380 research outputs found

    Evaluación continua en grupos numerosos

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    Se presentan experiencias de la asignatura de maquinaria y medios auxiliares del grado de Ingeniería Civil de la Escuela Universitaria de Ingeniería Técnica de Obras Públicas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, para el desarrollo de la evaluación continua en grupos numerosos. En ellas se realizan actividades diferentes, se realiza un análisis estadístico para analizar directamente la repercusión en los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos en estas actividades, así como experiencias del alumnado para conocer las opiniones. En esta experiencia se utiliza Moodle como entorno de aprendizaje, con lo cual se consigue la automatización de algunas actividades. Los resultados son satisfactorios, llegando a evaluación continua con presentación de distintas tareas evaluables todas las semanas, con poco esfuerzo para el profesor, demostrando que el alumno aprende, y que todas las actividades miden el aprendizaje incluso las que tienen formas de evaluación más dudosa como las de grupo o las que puntúan simplemente por entregarlas

    Caso clínico : Herpesvirosis en tortuga de desierto americano (Gopherus agasizii)

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    Se describe un caso de herpesvirosis sistémica en una tortuga de desierto americana. La identificación viral se realiza en cavidad nasal, bronquios, sacos aéreos, hígado y bazo. La afectación septicémica de las lesiones contrasta con los signos más localizados descritos hasta ahora de herpesvirosis en esta especie de tortuga. Histológicamente se describe una rinitis, hepatitis necrotizante, neumonía focal necrotizante y esplenitis. También se describen las características víricas observadas en hígado y cavidad nasal. Este caso representa la primera cita de esta enfermedad en una tortuga de esta especie en España, de modo que se remarcan las precauciones que se deben tomar ante la introducción de este tipo de enfermedades infectocontagiosas en colecciones zoológicas o centros de recuperación de fauna.A case of herpesvirosis in a american desert tortoise (Gopherus agasizii) is presented. Viral identification is described in nasal cavity, aerian sacs, liver and spleen. In contrast with the local signs described to date in herpesvirosis, in our case a septicemic distribution is noted. Microscopically, a rhinitis, necrotizant hepatitis, focal pneumonia and esplenitis are the major signs observed. Viral characteristics in liver and nasal cavity are also exposed. This case is the first report of herpesvirosis in Gopherus agasizii in Spain. Profilactic measures are very important to prevent the introduction of this disease in Zoo Gardens or Wildlife Rehabilitation Centers

    Experiencias completando la docencia presencial con seminarios a distancia en metaversos y grabados

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    Como apoyo a las clases presenciales, especialmente en evaluación continua, hemos experimentado con seminarios de apoyo a distancia. Estos seminarios están orientados a tres grupos de alumnos: Los que tienen dificultades en la asignatura, los que no pueden asistir a todas las clases, y los que quieren saber más de lo que se explica en clase. Hemos probado con diferentes plataformas de teleenseñanza y con docencia a través de metaversos (Second Life y Open Sims) obteniendo en estas últimas mejores resultados que en las plataformas especialmente diseñadas para teleenseñanza. También se han aprovechado las sesiones en metaversos para completar los vídeos docentes usados en las asignaturas. Y se han usado para transmitir conferencias en directo para personas que no podían asistir físicamente a las mismas. Se realiza un breve análisis de la utilidad de los videos usados en docencia, combinados con conferencias, seminarios en metaversos, etcétera

    "Innovatio educativa tertio millennio": 12 years evoluting from learning from learning to teaching in courses on educational innovation and collaboration with the UNESCO chair of mining and industrial heritage

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    Twelve years ago a group of teachers began to work in educational innovation. In 2002 we received an award for educational innovation, undergoing several stages. Recently, we have decided to focus on being teachers of educational innovation. We create a web scheduled in Joomla offering various services, among which we emphasize teaching courses of educational innovation. The “Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion” in “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” has recently incorporated two of these courses, which has been highly praised. These courses will be reissued in new calls, and we are going to offer them to more Universities. We are in contact with several institutions, radio programs, the UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage, and we are working with them in the creation of heritage courses using methods that we have developed

    Morteros históricos de Santa Eulalia de Bóveda (Lugo)

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    Con el fin de establecer las características composicionales de las muestras de mortero de distinta fases constructivas del templo de Santa Eulalia de Bóveda. El presente escrito expone los resultados obtenidos en laboratorio, presentando especial atención a la relación árido/aglomerante y a la composición del aglomerante, para establecer una correlación estratigráfica de los mismo

    Educational innovation applied in the UNESCO chair of mining and industrial heritage

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    The “Innovatio Educativa Tertio Millennio” group has been 10 years developing educational innovation techniques, actually has reached the level of teaching on the technical teachers has developed, and share them with other groups, that can implement them in their teaching activities. UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage has been years working on heritage, and on the one hand teaching in conservation and maintenance of heritage, and on the other doing raise awareness of the meaning of heritage, the social value and as must be managed effectively. Recently these two groups work together, thus is spreading in a much more effective manner the concepts of heritage, its meaning, its value, and how to manage it and provide effective protection. On one hand being a work of dissemination based on internet and on radio broadcasting, and on the other one of teaching based on educational innovation, and courses, conferences, and face-to-face seminars or distance platforms

    Cytomegalovirus infection in HIV-infected patients in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy

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    Background: Cytomegalovirus infection dramatically decreased with the introduction of antiretroviral therapy. Whether incidence, clinical characteristics and prognosis of cytomegalovirus in HIV infected patients, has changed over time is. scarcely known. Methods: Retrospective single-center study. Patients included in this study were all HIV infected patients that went to our center for any disease, and were diagnosed with cytomegalovirus, during the period 2004-2015. epidemiological, clinical and laboratory patients variables were collected in a clinical database. Clinical characteristics, incidence of cytomegalovirus and predictors of mortality during the study were assessed. Results were considered statistically significant when p < 0.05. All statistical analyses were calculated by SPSS version 20.0 (Chicago, IL,USA). Results: Fifty-six cases of cytomegalovirus infection, in HIV infected patients were identified during the study period (incidence rate-1.7 cases per 1000 persons/year). The most frequent presentation was systemic illness in 43% of cases. Of note,no patients presented with ophthalmic manifestations. The 30-days mortality was 18%. Predictors of mortality were, in the univariate analysis, admission to the intensive care unit OR 32.4 (3.65-287.06) p = 0.0001, and mechanic ventilation 84 OR (8.27-853.12) p = 0.0001, and ART OR 4.1 (0.97-17.31) p = 0.044. These variables were assessed by multivariate analysis, and only mechanical ventilation was statistically significant (p < 0.05) CONCLUSION: Incidence of cytomegalovirus infection was higher than described in the antiretroviral therapy era. Clinical presentation has changed. Mechanic ventilation predicted mortality

    PainDroid: An android-based virtual reality application for pain assessment

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    Earlier studies in the field of pain research suggest that little efficient intervention currently exists in response to the exponential increase in the prevalence of pain. In this paper, we present an Android application (PainDroid) with multimodal functionality that could be enhanced with Virtual Reality (VR) technology, which has been designed for the purpose of improving the assessment of this notoriously difficult medical concern. Pain- Droid has been evaluated for its usability and acceptability with a pilot group of potential users and clinicians, with initial results suggesting that it can be an effective and usable tool for improving the assessment of pain. Participant experiences indicated that the application was easy to use and the potential of the application was similarly appreciated by the clinicians involved in the evaluation. Our findings may be of considerable interest to healthcare providers, policy makers, and other parties that might be actively involved in the area of pain and VR research

    The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017

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    The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 (IDP2017) is the second publicly available data product of the international GEOTRACES programme, and contains data measured and quality controlled before the end of 2016. The IDP2017 includes data from the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Southern and Indian oceans, with about twice the data volume of the previous IDP2014. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains data for a large suite of biogeochemical parameters as well as aerosol and rain data characterising atmospheric trace element and isotope (TEI) sources. The TEI data in the IDP2017 are quality controlled by careful assessment of intercalibration results and multi-laboratory data comparisons at crossover stations. The IDP2017 consists of two parts: (1) a compilation of digital data for more than 450 TEIs as well as standard hydrographic parameters, and (2) the eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas providing an on-line atlas that includes more than 590 section plots and 130 animated 3D scenes. The digital data are provided in several formats, including ASCII, Excel spreadsheet, netCDF, and Ocean Data View collection. Users can download the full data packages or make their own custom selections with a new on-line data extraction service. In addition to the actual data values, the IDP2017 also contains data quality flags and 1-s data error values where available. Quality flags and error values are useful for data filtering and for statistical analysis. Metadata about data originators, analytical methods and original publications related to the data are linked in an easily accessible way. The eGEOTRACES Electronic Atlas is the visual representation of the IDP2017 as section plots and rotating 3D scenes. The basin-wide 3D scenes combine data from many cruises and provide quick overviews of large-scale tracer distributions. These 3D scenes provide geographical and bathymetric context that is crucial for the interpretation and assessment of tracer plumes near ocean margins or along ridges. The IDP2017 is the result of a truly international effort involving 326 researchers from 25 countries. This publication provides the critical reference for unpublished data, as well as for studies that make use of a large cross-section of data from the IDP2017. This article is part of a special issue entitled: Conway GEOTRACES-edited by Tim M. Conway, Tristan Horner, Yves Plancherel, and Aridane G. Gonzalez

    Boceprevir plus pegylated interferon/ribavirin to re-treat hepatitis C virus genotype 1 in HIV-HCV co-infected patients: final results of the Spanish BOC HIV-HCV Study

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    Introduction Boceprevir (BOC) was one of the first oral inhibitors of hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3 protease to be developed. This study assessed the safety and efficacy of BOC + pegylated interferon-α2a/ribavirin (PEG-IFN/RBV) in the retreatment of HIV-HCV co-infected patients with HCV genotype 1. Methods This was a phase III prospective trial. HIV-HCV (genotype 1) co-infected patients from 16 hospitals in Spain were included. These patients received 4 weeks of PEG-IFN/RBV (lead-in), followed by response-guided therapy with PEG-IFN/RBV plus BOC (a fixed 44 weeks was indicated in the case of cirrhosis). The primary endpoint was the sustained virological response (SVR) rate at 24 weeks post-treatment. Efficacy and safety were evaluated in all patients who received at least one dose of the study drug. Results From June 2013 to April 2014, 102 patients were enrolled, 98 of whom received at least one treatment dose. Seventy-three percent were male, 34% were cirrhotic, 23% had IL28b CC, 65% had genotype 1a, and 41% were previous null responders. The overall SVR rate was 67%. Previous null-responders and cirrhotic patients had lower SVR rates (57% and 51%, respectively). Seventy-six patients (78%) completed the therapy scheme; the most common reasons for discontinuation were lack of response at week 12 (12 patients) and adverse events (six patients). Conclusions Response-guided therapy with BOC in combination with PEG-IFN/RBV led to an overall SVR rate of 67%, but an SVR rate of only 51% in patients with cirrhosis. The therapy was generally well tolerated. Although the current standards of care do not include BOC + PEG-IFN/RBV, the authors believe that this combination can be beneficial in situations where new HCV direct antiviral agent interferon-free therapies are not available yet