527 research outputs found

    Phonon assisted tunneling in Josephson junctions

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    The expression for additional subgap current in the presence of electron-phonon interaction is derived. We show that the phonon assisted tunneling leads to appearance of peaks on current-voltage characteristics at the Josephson frequencies corresponding to the Raman-active phonons. The relation of the obtained results to experimental observations are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to PR

    Coulomb singularity effects in tunnelling spectroscopy of individual impurities

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    Non-equilibrium Coulomb effects in resonant tunnelling processes through deep impurity states are analyzed. It is shown that Coulomb vertex corrections to the tunnelling transfer amplitude lead to a power-law singularity in current- voltage characteristicsComment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    L-arginine is an effective medication for prevention of endothelial dysfunction, a predictor of anthracycline cardiotoxicity in patients with acute leukemia

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    Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of L-arginine in the prevention of endothelial dysfunction, which may be a predictor of anthracycline-induced myocardial injury, in patients with acute leukemia (AL) on the background of anthracycline antibiotics low cumulative doses from 100 to 200 mg/m2. Materials and Methods: A total of 81 adult AL patients (38 males and 43 females with the age of 16–59 years) were studied. The patients were divided into two groups: group I (n = 34), AL patients treated with chemotherapy (CT) and L-arginine hydrochloride; group II (n = 47) — AL patients treated with CT only. Cardiac evaluation and endothelial function assessment were performed at baseline and after second CT. Electrocardiography (ECG) parameters, lipid peroxidation activity, antioxidant protection and NO system state were evaluated. Results: The bioelectric activity abnormalities of the myocardium were observed in studied patients with low cardiac risk after induction CT. In case of L-arginine administration, only minimal daily ECG changes were recorded. A significant difference in the lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense system activity in patients of groups I and II was determined. We noticed deepening of endothelial dysfunction on the background of cytostatic therapy with anthracycline antibiotics compared with baseline values in patients of group II. It was found that prophylactic L-arginine increases superoxide dismutase level and reduces the total NOS activity due to its inducible isoform. Conclusion: The leading factor of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity is the imbalance between free radical generation and their inactivation that leads to endothelial dysfunction development. L-arginine eliminates the prooxidant-antioxidant imbalance and improves the endothelial function

    Universal international legal standards of academic freedom

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    Маслова, Н. Г. Універсальні міжнародно-правові стандарти забезпечення академічної свободи / Н. Г. Маслова // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія: Право . - 2012. - Вип. 19, т. 4. - С. 277-281.У статті визначено універсальні міжнародно-правові стандарти забезпечення академічної свободи, їхній зміст та обсяг міжнародних зобов’язань, котрі вони покладають на Україну. Обґрунтовано висновок, що на сьогодні університетська автономія та академічна свобода є загальною вимогою ООН до всіх країн-учасниць.The article outlines the universal international-legal standards of academic freedom, the content and scope of international obligations which they impose on Ukraine. The conclusion that today the university autonomy and academic freedom is a general requirement for all UN member states.В статье определены универсальные международно-правовые стандарты обеспечения академической свободы, их содержание и объем международных обязательств, возлагаемых ими на Украину. Обоснован вывод о том, что на сегодняшний день обеспечение университетской автономии и академической свободы являются общим требованием ООН ко всем странам-участницам

    Value formation of innovative product : a way to commercialization

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    Purpose: The issues of studying the value formation process of an innovative product, from the idea to the prototype to the commercialization of the output from the production line, depending on the type of innovations, are the aims of this article. Design/Methodology/Approach: The conceptual framework of "value" and "innovations" is explored and the theoretical basis of the value approach is revealed at the beginning of the article. The definition of an innovative product is given and the development process and the mechanism of its value formation at each development phase are revealed. Findings: The value-added elements are specified, from the idea generation to the commercialization of the innovative product. The expenses for the calculation items and the development phases of the innovative product are estimated. Practical Implications: Categories of the innovation-based economy development, as "innovation", "innovative product", and "value" are not sufficiently studied. Intensive discussions are taking place in the scientific community regarding what an innovative product is and how its value is formed. A specific result of intellectual activity, at the initial stage of its formation represents an idea that is difficult to be estimated. Originality/Value: The problematics for further research of value formation of innovative products depending on their specific nature is put.The article was prepared in the course of carrying out research work within the framework of the project part of the state task in the field of scientific activity in accordance with the task No. 26.2758.2017 / PCh (26.2758.2017 / 4.6) for 2017-2019 on the topic "System for the formation and distribution analysis of the value of innovative products based on the infrastructure concept".peer-reviewe

    Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy at low temperatures of the (110) surface of Te doped GaAs single crystals

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    We have performed voltage dependent imaging and spatially resolved spectroscopy on the (110) surface of Te doped GaAs single crystals with a low temperature scanning tunneling microscope (STM). A large fraction of the observed defects are identified as Te dopant atoms which can be observed down to the fifth subsurface layer. For negative sample voltages, the dopant atoms are surrounded by Friedel charge density oscillations. Spatially resolved spectroscopy above the dopant atoms and above defect free areas of the GaAs (110) surface reveals the presence of conductance peaks inside the semiconductor band gap. The appearance of the peaks can be linked to charges residing on states which are localized within the tunnel junction area. We show that these localized states can be present on the doped GaAs surface as well as at the STM tip apex.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    Assesment of serotonin levels in patients with ulcerative colitis

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    Протягом останнього часу проводяться дослідження ролі серотоніну щодо з‘ясування ролі серотоніну в порушеннях моторики шлунково-кишкового тракту (ШКТ), у першу чергу, при функціональних захворюваннях кишечника. Залишається недостатньо вивченим патогенетичне значення серотоніну у формуванні клінічної симптоматики загострення виразкового коліту (ВК)

    Features of leukocytes’ immunophenotype in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

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    Імунофенотипування є провідним методом діагностики лімфопроліферативних захворювань, у першу чергу, хронічного лімфолейкозу. Визначення CD-кластерів дозволяє визначити субстрат пухлини, провести диференціальний діагноз, визначити фактори прогнозу захворювання та відповіді на специфічну хіміотерапію. Особливе клінічне значення має подальше дослідження імунофенотипу лейкоцитів при ХЛЛ для визначення так-тики ведення пацієнтів