1,066 research outputs found

    Exponentially Large Probabilities in Quantum Gravity

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    The problem of topology change transitions in quantum gravity is investigated from the Wheeler-de Witt wave function point of view. It is argued that for all theories allowing wormhole effects the wave function of the universe is exponentially large. If the wormhole action is positive, one can try to overcome this difficulty by redefinition of the inner product, while for the case of negative wormhole action the more serious problems arise.Comment: 9 pages in LaTeX, 4 figures in PostScript, the brief version of this paper is to appear in Proceedings of the XXIV ITEP Winter School of Physic

    Initial Conditions for Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical approximation based on extracting a c-number classical component from quantum field is widely used in the quantum field theory. Semiclassical states are considered then as Gaussian wave packets in the functional Schrodinger representation and as Gaussian vectors in the Fock representation. We consider the problem of divergences and renormalization in the semiclassical field theory in the Hamiltonian formulation. Although divergences in quantum field theory are usually associated with loop Feynman graphs, divergences in the Hamiltonian approach may arise even at the tree level. For example, formally calculated probability of pair creation in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion may be divergent. This observation was interpretted as an argumentation for considering non-unitary evolution transformations, as well as non-equivalent representations of canonical commutation relations at different time moments. However, we show that this difficulty can be overcomed without the assumption about non-unitary evolution. We consider first the Schrodinger equation for the regularized field theory with ultraviolet and infrared cutoffs. We study the problem of making a limit to the local theory. To consider such a limit, one should impose not only the requirement on the counterterms entering to the quantum Hamiltonian but also the requirement on the initial state in the theory with cutoffs. We find such a requirement in the leading order of the semiclassical expansion and show that it is invariant under time evolution. This requirement is also presented as a condition on the quadratic form entering to the Gaussian state.Comment: 20 pages, Plain TeX, one postscript figur

    Renormalization of Poincare Transformations in Hamiltonian Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical Hamiltonian field theory is investigated from the axiomatic point of view. A notion of a semiclassical state is introduced. An "elementary" semiclassical state is specified by a set of classical field configuration and quantum state in this external field. "Composed" semiclassical states viewed as formal superpositions of "elementary" states are nontrivial only if the Maslov isotropic condition is satisfied; the inner product of "composed" semiclassical states is degenerate. The mathematical proof of Poincare invariance of semiclassical field theory is obtained for "elementary" and "composed" semiclassical states. The notion of semiclassical field is introduced; its Poincare invariance is also mathematically proved.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; short version of hep-th/010307

    Fluorescence energy transfer in quantum dot/azo dye complexes in polymer track membranes

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    Fluorescence resonance energy transfer in complexes of semiconductor CdSe/ZnS quantum dots with molecules of heterocyclic azo dyes, 1-(2-pyridylazo)-2-naphthol and 4-(2-pyridylazo) resorcinol, formed at high quantum dot concentration in the polymer pore track membranes were studied by steady-state and transient PL spectroscopy. The effect of interaction between the complexes and free quantum dots on the efficiency of the fluorescence energy transfer and quantum dot luminescence quenching was found and discussed

    Semiclassical interferences and catastrophes in the ionization of Rydberg atoms by half-cycle pulses

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    A multi-dimensional semiclassical description of excitation of a Rydberg electron by half-cycle pulses is developed and applied to the study of energy- and angle-resolved ionization spectra. Characteristic novel phenomena observable in these spectra such as interference oscillations and semiclassical glory and rainbow scattering are discussed and related to the underlying classical dynamics of the Rydberg electron. Modifications to the predictions of the impulse approximation are examined that arise due to finite pulse durations

    Spin-1 Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Chains in an External Staggered Field

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    We present in this paper a nonlinear sigma-model analysis of a spin-1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in an external commensurate staggered magnetic field. After rediscussing briefly and extending previous results for the staggered magnetization curve, the core of the paper is a novel calculation, at the tree level, of the Green functions of the model. We obtain precise results for the elementary excitation spectrum and in particular for the spin gaps in the transverse and longitudinal channels. It is shown that, while the spectral weight in the transverse channel is exhausted by a single magnon pole, in the longitudinal one, besides a magnon pole a two-magnon continuum appears as well whose weight is a stedily increasing function of the applied field, while the weight of the magnon decreases correspondingly. The balance between the two is governed by a sum rule that is derived and discussed. A detailed comparison with the present experimental and numerical (DMRG) status of the art as well as with previous analytical approaches is also made.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures, LaTe