6 research outputs found

    Cogeneración en Chile: capacidades, desarrollo y perspectivas

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    En Chile, el proyecto de cogeneración más antiguo data de 1930 y operó hasta el año 1997. Sin embargo, pese a que la tecnología lleva introducida largo tiempo, pocos son los estudios que han analizado el potencial de CHP y su evolución. Un primer paso para el estudio del potencial del país es la creación de un catastro que incluya la capacidad instalada. El interés de este ejercicio radica en el potencial de integración de mayores cantidades de CHP en el sistema eléctrico con el objetivo de hacer frente a la intermitencia de fuentes de energía no convencionales. Además, las plantas CHP pueden ayudar a alcanzar los objetivos de eficiencia energética gracias a la posibilidad de los generadores de volcar a la red tanto la electricidad como calor no consumido en los procesos productivos. Sin embargo, para que esto ocurra es necesario el desarrollo de un marco regulatorio acorde a las capacidades y características de las plantas de CHP. El objetivo de este artículo es precisamente identificar las características de las instalaciones en industrias específicas, así como su evolución, con el objetivo de extrapolar los datos al resto de la economía y obtener un potencial de CHP para el país. Para ello, se han hecho consultas de catastros anteriores, así como entrevistas con empresas para conocer el estado actual del parque de plantas de CHP en el país.1997. However, although the CHP technology has been introduced for a long time, few studies have analysed its potential and evolution. The development of a cadastre that includes all installed capacity and their characteristics is the first step to analyse the country's potential. The importance of this exercise lies in the potential integration of greater CHP capacities in the electric system as a mean to address the intermittence of non-conventional energy sources. In addition, due to the possibility to transfer both the electricity and heat not consumed in the production processes into the grid, CHP plants can help achieve energy efficiency objectives. However, for this to happen it is necessary the availability of a regulatory framework designed according to the capacities and characteristics of the CHP capacities installed. This article aims to identify the characteristics of the CHP capacities in specific industries as well as their evolution during time, in order to extrapolate the data to the rest of the economy and obtain a CHP potential for the country. For this purpose, previous cadastres have been consulted and the information complemented with interviews with companies to know the current status of the CHP plants in the country.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Análisis de la refrigeración de un componente electrónico//Analysis of cooling an electronic component

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    En este artículo se realizó un estudio experimental sobre la refrigeración de un componente electrónico mediante la combinación de un flujo cruzado y un chorro incidente empleando aire como fluido refrigerante. En el mismo se persigue caracterizar la refrigeración del componente electrónico mediante la obtención del número de Nusselt promedio sobre cada una de las caras del componente y de forma global. Debido a esto se determina el efecto que posee la relación entre el número de Reynolds del chorro y el del canal sobre la refrigeración del componente electrónico. Para el análisis y caracterización de la refrigeración se ha diseñado y construido un túnel de viento donde se realizan los experimentos sobre la configuración de refrigeración.Palabras claves: lujo bifásico, número de Reynolds, burbuja aislada, tren de burbujas, coeficientes de arrastre, fuerzas de arrastre.______________________________________________________________________________AbstractThe paper presents an experimental study on the cooling of an electronic component. The cooling process was performed by the combination of a cross-flow and an impinging jet using air as coolant. The aim is the characterization of the refrigeration of an electronic cooling through the obtention of the average Nusselt number on each face and the whole component. T he influence of the Reynolds number jet-to-channel ratio on the cooling process was determined. A wind tunnel was designed and built for the analysis and characterization of the refrigeration.Key words: electronic cooling, cross flow, impinging jet.<br /

    Green Hydrogen Value Chain in the Sustainability for Port Operations: Case Study in the Region of Valparaiso, Chile

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    The paper presents a complete value chain for the use of green hydrogen in a port facility. The main objective was to propose the sizing of the main components that make up green hydrogen to ensure the supply of 1 MWe in replacing the diesel generator. The energy demand required for the port was determined by establishing the leading small and large-scale conventional energy-consuming equipment. Hence, 60 kgH2 was required to ensure the power supply. The total electrical energy to produce all the hydrogen was generated from photovoltaic solar energy, considering three-generation scenarios (minimum, maximum and the annual average). In all cases, the energy supply in the electrolyzer was 3.08 MWe. In addition, the effect of generating in the port facility using a diesel generator and a fuel cell was compared. The cost of 1 kgH2 could be 4.09 times higher than the cost of 1 L of diesel, meaning that the output kWh of each system is economically similar. In addition, the value of electrical energy through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was a maximum of 79.79 times the value of a liter of diesel. Finally, the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) was calculated for two conditions in which the MWe was obtained from the fuel cell without and with the photovoltaic solar plant

    Green Hydrogen Value Chain in the Sustainability for Port Operations: Case Study in the Region of Valparaiso, Chile

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    The paper presents a complete value chain for the use of green hydrogen in a port facility. The main objective was to propose the sizing of the main components that make up green hydrogen to ensure the supply of 1 MWe in replacing the diesel generator. The energy demand required for the port was determined by establishing the leading small and large-scale conventional energy-consuming equipment. Hence, 60 kgH2 was required to ensure the power supply. The total electrical energy to produce all the hydrogen was generated from photovoltaic solar energy, considering three-generation scenarios (minimum, maximum and the annual average). In all cases, the energy supply in the electrolyzer was 3.08 MWe. In addition, the effect of generating in the port facility using a diesel generator and a fuel cell was compared. The cost of 1 kgH2 could be 4.09 times higher than the cost of 1 L of diesel, meaning that the output kWh of each system is economically similar. In addition, the value of electrical energy through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was a maximum of 79.79 times the value of a liter of diesel. Finally, the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) was calculated for two conditions in which the MWe was obtained from the fuel cell without and with the photovoltaic solar plant

    Gestión de la demanda en la industria de Chile: Aprendiendo del caso alemán

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    Context: Both pioneer countries and those that have recently begun an energy transition towards renewable energy require high levels of flexibility in their electrical systems. This article reviews the Demand Side Management (DSM) application as a tool to provide flexibility, and then, to achieve renewable energy penetration objectives. Method: A systematic mini-review of the literature has been done to review the origin and evolution of the concept of DSM in German and Chilean industry, at the same time, to make a parallel and comparison between them. Results: Both countries have difficulties in taking advantage of the demand management potential in the industry, the lack of promoting policies and the lack of specific regulatory frameworks are some of the causes. Conclusions: It is necessary to speed up attention to the management of demand, it is important that the academy contributes with estimates of potential, it also needs public policies that encourage the use of this tool.Contexto: Tanto países pioneros como aquellos que recientemente han comenzado una transición energética hacia las energías renovables requieren altos niveles de flexibilidad en sus sistemas eléctricos. Este artículo revisa la aplicación de la gestión de la demanda (DSM, por sus siglas en inglés) como herramienta para proveer flexibilidad y lograr objetivos de penetración de fuentes renovables de energía. Método: Se ha hecho una revisión sistemática de la literatura para revisar el origen y evolución del concepto de DSM en la industria alemana y chilena, realizando al mismo tiempo un paralelo y comparación entre ambas experiencias. Resultados: Ambos países registran dificultades a la hora de aprovechar el potencial de gestión de la demanda en la industria, la falta de políticas promotoras y la carencia de marcos regulatorios específicos son algunas de las causas. Conclusiones: Se requiere agilizar la atención a la gestión de la demanda; además, es importante que la academia contribuya con estimaciones de potencial en tanto se precisan políticas públicas que fomenten el aprovechamiento de esta herramienta