11,123 research outputs found

    Optical identification of X-ray source 1RXS J180431.1-273932 as a magnetic cataclysmic variable

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    The X-ray source 1RXS J180431.1-273932 has been proposed as a new member of the symbiotic X-ray binary (SyXB) class of systems, which are composed of a late-type giant that loses matter to an extremely compact object, most likely a neutron star. In this paper, we present an optical campaign of imaging plus spectroscopy on selected candidate counterparts of this object. We also reanalyzed the available archival X-ray data collected with XMM-Newton. We find that the brightest optical source inside the 90% X-ray positional error circle is spectroscopically identified as a magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV), most likely of intermediate polar type, through the detection of prominent Balmer, He I, He II, and Bowen blend emissions. On either spectroscopic or statistical grounds, we discard as counterparts of the X-ray source the other optical objects in the XMM-Newton error circle. A red giant star of spectral type M5 III is found lying just outside the X-ray position: we consider this latter object as a fore-/background one and likewise rule it out as a counterpart of 1RXS J180431.1-273932. The description of the X-ray spectrum of the source using a bremsstrahlung plus black-body model gives temperatures of around 40 keV and around 0.1 keV for these two components, respectively. We estimate a distance of about 450 pc and a 0.2-10 keV X-ray luminosity of about 1.7e32 erg/s for this system and, using the information obtained from the X-ray spectral analysis, a mass of about 0.8 solar masses for the accreting white dwarf (WD). We also confirm an X-ray periodicity of 494 s for this source, which we interpret as the spin period of the WD. In summary, 1RXS J180431.1-273932 is identified as a magnetic CV and its SyXB nature is excluded.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics, main journal. Version 2 includes the A&A Language Editor's correction

    Non-Perturbatively Improved Quenched Hadron Spectroscopy

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    We make a quenched lattice simulation of hadron spectroscopy at beta=6.2 with the Wilson action non-perturbatively improved. With respect to the unimproved case, the estimate of the lattice spacing is less influenced by the choice of input hadron masses. We study also the effects of using an improved quark mass in the fits to the dependence of hadron masses upon quark masses.Comment: 12 pages, including 5 postscript figure

    Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VIII. Identification of 44 newly detected hard X-ray sources

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    (abridged) Hard X-ray surveys performed by the INTEGRAL satellite have discovered a conspicuous fraction (up to 30%) of unidentified objects among the detected sources. Here we continue our identification program by selecting probable optical candidates using positional cross-correlation with soft X-ray, radio, and/or optical archives, and performing optical spectroscopy on them. As a result, we identified or more accurately characterized 44 counterparts of INTEGRAL sources: 32 active galactic nuclei, with redshift 0.019 < z < 0.6058, 6 cataclysmic variables (CVs), 5 high-mass X-ray binaries (2 of which in the Small Magellanic Cloud), and 1 low-mass X-ray binary. This was achieved by using 7 telescopes of various sizes and archival data from two online spectroscopic surveys. The main physical parameters of these hard X-ray sources were also determined using the available multiwavelength information. AGNs are the most abundant population among hard X-ray objects, and our results confirm this tendency when optical spectroscopy is used as an identification tool. The deeper sensitivity of recent INTEGRAL surveys enables one to begin detecting hard X-ray emission above 20 keV from sources such as LINER-type AGNs and non-magnetic CVs.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication on A&A, main journa

    Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. IX. 22 more identifications, and a glance into the far hard X-ray Universe

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    (Abridged) Since its launch in October 2002, the INTEGRAL satellite has revolutionized our knowledge of the hard X-ray sky thanks to its unprecedented imaging capabilities and source detection positional accuracy above 20 keV. Nevertheless, many of the newly-detected sources in the INTEGRAL sky surveys are of unknown nature. The combined use of available information at longer wavelengths (mainly soft X-rays and radio) and of optical spectroscopy on the putative counterparts of these new hard X-ray objects allows us to pinpoint their exact nature. Continuing our long-standing program that has been running since 2004, and using 6 different telescopes of various sizes, we report the classification through optical spectroscopy of 22 more unidentified or poorly studied high-energy sources detected with the IBIS instrument onboard INTEGRAL. We found that 16 of them are active galactic nuclei (AGNs), while the remaining 6 objects are within our Galaxy. Among the identified extragalactic sources, 14 are Type 1 AGNs; of these, 6 lie at redshift larger than 0.5 and one has z = 3.12, which makes it the second farthest object detected in the INTEGRAL surveys up to now. The remaining AGNs are of type 2, and one of them is a pair of interacting Seyfert 2 galaxies. The Galactic objects are identified as two cataclysmic variables, one high-mass X-ray binary, one symbiotic binary and two chromospherically active stars. We thus still find that AGNs are the most abundant population among hard X-ray objects identified through optical spectroscopy. Moreover, we note that the higher sensitivity of the more recent INTEGRAL surveys is now enabling the detection of high-redshift AGNs, thus allowing the exploration of the most distant hard X-ray emitting sources and possibly of the most extreme blazars.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 8 tables, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics, main journa

    IGR J18483-0311: an accreting X-ray pulsar observed by INTEGRAL

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    IGR J18483-0311 is a poorly known transient hard X-ray source discovered by INTEGRAL during observations of the Galactic Center region performed between 23--28 April 2003. Aims: To detect new outbursts from IGR J18483-0311 using INTEGRAL and archival Swift XRT observations and finally to characterize the nature of this source using the optical/near-infrared (NIR) information available through catalogue searches. Results: We report on 5 newly discovered outbursts from IGR J18483-0311 detected by INTEGRAL.For two of them it was possible to constrain a duration of the order of a few days. The strongest outburst reached a peak flux of 120 mCrab (20--100 keV): its broad band JEM--X/ISGRI spectrum (3--50 keV) is best fitted by an absorbed cutoff power law with photon index=1.4+/-0.3, cutoff energy of ~22 keV and Nh ~9x10^22 cm^-2. Timing analysis of INTEGRAL data allowed us to identify periodicities of 18.52 days and 21.0526 seconds which are likely the orbital period of the system and the spin period of the X-ray pulsar respectively. Swift XRT observations of IGR J18483−-0311 provided a very accurate source position which strongly indicates a highly reddened star in the USNO--B1.0 and 2MASS catalogues as its possible optical/NIR counterpart. Conclusions: The X-ray spectral shape, the periods of 18.52 days and 21.0526 seconds, the high intrinsic absorption, the location in the direction of the Scutum spiral arm and the highly reddened optical object as possible counterpart, all favour the hypothesis that IGR J18483-0311 is a HMXB with a neutron star as compact companion. The system is most likely a Be X-ray binary, but a Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient nature can not be entirely excluded.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A, 10 pages, 17 figures, 4 table

    Simultaneous Heavy Ion Dissociation at Ultrarelativistic Energies

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    We study the simultaneous dissociation of heavy ultrarelativistic nuclei followed by the forward-backward neutron emission in peripheral collisions at colliders. The main contribution to this particular heavy-ion dissociation process, which can be used as a beam luminosity monitor, is expected to be due to the electromagnetic interaction. The Weizsacker-Williams method is extended to the case of simultaneous excitation of collision partners which is simulated by the RELDIS code. A contribution to the dissociation cross section due to grazing nuclear interactions is estimated within the abrasion model and found to be relatively small.Comment: Talk given at Bologna 2000 Conference - Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, May 29 - June 3, 2000, 4 pages, 2 figure
