21 research outputs found

    Application of auxological methods, including dental age estimation, in the assessment of delayed puberty in girls in gynecological practice

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    Developmental gynecology uses methods practiced in auxology — the science of human ontogenetic development. An important and jointly used concept in gynecology and auxology is the concept of developmental age, which, unlike calendar age, is a measure of the biological maturity of the organism, indicating the stage of advancement in the development of certain features or body systems. Developmental age assessment methods include: a) morphological (somatic) age — body height and weight, b) secondary sex characteristics — breast in girls, genitalia (penis and testes) in boys, and pubic hair in both sexes, c) bone age — hand and wrist x-ray, and d) dental age. An important marker of developmental age is also age at menarche, treated as a late indicator of puberty in girls. All of these methods are useful in the context of assessing regularity and disorders of puberty, such as delayed puberty. The paper discusses developmental age assessment methods that can be used to diagnose delayed puberty as well as the causes of delayed puberty in girls. It should be emphasized that in assessing the process of physical development of a given individual, the cooperation of specialists in the field of developmental gynecology, pediatrics, auxology, dentistry, endocrinology, and dietetics would be the most desirable

    Flowering Phenology of Six Seasonal-Flowering Strawberry Cultivars in a Coordinated European Study

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    The flowering phenology of six genetically distant strawberry cultivars (‘Candonga®’ (ES), ‘Clery’ (IT), ‘Florence’ (UK), ‘Frida’ (NO), ‘Gariguette’ (FR), and ‘Sonata’ (NL)) was studied for 3 years in relation to climatic parameters in open-field cultivation at three locations (Norway, Poland, Germany) and in soil-less cultivation at two locations (Italy, and France), covering a distance of 16 degrees of latitude. This proved to be a useful approach for unravelling the climatic adaptation and plasticity of strawberry genotypes and their suitability both for profitable cultivation and as a breeding pedigree. Despite the intercorrelated character of the climatic variables, the observed results highlight the importance of global radiation as a powerful modifying phenological factor in strawberry. Generally, early flower initiation was associated with elevated temperature and global radiation. ‘Frida’ revealed the highest dependency on global radiation for flower initiation, while ‘Sonata’ was least affected by temperature and radiation. In general, temperature and global radiation in periods both preceding and following flower initiation had a stronger positive effect on the number of flowers than on crowns, especially under open-field conditions. The influence of these factors was highly variable across the cultivars: ‘Clery’, ‘Florence’, and ‘Gariguette’ were most affected, while ‘Frida’ was least influenced.publishedVersio

    How does climate change impact berry fruit quality?

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    Berry fruits consumption has increased dramatically over the last decade due to its remarkable flavor and well-known health benefits. The demand for high-quality berry fruits and sustainable production methods is increasing globally, challenging breeders to develop modern berry cultivars that fulfill all desired characteristics. Nowadays, to improve fruits sensorial and nutritive characteristics as well as enhanced fruit quality traits and climate change adaptation are the main objectives of breeding programs. Our aim is the identification of metabolic biomarkers associated with climate change, involved in fruit quality by using metabolomic tools. In addition, multivariate statistical analyses were applied to outline the genetic and environmental factors controlling the accumulation of quality-related metabolites, both for the organoleptic and nutritional characteristics of this highly appreciated fruit. To better understand how environment influence fruit metabolome, we study the metabolomic profiles of mature fruit from four raspberry and black currant commercial cultivars grown in different European locations (Germany, Poland, Norway and Scotland). Our result suggests that environment has a strong impact on primary metabolites and volatiles, such us increase in β-ionone due to high radiation in raspberry fruit or vitamin C accumulation according to differences between day and night temperatures in black currant fruits. Besides, both cultivars appear to be better adapted to North Europe growing conditions, for example they favor the accumulation of SSC and organic acids. Further, we corroborate the impact of environmental factors have on fruit flavor and nutritional value and how metabolomic approaches are suitable for assessing fruit quality.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Possibilities of improvement the quality of strawberry fruit by intra- and interspecific hybridization within the Fragaria genus

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    Prace badawcze nad poszerzaniem zmienności genetycznej u truskawki na świecie ukierunkowane są głównie na poprawę zewnętrznej i wewnętrznej jakości owoców. Celem podjętych w Instytucie Ogrodnictwa badań było określenie możliwości zwiększenia zawartości substancji bioaktywnych (przede wszystkim polifenoli, antocyjanów oraz kwasów organicznych) w owocach truskawki metodą hodowli konwencjonalnej. Na podstawie dwuletniej oceny fenotypowej spośród 6097 siewek, otrzymanych w wyniku krzyżowań wewnątrz- i międzygatunkowych w obrębie rodzaju Fragaria, wyselekcjonowano 90 wartościowych genotypów. W roku 2019 genotypy te oceniono pod względem plonu, masy, atrakcyjności i jędrności owoców, a także zawartości w owocach ekstraktu, związków fenolowych, antocyjanów i kwasu askorbinowego. Stwierdzono, że największe, najbardziej atrakcyjne i jędrne owoce wytworzyły klony T-201536-16 i T-201536-08 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201514-04 i T-201514-05 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’) oraz T-201560-07 (‘Onda’ × ‘Panvik’). Największą zawartością ekstraktu odznaczały się owoce genotypów T-201536-16 i T-201536-09 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’). Najwięcej związków fenolowych zawierały owoce klonów T-201501-02 (‘Alba’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201512-04 (‘Camarosa’ × ‘Panvik’) oraz T-201567-01 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’), zaś antocyjanów - owoce klonów T-201514-08 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’), T-201508-01 (‘Alice’ × ‘Matis’), T-201517-05 (‘Chandler’ × ‘Matis’) oraz T-201580-01 (Fragaria chiloensis Del Norte × ‘Elsanta’). Najbardziej bogate w kwas askorbinowy były owoce klonów T-201526-05 (‘Cigaline’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201501-03 (‘Alba’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201536-15 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’) oraz T-201567-01 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’). Najwyższą łączną zawartością wszystkich analizowanych związków bioaktywnych w owocach odznaczały się klony T-201514-08 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’), T-201517-05 (‘Chandler’ × ‘Matis’) oraz T-201567-04 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’).Research on widening genetic variation in strawberry around the world is focused mainly on improving external and internal fruit quality. The aim of the research undertaken at the Research Institute of Horticulture was to determine the possibility of increasing the content of bioactive compounds (polyphenols, anthocyanins and organic acids) in strawberry by conventional breeding. Based on a two-year phenotypic evaluation, 90 valuable genotypes were selected from 6097 hybrids obtained as a result of intra- and interspecific hybridization within the Fragaria genus. In 2019, these genotypes were assessed in terms of fruit yield, weight, attractiveness and firmness, as well as the content of the extract, phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid in the fruit.We found that the largest, most attractive and firmest fruits were produced by clones T-201536-16 and T-201536-08 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201514-04 and T-201514-05 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’) and T-201560-07 (‘Onda’ × ‘Panvik’). The highest extract content was noted in the fruits of genotypes T-201536-16 and T-201536-09 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’). The greatest number of phenolic compounds were encountered in the fruits of clones T-201501-02 (‘Alba’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201512-04 (‘Camarosa’ × ‘Panvik’) and T-201567-01 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’), while the highest anthocyanin levels were evident in the fruit of clones T-201514-08 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’), T-201508-01 (‘Alice’ × ‘Matis’), T-201517-05 (‘Chandler’ × ‘Matis’) and T-201580-01 (Fragaria chiloensis Del Norte × ‘Elsanta’). Moreover, the richest levels of ascorbic acid were in the fruits of clones T-201526-05 (‘Cigaline’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201501-03 (‘Alba’ × ‘Grandarosa’), T-201536-15 (‘Clery’ × ‘Grandarosa’) and T-201567-01 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’). Finally, the highest total content of all analyzed bioactive compounds in fruits was noted for clones T-201514-08 (‘Candiss’ × ‘Panvik’), T-201517-05 (‘Chandler’ × ‘Matis’) and T-201567-04 (‘Patty’ × ‘Panvik’)

    Preliminary results of the evaluation of selected red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) clones so as to extend existing genetic variability in terms of important phenotypic features

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań z roku 2019, czyli z pierwszego roku oceny klonów. Celem badań było określenie możliwości poszerzenia zmienności genetycznej maliny właściwej (Rubus idaeus L.), istniejącej w zasobach genetycznych Instytutu Ogrodnictwa, pod względem takich cech biologicznych, jak okres dojrzewania, atrakcyjność (wygląd), wielkość i masa owoców, wytwarzanie kolców przez rośliny, siła wzrostu i zdrowotność krzewów. Badaniami objęto najbardziej wartościowe genotypy wyselekcjonowane z populacji 2640 siewek pokolenia F1, otrzymanych ze skrzyżowania w układzie diallelicznym, wg II metody Griffinga (Griffing, 1956) 10 odmian maliny (‘Canby’, ‘Glen Ample’, ‘Laszka’, ‘Polana’, ‘Polka’, ‘Radziejowa’, ‘Schönemann’, ‘Sokolica’, ‘Veten’ i ‘Willamette’). Uzyskane wyniki badań potwierdziły, że możliwe jest poszerzenie zmienności genetycznej przy zastosowaniu metod hodowli konwencjonalnej, a także połączenie w jednym genotypie takich cech maliny, jak zdolność do wytwarzania wysokiej jakości owoców, wydłużone letnio-jesienne owocowanie i bezkolcowość pędów.The aim of the study was to determine the possibility of extending the genetic variability of red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) stock existing in the genetic resources of the Research Institute of Horticulture in terms of such biological characteristics as ripening time, attractiveness (appearance), size and weight of fruit, spine production by plants, growth vigour and health of shrubs. The paper presents the results of research from 2019, i.e. the first year of clone evaluation. The study includes the most valuable genotypes selected from a population of 2640 seedlings of the F1 generation, obtained from hybridization made in a diallel system, according to the Griffing II method (Griffing, 1956) of 10 cultivars of raspberry (‘Canby’, ‘Glen Ample’, ‘Laszka’, ‘Polana’, ‘Polka’, ‘Radziejowa’, ‘Schönemann’, ‘Sokolica’, ‘Veten’ and ‘Willamette’). The obtained test results confirmed that it is possible to broaden genetic variability using conventional breeding methods, as well as to combine in one genotype such features of raspberry as the ability to produce high quality fruit, extend summer-autumn fruiting and produce spineless shoots

    Changes In The Expression Of Three Cold-Regulated Genes In ‘Elsanta’ And ‘Selvik’ Strawberry (Fragaria × Ananassa) Plants Exposed To Freezing

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    Cold temperatures in midwinter and late-spring frosts cause severe damages to strawberry plants cultivated in temperate climate regions. Despite the seriousness of the problem, the plant mechanism of defense against cold stress has not been fully elucidated yet, especially in its molecular aspect. The presented investigations were conducted on the cold-susceptible cultivar ‘Elsanta’ and the cold-tolerant cultivar ‘Selvik’. Expression profiles of three genes (CBF4, COR47 and F3H) were determined at three time-points: 0, 6 and 12 weeks after sub-zero treatment at -12 °C. The CBF4 gene was very strongly up-regulated in ‘Selvik’ plants and the highest value of the transcript level was detected just after the treatment (time - point 0). The F3H transcript in the treated ‘Selvik’ plants reached the level 4 times higher than in control plants in the 12th week after treatment (time-point 3). In ‘Elsanta’ plants, the CBF4 and COR47 genes were slightly up-regulated (time-point 2), while the F3H gene showed stability of expression. High positive correlation between the transcript level of COR47 and transcript level of CBF4 genes was observed for both cultivars

    Influence of Post-Flowering Climate Conditions on Anthocyanin Profile of Strawberry Cultivars Grown from North to South Europe

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    The effect of cultivar and environmental variations and their interaction on anthocyanin components of strawberry were assessed for six cultivars grown in five locations from North to South of Europe in two different years. To evaluate the impact of latitude- and altitude-related factors, daily mean (Tmean), maximum (Tmax) and minimum (Tmin) temperature and global radiation accumulated for 3, 5, 10 and 15 days before fruit sampling, was analyzed. In general, fruits grown in the south were more enriched in total anthocyanin and pelargonidin-3-glucoside (pel-3-glc), the most abundant anthocyanin in strawberry. Principal component analysis (PCA) provided a separation of the growing locations within a cultivar due to latitudinal climatic differences, temporary weather changes before fruit collection and cultivation technique. PCA also depicted different patterns for anthocyanin distribution indicating a cultivar specific reaction on the environmental factors. The linear regression analysis showed that pel-3-glc was relatively less affected by these factors, while the minor anthocyanins cyanidin-3-glucoside, cyanidin-3-(6-O-malonyl)-glucoside, pelargonidin-3-rutinoside and pelargonidin-3-(6-O-malonoyl)-glucoside were sensitive to Tmax. The global radiation strongly increased cya-3-mal-glc in ‘Frida’ and pel-3-rut in ‘Frida’ and ‘Florence’. ‘Candonga’ accumulated less pel-3-glc and total anthocyanin with increased global radiation. The anthocyanin profiles of ‘Gariguette’ and ‘Clery’ were unaffected by environmental conditions.publishedVersio