2,050 research outputs found

    An atypical case of trigeminal trophic syndrome: a legal medicine perspective in medical responsibility

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    BACKGROUND: Trigeminal trophic syndrome is a rare complication of peripheral or central damage to the trigeminal nerve characterized by anesthesia, paresthesia and a secondary persistent facial ulceration. METHODS: We describe the case of a 40-year-old woman with previous history of Le Fort I osteotomy for a class III malocclusion who developed trigeminal trophic syndrome. Atypically, the cutaneous symptoms appeared bilaterally and 8 years after surgery. RESULTS: Differential diagnosis was based on clinical history, tissue biopsy and serologic evaluation. Atypical findings could be linked to the surgical burdens of Le Fort I osteotomy, a procedure characterized by a bilateral incision on the maxillofacial bones with a reasonable probability of causing a bilateral injury of the peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve. CONCLUSION: Although the long delay between trigeminal trophic syndrome onset and surgery and the absence of adequate medical evidence cannot confirm a link with previous surgery in this case, the increasing number of maxillofacial surgery cases suggests that this complication may be more frequent in the next decades, and thus, involved specialists should be aware of this condition as a possible complication of maxillofacial surgery procedures

    Optical frequency comb assisted laser system for multiplex precision spectroscopy.

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    A laser system composed of two lasers phase-locked onto an Optical Frequency Comb Synthesizer (OFCS), operating around 1083 nm, was developed. An absolute frequency precision of 6x10(-13) at 1s, limited by the OFCS, was measured with a residual rms phase-noise of 71 mrad and 87 mrad for the two phase-locks, respectively. Multiplex spectroscopy on 1083 nm Helium transitions with this set-up is demonstrated. Generalization of this system to a larger number of OFCS assisted laser sources for wider frequency separations, even in other spectral regions, is discussed. (C) 2011 Optical Society of Americ

    Toward new frontiers for terahertz quantum cascade laser frequency combs

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    AbstractBroadband, quantum-engineered, quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) are the most powerful chip-scale sources of optical frequency combs (FCs) across the mid-infrared and the terahertz (THz) frequency range. The inherently short intersubband upper state lifetime spontaneously allows mode proliferation, with large quantum efficiencies, as a result of the intracavity four-wave mixing. QCLs can be easily integrated with external elements or engineered for intracavity embedding of nonlinear optical components and can inherently operate as quantum detectors, providing an intriguing technological platform for on-chip quantum investigations at the nanoscale. The research field of THz FCs is extremely vibrant and promises major impacts in several application domains crossing dual-comb spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, time-domain nanoimaging, quantum science and technology, metrology and nonlinear optics in a miniaturized and compact architecture. Here, we discuss the fundamental physical properties and the technological performances of THz QCL FCs, highlighting the future perspectives of this frontier research field

    Chapter Archeological findings of ancient harbor in the pilot site of Interreg Adrion APPRODI project in Ortona (Ch, Abruzzo), central Adriatic Sea

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    The Interreg Adrion ‘APPRODI’ project aims at a qualitative change in the nature of tourism demand with a transnational approach and at increasing visibility of destinations. the project will allow to create the conditions for development of cultural tourism, even underwater, increasing and enhancing the historical and archaeological resources. The dive samplings allowed to find an important archaeological heritage in the seabeds in front of Ortona coast, testifying to the presence of an ancient port and maritime traffic

    Comb-assisted cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a buffer-gas-cooled molecular beam

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    We demonstrate continuous-wave cavity ring-down spectroscopy of a partially hydrodynamic molecular beam emerging from a buffer-gas-cooling source. Specifically, the (ν1 + ν3) vibrational overtone band of acetylene (C2H2) around 1.5 μm is accessed using a narrow-linewidth diode laser stabilized against a GPS-disciplined rubidium clock via an optical frequency comb synthesizer. As an example, the absolute frequency of the R(1) component is measured with a fractional accuracy of ∼1 × 10(-9). Our approach represents the first step towards the extension of more sophisticated cavity-enhanced interrogation schemes, including saturated absorption cavity ring-down or two-photon excitation, to buffer-gas-cooled molecular beams

    Isolated auditory neuropathy at birth in congenital cytomegalovirus infection

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the most frequent non-genetic cause of sensorineural hearing-loss (SNHL) (i.e., hearing loss due to a cochlear and/or auditory nerve damage). It is widely accepted that SNHL at birth, when associated to cCMV symptomatic infection involving the central nervous system, benefits from antiviral therapy started in the neonatal period. Conversely, there is no consensus for antiviral treatment in congenitally infected infants diagnosed with isolated SNHL (i.e., SNHL in an otherwise asymptomatic infant) at birth. Our aim was to assess the frequency and the auditory outcome of isolated SNHL at birth due to auditory neuropathy (AN) (i.e., SNHL in a patient with normal cochlear function and auditory nerve dysfunction) in infants with cCMV infection. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the clinical history of 60 infants, born at term, with cCMV asymptomatic infection, without additional risk factors for SNHL, and exhibiting bilateral "pass" otoacustic emissions (OAE). None of them underwent antiviral therapy. Hearing thresholds were assessed by means of Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR). AN affected children were followed up until possible normalization of the hearing thresholds or definitive diagnosis of AN. Each infant diagnosed with monolateral or bilateral AN was classified according to the worst ear threshold. RESULTS: In our population, the first ABR was performed at a mean age of 5.00 ± 2.79 (SD) months and AN was diagnosed in 16/60 (26.67%) infants; in 4 infants the AN was defined as mild (4/4 monolateral), moderate in 11 (5/11 bilateral), and severe in 1 (bilateral). The mean age at first ABR was 3.69 ± 2.80 (SD) months in the 16 babies with AN and 5.48 ± 2.66 (SD) months in the 44 infants with normal hearing (p = 0.007). All AN cases spontaneously recovered a normal auditory threshold over time. The mean length of the audiological follow-up was 32.44 ± 17.58 (SD) months (range 5-60 months). CONCLUSION: A delayed maturation of the auditory pathways should be considered when a mild/moderate isolated AN at birth is detected in cCMV infected infants. Prospective studies conducted on larger populations, and with a longer audiological follow-up, are needed to confirm our findings


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    Introduction and Aims: Periodontitis is associated with cardiovascular mortality in the general population and adults with chronic diseases, however prognostic data for periodontitis in the setting of kidney failure are sparse. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether periodontitis was prognostic for all-cause and cardiovascular-related death in adults with kidney failure. Methods: ORALD is a multinational cohort study in adults with kidney failure treated with haemodialysis in Europe (France, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain) and Argentina. Periodontitis was measured at baseline according to the World Health Organization Community Periodontal Index. The outcomes were all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Analyses were conducted using a fixed-effect Cox proportional hazards analysis and additionally using a random effects model fitted using shared frailty to account for clustering within countries. Results: Periodontitis was evaluable in 3338 dentate participants of which 1355 (40.6%) had moderate to severe periodontitis. During 6150 person-years of follow-up, 650 deaths occurred of which 325 were cardiovascular. In multivariable analyses, moderate to severe periodontitis was associated with a lower hazard of all-cause (HR 0.76, 95% confidence interval 0.64 to 0.90) and cardiovascular (0.69, 0.54 to 0.87) mortality. There was evidence of decreasing mortality risks with more severe periodontal disease (P≤0.001 for trend). However, when analyses accounted for clustering of participants within countries, the associations between periodontitis and all-cause (0.92, 0.75 to 1.11) and cardiovascular (0.83, 0.63 to 1.09) mortality were not significant. Similar results were observed in analyses restricted to participants with 12 or more teeth and when competing risks for cardiovascular death were considered. Conclusions: Unlike in the general population, there is limited evidence that periodontitis is independently associated with increased all-cause or cardiovascular mortality in adults with kidney failure

    Alteration of Smell and Taste in Asymptomatic and Symptomatic COVID-19 Patients in Sicily, Italy.

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    Objectives: Alteration of smell and taste has been reported in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The incidence and clinical-symptomatic manifestation of COVID-19 is different between northern and southern Italy. This study aims to evaluate the onset of alteration of smell and taste in asymptomatic and symptomatic patients in Sicily (extreme south of Italy). Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study was performed on asymptomatic and symptomatic COVID-19 patients tested for severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) from May 1 to May 15, 2020. A questionnaire was used for evaluating the prevalence of smell and taste disorders in COVID-19 patients before performing nasopharyngeal swab. Results: Of the total 292 patients, 242 (83.2%) were negative for SARS-CoV-2 and 50 were positive (16.8%). Twenty-six of the 50 (52%) SARS-CoV-2 positive patients reported smell/taste disorders. Twenty-eight of the 50 (57.1%) SARS-CoV-2 positive patients were hospitalized (group A), and 22 (42.9%) were nonhospitalized (group B). The mean age in group A and group B was 45.4 ± 13.7 years and 57.0 ± 15.0, respectively ( P = .007). The symptoms reported by hospitalized patients were fever (71.4%), cough (64.2%), fatigue (82.1%), and dyspnea (100%), while in nonhospitalized patients, the most reported symptoms were sore throat (72.7%), rhinorrhea (77.2%), and altered smell (81.8%). Anosmia/hyposmia reported in group A and group B was 28.5% and 81.8%, respectively ( P = .001). Conclusion: These preliminary results indicate that the majority of SARS-Cov-2 positive patients in southern Italy did not require hospitalization and presented with milder symptoms or no symptoms and the alterations in smell and taste occurred
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