1,409 research outputs found

    A mutual information approach to automate identification of neuronal clusters in Drosophila brain images.

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    Mapping neural circuits can be accomplished by labeling a small number of neural structures per brain, and then combining these structures across multiple brains. This sparse labeling method has been particularly effective in Drosophila melanogaster, where clonally related clusters of neurons derived from the same neural stem cell (neuroblast clones) are functionally related and morphologically highly stereotyped across animals. However identifying these neuroblast clones (approximately 180 per central brain hemisphere) manually remains challenging and time consuming. Here, we take advantage of the stereotyped nature of neural circuits in Drosophila to identify clones automatically, requiring manual annotation of only an initial, smaller set of images. Our procedure depends on registration of all images to a common template in conjunction with an image processing pipeline that accentuates and segments neural projections and cell bodies. We then measure how much information the presence of a cell body or projection at a particular location provides about the presence of each clone. This allows us to select a highly informative set of neuronal features as a template that can be used to detect the presence of clones in novel images. The approach is not limited to a specific labeling strategy and can be used to identify partial (e.g., individual neurons) as well as complete matches. Furthermore this approach could be generalized to studies of neural circuits in other organisms

    First aid skill retention of first responders within the workplace

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent literature states that many necessary skills of CPR and first aid are forgotten shortly after certification. The purpose of this study was to determine the skill and knowledge decay in first aid in those who are paid to respond to emergency situations within a workplace.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a choking victim scenario, the sequence and accuracy of events were observed and recorded in 257 participants paid to act as first responders in large industrial or service industry settings. A multiple choice exam was also written to determine knowledge retention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>First aid knowledge was higher in those who were trained at a higher level, and did not significantly decline over time. Those who had renewed their certificate one or more times performed better than those who had learned the information only once. During the choking scenario many skills were performed poorly, regardless of days since last training, such as hand placement and abdominal thrusts. Compressions following the victim becoming unconscious also showed classic signs of skill deterioration after 30 days.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As many skills deteriorate rapidly over the course of the first 90 days, changing frequency of certification is not necessarily the most obvious choice to increase retention of skill and knowledge. Alternatively, methods of regularly "refreshing" a skill should be explored that could be delivered at a high frequency - such as every 90 days.</p

    The influence of position in overlap joints of Mg and Al alloys on microstructure and hardness of laser welds

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    Structure and properties of laser beam welding zone of dissimilar materials, AZ31 magnesium alloy and A5754 Aluminum alloy, are investigated. The microstructure and quality of the Mg/Al weld were studied by metallography, microhardness and optical microscopy. Differences in physical and mechanical properties of both materials, magnesium and aluminum, affect weldability and resistance of this combination, and lead to the formation of intermetallic compounds in the welded metal

    Modèle multi-agents pour la simulation de la dynamique de carbone à l'échelle du terroir villageois

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    Un système multi-agents (SMA) a été conçu et mis en oeuvre en vue d'étudier la dynamique des ressources organiques et azotée d'un terroir africain. Les simulations réalisées ont permis de mesurer l'impact des modes de gestion sur les ressources dans le long terme. Trois types d'enquêtes ont été nécessaires pour collecter les données nécessaires. Un premier modèle à l'échelle de la parcelle a permis de simuler le stockage du carbone et de l'azote dans les sols et dans la biomasse végétale. Ensuite la définition des règles individuelles et collectives de décision et de gestion des exploitations agricoles et du terroir ont nécessité des enquêtes approfondies avec les principaux groupes utilisant le terroir. . Pour la conception informatique du modèle, le formalisme UML a été utilisé. La représentation statique et dynamique du modèle a été formalisée sur la plate forme de modélisation CORMAS. . La méthode développée est appelée MIROT Modélisation Intégrée de la dynamique des Ressources Organiques et analyse de viabilité de Terroirs agro-sylvo-pastoraux des savanes ouest africaines). Le modèle MIROT utilise un fond de carte du terroir avec des contraintes spatiales pour simuler le fonctionnement de celui-ci

    Valorisation de substrats organiques divers dans l'agriculture péri-urbaine de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) pour l'amendement et la fertilisation des sols : acteurs et pratiques

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    Organic substrates recycling in the sub-urban agriculture of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) for soils fertilization: description of the different actors and their practices. This study aimed to establish an overview of the main actors of the sub-urban agriculture of Ouagadougou, their practices and expectations, and to characterize the used organic substrates (OS). For that, a farm survey was carried out on the most representative sites with 64 persons (cereal farmers, truckers and nurserymen) randomly chosen. OS were sampled with each actor, when available. Thus, 27 samples were taken and characterized through chemical analyses and laboratory incubations to follow organic carbon mineralization. The results highlighted that 35% of cereal farmers, 69% of truckers and 95% of nurserymen were 20 to 40 years old, that a large proportion of cereal farmers and truckers were not sent to school while 70% of nurserymen had at least primary education. Sub-urban agriculture was the only activity for 43% of farmers, 83% of truckers and 91% of nurserymen. Moreover, 71% of cereal farmers and 73% of nurserymen used municipal wastes as source of organic matter against only 17% of truckers, the majority of them using animal manures. The main criterion of choice of OS was their availability without any other consideration. Even if a large majority of the actors think that composts of OS were better than brut OS, a minority of them used currently composts. The best ways for an adoption and utilization of OS composts were to facilitate their accessibility and to promote these composts, composting techniques and their interests through advertising in mass media. Chemical analyses and laboratory incubations showed a great variability of the SUW, both in the same group and actors' groups. However, in case of total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorous contents, the following tendencies were observed: Contenttruckers &gt; Contentfarmers &gt; Contentnurserymen. For the sum of major elements Ca, K, Mg, Na (SME), it was observed that SMEtruckers ≈ SMEfarmers &gt; SMEnurserymen. In addition, except a few atypical substrates, OS used by nurserymen were largely stabilized compared to those of cereal farmers and truckers