25 research outputs found

    Performance of ParaHit and OptiMAL tests in the diagnosis of Malaria in Mwanza, Southwest Tanzania.

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    Abstract.Background:  Rapid malaria diagnostic tests (RDTs) are non microscopic tests that provide a rapid detection of malaria parasites in infected individuals; they are simple and less technical demanding. However they have low detection thresholds particularly in low parasitaemia.  Objectives: To compare and evaluate the performance of ParaHit and OptiMAL tests for detection of malaria infections with routine microscopy.  Materials and Methods: Blood samples from study participants were obtained after their informed consent and tested for malaria parasite infection for the two RDTs according to instructions from the manufacturers, blood films were made and stained with Giemsa for microscopy. Results:A total of 243 individuals participated in the study with a median age of 22.0 yrs (range 0 -75yrs). Microscopy had a higher detection rate of 19.7% (48/243) as compared to ParaHit 4.5% and OptiMAL 3.7%. Low sensitivity of 21.2% and 17%, but high specificity of 99.4% with both ParaHit and OptiMAL tests were respectively obtained. Of all positive blood slides for P. falciparum malaria, 78.7% of these smears had low parasite density ranged between 80 -720 parasite/µl of blood. These slides were negative for malaria parasite based on both RDTs. Over 80% of study participants who reported fever had negative blood slides for malaria parasites by microscopy, but 44.7% among those who reported no fever had positive blood slides for P. falciparum Malaria. Study participants who reported to have fever and high parasite density above 720 parasite/µl were likely to be positive by both RDTs (OR= 6.8), P= 0.031529.Conclusions:The overall performance of both RDTs in detecting asexual P. falciparum was low as compared to microscopy and their performance were highly affected with parasite density calling for further evaluation studies before its wide use in peripheral health facilities in order to minimize potential severe consequences.

    Enhancing HIV status disclosure and partners’ testing through counselling in Tanzania

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    Background: In Tanzania HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC) is being implemented through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), provider initiated counselling and testing (PITC) and work place counselling and testing (HTC). Within these programmes, HIV status disclosure is emphasized. However, among persons who test HIV positive, many do not disclose their status to their partners and social networks.  However, data are lacking on the effectiveness of the different HTC strategies on HIV positive status disclosure.Objective: To investigate which of the three HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC) strategies: Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT), Provider Initiated Counselling and Testing (PITC) and work place Counselling and testing is associated with improved HIV-positive status disclosure in Eastern Tanzania.Methods: Structured interviews were conducted with 455 newly diagnosed HIV-positive clients at 6 HTC sites during enrolment and at three months follow-up to collect data on disclosure status.Results: We found that PITC strategy attended a relatively higher proportion of clients 182/455(40.1%) as compared to VCT 169/455 (37.1%) and work place HTC strategies 104/455(22.9%) respectively. Among clients, about one third 130/455(28.6%) were found to be HIV-positive. HIV status disclosure rates were variable and were in order of preference of disclosing to family members 86/130(66.2 %), followed by relatives 74/130(56.9%) and sexual partners 71/130(54.6%). A high proportion of participants 77/130(59.2%) experienced violence acts from sexual partners in form of stigma and discrimination, abuse, divorce and termination from employment. In the multivariate logistic regression, disclosure to sexual partners was associated with violence acts of about two times higher (Disclosure to Partners OR=1.89) when compared to the group that did not disclose to their partners.Conclusion: PITC strategy was found to result into higher rates of HIV positive status disclosure when compared to VCT and work place HTC strategies. Stigma, discrimination and violence acts are still prevalent in Tanzania and discourages HIV positive status disclosure. Based on these findings, there is an urgent need of promoting public education on HIV transmission, prevention and treatment and enhancing strategies to reduce risky sexual behaviour and increase condom use

    Users' and health service providers' perception on quality of laboratory malaria diagnosis in Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Correct diagnosis of malaria is crucial for proper treatment of patients and surveillance of the disease. However, laboratory diagnosis of malaria in Tanzania is constrained by inadequate infrastructure, consumables and insufficient skilled personnel. Furthermore, the perceptions and attitude of health service providers (laboratory personnel and clinicians) and users (patients/care-takers) on the quality of laboratory services also present a significant challenge in the utilization of the available services. This study was conducted to assess perceptions of users and health-care providers on the quality and utilization of laboratory malaria diagnostic services in six districts from three regions in Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires were used to collect information from laboratory personnel, clinicians and patients or care-takers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 63 laboratory personnel, 61 clinicians and 753 patients/care-takers were interviewed. Forty-six (73%) laboratory personnel claimed to be overworked, poorly motivated and that their laboratories were under-equipped. About 19% (N = 12) of the laboratory personnel were lacking professional qualification. Thirty-seven clinicians (60.7%) always requested for blood smear examination to confirm malaria. Only twenty five (41.0%) clinicians considered malaria microscopy results from their respective laboratories to be reliable. Forty-five (73.8%) clinicians reported to have been satisfied with malaria diagnostic services provided by their respective laboratories. Majority (90.2%, N = 679) of the patients or care-takers were satisfied with the laboratory services.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings show that laboratory personnel were not satisfied with the prevailing working conditions, which were reported to undermine laboratory performance. It was evident that there was no standard criteria for ordering malaria laboratory tests and test results were under-utilized. Majority of the clinicians and patients or care-takers were comfortable with the overall performance of laboratories, but laboratory results were having less impact on patient management.</p

    Treatment of co-infection with bancroftian filariasis and onchocerciasis: a safety and efficacy study of albendazole with ivermectin compared to treatment of single infection with bancroftian filariasis

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    BACKGROUND: In order to use a combination of ivermectin and albendazole for the elimination of lymphatic filariasis, it is important to assess the potential risk of increased adverse events in individuals infected with both lymphatic filariasis and onchocerciasis. We compared the safety and efficacy of albendazole (400 mg) in combination with ivermectin (150 micrograms/kg), for the treatment of co-infections of Wuchereria bancrofti and Onchocerca volvulus with single infection of W. bancrofti. METHODS: The safety study on co-infections was a crossover, double blind design, while for the single infection of bancroftian filariasis an open design comparing two treatments was used. For co-infection, one group was allocated a single dose of ivermectin (150 micrograms/kg) plus albendazole (400 mg) (Group A). The other group received placebo (Group B). Five days later the treatment regime was reversed, with the Group A receiving placebo and Group B receiving treatment. For the single bancroftian filariasis infection, one group received a single dose of albendazole (400 mg) plus ivermectin (150 μg/kg) (Group C) while the other group received a single dose of albendazole (400 mg) alone (Group D). Blood and skin specimens were collected on admission day, day 0, and on days 2, 3, and 7 to assess drug safety and efficacy. Thereafter, blood and skin specimens were collected during the 12 months follow up for the assessment of drug efficacy. Study individuals were clinically monitored every six hours during the first 48 hours following treatment, and routine clinical examinations were performed during the hospitalisation period and follow-up. RESULTS: In individuals co-infected with bancroftian filariasis and onchocerciasis, treatment with ivermectin and albendazole was safe and tolerable. Physiological indices showed no differences between groups with co-infection (W. bancrofti and O. volvulus) or single infection (W. bancrofti). The frequency of adverse events in co-infected individuals was 63% (5/8, Group A, albendazole + ivermectin) and 57% (4/7, Group B, placebo) and of mild or moderate intensity. In single W. bancrofti infection the frequency of adverse events was 50% (6/12, Group C, albendazole + ivermectin) and 38% (5/13, Group D, albendazole) and of a similar intensity to those experienced with co-infection. There were no differences in adverse events between treatment groups. There was no significant difference in the reduction of microfilaraemia following treatment with albendazole and ivermectin in groups with single or co-infection. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that ivermectin plus albendazole is a safe and tolerable treatment for co-infection of bancroftian filariasis and onchocerciasis

    Acceptability of malaria rapid diagnostic tests administered by village health workers in Pangani District, North eastern Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria continues to top the list of the ten most threatening diseases to child survival in Tanzania. The country has a functional policy for appropriate case management of malaria with rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) from hospital level all the way to dispensaries, which are the first points of healthcare services in the national referral system. However, access to these health services in Tanzania is limited, especially in rural areas. Formalization of trained village health workers (VHWs) can strengthen and extend the scope of public health services, including diagnosis and management of uncomplicated malaria in resource-constrained settings. Despite long experience with VHWs in various health interventions, Tanzania has not yet formalized its involvement in malaria case management. This study presents evidence on acceptability of RDTs used by VHWs in rural northeastern Tanzania. METHODS: A cross-sectional study using quantitative and qualitative approaches was conducted between March and May 2012 in Pangani district, northeastern Tanzania, on community perceptions, practices and acceptance of RDTs used by VHWs. RESULTS: Among 346 caregivers of children under 5 years old, no evidence was found of differences in awareness of HIV rapid diagnostic tests and RDTs (54 vs. 46 %, p = 0.134). Of all respondents, 92 % expressed trust in RDT results, 96 % reported readiness to accept RDTs by VHWs, while 92 % expressed willingness to contribute towards the cost of RDTs used by VHWs. Qualitative results matched positive perceptions, attitudes and acceptance of mothers towards the use of RDTs by VHWs reported in the household surveys. Appropriate training, reliable supplies, affordability and close supervision emerged as important recommendations for implementation of RDTs by VHWs. CONCLUSION: RDTs implemented by VHWs are acceptable to rural communities in northeastern Tanzania. While families are willing to contribute towards costs of sustaining these services, policy decisions for scaling-up will need to consider the available and innovative lessons for successful universally accessible and acceptable services in keeping with national health policy and sustainable development goals

    Supply chain management of laboratory supportive services and its potential implications on the quality of HIV diagnostic services in Tanzania

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    Background: Reliable supply of laboratory supportive services contributes significantly to the quality of HIV diagnostic services. This study assessed the status of supply chain management of laboratory supportive services and its potential implications on the quality of HIV diagnostic services in selected districts of Tanzania.Methods: The study was conducted in 39 health facilities (HFs) from eight districts in four regions of Tanzania, namely Iringa, Mtwara, Tabora and Tanga. Facilities with care and treatment centres for HIV/AIDS patients were purposively selected for the study. The study utilized a quantitative method of data collection. A questionnaire was administered to heads of laboratories to obtain information on laboratory supply chain management.Results:  A total of 39 health facilities (HF) were included in the study. This included 23 public and 16 private facilities. In 82% of the HFs, ordering of supplies was performed by the laboratory departments. The information commonly used to forecast requirements of the laboratories included the number of tests done (74.4%; n=29), current stock levels (69.2%; n=27), average monthly consumption (64.1%, n=25) and minimum and maximum stock levels (10.2%, n=4). Emergency orders were significantly common in public than private facilities (73.9% vs. 56.3%, p=0.004).  Delivery of ordered supplies took 1 to 180 days with a significantly longer period for public than private facilities (32.5 vs. 13.1 days, p=0.044). Most of the public HFs ordered supplies from diverse sources compared to private facilities (68.2% vs. 31.8%).Conclusion: There was a weak inventory management system and delays in delivery of supplies in the majority of HFs, which are likely to impede quality of HIV care and treatment. Strengthening capacity for data management and ensure constant supply will potentially improve the quality of HIV diagnostic services

    Acceptability of Condom Promotion and Distribution Among 10-19 Year-Old Adolescents in Mpwapwa and Mbeya Rural Districts, Tanzania.

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    \ud The HIV/AIDS pandemic remains a leading challenge for global health. Although condoms are acknowledged for their key role on preventing HIV transmission, low and inappropriate use of condoms persists in Tanzania and elsewhere in Africa. This study assesses factors affecting acceptability of condom promotion and distribution among adolescents in Mpwapwa and Mbeya rural districts of Tanzania. Data were collected in 2011 as part of a larger cross-sectional survey on condom use among 10-19 year-olds in Mpwapwa and Mbeya rural districts of Tanzania using a structured questionnaire. Associations between acceptability of condom promotion and distribution and each of the explanatory variables were tested using Chi Square. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to examine independent predictors of the acceptability of condom promotion and distribution using STATA (11) statistical software at 5% significance level. Mean age of the 1,327 adolescent participants (50.5% being males) was 13.5 years (SD = 1.4). Acceptance of condom promotion and distribution was found among 37% (35% in Mpwapwa and 39% in Mbeya rural) of the adolescents. Being sexually active and aged 15-19 was the strongest predictor of the acceptability of condom promotion and distribution (OR = 7.78, 95% CI 4.65-12.99). Others were; not agreeing that a condom is effective in preventing transmissions of STIs including HIV (OR = 0.34, 95% CI 0.20-0.56), being a resident of Mbeya rural district (OR = 1.67, 95% CI 1.28-2.19), feeling comfortable being seen by parents/guardians holding/buying condoms (OR = 2.20, 95% CI 1.40-3.46) and living with a guardian (OR = 1.48, 95% CI 1.08-2.04). Acceptability of condom promotion and distribution among adolescents in Mpwapwa and Mbeya rural is low. Effect of sexual activity on the acceptability of condom promotion and distribution is age-dependent and was the strongest. Feeling comfortable being seen by parents/guardians buying or holding condoms, perceived ability of condoms to offer protection against HIV/AIDS infections, district of residence and living arrangements also offered significant predictive effect. Knowledge of these factors is vital in designing successful and sustainable condom promotion and distribution programs in Tanzania.\u

    Diffusion of Subsidized ACTs in Accredited Drug Shops in Tanzania: Determinants of Stocking and Characteristics of Early and Late Adopters.

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    Many households in sub-Saharan Africa utilize the private sector as a primary source of treatment for malaria episodes. Expanding access to effective treatment in private drug shops may help reduce incidence of severe disease and mortality. This research leveraged a longitudinal survey of stocking of subsidized artemisinin combination therapies (ACTs), an effective anti-malarial, in Accredited Drug Dispensing Outlets (ADDOs) in two regions of Tanzania. This provided a unique opportunity to explore shop and market level determinants of product diffusion in a developing country retail market. 356 ADDOs in the Rukwa and Mtwara regions of Tanzania were surveyed at seven points between Feb 2011 and May 2012. Shop level audits were used to measure the availability of subsidized ACTs at each shop. Data on market and shop level factors were collected during the survey and also extracted from GIS layers. Regression and network based methodologies were used. Shops classified as early and late adopters, following Rogers' model of product diffusion, were compared. The Bass model of product diffusion was applied to determine whether shops stocked ACTs out of a need to imitate market competitors or a desire to satisfy customer needs. Following the introduction of a subsidy for ACTs, stocking increased from 12% to nearly 80% over the seven survey rounds. Stocking was influenced by higher numbers of proximal shops and clinics, larger customer traffic and the presence of a licensed pharmacist. Early adopters were characterized by a larger percentage of customers seeking care for malaria, a larger catchment and sourcing from specific wholesalers/suppliers. The Bass model of product diffusion indicated that shops were adopting products in response to competitor behavior, rather than customer demand. Decisions to stock new pharmaceutical products in Tanzanian ADDOs are influenced by a combination of factors related to both market competition and customer demand, but are particularly influenced by the behavior of competing shops. Efforts to expand access to new pharmaceutical products in developing country markets could benefit from initial targeting of high profile shops in competitive markets and wholesale suppliers to encourage faster product diffusion across all drug retailers

    Differences in clinical presentation of primary open-angle glaucoma between African and European populations

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    Purpose: Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) has been reported to occur more frequently in Africans, and to follow a more severe course compared to Europeans. We aimed to describe characteristics of POAG presentation and treatment across three ethnic groups from Africa and one from Europe. Methods: We ascertained 151 POAG patients from South African Coloured (SAC) and 94 South African Black (SAB) ethnicity from a university hospital in South Africa. In Tanzania, 310 patients were recruited from a university hospital and a referral hospital. In the Netherlands, 241 patients of European ancestry were included. All patients were over 35 years old and had undergone an extensive ophthalmic examination. Patients were diagnosed according to the ISGEO criteria. A biogeographic ancestry analysis was performed to estimate the proportion of genetic African ancestry (GAA). Results: The biogeographic ancestry analysis showed that the median proportion of GAA was 97.6% in Tanzanian, 100% in SAB, 34.2% in SAC and 1.5% in Dutch participants. Clinical characteristics at presentation for Tanzanians, SAB, SAC and Dutch participants, respectively: mean age: 63, 57, 66, 70 years (p < 0.001); visual acuity in the worse eye: 1.78, 1.78, 0.3, 0.3 LogMAR (p < 0.001); maximum intraocular pressure of both eyes: 36, 34, 29, 29 mmHg (panova < 0.001); maximum vertical cup to disc ratio (VCDR) of both eyes: 0.90, 0.90, 0.84, 0.83 (p < 0.001); mean central corneal thickness: 506, 487, 511, 528 μm (p < 0.001). Fourteen percent of Tanzanian patients presented with blindness (<3/60 Snellen) in the better eye in contrast to only 1% in the Dutch. Conclusion: In this multi-ethnic comparative study, Sub-Saharan Africans present at a younger age with lower visual acuity, higher IOP, larger VCDR, than SAC and Dutch participants. This indicates the more progressive and destructive course in Sub-Saharan Africans