31 research outputs found
Varieties Connected by Chains of Lines
In this paper we give for any integer l > 2 a numerical criterion ensuring
the existence of a chain of length l of lines through two general points of an
irreducible variety X in P^N, involving the degrees and the number of
homogeneous polynomials defining X. We show that our criterion is sharp.Comment: 8 page
Ultrasonography of quadriceps femoris muscle and subcutaneous fat tissue and body composition by BIVA in chronic dialysis patients
Protein Energy Wasting (PEW) in hemodialysis (HD) patients is a multifactorial condition due to specific pathology-related pathogenetic mechanisms, leading to loss of skeletal muscle mass in HD patients. Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging still represent the gold standard techniques for body composition assessment. However, their widespread application in clinical practice is difficult and body composition evaluation in HD patients is mainly based on conventional anthropometric nutritional indexes and bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA). Little data is currently available on ultrasound (US)-based measurements of muscle mass and fat tissue in this clinical setting. The purpose of our study is to ascertain: (1) if there are differences between quadriceps rectus femoris muscle (QRFM) thickness and abdominal/thigh subcutaneous fat tissue (SFT) measured by US between HD patients and healthy subjects; (2) if there is any correlation between QRFM and abdominal/thigh SFT thickness by US, and BIVA/conventional nutritional indexes in HD patients. We enrolled 65 consecutive HD patients and 33 healthy subjects. Demographic and laboratory were collected. The malnutrition inflammation score (MIS) was calculated. Using B-mode US system, the QRFM and SFT thicknesses were measured at the level of three landmarks in both thighs (superior anterior iliac spine, upper pole of the patella, the midpoint of the tract included between the previous points). SFT was also measured at the level of the periumbilical point. The mono frequency (50 KHz) BIVA was conducted using bioelectrical measurements (Rz, resistance; Xc, reactance; adjusted for height, Rz/H and Xc/H; PA, phase angle). 58.5% were men and the mean age was 69 (SD 13.7) years. QRFM and thigh SFT thicknesses were reduced in HD patients as compared to healthy subjects (p < 0.01). Similarly, also BIVA parameters, expression of lean body mass, were lower (p < 0.001), except for Rz and Rz/H in HD patients. The average QRFM thickness of both thighs at top, mid, lower landmarks were positively correlated with PA and body cell mass (BCM) by BIVA, while negatively correlated with Rz/H (p < 0.05). Abdominal SFT was positively correlated with PA, BCM and basal metabolic rate (BMR) (p < 0.05). Our study shows that ultrasound QRFM and thigh SFT thicknesses were reduced in HD patients and that muscle ultrasound measurements were significantly correlated with BIVA parameters
Il QB Stress Test e l'infermiere di dialisi: quanto basta per sorvegliare una fistola arterovenosa
Un accesso vascolare (AV) ben funzionante è la premessa necessaria per il buon esito di un trattamento dialitico. Il ruolo dell'infermiere nella sorveglianza e nel monitoraggio dell'AV è di fondamentale importanza sia nell'educazione del paziente sia nella prevenzione e nella precoce segnalazione delle complicanze. Nel nostro Centro abbiamo iniziato un protocollo mensile di misurazione della portata dell'AV attraverso l'utilizzo della metodica a diluizione a ultrasuoni, che tuttavia ha mostrato varie criticità per l'elevato numero di fistole arterovenose, la presenza di un unico strumento per più Centri, e la mal tolleranza dei pazienti per il cambio spesso necessario della posizione degli aghi e l'allungamento del tempo della seduta dialitica. Abbiamo quindi pensato di mettere a punto un test di pre-screening semplice e rapido, il QB stress test (QBST), che ci permettesse di selezionare solo quella popolazione a rischio da sottoporre a ulteriori accertamenti diagnostici.
Dopo 5 anni di follow-up attraverso QBST ed esame clinico possiamo dire che il test è facile e veloce da eseguire ed è ben tollerato dai pazienti, ai quali non viene cambiata la posizione degli aghi né allungata la seduta dialitica. Inoltre nei pazienti negativi al test non abbiamo avuto nessun episodio trombotico
Plasma and red blood cell pufas in home parenteral nutrition paediatric patients—effects of lipid emulsions
Background: Mixed lipid emulsions (LE) containing fish oil present several advantages compared to the sole soybean oil LE, but little is known about the safety of essential fatty acids (EFA) profile in paediatric patients on long-term Parenteral Nutrition (PN). Aim of the study: to assess glycerophosfolipid polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) levels on plasma and red blood cell (RBC) membrane of children on long term PN with composite LE containing fish oil (SMOF), and to compare it with a group receiving olive oil LE (Clinoleic®) and to the reference range for age, previously determined on a group of healthy children. Results: A total of 38 patients were enrolled, median age 5.56 (0.9–21.86) years, 15 receiving Clinoleic®, 23 receiving SMOF. Patients on SMOF showed significantly higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), lower levels of arachidonic acid (ARA) and Mead acid (MEAD)/ARA ratio in plasma and RBC compared with patients on Clinoleic® and with healthy children. Triene:tetraene (T:T) ratio of both groups of patients did not differ from that of healthy children-median plasma (MEAD/ARA: 0.01, interquartile rage (IQR) 0.01, p = 0.61 and 0.02, IQR 0.02, p = 0.6 in SMOF and Clinoleic® patients, respectively), and was considerably lower than Holman index (>0.21). SMOF patients showed no statistically significant differences in growth parameters compared with Clinoleic® patients. Patients of both groups showed stiffness class F0-F1 of liver stiffness measure (LSM) 5.6 (IQR 0.85) in SMOF patients and 5.3 (IQR 0.90) in Clinoleic® patients, p = 0.58), indicating absence of liver fibrosis. Conclusions: Fatty acids, measured as concentrations (mg/L), revealed specific PUFA profile of PN patients and could be an accurate method to evaluate nutritional status and eventually to detect essential fatty acid deficiency (EFAD). SMOF patients showed significantly higher EPA, DHA and lower ARA concentrations compared to Clinoleic® patients. Both LEs showed similar hepatic evolution and growth
Covered by lines and conic connected varieties
We study some properties of an embedded variety covered by lines
and give a numerical criterion ensuring the existence of a singular conic
through two of its general points. We show that our criterion is sharp.
Conic-connected, covered by lines, QEL, LQEL, prime Fano, defective,
and dual defective varieties are closely related. We study some relations
between the above mentioned classes of objects using celebrated results
by Ein and Zak