316 research outputs found

    La ricarica naturale della falda idrica dell'acquifero costiero di Metaponto

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    Si tratta di un acquifero poroso disposto lungo la costa ionica. E' costituito da depositi detritici ciottolosi, sabbiosi ed argillosi. La falda idrica è condizionata dalle incisioni fluviali, dai deflussi e dall'agricoltura. Sulla base di serie cronologiche di dati idrologici e idrogeologici si è applicato un modello matematico per simulare la ricarica naturale dell'acquifero, utilizzando la soluzione analitica di Hantush (1967). Uno studio di sensitività ha mostrato l'influenza di qualche parametro idrogeologico sull'innalzamento dei livelli piezometrici di fald

    L’impatto degli smart contracts sulla disciplina del contratto. Una nuova frontiera dell’autonomia negoziale?

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    Gli smart contracts: definizione, struttura e funzionamento. Classificazioni degli smart contracts. Il diritto positivo in tema di smart contracts. La disciplina del contratto e gli smart contracts. Inquadramento giuridico, normativa applicabile e tutele

    Source camera attribution via PRNU emphasis: Towards a generalized multiplicative model

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    The photoresponse non-uniformity (PRNU) is a camera-specific pattern, which acts as unique fingerprint of any imaging sensor and thus is widely adopted to solve multimedia forensics problems such as device identification or forgery detection. Customarily, the theoretical analysis of this fingerprint relies on a multiplicative model for the denoising residuals. This setup assumes that the nonlinear mapping from scene irradiance to preprocessed luminance, that is, the composition of the Camera Response Function (CRF) with the digital preprocessing pipeline, is a gamma correction. However, this assumption seldom holds in practice. In this paper, we improve the multiplicative model by including the influence of this nonlinear mapping, termed PRNU emphasis, on the denoising residuals. On the theoretical side, we conduct first an exploratory analysis to show that the response of typical cameras deviates from a gamma correction. We also propose a regularized least squares estimator to measure this effect. On the practical side, we argue that the PRNU emphasis is especially beneficial for a source camera attribution problem with cropped images. We back our argument with an extensive empirical evaluation using different denoisers and both compressed and uncompressed images. This new model will pave the way to future PRNU estimators and detectors.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłn | Ref. PID2019-105717RB-C21Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/47Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Deep Sequencing in Pre- and Clinical Vaccine Research

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    Vaccine research has experienced a quantum leap after the beginning of the genomics era. High-throughput sequencing techniques, unlimited computing resources, as well as new bioinformatic algorithms are now changing the way we perform genomic studies. Whole genome sequencing will soon become the gold standard for phylogenetic and epidemiology studies and is already shedding new light on the dynamics of bacterial evolution. We believe that deep sequencing projects, together with structural studies on vaccine candidates, will allow targeting constant epitopes and avoid vaccine failure due to antigenic variability. Systems biology, which is expected to revolutionize vaccine research and clinical studies, greatly relies on high-throughput technologies such as RNA-seq. Furthermore, genomics is a key element to develop safer vaccines, and the accuracy of deep sequencing will allow monitoring vaccine coverage after their introduction on the market

    Narrazione generativa del paesaggio: antropologia del mare, ereditĂ  patrimoniali e rappresentazioni di un borgo marittimo

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    La tesi, sviluppata seguendo le linee di ricerca intraprese dalla Cattedra UNESCO dell’Università della Basilicata “Paesaggi culturali del Mediterraneo e comunità di saperi”, mira ad indagare il tema della “narrazione generativa del paesaggio” come strumento capace di incrementare la conoscenza del territorio e delle sue comunità, al fine di promuovere la valorizzazione del suo patrimonio culturale e lo sviluppo sostenibile del paesaggio e dei suoi abitanti. La ricerca è stato condotta attraverso un approccio multidisciplinare su tre linee di ricerca: il paesaggio, il linguaggio cinematografico, l’antropologia del mare. La prima parte del contributo propone una corposa analisi e riflessione sulla nozione di paesaggio, confrontandola con i principali riferimenti del dibattito antropologico contemporaneo. La seconda parte presenta la metodologia di ricerca utilizzata, con una condivisione del metodo di indagine sviluppato nell’ambito del Corso WUC- Workshop of UNESCO Chair, format proposto dalla Cattedra UNESCO dell’Università della Basilicata, che mira a sviluppare gli strumenti della narrazione audiovisiva, ed un’analisi della storia e dello sviluppo della visual anthropology, con un approfondimento su alcune esperienze recenti quali i lavori del SEL - Sensory Ethnography Lab dell'Università di Harvard, un centro interdisciplinare che realizza opere mediatiche antropologicamente informate che uniscono estetica ed etnografia. La terza parte presenta il lavoro etnografico sulla frazione di Torre Canne di Fasano: partendo dalla riflessione sulla dimensione culturale delle comunità marittime, l’esperienza di ricerca sul campo connette tali problematiche a quelle inerenti la forma della restituzione sensoriale e soggettiva dell’esperienza immersiva costituita dal percepire, guardare e vivere uno spazio marittimo come quello del borgo di Torre Canne. La quarta parte del lavoro illustra le conseguenze di questa indagine densa sul territorio, costituita dalla creazione, condivisa con la comunità, di uno spazio museale e memoriale all’interno delle stanze site nel faro che, in quanto elemento simbolo del paesaggio costiero della frazione, assume il ruolo di artefatto vivo, dinamico, in costante relazione con la comunità di pescatori, e che grazie ad esso rigenera la propria identità e il senso di appartenenza al territorio.The dissertation, developed along the lines of research of UNESCO Chair in “Mediterranean Cultural Landscapes and Communities of Knowledge” of the University of Basilicata (UniBas), aims to investigate the “Landscape Generative Narrative” as a tool capable of increase knowledge of the territory and its communities, in order to promote the enhancement of its cultural heritage and the sustainable development of the landscape and its inhabitants. The study was conducted through a multidisciplinary approach on three lines of research: the landscape, the cinematographic language, the anthropology of the sea. The first part of the contribution proposes a reflective analysis on the notion of landscape, comparing it with the main references of the contemporary anthropological debate. The second part presents the research methodology used, with a sharing of the investigation method developed within the WUC Course - Workshop of UNESCO Chair, format proposed by the UNESCO Chair of the University of Basilicata, which aims to develop the tools of audiovisual narration , and an analysis of the history and development of visual anthropology, with an in-depth study of some recent experiences such as the works of the SEL - Sensory Ethnography Lab of Harvard University, an interdisciplinary centre that creates docu-films that combine aesthetics and ethnography. The third part presents the ethnographic work on the hamlet of Torre Canne: starting from the reflection on the cultural dimension of maritime communities, the fieldwork experience connects these aspects to those inherent in the form of the sensory and subjective restitution of the immersive experience constituted by perceiving, looking and living a maritime space like that of the village of Torre Canne. The fourth part of the work illustrates the consequences of this dense investigation on the territory, consisting in the creation of a museum and memorial space inside the rooms located in the lighthouse which, as a symbolic element of the coastal landscape of the hamlet, assumes the role of a living artefact , dynamic, in constant relationship with the fishing community, and which thanks to it regenerates its identity and the sense of belonging to the territory

    Kos: A design for the Baths Museum

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    The contribution is based on a recent survey conducted as part of a degree thesis on "The Central Baths of Kos", held at the Department DICAR the Polytechnic of Bari under the scientific direction of Prof. G. Rocco and Prof .M. Livadiotti. The proposed design of a “Museum of the Baths”, to be realized in an archaeological area, therefore, is founded on a thorough preliminary historical research, the result of more than twenty years of studies of these scholars in Dodecanese (Greece). The Museum, in a central position near the ancient agora, occupies the space of five ancient insulae south of the thermal building, ensuring its readability and creating a multi-poles museum which could be potentially replicated in the surrounding areas. The management of the space inside the Museum takes in account the geometric ratio of the typical Hellenistic block. The choice of a wooden construction system was dictatd by several considerations especially in order to the possibility of the presence of not yet investigated runs under the new building. It was chosen therefore a system that ensures the support to the ground without damaging any ancient structures below, considering how premise of the project was the reversibility. Besides, this architectural object offers the opportunity of a better protection of archaeological sites, ensuring its study and visit. The museum fulfills the dual purpos of collecting and exposing the architectura fragments discovered. The project of teachig materials and exhibition routes tries to make clear the complex history of the building and functioning of thermal baths, displayed in all its phases in a chronological order. In addition, the arrangement of the exposition and every single support, panel and thematic path have been studied. The whole ensures a complete comprehension of the expsed material and of the archaeological site
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