42 research outputs found

    Семантический анализ глаголов, выражающих агрессию в русском языке

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    The article determines the main meaning components of verbs denoting aggressive acts in Russian.В статье на материале толковых словарей выделяются основные компоненты значений глаголов, обозначающих агрессивные действия в русском языке


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    Особенности межкультурной адаптации латиноамериканских студентов в России

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    This article shows the basic results of the author's empirical studies, which target the different aspects of the psychological adaptation of Latin American students in Russia. The author describes and analyzes the major difficulties, styles, dynamics and gender differences of Latin American students' adaption to a new sociocultural environment. Some special features of the mutual interpersonal perception of Russians and Latin Americans are examined.В статье представлены основные результаты эмпирических исследований автора, направленных на выявление различных аспектов межкультурной адаптации латиноамериканских студентов в России. Описываются и анализируются основные трудности, стили, динамика, гендерные различия в адаптации латиноамериканских студентов к новой социокультурной среде. Рассматриваются некоторые особенности взаимного восприятия русских и латиноамериканцев

    Основные подходы к изучению межкультурной адаптации в зарубежной психологии

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    In the article are represented contemporary theoretical and empirical approaches to the study of intercultural adaptation in the foreign psychological literature. The solution of its crucial problems from the positions of these approaches is examined.В статье представлены современные теоретические и эмпирические подходы к изучению межкультурной адаптации в зарубежной психологической литературе. Рассматривается решение ее ключевых проблем с позиций этих подходов

    Базовые убеждения личности как ресурс межкультурной адаптации

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    The article is dedicated to the examination of the basic beliefs of personality as the resource of cross-cultural adaptation. The data of empirical research, which demonstrate the connection of the indices of the cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students and their basic beliefs are cited.В статье рассматриваются базовые убеждения личности в качестве ресурса межкультурной адаптации. Приводятся результаты эмпирического исследования, раскрывающие связь базовой философии субъекта и различных показателей адаптации

    New data on the taxonomy and fauna of Palaearctic species of the genus Thrypticus (Diptera: Dolichopodidae)

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    A new species, Thrypticus mongoliensis Negrobov, Selivanova et Maslova, sp. n. is described from Mongolia. According to the Palaearctic table of Negrobov, Stackelberg, published in 1971, the new species is close to the Thrypticus atomus Frey, differing in the form and chetotaxy of surstyli. Thrypticus atomus has straight surstyli, with 6 bristles and hairs at apex, while the new species has curved surstyli, more than 40 setae and hairs. On the morphology of the hypopygium, the new species is close to Thrypticus smaragdinus Gerstaecker, 1864, differing in the structure and chetotaxy of the surstyli, including curved and broadened at the base of the surstyli. Three species are listed for the fauna of Mongolia for the first time: Thrypticus intercedens Negrobov, 1967, Thrypticus emiliae Negrobov, 1971 in Negrobov et Stackelberg, 1971 and Thrypticus politus Negrobov, 1967. Thrypticus cuneatus (Becker, 1917) is recorded for the central part of the European part of Russia for the first time. Thrypticus bellus Loew, 1869 are indicated for the faunas of Karelia, Rostov and Lipetsk regions, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for the first time. Thrypticus virescens Negrobov 1967 and Thrypticus laetus Verrall, 1912 are new records for Ryazan Regio

    Value shifts in Vietnamese students studying in Russia

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    Background. The extension of intercultural contacts in the present-day world calls for a thorough study of what effect these contacts produce on the human personality. When an individual is suddenly immersed in a different culture, his or her consciousness becomes a battlefield where new values conflict with the old. The person experiences an axiological shock, a "value clash," which urges him or her to undertake a re-examination of his/her value system as a whole. Objective. The objective of this study was to determine the changes occurring in the value system of Vietnamese students obtaining their higher education in Russia. Design. A longitudinal study was performed involving 100 Vietnamese students in Russian universities. The measurement methods used in the study were: 1) the modified M. Rokeach Value Survey (Rokeach, 1973; Kudrjashov, 1992), in which the original set of values was expanded by 20 additional values typical of the Vietnamese people; and 2) the technique for assessing acculturation strategies developed by J.W. Berry (Strategii mezhkul'turnogo vzaimodejstvija..., 2009). Results. In the course of a year of residence in Russia, specific changes (or "shifts") occurred in the value systems of the Vietnamese students which proved to be statistically significant. Among the goal values (the same as terminal values, in the terms of M. Rokeach) which took on more weight were Productive Life and Materially Prosperous Life, while among instrumental values, Tidiness and Frugality became more prominent. A difference between the value dynamics in male and female students was also established, with the value pattern of male students proving to be more dynamic. The next finding was the difference in value dynamics between students coming from urban and rural settlements. There was one more quite unexpected finding: The value pattern changed more noticeably in respondents with an acculturation profile of "Integration and Separation," than in those with profiles of "Integration and Assimilation" and "Pure Integration." Conclusions. Therefore we see that factors such as gender, type of environment (rural/urban) the individual comes from, and the strategy of acculturation used by the individual, act as mediators exerting their own influence upon the dynamics of his/her value patterns

    Value shifts in Vietnamese students studying in Russia

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    Background. The extension of intercultural contacts in the present-day world calls for a thorough study of what effect these contacts produce on the human personality. When an individual is suddenly immersed in a different culture, his or her consciousness becomes a battlefield where new values conflict with the old. The person experiences an axiological shock, a "value clash," which urges him or her to undertake a re-examination of his/her value system as a whole. Objective. The objective of this study was to determine the changes occurring in the value system of Vietnamese students obtaining their higher education in Russia. Design. A longitudinal study was performed involving 100 Vietnamese students in Russian universities. The measurement methods used in the study were: 1) the modified M. Rokeach Value Survey (Rokeach, 1973; Kudrjashov, 1992), in which the original set of values was expanded by 20 additional values typical of the Vietnamese people; and 2) the technique for assessing acculturation strategies developed by J.W. Berry (Strategii mezhkul'turnogo vzaimodejstvija..., 2009). Results. In the course of a year of residence in Russia, specific changes (or "shifts") occurred in the value systems of the Vietnamese students which proved to be statistically significant. Among the goal values (the same as terminal values, in the terms of M. Rokeach) which took on more weight were Productive Life and Materially Prosperous Life, while among instrumental values, Tidiness and Frugality became more prominent. A difference between the value dynamics in male and female students was also established, with the value pattern of male students proving to be more dynamic. The next finding was the difference in value dynamics between students coming from urban and rural settlements. There was one more quite unexpected finding: The value pattern changed more noticeably in respondents with an acculturation profile of "Integration and Separation," than in those with profiles of "Integration and Assimilation" and "Pure Integration." Conclusions. Therefore we see that factors such as gender, type of environment (rural/urban) the individual comes from, and the strategy of acculturation used by the individual, act as mediators exerting their own influence upon the dynamics of his/her value patterns

    Классики о любви: современный взгляд

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    The purpose of the research presented in the article was to determine how close the statements about love made by the classics to the views of our contemporaries. The study involved 230 people aged 19 to 61 years old, the mean age is 29 years, the sample consisted of 52% of women and 48% of men. We used the questionnaire “Concepts of love», especially designed for the purposes of the research, which includes 26 statements about love made by famous cultural figures of different times and nations. Three groups of statements according to the degree of their acceptance by respondents were singled out. Most of our contemporaries agree with the fact that love is the desire for happiness to another person, and also that love is the creator of everything good, sublime, strong, warm and bright. The least they agree to perceive love as a hindrance and an obstacle in life. In general, the views of our contemporaries about love are in accordance with the ideas of the classical literature about it; they are also inclined to associate it with dedication, the ability to bring gifts, and also with the meaning of life. Gender differences are revealed: the ideas of women’s love are more romantic and idealistic than those of men.Цель представленного в статье исследования состояла в том, чтобы определить, насколько близки высказывания о любви классиков взглядам наших современников. В исследовании приняли участие 230 человек в возрасте от 19 до 61 года, средний возраст - 29 лет, женщины - 52% выборки, мужчины - 48%. Использован специально разработанный для целей исследования опросник «Представления о любви», включающий в себя 26 высказываний о любви известных деятелей культуры различных времен и народов. Выделены три группы высказываний по степени их принятия респондентами. Наиболее согласны наши современники с тем, что любовь - желание счастья другому лицу, а также с тем, что любовь - творец всего доброго, возвышенного, сильного, теплого и светлого. Менее всего они согласны воспринимать любовь как помеху и препятствие в жизни. В целом представления наших современников о любви находятся в соответствии с представлениями классической литературы о ней, они также склонны связывать ее с самоотдачей, умением приносить дары и со смыслом жизни. Выявлены гендерные различия: представления о любви женщин более романтичны и идеалистичны, чем у мужчины