11 research outputs found

    Hurricane damage assessment process for residential buildings

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    Assessing an affected area immediately after a severe natural hazard event and saving the resulting data are vitally important in any effort to reduce future economic losses from natural hazards. These data are used as a record of buildings performance and as a major component for statistical analysis and damage modeling studies. Since these data are used as input for these studies, the data must be assessed and collected in a scientific and standardized way. Despite this requirement, neither a systematic damage assessment process nor a standardized data collection protocol is currently available in the United States to ensure that the necessary, correct, and accurate damage and attribute data are collected, assessed, managed, and saved for hurricane events. In cases where these data are actually collected and assessed, they are lost soon after the event, rather than kept to longitudinally assess building performance in severe natural hazard events over the long term. To make building damage assessment more effective and more accurate, a systematic process to standardize assessment data is needed. Additionally, to ensure that data are correctly assessed and collected, a standard protocol implemented in damage assessment activities is vitally needed. This study presents a proposed hurricane damage assessment process for residential buildings subjected to combined hurricane wind and flood loads, as well as a protocol that can be implemented into the process to standardize data collection and damage assessment. The proposed process and protocol represent the first comprehensive building damage data assessment and collection process in the literature. Implementation of this process will aid in improving building data collection and assessment after hurricane events, which will result in improved data for a better understanding of building performance. Long-term implementation of this process will provide insight about the performance of multiple buildings subjected to various levels of hazard. This knowledge will facilitate reassessment of the level of loss experienced in hurricane events, and will provide needed data for the development of enhanced performance-based design standards and building codes, which will lead to more reliable building performance

    Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters and building attributes interaction.

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).Predicting building damage as a function of hurricane hazards, building attributes, and the interaction between hazard and building attributes is a key to understanding how significant interaction reflects variation hazard intensity effect on damage based on building attribute levels. This paper develops multihazard hurricane fragility models for wood structure homes considering interaction between hazard and building attributes. Fragility models are developed for ordered categorical damage states (DS) and binary collapse/no collapse. Exterior physical damage and building attributes from rapid assessment in coastal Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina (2005), high-resolution numerical hindcast hazard intensities from the Simulating WAves Nearshore and ADvanced CIRCulation (SWAN+ADCIRC) models, and base flood elevation values are used as model input. Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is used to evaluate model prediction accuracy. Eleven and forty-nine combinations of global damage response variables and main explanatory variables, respectively, were investigated and evaluated. Of these models, one DS and one collapse model met the rejection criteria. These models were refitted considering interaction terms. Maximum 3-s gust wind speed and maximum significant wave height were found to be factors that significantly affect damage. The interaction between maximum significant wave height and number of stories was the significant interaction term for the DS and collapse models. For every 0.3 m (0.98 ft) increase in maximum significant wave height, the estimated odds of being in a higher rather than in a lower damage state for DS model were found to be 1.95 times greater for one- rather than for two-story buildings. For every 0.3 m (0.98 ft) increase in maximum significant wave height, the estimated odds of collapse were found to be 2.23 times greater for one- rather than for two-story buildings. Model prediction accuracy was 84% and 91% for DS and collapse models, respectively. This paper does not consider the full hazard intensity experienced in Hurricane Katrina; rather, it focuses on single-family homes in a defined study area subjected to wind, wave, and storm surge hazards. Thus, the findings of this paper are not applicable for events with hazards that exceed those experienced in the study area, from which the models were derived.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun

    Generalized Cost-Effectiveness of Residential Wind Mitigation Strategies for Wood-Frame, Single Family House in the USA

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    Wind is one of the deadliest and most expensive hazards in the United States. Wind hazards cause significant damage to buildings and economic losses to homeowners. Economic losses average approximately 3.8billionannuallyfromhurricanewindsandarenotdecreasing,evendespiteenhancedconstructionpracticestoreducewinddamage.Thus,theeffectivenessofmitigationstrategiesshouldbeevaluatedinordertolowerthecostincurredbythishazard.Severalstudieshavesuggestedbuildingcodeimprovementstomitigatethewindhazard,thisadditionalcomprehensiveresearchprovidesselectingeconomicallybeneficialmitigationstrategiestoconsiderinbuildingcoderevisions.Inasteptowardaddressingthisneed,thecurrentstudywasconductedtodeterminethecosteffectivenessofmitigationstrategiesfornewandretrofitconstructionofawoodframed,singlefamily,residentialbuildingcasestudy.Netbenefit,definedasthedifferencebetweenthelifecyclewindlossbeforeandafterimplementationofthemitigationstrategy,wascalculatedfor15windmitigationstrategiesandtheircombinations,withnewandretrofitconstructioncostsrangingbetween3.8 billion annually from hurricane winds and are not decreasing, even despite enhanced construction practices to reduce wind damage. Thus, the effectiveness of mitigation strategies should be evaluated in order to lower the cost incurred by this hazard. Several studies have suggested building code improvements to mitigate the wind hazard, this additional comprehensive research provides selecting economically beneficial mitigation strategies to consider in building code revisions. In a step toward addressing this need, the current study was conducted to determine the cost effectiveness of mitigation strategies for new and retrofit construction of a wood-framed, single-family, residential building case study. Net benefit, defined as the difference between the life-cycle wind loss before and after implementation of the mitigation strategy, was calculated for 15 wind mitigation strategies and their combinations, with new and retrofit construction costs ranging between 1,200 to $12,000 and a decision-making time horizon ranging between 5 and 30 years. Payback periods, defined as the number of years to recover the investment, were calculated for each mitigation strategy. Results were summarized by cost effectiveness for all ASCE 7 wind speed contour intervals. The results of this study serve as a starting point for further refinement of the economic justification needed to properly evaluate potential building code changes

    Hurricane Data and Damage Models

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    Multihazard hurricane fragility model for wood structure homes considering hazard parameters and building attributes interaction.

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    Predicting building damage as a function of hurricane hazards, building attributes, and the interaction between hazard and building attributes is a key to understanding how significant interaction reflects variation hazard intensity effect on damage based on building attribute levels. This paper develops multihazard hurricane fragility models for wood structure homes considering interaction between hazard and building attributes. Fragility models are developed for ordered categorical damage states (DS) and binary collapse/no collapse. Exterior physical damage and building attributes from rapid assessment in coastal Mississippi following Hurricane Katrina (2005), high-resolution numerical hindcast hazard intensities from the Simulating WAves Nearshore and ADvanced CIRCulation (SWAN+ADCIRC) models, and base flood elevation values are used as model input. Leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) is used to evaluate model prediction accuracy. Eleven and forty-nine combinations of global damage response variables and main explanatory variables, respectively, were investigated and evaluated. Of these models, one DS and one collapse model met the rejection criteria. These models were refitted considering interaction terms. Maximum 3-s gust wind speed and maximum significant wave height were found to be factors that significantly affect damage. The interaction between maximum significant wave height and number of stories was the significant interaction term for the DS and collapse models. For every 0.3 m (0.98 ft) increase in maximum significant wave height, the estimated odds of being in a higher rather than in a lower damage state for DS model were found to be 1.95 times greater for one- rather than for two-story buildings. For every 0.3 m (0.98 ft) increase in maximum significant wave height, the estimated odds of collapse were found to be 2.23 times greater for one- rather than for two-story buildings. Model prediction accuracy was 84% and 91% for DS and collapse models, respectively. This paper does not consider the full hazard intensity experienced in Hurricane Katrina\; rather, it focuses on single-family homes in a defined study area subjected to wind, wave, and storm surge hazards. Thus, the findings of this paper are not applicable for events with hazards that exceed those experienced in the study area, from which the models were derived