67 research outputs found


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    Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di evidenziare i potenziali pericoli che si nascondono dietro la stampa 3D, una tecnologia nata negli anni \u201880 e da allora rapidamente progredita. Un lato oscuro \ue8 rappresentato dalla possibilit\ue0 di stampare, in materiale termo-plastico, armi da fuoco anche funzionanti che non essendo tracciate hanno ottenuto il nomignolo di \u201cghost-guns\u201d: la loro circolazione rappresenta una cogente problematica, considerato che non essendo rilevabili dai metal detectors e potendo essere rapidamente distrutte dopo l\u2019uso, potrebbero grandemente minacciare la sicurezza sociale. Auspichiamo, come gi\ue0 accaduto in alcune Nazioni estere, che la comunit\ue0 scientifica e gli organi governa- tivi del nostro Paese si interessino a tale fenomeno prevedendo politiche di contrasto negli anni avvenire

    Negative pressure wound therapy versus healing by secondary intention in pressure ulcers

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    Pressure ulcers are a highly prevalent source of morbidity with an equally high incidence of up to 38.0\% amongst different categories of healthcare institutions. Therefore, the management and therapeutic approach toward these often hospital- or facility-acquired problems remain critical aspects of long-term care. Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) has proven effective in addressing the barriers to pressure ulcer healing including increasing blood flow to previously ischemic wound areas by generating subatmospheric pressure which vacuums in circulation. The objective of this study was to compare negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) versus surgical wounds healing by secondary intention (SWHSI). A systematic literature search was conducted using the PubMed and Scopus search engine up until the 20 Th January 2017 including the terms: "negative pressure wound therapy" and "pressure ulcers". In this systematic review, six randomized controlled trials were included. NPWT is deemed appropriate and effective method and widely used by clinicians to promote the healing of wounds and ulcers of different etiology. The heterogeneity found in individual trials regarding the inclusion criteria, therapeutic procedures, the criteria and methods of outcome evaluation, however, did not allow for a data evaluation with statistically valid conclusions. It is reasonable to assume that their subset of patients with pressure ulcers that can be effectively treated with NPWT, with optimal results and good cost-benefit ratio, also with respect to the quality of life

    New insights on molecular autopsy in sudden death: a systematic review

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    Sudden unexpected deaths often remain unresolved despite forensic examination, posing challenges for pathologists. Molecular autopsy, through genetic testing, can reveal hidden causes undetectable by standard methods. This review assesses the role of molecular autopsy in clarifying SUD cases, examining its methodology, utility, and effectiveness in autopsy practice. This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines and was registered with PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42024499832). Searches on PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science identified English studies (2018–2023) on molecular autopsy in sudden death cases. Data from selected studies were recorded and filtered based on inclusion/exclusion criteria. Descriptive statistics analyzed the study scope, tissue usage, publication countries, and journals. A total of 1759 publications from the past 5 years were found, with 30 duplicates excluded. After detailed consideration, 1645 publications were also excluded, leaving 84 full-text articles for selection. Out of these, 37 full-text articles were chosen for analysis. Different study types were analyzed. Mutations were identified in 17 studies, totaling 47 mutations. Molecular investigations are essential when standard exams fall short in determining sudden death causes. Expertise in molecular biology is crucial due to diverse genetic conditions. Discrepancies in post-mortem protocols affect the validity of results, making standardization necessary. Multidisciplinary approaches and the analysis of different tissue types are vital

    Dermatome mapping test in the analysis of anatomo-clinical correlations after inguinal hernia repair

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    Abstract Background: Nerve identification is recommended in inguinal hernia repair to reduce or avoid postoperative pain. The aim of this prospective observational study was to identify nerve prevalence and find a correlation between neuroanatomy and chronic neuropathic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) after 6 months. Material: A total of 115 patients, who underwent inguinal hernia mesh repair (Lichtenstein tension-free mesh repair) between July 2018 and January 2019, were included in this prospective observational study. The mean age and BMI respectively resulted 64 years and 25.8 with minimal inverse distribution of BMI with respect to age. Most of the hernias were direct (59.1%) and of medium dimension (47.8%). Furthermore, these patients were undergoing Dermatome Mapping Test in preoperatively and postoperatively 6 months evaluation. Results: Identification rates of the iliohypogastric (IH), ilioinguinal (II) and genitofemoral (GF) nerves were 72.2%, 82.6% and 48.7% respectively. In the analysis of nerve prevalence according to BMI, the IH was statistically significant higher in patients with BMI < 25 than BMI ≥ 25 P (< 0.05). After inguinal hernia mesh repair, 8 patients (6.9%) had chronic postoperative neuropathic inguinal pain after 6 months. The CPIP prevailed at II/GF dermatome. The relation between the identification/neurectomy of the II nerve and chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months was not significant (P = 0.542). Conclusion: The anatomy of inguinal nerve is very heterogeneous and for this reason an accurate knowledge of these variations is needed during the open mesh repair of inguinal hernias. The new results of our analysis is the statistically significant higher IH nerve prevalence in patients with BMI < 25; probably the identification of inguinal nerve is more complex in obese patients. In the chronic postoperative inguinal pain, the II nerve may have a predominant role in determining postoperative long-term symptoms. Dermatome Mapping Test in an easy and safe method for preoperative and postoperative 6 months evaluation of groin pain. The most important evidence of our analysis is that the prevalence of chronic pain is higher when the nerves were not identified. Keywords: Inguinal hernia, Inguinal nerves, Nerve identification, Pain, Follow-up © Th


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    Background: Nerve identification is recommended in inguinal hernia repair to reduce or avoid postoperative pain. The aim of this prospective observational study was to identify nerve prevalence and find a correlation between neuroanatomy and chronic postoperative inguinal pain (CPIP) after 6 months Material: A total of 115 patients, who underwent inguinal hernia mesh repair between July 2018 and January 2019, were included in this prospective observational study. The mean Age and BMI respectively resulted 64 years and 25.8 with minimal inverse distribution of BMI with respect to age. Most of the hernias were direct (59.1%) and of medium dimension (47.8%). These patients were undergoing Dermatome Mapping Test in preoperatively and postoperatively 6 months evaluation. Results: Identification rates of the Iliohypogastric (IH), Ilioinguinal (II) And Genitofemoral (GF) nerves were 72.2%, 82.6% and 48.7% respectively. In the analysis of nerve prevalence according to BMI, the IH was statistically significant higher in patients with BMI<25 than BMI ≥25 P (<0.05). After inguinal hernia mesh repair, eighteen patients (17.47%) had chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months. The CPIP prevailed at II/GF dermatome (14 patients, 13.59%). In eight patients’ pain was probably of neuropathic origin (33%). In the other ten patients (67%) pain was probably of neuropathic origin. The relation between the identification/neurectomy of the II nerve and chronic postoperative inguinal pain after 6 months was not significant (p=0.542). Conclusion:The anatomy of inguinal nerve is very heterogeneous and for this reason an accurate knowledge of these variations is needed during the open mesh repair of inguinal hernias. The new results of our analysis is the statistically significant higher IH nerve prevalence in patients with BMI<25; probably the identification of inguinal nerve is more complex in obese patients. In the chronic postoperative inguinal pain, the II nerve may have a predominant role in determining postoperative long-term symptoms. Dermatome Mapping Test in an easy and safe method for preoperative and postoperative 6 months evaluation of groin pain. The most important evidence of our analysis is that the prevalence of chronic pain is higher when the nerves were not identified
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