18 research outputs found

    Digestibility of NDF and its effect on the level of rumen fermentation of carbohydrates

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    DOI: 10.15414/afz.2015.18.04.110–113Received 14. July 2015 ǀ Accepted 12. October 2015 ǀ Available online 7. December 2015The objective of this study, was to determinate the effects of digestibility of NDF of TMR on rumen fermentation characteristics and nutrient digestion, dairy cows were fed total mixed ration (TMR). We are measured NDF digestibility of TMR using in situ methods.Digestibility of NDF of TMR in our experiment range 26.8 to 48.2%.  Digestibility of NDF of TMR did not alter VFA production but had effects on A/P ratio and production of acetate and propionate. Our results indicate that TMR with more dNDF may provide more favourable condition for nutrient digestion both in the rumen and in the total tract of dairy cows. Keywords: rumen, fermentation, NDF, volatile fatty acids, digestibility of NDFReferencesALLEN, M. S., BRADFORD, B. J. and OBA, M. (2009) BOARD-INVITED REVIEW: The hepatic oxidation theory of the control of feed intake and its application to ruminants. In J. Anim. Sci., vol. 87, no. 10, pp. 3317–3334. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.2527/jas.2009-1779BEEVER, D. E. and MOULD, F. L. (2000) Forage evaluation for efficient ruminant livestock production. In: D. I. Givens et al. (eds.) Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition. Wallington: CAB International.HOFFMAN, P.C. and SHAVER, R.D. (2009) UW-Feed Grain Evaluation System Marshfield Soil and Forage Analysis Laboratory. [Online] Available at: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/dairynutrition/documents/ WisconsinFGES.pdf. [Accessed? 2015-06-04].HUTJENS, M. F. (2002) Is your TMR as good as it can be? In Hoard´s Dairyman, vol. 147, no. 18, pp. 698.CHUMPAWADEE, S. and PIMPA, O. (2009) Effect of fodder tree as fiber sources in total mixed ration on feed intake, nutrient digestibility, chewing behaviour and ruminal fermentation in beef cattle. In J. Anim. And Vet. Adv, vol. 8, no. 7, pp. 1279:1284. doi: http://dx.doi.org/2009.1279.1284KOLVER, E. S. and DE VETH, M. J. (2002) Prediction of ruminal pH from pasture based diets. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 85, no. 5, pp. 1255–1266. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302 (02)74190-8LINN, J.G. et al. (1989) Feeding the dairy herd. Madison: North Central Regional Extension.LÓPEZ, S., J. DIJKSTRA, and FRANCE, J. (2000) Prediction of energy supply in ruminants, with emphasis on forages. In: D. I. Givens, E. Owens, R. F. E., Axford, and H. M. Omed, (eds.) Forage Evaluation in Ruminant Nutrition. Wallingford: CAB International, pp. 63-94.NRC (2001) Nutrient requirements of dairy cattle: Nutrient requirements of domestic animals. 7th revised edition. Washington: National Reserach Council.OBA, M. and ALLEN, M. S. (1999) Evaluation of the importance of the digestibility of neutral detergent fiber from forage: effects on dry matter intake and milk yield of dairy cows. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 82, no. 3, pp. 589-596. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(99)75271-9OBA, M. and ALLEN, M. S. (2000) Effects of brown midrib 3 mutation in corn silage on productivity of dairy cows fed two concentrations of dietary neutral detergent fiber: 3. Digestibility and microbial efficiency. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 1342–1349. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(00)75001-6ØRSKOV, E.R. and MCDONALD, I. (1979) The estimation of protein degradability in the rumen from incubation measurements weighed according to rate of passage. In J. Agric. Sci., vol. 92, no. 3, pp. 499-503. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021859600063048VARGA G.A. (2006) In vivo digestibility of forage. In: Proc. Tri-State dairy nutrition conference, Fort Wayne. Columbus: The Ohio State University, pp 95-106.VOELKER LINTON., J. A. and ALLEN, M. S. (2009) Nutrient demand interacts with forage family to affect N digestion and utilization responses in dairy cows. In J. Dairy Sci., vol. 92, no. 4, pp.1594-1602. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3168/jds.2008-132

    The effect of protein metabolism on weanlings blood parameters level

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     DOI:10.15414/afz.2015.18.03.76-78 Received 14. July 2015 ǀ Accepted 28. August 2015 ǀ Available online 14. October 2015This study was conducted to determine the effects of low-protein diets supplemented with crystalline amino acids (AA) on biochemical parameters and performance in 10 crossbred piglets weaned at 28 days of age ( 2 groups of 5 each, 8.8±0.6 kg and 8.6±0.7 kg live weight). The treatments were a control diet containing 210.8 g.kg -1CP (crude protein) and low protein diet containing 186.4g.kg-1 supplemented with crystalline AA (lysine, threonine, methionine) to achieve an ideal AA pattern. Blood from all piglets was taken for determining biochemical parameters 5 weeks after weaning. The decrease in the diet CP content was manifested signification P< 0,01 decrease concentrations of blood urea (average concentrations 2.61 mmol.l-1 and 4.21 mmol.l-1), which means the increase of biological value in the feed mixture

    Effects of low protein diets with amino acids supplementation on biochemical and faeces parameters in weaned piglets

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    Article Details: Received: 2019-09-19 | Accepted: 2019-10-01 | Available online: 2019-09-30https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2019.22.03.71-75The goal of this study was to determine the effects of a  low-protein diet supplemented with crystalline amino acids on the biochemical parameters in the blood serum, and the indicators of fermentation in the faeces in 12 crossbred piglets. The weaned piglets (at 28 days of age) were divided into two groups with 6 piglets each. The control diet contained 195 g/kg crude protein and the experimental diet contained 167 g/kg. The experimental diet was supplemented with lysine, methionine and threonine to achieve a more ideal amino acid pattern. The blood collections from the sinus ophthalmicus for the determination of the biochemical parameters were performed 2 times at 2 weekly intervals in both groups. The faeces were taken from the rectum at the end of the study period. The decrease in the dietary crude protein content of the experimental group was manifested by a significant decrease of the blood urea level (3.77 mmol/l average concentration) compared to the control group (4.97 mmol/l average concentration) (P <0.001). The serum concentrations of other components showed no significant statistical changes between the control and experimental groups. The results of the fermentation process analysis indicated that the acetate and the butyrate concentration decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group (P <0.05; 0.01, respectively). The decrease crude protein intake in the experimental group revealed significant lover levels of ammonia (P <0.001) and crude protein (P <0.01) compared to the control group.Keywords: pigs, amino acids, proteins, metabolism, fermentationReferencesAOAC Association of Official Analytical Chemists International (2001) In Horwitz, W. (Ed.). Official Methods of Analysis. 17th ed. Arlington: AOAC Inc.BALL, M. 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    Effect of feeding of prefermented bioproduct containing gamma-linolenic acid and beta-carotene on selected parameters of broiler chicken meat quality

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    The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of addition of prefermented bioproduct with a increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially gamma-linolenic acid) and beta-carotene into commercial feed on the selected qualitative parameters. The chemical composition, the color, the loss of water, the pH and the concentration of lactic acid of the meat of broiler chickens (COBB 500) were monitored. Bioproduct was prepared from corn scrap, which was fermented using the lower filamentous fungus Umbelopsis isabellina CCF2412. The prepared material was mixed into the commercial compound feed intended for broiler chickens at a ratio of 10%, and was fed from the 11th day of age of the chickens until the time of slaughter. The obtained results were compared with the results of control group, which was represented by broiler chickens fed only with a commercial compound feed. Feeding of bioproduct, in terms of chemical composition, affected mainly the fat content in breast and thigh meat, which was lower in the experimental group. Meat color (measured by colorimetric assay) was not affected and differences were significant only at a value a*, which was higher in the experimental group. Statistically significant differences in the water losses of meat were not recorded, but the feeding of bioproduct affected the pH of the meat, and also the concentration of lactic acid and both parameters were higher in the meat of control group

    Analytical methods in dairy cows nutrition and their application in creation of production health

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    The effect of quantity of nutrients on rumen fermentation and the level of metabolic markers in blood serum were simultaneously analysed in groups of dairy cows 21 days before and 21 days after parturition with aim to diagnose disorders in milk production in the transition period of dairy cows. Results of analysis of health disorders confirmed the following: low energy concentration in the diet insufficiently saturated with fibrous carbohydrates, followed with rapid change to concentrate type of diet after delivery resulted in insufficient adaptation of the rumen metabolism before and after rapid transition to production feeding rations after calving; the level indicative of acidification of the rumen environment. Investigation of intermediary metabolism confirmed pre- and post-partum lipomobilization, with increased values of NEFA in 68 % and 54 % of animals respectively, with liver load manifestation in 37 % and 69 % of animals, respectively