19 research outputs found

    Pesantren and the Preservation of Islam Nusantara

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    This article describes the background of the rise of an Indonesian moderate Islamic understanding in the midst of a trans-national Islamic movement with the scriptural-puritanical in it's character which spread out pervasively in the country; and this new Islamic model is intolerant to local traditions. Meanwhile, historically, Islam Nusantara has been deeply rooted among the Moslems in archipelago, and this traditional-moderate Islam has been developed by Wali-songo. Islam Nusantara is accommodative to the local cultures and traditions. It produces a moderate and tolerant model of Islam. This article also describes the role of pesantren in protecting the heritages of Islam Nusantara. Copyright (c) 2015 by KARSA. All right reservedDOI: 10.19105/karsa.v23i2.71

    Pengawasan Pemungutan Pajak Sarang Burung Walet di Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak

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    Siak local tax collection is a mandatory contribution from the taxpayer to the regions that are owed by individuals or entities that are enforceable under the laws taxing areas used for the purposes of the area for the prosperity of the people. One of the regional tax is a tax of bird's nest. The tax collection in the district of Tualang is technically implemented by UPT Department of Revenue, Finance and Asset Management Regional District of tramp as an officer of a tax collector. However, in its oversight of the taxpayer has not carried out the examination results direct sales, so do not achieve the tax targets have been set.In this study, the concept of the theory used is the theory of supervision put forward Manullang (2008) as a research instrument, which to measure supervision of tax collection of bird's nest must be standards and the size of the first, then held the scoring act and act correction if it deviates from the standard ( conditions set). This research uses qualitative descriptive method of data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation study.The results showed the supervision of the tax collection of bird's nest has not been optimally implemented. Where actions undertaken votes UPT revenue, Finance and Asset Management Sub district Tualang only through examination of documents the taxpayer. Inspection and monitoring of directly against the business or selling their captive birds' nests, to identify and assess the tax compliance in carrying out obligations under optimal conditions have not yet in sight

    Kinerja Camat Dalam Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Di Kecamatan Mandah Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir

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    Performance Subdistric Head at empowerment community at Mandah Subdistric faced with problem, wherever Mandah Subdistric region with condition geographical be an area islands still faced various problem for support programme-programme empowerment will be implementation, it problem among others is empowerment community activity doesn't good enough like PKK, UED-SP and young organization in building programme. That can identified from it hasn't activity at the office.In this research used performance concept teory from Torang (2003), performance is quality and quantity outcome from individual or groups in organization on implementation principal duty guided by norm, standard operating procedures, criteria and standart a predetermined or apply at organization. Duties and functions Subdistric Head on coordinating empowerment activity that is supporting community participation for joining with planning and building at the area. Do founding and controling to all unit work from goverment programme or empowerment community activity at the area, and also doing evaluation to all empowerment community activity.This research point out that at operate performance subdistric head is limited at programme-programme empowerment has planned from subdistric head office Mandah. But at programme-programme empowerment at subdistric is not optimal yet. Wherever subdistric head skills and coordination on empowerment activity goverment agency and subdistric head is low

    Pelaksanaan Fungsi Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD) di Desa Binabaru Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar

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    The Village Consultative Board (BPD) as the policy and supervisory council in the implementation of village policy performs its function to build the village, where the success of village development is the basis for the achievement of the national development objectives. Currently there are still unfinished development in Binabaru Village, the society can not fully conduct their aspirations, lack of socialization, lack of member training, and lack of coordination of the village and BPD in Binabaru Village. This study aims to know clearly about the implementation of the functions of BPD and the factors that influence it.The theory used is Theory Widjaja said that the village consultative institution is a council that functions as follows: assign a plan of village regulations with the headman, collecting and distributing the aspirations of the society and take supervision of the headman performance. This research uses qualitative descriptive method with observation and interview data collection techniques. The factors that affect the implementation of the function is the factor of education, coordination and socialization. Research location in Binabaru Village Kampar Kiri Tengah District Kampar District. The research informants are Village Head, Head of BPD, Secretary of BPD and Member of BPD Binabaru Village. This research uses qualitative research method with descriptive analysis by using data collection method technique, observation interview and documentation.The result of the research shows that the implementation of BPD function in Binabaru Village has not run maximally due to the absence of transparency from the village head to the BPD in carrying out the task and the personal problems between the two causes the obstruction of the making of Village Regulation, the absence of facilities and infrastructure such as offices and supporting equipment BPD functions such as laptops and printers because no funds are derived from the Village to build BPD offices, there is no training provided by the local government due to the unavailability of the Technology Guidance Program (BIMTEK) from the District Government

    Etika Pelayanan Publik di Indonesia

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    Pelayanan publik adalah segala kegiatan dalam rangka pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar sesuai hak dasar setiap warga negara dan penduduk atas suatu barang, jasa dan / atau pelayanan administrasi yang disediakan oleh penyelenggara pelayanan  yang  terkait dengan kepentingan publik. Masyarakat sebagai pelanggan memiliki kebutuhan dan harapan pada kinerja penyelenggara pelayanan publik yang profesional. Tugas Pemerintah Pusat maupun Pemerintah Daerah adalah memberikan pelayanan publik yang mampu memuaskan masyarakat. Implementasi kebijakan desentralisasi dan otonomi daerah di Indonesia mengakibatkan pemerintah daerah mempunyai tanggung jawab dan kewenangan dalam menentukan standar pelayanan minimal. Permasalahan mendasar dalam proses pelayanan publik di Indonesia adalah tentang etika. Tidak ada standar universal tentang norma atau etika serta sanksi yang mengatur secara khusus untuk pelanggaran yang dilakukan aparat dalam pelayanan publik. Kata Kunci : Pelayanan publik, Etika, Norma   &nbsp


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    Skripsi dengan judul “Strategi Guru Fiqih dalam Meningkatkan Disiplin Ibadah Siswa Kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk” ini ditulis oleh M. Mashur Fatoni, NIM. 12201183171, Jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan, Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah, Pembimbing Hasanal Khuluqi, S.Ud., M.Ag. Kata kunci: Strategi Guru, Disiplin Ibadah Guru fiqih memiliki peran penting untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai Islam pada siswa, apalagi memasuki kemajuan zaman seperti ini, dimana tantangan yang dihadapi juga semakin berat. Seringkali siswa lebih senang untuk bermain handphone dan sosial media sampai mereka melupakan kewajibannya untuk beribadah kepada Allah. Oleh karena itu, guru fiqih perlu menerapkan strategi untuk meningkatkan disiplin ibadah pada siswa yang bertujuan agar siswa dapat melaksanakan disiplin ibadah secara konsisten, menyadari kewajibannya sebagai seorang hamba, dan memiliki benteng agar tidak terlena dengan kehidupan dunia. Fokus penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana perencanaan strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk? (2) Bagaimana Pelaksanaan strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk? (3) Bagaimana Evaluasi strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk? Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Pengecekan keabsahan data dengan menerapkan perpanjangan keikutsertaan, ketekunan pengamatan, dan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian: (1) Perencanaan strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk yaitu: a) Merumuskan tujuan yaitu agar siswa memiliki kesadaran akan kewajibannya untuk beribadah kepada Allah, melaksanakan disiplin ibadah secara konsisten, dan memiliki benteng agar tidak terlena dengan kehidupan dunia, b) Strategi yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu dengan membiasakan siswa tadarus Al-Quran dan membaca doa sebelum memulai pelajaran, mengajurkan sholat dhuha dan sholat dhuhur berjamaah, serta mewajibkan setoran hafalan SKU, c) Sumber daya yang mendukung, yaitu guru sebagai pemberi arahan dan bimbingan, siswa sebagai penerima arahan dan bimbingan, serta sarana yang dapat menunjang hal tersebut, (2) Pelaksanaan strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk yaitu guru fiqih menggunakan strategi nasehat, keteladanan, pembiasaan, dan sanksi atau hukuman, (3) Evaluasi strategi guru fiqih dalam meningkatkan disiplin ibadah siswa kelas XI di MAN 3 Nganjuk, yaitu dengan mengaplikasikan evaluasi diagnostik, hambatan yang ditemukan yaitu adanya rasa terbebani siswa karena setoran hafalan SKU, adanya pergaulan yang kurang tepat sehingga siswa lalai akan kewajibannya, adanya latar belakang siswa yang berasal dari sekolah umum sehingga memerlukan waktu untuk beradaptasi dengan budaya di madrasah, serta kurang luasnya area masjid madrasah yang menyebabkan sholat berjamaah harus dilakukan secara bergantian

    Sustainability analysis of beef cattle and development strategy based on collective cages in Lombok Island

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    Beef cattle raising in Lombok Island mostly uses collective cages where the level of its implementation has not been optimal yet as expected. This study aims to determine a strategy for raising beef cattle based on collective cages on smallholder farms in Lombok Island based on their sustainability status. The research has been conducted with a survey method to collect primary data from December 2018-March 2019. The method used to determine the sustainability status is Multidimensional Scaling with the Rapid Appraisal Beef Cattle Smallholder approach. There are six dimensions studied that include hygienic aspects of collective cages, management of cages, animal health, feed management, drinking water management, socio-economic and cultural related aspects. The development strategy formulation was carried out by analyzing the sensitive attributes of the six dimensions, which were the top priority based on the root mean square value. The results showed that there were 28 sensitive attributes with a prospective assessment by experts 10 critical factors for the success of beef cattle development were determined. In conclusion, there are four strategies for developing beef cattle based on collective cages on smallholder farms in Lombok Island; those were improved collective cage health management; increasing productivity, efficiency, and income of beef cattle farmers based on the existing collective cages; increasing access to information, technology, capital and cattle marketing and increasing the role of government, business, and other stakeholders