1,705 research outputs found

    No evidence of mass segregation in the low mass Galactic globular cluster NGC 6101

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    We used a combination of Hubble Space Telescope and ground based data to probe the dynamical state of the low mass Galactic globular cluster NGC 6101. We have re-derived the structural parameters of the cluster by using star counts and we find that it is about three times more extended than thought before. By using three different indicators, namely the radial distribution of Blue Straggler Stars, that of Main Sequence binaries and the luminosity (mass) function, we demonstrated that NGC 6101 shows no evidence of mass segregation, even in the innermost regions. Indeed, both the BSS and the binary radial distributions fully resemble that of any other cluster population. In addition the slope of the luminosity (mass) functions does not change with the distance, as expected for non relaxed stellar systems. NGC 6101 is one of the few globulars where the absence of mass segregation has been observed so far. This result provides additional support to the use of the "dynamical clock" calibrated on the radial distribution of the Blue Stragglers as a powerful indicator of the cluster dynamical age.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 33 pages, 13 figure

    Astrometry with MCAO: HST-GeMS proper motions in the globular cluster NGC 6681

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    Aims: for the first time the astrometric capabilities of the Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics (MCAO) facility GeMS with the GSAOI camera on Gemini-South are tested to quantify the accuracy in determining stellar proper motions in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6681. Methods: proper motions from HST/ACS for a sample of its stars are already available, and this allows us to construct a distortion-free reference at the epoch of GeMS observations that is used to measure and correct the temporally changing distortions for each GeMS exposure. In this way, we are able to compare the corrected GeMS images with a first-epoch of HST/ACS images to recover the relative proper motion of the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy with respect to NGC 6681. Results: we find this to be (\mu_{\alpha}cos\delta, \mu_{\delta}) = (4.09,-3.41) mas/yr, which matches previous HST/ACS measurements with a very good accuracy of 0.03 mas/yr and with a comparable precision (r.m.s of 0.43 mas/yr). Conclusions: this study successfully demonstrates that high-quality proper motions can be measured for quite large fields of view (85 arcsec X 85 arcsec) with MCAO-assisted, ground-based cameras and provides a first, successful test of the performances of GeMS on multi-epoch data.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication by A&A Letter

    A chemical trompe-l'\oe{}il: no iron spread in the globular cluster M22

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    We present the analysis of high-resolution spectra obtained with UVES and UVES-FLAMES at the Very Large Telescope of 17 giants in the globular cluster M22, a stellar system suspected to have an intrinsic spread in the iron abundance. We find that when surface gravities are derived spectroscopically (by imposing to obtain the same iron abundance from FeI and FeII lines) the [Fe/H] distribution spans ~0.5 dex, according to previous analyses. However, the gravities obtained in this way correspond to unrealistic low stellar masses (0.1-0.5 Msun) for most of the surveyed giants. Instead, when photometric gravities are adopted, the [FeII/H] distribution shows no evidence of spread at variance with the [FeI/H] distribution. This difference has been recently observed in other clusters and could be due to non-local thermodynamical equilibrium effects driven by over-ionization mechanisms, that mainly affect the neutral species (thus providing lower [FeI/H]) but leave [FeII/H] unaltered. We confirm that the s-process elements show significant star-to-star variations and their abundances appear to be correlated with the difference between [FeI/H] and [FeII/H]. This puzzling finding suggests that the peculiar chemical composition of some cluster stars may be related to effects able to spuriously decrease [FeI/H]. We conclude that M22 is a globular cluster with no evidence of intrinsic iron spread, ruling out that it has retained the supernovae ejecta in its gravitational potential well.Comment: Accepted for publication to ApJ; 33 pages, 10 figures, 6 table

    HST absolute Proper Motions of NGC 6681 (M70) and the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy

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    We have measured absolute proper motions for the three populations intercepted in the direction of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6681: the cluster itself, the Sagittarius dwarf spheroidal galaxy and the field. For this we used Hubble Space Telescope ACS/WFC and WFC3/UVIS optical imaging data separated by a temporal baseline of 5.464 years. Five background galaxies were used to determine the zero point of the absolute-motion reference frame. The resulting absolute proper motion of NGC 6681 is (μαcosδ,μδ\mu_{\alpha}\cos\delta, \mu_{\delta})=(1.58±0.18,4.57±0.161.58\pm0.18, -4.57\pm0.16) \masyr. This is the first estimate ever made for this cluster. For the Sgr dSph we obtain (μαcosδ,μδ)=(2.54±0.18,1.19±0.16\mu_{\alpha}\cos\delta, \mu_{\delta})=(-2.54\pm0.18, -1.19\pm0.16) \masyr, consistent with previous measurements and with the values predicted by theoretical models. The absolute proper motion of the Galaxy population in our field of view is (μαcosδ,μδ)=(1.21±0.27,4.39±0.26\mu_{\alpha}\cos\delta, \mu_{\delta})=(-1.21\pm0.27, -4.39\pm0.26) \masyr. In this study we also use background Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal stars to determine the rotation of the globular cluster in the plane of the sky and find that NGC 6681 is not rotating significantly:\ vrot=0.82±1.02v_{\rm rot}=0.82\pm1.02 km\,s1^{-1} at a distance of 1 arcmin from the cluster center.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Party organisational change in Italy (1991-2006)

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    This article analyses the organisational change in Italian political parties since 1990 with the aim of finding evidence in favour or against the widespread view in the literature that organisational resources, and hence power, are becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of party and/or parliamentary leaders, and that there is a corresponding decline in the territorial presence of parties. 10 The account made here of the evolution of Italian parties follows quite closely Katz and Mair’s approach by analysing separately their three organisational faces and observing their characteristics and change over time face by face. Trends in membership, finances, staff and party statutes confirm to a large extent the overall research hypothesis.This article analyses the organisational change in Italian political parties since 1990 with the aim of finding evidence in favour or against the widespread view in the literature that organisational resources, and hence power, are becoming more and more concentrated in the hands of party and/or parliamentary leaders, and that there is a corresponding decline in the territorial presence of parties. 10 The account made here of the evolution of Italian parties follows quite closely Katz and Mair’s approach by analysing separately their three organisational faces and observing their characteristics and change over time face by face. Trends in membership, finances, staff and party statutes confirm to a large extent the overall research hypothesis

    First evidence of fully spatially mixed first and second generations in globular clusters: the case of NGC 6362

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    We present the first evidence of multiple populations in the Galactic globular cluster NGC 6362. We used optical and near-UV Hubble Space Telescope and ground based photometry, finding that both the sub giant and red giant branches are split in two parallel sequences in all color magnitude diagrams where the F336W filter (or U band) is used. This cluster is one of the least massive globulars (M_tot~5x10^4 M_sun) where multiple populations have been detected so far. Even more interestingly and at odds with any previous finding, we observe that the two identified populations share the same radial distribution all over the cluster extension. NGC 6362 is the first system where stars from different populations are found to be completely spatially mixed. Based on N-body and hydrodynamical simulations of multiple stellar generations, we argue that, to reproduce these findings, NGC 6362 should have lost up to the 80% of its original massComment: Accepted for publication by ApJ Letters; 6 pages, 5 figure

    Proper motions in Terzan 5: membership of the multi-iron sub-populations and first constrain to the orbit

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    By exploiting two sets of high-resolution images obtained with HST ACS/WFC over a baseline of ~10 years we have measured relative proper motions of ~70,000 stars in the stellar system Terzan 5. The results confirm the membership of the three sub-populations with different iron abudances discovered in the system. The orbit of the system has been derived from a first estimate of its absolute proper motion, obtained by using bulge stars as reference. The results of the integration of this orbit within an axisymmetric Galactic model exclude any external accretion origin for this cluster. Terzan 5 is known to have chemistry similar to the Galactic bulge; our findings support a kinematic link between the cluster and the bulge, further strengthening the possibility that Terzan 5 is the fossil remnant of one of the pristine clumps that originated the bulge.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication by Ap

    Double Blue Straggler sequences in GCs: the case of NGC 362

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    We used high-quality images acquired with the WFC3 on board the HST to probe the blue straggler star (BSS) population of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 362. We have found two distinct sequences of BSS: this is the second case, after M 30, where such a feature has been observed. Indeed the BSS location, their extension in magnitude and color and their radial distribution within the cluster nicely resemble those observed in M 30, thus suggesting that the same interpretative scenario can be applied: the red BSS sub-population is generated by mass transfer binaries, the blue one by collisions. The discovery of four new W UMa stars, three of which lying along the red-BSS sequence, further supports this scenario. We also found that the inner portion of the density profile deviates from a King model and is well reproduced by either a mild power-law (\alpha -0.2) or a double King profile. This feature supports the hypothesis that the cluster is currently undergoing the core collapse phase. Moreover, the BSS radial distribution shows a central peak and monotonically decreases outward without any evidence of an external rising branch. This evidence is a further indication of the advanced dynamical age of NGC 362: in fact, together with M 30, NGC 362 belongs to the family of dynamically old clusters (Family III) in the "dynamical clock" classification proposed by Ferraro et al. (2012). The observational evidence presented here strengthens the possible connection between the existence of a double BSS sequence and a quite advanced dynamical status of the parent cluster.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 39 pages, 16 figures, 1 tabl

    Cross Sectional and Longitudinal Fuzzy Clustering of the NUTS and Positioning of the Italian Regions with Respect to the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) Indicators with Contiguity Constraints

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    In socio-economical clustering often the empirical information is represented by time-varying data generated by indicators observed over time on a set of subnational (regional) units. Usually among these units may exist contiguity relations, spatial but not only.In this paper we propose a fuzzy clustering model of multivariate time-varying data, the longitudinal fuzzy C-Medoids clustering with contiguity constraints. The temporal aspect is dealt with by using appropriate measures of dissimilarity between time trajectories. The contiguity among units is dealt with adding a contiguity matrix as a penalization term in the clustering model.The cross sectional fuzzy C-Medoids clustering with contiguity constraints is obtained considering one instant of time. The model is applied to the classification of the European NUTS on the basis of the observed dynamics of the Basic, Efficiency and Innovation subindexes of the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) 2013 and 2016. The positioning of the Italian regions is analyzed through the values of the medoids of the clusters and shows the peculiarities of the regions with respect to the subindexes either in single times or in the dynamic. Two contiguity constraints, one based on the European Western, Southern, Central and Northern geographic areas and one on the level of GDP—taken into account in the computation of the RCI—are also introduced in the models