed by GC/MS detectors. The results show significant differences in concentration and distribution between indoor and outdoor samples, depending on the study area. Most VOCs predominantly originated indoors influenced by local outdoor emissions (traffic and industry).Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    A global assessment of Echinococcus multilocularis infections in domestic dogs: proposing a framework to overcome past methodological heterogeneity

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    Echinococcus multilocularis, the aetiological agent of human Alveolar Echinococcosis, is transmitted between small mammals and wild or domestic canids. Dogs infected with E. multilocularis as dead-end hosts. Whereas E. multilocularis infections in wild hosts and humans have been well-studied in recent decades, infections in domestic dogs are sparsely reported. This literature review and meta-analysis highlighted gaps in the available data and provided a re-assessment of the global distribution of domestic dog E. multilocularis infections. We found 46 published articles documenting the prevalence of E. multilocularis in domestic dogs from 21 countries across Europe, Asia and North America. Apparent prevalence estimates ranged from 0.00% (0.00–0.33%) in Germany to 55.50% (26.67–81.12%) in China. Most studies were conducted in areas of high human Alveolar Echinococcosis. By accounting for reassessed diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, we estimated true prevalence in a subset of studies, which varied between 0.00% (0.00–12.42%) and 41.09% (21.12–65.81%), as these true prevalence estimates were seldom reported in the articles themselves. Articles also showed a heavy emphasis on rural dogs, dismissing urban ones, which is concerning due to the role urbanisation plays in the transmission of zoonotic diseases, especially those utilising pets as definitive hosts. Lastly, population studies on canine Alveolar Echinococcosis were absent, highlighting the relative focus on human rather than animal health. We thus developed a framework for investigating domestic dog E. multilocularis infections and performing risk assessment of dog-associated transmission to fill the gaps found in the literature

    Policies on pets for healthy cities: A conceptual framework.

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    Drawing on the One Health concept, and integrating a dual focus on public policy and practices of caring from the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, we outline a conceptual framework to help guide the development and assessment of local governments' policies on pets. This framework emphasizes well-being in human populations, while recognizing that these outcomes relate to the well-being of non-human animals. Five intersecting spheres of activity, each associated with local governments' jurisdiction over pets, are presented: (i) preventing threats and nuisances from pets, (ii) meeting pets' emotional and physical needs, (iii) procuring pets ethically, (iv) providing pets with veterinary services and (v) licensing and identifying pets. This conceptual framework acknowledges the tenets of previous health promotion frameworks, including overlapping and intersecting influences. At the same time, this framework proposes to advance our understanding of health promotion and, more broadly, population health by underscoring interdependence between people and pets as well as the dynamism of urbanized ecologies. Key words: Health promotion, animal welfare, environmental policy, urban healthThis work was supported by an operating grant (CIHR-GIR-112745) from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute for Population and Public Health, for which Melanie Rock and Gavin McCormack are principal investigators and the other authors are members of the research team. During the process of analysis and writing, Melanie Rock held a Population Health Investigator Award from Alberta Innovates—Health Solutions (funded by the Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Endowment). Coordination with CD was, in addition, facilitated by Visiting Scholar awards, held in 2012 and 2013 at the University of Sydney, from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Institute for Population and Public Health

    Physical activity patterns in urban neighbourhood parks: Insights from a multiple case study

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    Background: Many characteristics of urban parks and neighbourhoods have been linked to patterns of physical activity, yet untangling these relationships to promote increased levels of physical activity presents methodological challenges. Based on qualitative and quantitative data, this article describes patterns of activity within urban parks and the socio-demographic characteristics of park visitors. It also accounts for these patterns in relation to the attributes of parks and their surrounding neighbourhoods.Methods. A multiple case study was undertaken that incorporated quantitative and qualitative data derived from first-hand observation in a purposive sample of four urban parks. Quantitative data, based on direct observation of visitors' patterns of use and socio-demographic characteristics, were collected using a structured instrument. Differences in frequencies of observed activities and socio-demographic characteristics of visitors were compared between the four parks. Qualitative data, based on direct observation of park characteristics and patterns of use, were generated through digital photography and analyzed through captioning. Quantitative data on patterns in activity and socio-demographic characteristics were synthesized with the qualitative data on park and usage characteristics.Results: A comprehensive portrait of each park in the study was generated. Activity types (sedentary, walking, dog-related, cycling, and play), patterns of park use (time of day, day of week), and socio-demographic characteristics (age group, social group) differed between the four parks. Patterns in park use and activity appeared to be associated with socio-demographic characteristics of the surrounding neighbourhoods as well as the physical and social environmental characteristics specific to each park.Conclusions: Both park and neighbourhood characteristics influence patterns of use and physical activity within parks. The study findings suggest that socio-demographic characteristics of neighbourhoods surrounding parks need be considered in planning, development and management. Engaging local communities could help planners to develop and update urban parks in ways that reflect the needs and characteristics of community residents and, in turn, encourage visits and more physical activity amongst visitors

    Anti-predator behaviour of the red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa (Galliformes: Phasianidae) to simulated terrestrial and aerial predators

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    This study is intended to investigate the differences in anti-predator behavioural and acoustic response to terrestrial and aerial predators as well as the behavioural differences between sexes in the red-legged partridge. To this aim we observed the response of 114 partridge (57 males and 57 females) to dummy terrestrial and aerial predators, a raptor and a fox. We divided behavioural responses to predators into four mutually exclusive categories: vigilance, freezing, escape and non-anti-predator behaviours. We also recorded and analysed the vocalizations emitted during tests. The animals reacted differently to aerial and terrestrial stimuli. The reactions elicited by the terrestrial predator were ranked as follows: vigilance, escape, non-anti-predator behaviours, and freezing. Those elicited by the aerial predator were ranked as follows: vigilance, freezing, escape and non-anti-predator behaviours. Vigilance and escape were elicited more frequently by the terrestrial predator than by the aerial predator (vigilance: p 0.001; escape: p 0.001). Freezing was the most frequent behaviour following the appearance of the aerial predator (p 0.001). In fact, freezing may represent an effective strategy in an open space, combining camouflage from and detection by the predator. On the other hand, vigilance is an effective behaviour to detect and avoid a terrestrial predator hunting by ambush. We did not find clear-cut differences between sexes. The analysis of vocalizations revealed that the fox and the raptor elicited significantly different calls (p = 0.003); the fox evoked significantly more vocalizations than the raptor (p 0.001), differing in addition in frequency parameters. Thus partridges not only discriminate between aerial and terrestrial predators and behave consequently, but are also able to tune alarm calls in relation to the context of predation
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