86 research outputs found

    Computer vision in microstructural analysis

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    The following is a laboratory experiment designed to be performed by advanced-high school and beginning-college students. It is hoped that this experiment will create an interest in and further understanding of materials science. The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate that the microstructure of engineered materials is affected by the processing conditions in manufacture, and that it is possible to characterize the microstructure using image analysis with a computer. The principle of computer vision will first be introduced followed by the description of the system developed at Texas A&M University. This in turn will be followed by the description of the experiment to obtain differences in microstructure and the characterization of the microstructure using computer vision

    EGFR/HER2 inhibitor AEE788 increases ER-mediated transcription in HER2/ER-positive breast cancer cells but functions synergistically with endocrine therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Cross-talk between receptor tyrosine kinases and the oestrogen receptor (ER) is implicated in resistance to endocrine therapy. We investigated whether AEE788 (a combined inhibitor of EGFR, HER2 and VEGFR) plus tamoxifen or letrozole enhanced the individual anti-tumour effects of these agents. METHODS: Breast cancer cell lines modelling endocrine-resistant and -sensitive disease were engineered to express aromatase (A) and examined using proliferation, western blotting and ER-alpha transcription assays. RESULTS: AEE788 enhanced the anti-proliferative effect of tamoxifen and letrozole in ER+ cell lines (MCF-7 2A, ZR75.1 A3 and BT474 A3). This associated with an elevated G1 arrest and nuclear accumulation of p27. It is noteworthy that AEE788 alone or in combination with endocrine therapy increased the expression of progesterone receptor (PGR) and TFF1 in BT474 A3 cells. This may indicate a mechanism of resistance to AEE788 in ER+/HER2(+) breast cancers. In a ZR75.1 A3 xenograft, AEE788 alone or in combination with tamoxifen provided no further benefit compared with letrozole. However, letrozole plus AEE788 produced a significantly greater inhibition of tumour growth compared with letrozole alone. CONCLUSION: These data suggest that AEE788 plus letrozole in breast cancer overexpressing HER2 may provide superior anti-tumour activity, compared with single agents. British Journal of Cancer (2010) 102, 1235-1243. doi: 10.1038/sj.bjc.6605641 www.bjcancer.com (C) 2010 Cancer Research U

    Different mechanisms for resistance to trastuzumab versus lapatinib in HER2- positive breast cancers -- role of estrogen receptor and HER2 reactivation

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    Introduction: The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-targeted therapies trastuzumab (T) and lapatinib (L) show high efficacy in patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, but resistance is prevalent. Here we investigate resistance mechanisms to each drug alone, or to their combination using a large panel of HER2-positive cell lines made resistant to these drugs. Methods: Response to L + T treatment was characterized in a panel of 13 HER2-positive cell lines to identify lines that were de novo resistant. Acquired resistant lines were then established by long-term exposure to increasing drug concentrations. Levels and activity of HER2 and estrogen receptor (ER) pathways were determined by qRT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, and immunoblotting assays. Cell growth, proliferation, and apoptosis in parental cells and resistant derivatives were assessed in response to inhibition of HER or ER pathways, either pharmacologically (L, T, L + T, or fulvestrant) or by using siRNAs. Efficacy of combined endocrine and anti-HER2 therapies was studied in vivo using UACC-812 xenografts. Results: ER or its downstream products increased in four out of the five ER+/HER2+ lines, and was evident in one of the two intrinsically resistant lines. In UACC-812 and BT474 parental and resistant derivatives, HER2 inhibition by T reactivated HER network activity to promote resistance. T-resistant lines remained sensitive to HER2 inhibition by either L or HER2 siRNA. With more complete HER2 blockade, resistance to L-containing regimens required the activation of a redundant survival pathway, ER, which was up-regulated and promoted survival via various Bcl2 family members. These L-and L + T-resistant lines were responsive to fulvestrant and to ER siRNA. However, after prolonged treatment with L, but not L + T, BT474 cells switched from depending on ER as a survival pathway, to relying again on the HER network (increased HER2, HER3, and receptor ligands) to overcome L's effects. The combination of endocrine and L + T HER2-targeted therapies achieved complete tumor regression and prevented development of resistance in UACC-812 xenografts. Conclusions: Combined L + T treatment provides a more complete and stable inhibition of the HER network. With sustained HER2 inhibition, ER functions as a key escape/survival pathway in ER-positive/HER2-positive cells. Complete blockade of the HER network, together with ER inhibition, may provide optimal therapy in selected patients

    New targets for therapy in breast cancer: Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Over the past several years many advances have been made in our understanding of critical pathways involved in carcinogenesis and tumor growth. These advances have led to the investigation of small molecule inhibitors of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases across a broad spectrum of malignancies. In this article we summarize the rationale for targeting members of the ErbB family in breast cancer, and review the preclinical and clinical data for the agents that are furthest in development. In addition, we highlight directions for future research, such as exploration of the potential crosstalk between the ErbB and hormone receptor signal transduction pathways, identification of predictive markers for tumor sensitivity, and development of rational combination regimens that include the tyrosine kinase inhibitors

    Targeting cholesterol-rich microdomains to circumvent tamoxifen-resistant breast cancer

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    Adjuvant treatment with tamoxifen substantially improves survival of women with estrogen-receptor positive (ER+) tumors. Tamoxifen resistance (TAMR) limits clinical benefit. RRR alpha tocopherol ether-linked acetic acid analogue (alpha-TEA) is a small bioactive lipid with potent anticancer activity. We evaluated the ability of alpha-TEA in the presence of tamoxifen to circumvent TAMR in human breast cancer cell lines. Methods: Two genotypically matched sets of TAM-sensitive (TAMS) and TAM-resistant (TAMR) human breast cancer cell lines were assessed for signal-transduction events with Western blotting, apoptosis induction with Annexin V-FITC/PI assays, and characterization of cholesterol-rich microdomains with fluorescence staining. Critical involvement of selected mediators was determined by using RNA interference and chemical inhibitors. Results: Growth-factor receptors (total and phosphorylated forms of HER-1 and HER-2), their downstream prosurvival mediators pAkt, pmTOR, and pERK1/2, phosphorylated form of estrogen receptor-alpha (pER-alpha at Ser-167 and Ser-118, and cholesterol-rich lipid microdomains were highly amplified in TAMR cell lines and enhanced by treatment with TAM. alpha-TEA disrupted cholesterol-rich microdomains, acted cooperatively with TAM to reduce prosurvival mediators, and induced DR5-mediated mitochondria-dependent apoptosis via an endoplasmic reticulum stress-triggered pro-death pJNK/CHOP/DR5 amplification loop. Furthermore, methyl-beta-cyclodextrin (M beta CD), a chemical disruptor of cholesterol rich microdomains, acted cooperatively with TAM to reduce prosurvival mediators and to induce apoptosis. Conclusions: Data for the first time document that targeting cholesterol-rich lipid microdomains is a potential strategy to circumvent TAMR, and the combination of alpha-TEA + TAM can circumvent TAMR by suppression of prosurvival signaling via disruption of cholesterol-rich lipid microdomains and activation of apoptotic pathways via induction of endoplasmic reticulum stress.Clayton Foundation for ResearchCenter for Molecular and Cellular Toxicology at the University of TexasNIEHS/NIH T32 ES07247Nutritional Science

    Femara® and the future: tailoring treatment and combination therapies with Femara

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    Long-term estrogen deprivation treatment for breast cancer can, in some patients, lead to the activation of alternate cellular pathways, resulting in the re-emergence of the disease. This is a distressing scenario for oncologists and patients, but recent intensive molecular and biochemical studies are beginning to unravel these pathways, revealing opportunities for new targeted treatments. Far from making present therapies redundant, these new discoveries open the door to novel combination therapies that promise to provide enhanced efficacy or overcome treatment resistance. Letrozole, one of the most potent aromatase inhibitors, is the ideal candidate for combination therapy; indeed, it is one of the most intensively studied aromatase inhibitors in the evolving combinatorial setting. Complementary to the use of combination therapy is the development of molecular tools to identify patients who will benefit the most from these new treatments. Microarray gene profiling studies, designed to detect letrozole-responsive targets, are currently under way to understand how the use of the drug can be tailored more efficiently to specific patient needs

    Induction of Stable Drug Resistance in Human Breast Cancer Cells Using a Combinatorial Zinc Finger Transcription Factor Library

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    Combinatorial libraries of artificial zinc-finger transcription factors (ZF-TFs) provide a robust tool for inducing and understanding various functional components of the cancer phenotype. Herein, we utilized combinatorial ZF-TF library technology to better understand how breast cancer cells acquire resistance to fulvestrant, a clinically important anti-endocrine therapeutic agent. From a diverse collection of nearly 400,000 different ZF-TFs, we isolated six ZF-TF library members capable of inducing stable, long-term anti-endocrine drug-resistance in two independent estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer cell lines. Comparative gene expression profile analysis of the six different ZF-TF-transduced breast cancer cell lines revealed five distinct clusters of differentially expressed genes. One cluster was shared among all 6 ZF-TF-transduced cell lines and therefore constituted a common fulvestrant-resistant gene expression signature. Pathway enrichment-analysis of this common fulvestrant resistant signature also revealed significant overlap with gene sets associated with an estrogen receptor-negative-like state and with gene sets associated with drug resistance to different classes of breast cancer anti-endocrine therapeutic agents. Enrichment-analysis of the four remaining unique gene clusters revealed overlap with myb-regulated genes. Finally, we also demonstrated that the common fulvestrant-resistant signature is associated with poor prognosis by interrogating five independent, publicly available human breast cancer gene expression datasets. Our results demonstrate that artificial ZF-TF libraries can be used successfully to induce stable drug-resistance in human cancer cell lines and to identify a gene expression signature that is associated with a clinically relevant drug-resistance phenotype

    Molecular characterisation of aromatase inhibitor-resistant advanced breast cancer: the phenotypic effect of ESR1 mutations.

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    BACKGROUND:Several thousand breast cancer patients develop resistance to aromatase inhibitors (AIs) each year in the UK. Rational treatment requires an improved molecular characterisation of resistant disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The mutational landscape of 198 regions in 16 key breast cancer genes and RNA expression of 209 genes covering key pathways was evaluated in paired biopsies before AI treatment and at progression on AI from 48 patients. Validity of findings was assessed in another five ESR1-mutated tumours progressing on AI. RESULTS:Eighty-nine mutations were identified in 41 matched pairs (PIK3CA in 27%; CDH1 in 20%). ESR1 (n = 5), ERBB2 (n = 1) and MAP2K4 (n = 1) had mutations in the secondary sample only. There was very high heterogeneity in gene expression between AI-resistant tumours with few patterns apparent. However, in the ESR1-mutated AI-resistant tumours, expression of four classical oestrogen-regulated genes (ERGs) was sevenfold higher than in ESR1 wild-type tumours, a finding confirmed in the second set of ESR1-mutated tumours. In ESR1 wild-type AI-resistant tumours ERG expression remained suppressed and was uncoupled from the recovery seen in proliferation. CONCLUSIONS:Major genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity exists between AI-resistant disease. ESR1 mutations appear to drive oestrogen-regulated processes in resistant tumours
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