4 research outputs found

    Administracja samorz膮dowa i instytucje kultury w wojew贸dztwie podlaskim. Podstawy regionalnej polityki publicznej

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    The subject of the analysis in the article is the participation of the local government administration in running a cultural institution. The situation in the Podlaskie voivodship has been analyzed on a nationwide basis. The main problems focus on the principles and methods of financing cultural institutions by regional self-government and various ways of obtaining additional, extra-budgetary funding for their activities, especially from Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the European Union. The author points to spatial, social, and financial diversification related to the access to cultural events and participation in them using the example of Podlaskie voivodship. He propounds greater professionalisation related to running cultural institutions at the level of the voivodship as well as conducting pro-development cultural policy by local government units. He also stresses the need for activating local and regional communities in connection with cultural events and participation in organizing them. Participation in culture at the local and regional level and prudent government policy in this area are the foundation for building a strong social and regional identity.Przedmiotem analizy w artykule jest udzia艂 administracji jednostek samorz膮du terytorialnego w prowadzeniu instytucji kultury. Na tle og贸lnopolskim przeanalizowana zosta艂a sytuacja w wojew贸dztwie podlaskim. G艂贸wne zagadnienia opracowania to zasady i metody finansowania instytucji kultury przez regionalny samorz膮d terytorialny oraz r贸偶ne sposoby pozyskiwania przez instytucje kultury dodatkowego,  pozabud偶etowego dofinansowania ich dzia艂alno艣ci, szczeg贸lnie ze 艣rodk贸w pochodz膮cych z bud偶etu Ministerstwa Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego oraz Unii Europejskiej. Autor wskazuje na zr贸偶nicowanie przestrzenne, spo艂eczne i finansowe zwi膮zane z dost臋pem do wydarze艅 kulturalnych i uczestnictwem w nich na przyk艂adzie wojew贸dztwa podlaskiego. Postuluje wi臋ksz膮 profesjonalizacj臋 zarz膮dzania instytucjami kultury na szczeblu wojew贸dztwa oraz prowadzenie prorozwojowej polityki kulturalnej przez jednostki samorz膮du terytorialnego. Akcentuje r贸wnie偶 konieczno艣膰 aktywizowania lokalnych i regionalnych spo艂eczno艣ci w zwi膮zku z wydarzeniami kulturalnymi i wsp贸艂uczestniczenia mieszka艅c贸w w ich organizowaniu. Uczestnictwo w kulturze na poziomie lokalnym i regionalnym oraz rozwa偶na polityka w艂adz w tym zakresie s膮 podstaw膮 budowania silnych wi臋zi spo艂ecznych i to偶samo艣ci regionalnej mieszka艅c贸w

    BeWell+: Multi-dimensional Wellbeing Monitoring with Community-guided User Feedback and Energy Optimization

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    Smartphone sensing and persuasive feedback design is enabling a new generation of wellbeing applications capable of automatically monitoring multiple aspects of physical and mental health. In this paper, we present BeWell+ the next generation of the BeWell smartphone health app, which continuously monitors user behavior along three distinct health dimensions, namely sleep, physical activity, and social interaction. BeWell promotes improved behavioral patterns via feedback rendered as an ambient display on the smartphone's wallpaper. With BeWell+, we introduce new wellbeing mechanisms to address challenges identified during the initial deployment of the BeWell app; specifically, (i) community adaptive wellbeing feedback, which automatically generalize to diverse user communities (e.g., elderly, young adults, children) by balancing the need to promote better behavior yet remains realistic to the user's goals; and, (ii) wellbeing adaptive energy allocation, which prioritizes monitoring fidelity and feedback responsiveness on specific health dimensions of wellbeing (e.g., social interaction) where the user needs most help. We evaluate the performance of these mechanisms as part of an initial deployment and user study that includes 27 people using BeWell+ over a 19 day field trial. Our findings show that not only can BeWell+ operate successfully on consumer-grade smartphones, but users understand feedback and respond by taking positive steps towards leading healthier lifestyles