23 research outputs found

    A Effects of Media Exposure and My Trip My Adventure Impressions on Interest in Enhancing Nature Conservation

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    Now days there have been many television shows which are documentation, travel, and trips that are broadcast by tv stations and much favored by the community especially young people like My Trip My Adventure is one of the educational programs whose purpose is to provide knowledge and invite the audience to learn more about preserving nature. In relation the researcher took the object of the Nature Lover Student (Mapala) member. The purpose of this study is whether there is an influence of exposure to television media and the My Trip My Adventure program simultaneously on the interest in improving nature conservation in the Mapala Community. The theory used by Uses and Gratification and Cultivation Theory. The research method used is a quantitative method. Data collection techniques were carried out using a questionnaire method. The results of this study partially had no effect on the media\u27s exposure to the interest in preserving with t count 633 <t table 1,997 and the Sig. 0.528> 0.05, while Impressions My Trip My Adventure influences the interest in preserving t count 6,778> t table 1,975 and sig value 0,000 <0.05. This is concluded with the coefficient of determination showing the results of the influence of variables X1 (media exposure) and X2 (impressions) simultaneously on the Y variable (interest) of 54.5% and the remaining 45.5% is influenced by other factor

    The Effect of Implementing Problem Based Learning on the Result of Students’ Learning at School

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    After natural disasters, such as earthquakes, the community and schools’ conditions wereuncontrolled and unconducive. Students could not carry out the learning process as before. Anxiety and fearcame to students when in school. This study explained about the implementation of problem based learningon students at a shelter school after earthquake and the effect towards their learning outcomes. This studyaimed to know the effect of problem-based learning on students’ learning outcomes after an earthquakehappened. Problem based learning brought students closer to the problematic context. This researchcompared the effect of problem based learning as well as the conventional teaching on 2different groups fromdifferent emergency schools. The total number of the subject research was 120 students. The results of thestudy showed a positive influence on students’ learning outcomes. In the learning process of problem basedlearning, students were brought closer to real problems in their environment and fostered a sense ofconfidence

    Pengembangan E-Learning Moodle Untuk Meningkatkan Kemandirian Dan Hasil Belajar Bagi Siswa School From Home

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    Tujuan penelitian untuk (1) Menghasilkan media e-learning berbasis Moodle yang layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran di SMK Negeri 12 Surabaya pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris saat siswa melakukan School From Home  (2) Menghasilkan media e-learning berbasis Moodle yang efektif dalam meningkatkan kemandirian belajar (3)  Menghasilkan media e-learning berbasis Moodle yang efektif dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris saat siswa melakukan School from Home. Jenis penelitian adalah  Research and Development model Borg and Gall. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, angket dan tes.  Hasil penelitian sebagai berikut (1) Produk e-learning yang dikembangkan menggunakan Moodle versi 3.3. (2) Produk e-learning berbasis Moodle layak digunakan berdasarkan validasi ahli media dengan skor 92,3% dengan kriteria baik. Validasi uji kelompok kecil mendapatkan skor rata-rata sebesar 97,9%, prosentase tersebut masuk dalam kategori sangat baik.  (3) Kemandirian belajar siswa XI Karawitan 1  SMKN 12 Surabaya menggunakan rumus PSA menjadi 86,69%  meningkat sebanyak 26,1% yang tadinya sebelum menggunakan e-learning berbasis Moodle sebesar 60,59%.  (4) Efektivitas hasil belajar ketika menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Moodle pada  mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris menggunakan rumus average of gain yang kemudian mendapatkan hasil diangka 0,43.  Angka 0,43 menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris berbasis Moodle efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar sisw

    Problem Solving Model with Integration Pattern: Student’s Problem Solving Capability

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    This study aims to create a new model of learning model that is integrated into the value of Islam and science, especially in the subjects of mathematics. The results of research conducted by researchers at MINU Pucang Sidoarjo obtained data that 1) learning math materials taught only based on transfer knowledge without the integration of Islamic values and science. A lot of content can be included in the material such as integrating the sum of numbers with the meaning and time of prayer, 2) Problem solving ability in MINU Pucang Sidoarjo still low due to the absence of habituation of teachers for students to think logically so that learners tend to memorize without knowing the stages of Scientific thinking that must be understood by learners


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    The purpose of this dedication is to provide supplies for the children of Al-Fajar orphanage in order to have the skills, knowledge and attitude in entering the self-employment world as one of the efforts in order to foster life skills for children who live in orphanage by providing education non-formal in the field of entrepreneurship. The training is not in the form of giving materials but through direct practice to the orphanage children who in fact are high school students to high school level. The practice is in the form of making banana based foods with different creations and innovations. The outcome target of this devotion program is to increase the awareness of lecturers to the community, but it can be a motivation and inspiration for the orphanage children when they start. With good entrepreneurial knowledge, it is expected to be able to cultivate a mature self-reliance, so that the cost of living and education costs can run smoothly and can help ease the burden of the institution, so they need to be empowered to improve the quality of life.    Keyword: Entrepreneur,creativity,innovation   Abstrak Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah memberikan bekal bagi anak-anak panti asuhan Al-Fajar agar memiliki keterampilan, pengetahuan dan sikap dalam memasuki dunia wirausaha yang mandiri sebagai salah satu upaya dalam rangka menumbuhkan kecakapan hidup bagi anak-anak yang tinggal di panti asuhan dengan memberikan pendidikan non formal dalam bidang kewirausahaan. Pelatihan yang dilakukan tidak berupa pemberian materi tetapi melalui praktek langsung kepada anak-anak panti asuhan yang notabene adalah siswa siswi sekolah menengah pertama sampai dengan sekolah menengah tingkat atas. Praktek yang dilakukan berupa pembuatan makanan berbahan dasar pisang dengan kreasi dan inovasi yang berbeda. Target luaran dari program pengabdian ini adalah meningkatkan kepedulian dosen kepada masyarakat, selain itu dapat menjadi motivasi dan inspirasi bagi anak-anak panti asuhan saat nanti memulai berwirausaha. Dengan pengetahuan kewirausahaan yang mumpuni, diharapkan akan mampu menumbuhkan sikap kemandirian yang matang, agar biaya hidup dan biaya pendidikan dapat berjalan lancar serta dapat membantu meringankan beban panti, maka mereka perlu diberdayakan untuk perbaikan kualitas hidupnya.       Kata kunci:  Wirausaha, Kreativitas, Inovasi.           &nbsp

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Dengan Pembelajaran Investigasi Kelompok Dalam Kuliah Metode Penelitian PLB II

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    This classroom action research focuses on improving the instruction quality of Research Method course at a special educational-need teacher education. The improvement is deemed necessary because the course is not positively responded by the students of this teacher education. Group investigation model is then implemented in this research method course for two cycles. The results of the study indicate that group investigation Model improves students' active participation in the course, students' responding skills, and students' achievement