17 research outputs found

    The nucleus of the Sagittarius dSph galaxy and M54: a window on the process of galaxy nucleation

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    We present the results of a thorough study of the nucleus of the Sgr dwarf spheroidal galaxy and of the bright globular cluster M54 that resides within the same nucleus (Sgr,N). We have obtained accurate radial velocities and metallicity estimates for 1152 candidate Red Giant Branch stars of Sgr and M54 lying within ~ 9 arcmin from the center of the galaxy, from Keck/DEIMOS and VLT/FLAMES spectra of the infrared Calcium II triplet. Using both velocity and metallicity information we selected two samples of 425 and 321 very-likely members of M54 and of Sgr,N, respectively. The two considered systems display significantly different velocity dispersion profiles: M54 has a steeply decreasing profile from r=0, where sigma= 14.2 km/s, to r=3.5 arcmin where it reaches sigma=5.3 km/s, then it appears to rise again to sigma= 10 km/s at r=7 arcmin. In contrast Sgr,N has a uniformly flat profile at sigma=9.6 km/s over the whole 0 < r < 9 arcmin range. Using data from the literature we show that the velocity dispersion of Sgr remains constant at least out to r ~ 100 arcmin and there is no sign of the transition between the outer flat-luminosity-profile core and the inner nucleus in the velocity profile. These results - together with a re-analysis of the surface brightness profile of Sgr,N and a suite of dedicated N-body simulations - provide very strong support for the hypothesis that the nucleus of Sgr formed independently of M54, which probably plunged to its present position, coincident with Sgr,N, because of significant decay of the original orbit due to dynamical friction.Comment: Accepted for publication by the Astronomical Journal. emulateapj.cls, 26 pag., 21 low resolution figures. A full-resolution color version of the paper can be retrieved from http://www.bo.astro.it/SGR/Sgr_nucleus.ps.g

    Эфиромасличные культуры семейства Lamiaceae для вертикального овощеводства

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    Relevance. Vertical farming – is a new and advanced direction in greenhouse vegetable cultivation. Expansion biodiversity of plants for vertical farming occur with help of green leafy vegetables. Plants of Lamiaceae family are well known as aromatic and medicinal plants with high content of substances with antioxidant activity. It allows use these plants as a base for the functional nutrition. Leafy parts the plants of Lamiaceae family may be used as aromatic and healthy additions to traditional foods, such as salads, soups and sauces.  Goal of the study: analysis the biochemical composition of leafy parts plants of Lamiaceaefamily, cultivated at the multi circle hydroponic construction. Materials and methods. 1) Plants: Monarda fistulosa L. (the breeding sample №5 U.P.), Monarda citriodora Cerv. ex Lag. (Simka variety), Melissa officinalisL. (Zhemchuzhina variety). 2) secondary metabolites: flavonoid glycoside linarozid and steroid glycoside moldstim. Methods. 1) cultivation of plants Lamiaceae family at the 5 circles hydroponic construction; 2) analytic methods: determination of dry matter content, determination of ascorbic acid content, determination sum of chlorophylls and carotenoids, determination sum of antioxidants; 3) statistical methods. Results. First experiment the cultivation of plants Lamiaceae family at the multi circle hydroponic construction was successful. Location of plants at different circles of hydroponic installation didn’t influence the content of dry matter, ascorbic acid and sum of chlorophylls in leafy parts of plants Monarda fistulosaL. The content of dry matter and sum of antioxidants in leafy parts of Monarda fistulosaL. plants of the first cutting is significantly higher than of other cuttings. So, we can recommend the leaves of Monarda fistulosa L. plants of the first cutting for the healthy additions in the scheme of the functional nutrition. Seed treatment with water solutions of secondary metabolites changed significantly the weight of leaves: it was increased in Monarda citriodoraCerv. ex Lag. and in Melissa officinalisL. Актуальность. Вертикальное овощеводство – передовое направление овощеводства защищённого грунта. Расширение биоразнообразия растений для вертикального овощеводства происходит за счёт зеленных культур. Представители семейства Lamiaceae хорошо известны как ароматические и медицинские растения с высоким содержанием антиоксидантов. Это позволяет использовать их как листовые овощи в программах по функциональному питанию. Цель исследований: анализ биохимического состава листовой массы растений семейства Lamiaceae, культивируемых на многоярусной узкостеллажной гидропонике (МУГ). Материалы и методы. Материалы исследований: растения: Monarda fistulosa L. (селекционный образец №5 Ю.П.), Monarda citriodora Cerv. ex Lag. (сорт Симка), Melissa officinalis L. (сорт Жемчужина) и вторичные метаболиты: флавоноидный гликозид линарозид и стероидный гликозид молдстим. Растения семейства Lamiaceae культивировали на пятиярусной гидропонной установке. При проведении исследований использовали аналитические: определение содержания сухого вещества, аскорбиновой кислоты, суммарного содержания хлорофиллов и каротиноидов, суммарного содержания антиоксидантов; и статистические методы: однофакторный дисперсионный анализ (Microsoft Excel, 2003), двухфакторный дисперсионный анализ. Результаты исследований. Первый опыт культивирования растений семейства Lamiaceae на пятиярусной гидропонной установке был успешен. Расположение на разных ярусах конструкции не влияет на содержание сухого вещества, аскорбиновой кислоты и суммарное содержание хлорофиллов в надземной части растений Monarda fistulosa L. Содержание сухого вещества и суммарное содержание антиоксидантов существенно выше в надземной части растений Monarda fistulosa L. первой срезки. Можно рекомендовать листья растений Monarda fistulosaL. первой срезки как полезные добавки в схеме функционального питания. Обработка семян водными растворами вторичных метаболитов может существенно увеличить вес надземной части растений семейства Lamiaceae


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    Utilization of natural biostimulators- secondary metabolits of plants in carrot production was studied. Purified fractions with glycoside content are characterized with extraction and adsorption chromatography from the next plants: linarosides – from Linaria vulgaris Mill. L., melampyrosides - from Melampyrum nemorosum L., genistifoliosides - from Linaria genistifolia L., verbascosides - from Verbascum phlomoides L., melongosides - from Solanum melongena L. and tomatoside – from Solanum lycopersicum L. The former substance was registered under market mark “ecostim”. Prospective preparations for the improvement plant resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses have been identified in laboratory tests. Treatment of carrot seeds with water solutions of such substances accelerates plant growth, increases yield and improves quality of storage roots. We determined regimes of seed treatment (substance concentration, time of exposition) and gave recommends by using of natural regulators in the technologic scheme of carrot cultivation. Using secondary metabolites of higher plants stimulates the energy of germination (on 1,5-6,7%) and increases the field germination of carrot seeds (on 23-40%). It accelerates leaves growth and increases the mass of storage roots, improves biochemical characteristics of storage roots (accumulation the β- carotene and decreasing of nitrates content). Yield of storage roots increases on 4,2-8,5 t/ha, and yield of market quality roots increases on 4-6 t/ha.Изучена возможность использования природных биорегуляторов – вторичных метаболитов высших растений – в качестве элемента технологии при выращивании моркови. Из представителей сем. Solanaceae и Scrophularеaceaе методом экстракции и последующей адсорбционно-распределительной хроматографии получены и химически охарактеризованы очищенные гликозидсодержащие фракции: из Linaria vulgaris Mill. L. – линарозиды, из Melampyrum nemorosum L. - мелампирозиды, из Linaria genistifolia L. – генистифолиозиды, из Verbascum phlomoides L. - вербаскозиды, из Solanum melongena L. мелонгозиды и из Solanum lycopersicum L. разрешенный к применению препарат экостим на основе стероидного гликозида – томатозид. В процессе лабораторного тестирования выявлены наиболее перспективные соеди- нения, способные благодаря предпосевному замачиванию семян в их водных растворах, индуцировать устойчивость растений моркови к абиотическим и биотическим стрессам, что в свою очередь способствует ускорению роста, повышению урожайности и улучшению качества получаемой продукции. Определены оптимальные параметры обработки семян (концентрации биорегуляторов в водных растворах, время экспозиции семян), даны рекомендации по применению предпосевной обработки семян природными биорегуляторами в технологической схеме выращивания моркови. Использование вторичных метаболитов высших растений стимулирует энергию прорастания (на 1,5-6,7%) и повышает полевую всхожесть семян моркови (на 23-40%), обеспечивает дружное появление всходов и оптимальную густоту стояния. Это ускоряет динамику нарастания ассимиляционной поверхности растений и массы корнеплода, улучшает биохимические показатели конечной продукции, способствуя накоплению в них каротина и снижению нитратов. При этом урожайность увеличивается на 4,2-8,5 т/га, выход товарной продукции - на 4-6 т/га.


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    Development of F1 cabbage hybrids is concerned to difficulties of artificial pollination, low ability to developovary leading to low seed productivity in parental lines. The aim of the study is to improve the seed productivity of self-pollinated parental line 3/14C for F1 cabbage hybrid ‘Krasotka’. Secondary plant metabolites such as steroid glycosides can help overcome these difficulties and increase the seed productivity (Blandinskaya et al., 2013). 3/14C-line was propagated by backcrossing flowers in bud stage with artificial self-pollination, using water solutions of steroid glycosides ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ (in concentrations 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001% and 0.0001%). Seed productivity was evaluated according to methods that were elaborated earlier (Bukharov A.F. et al., 2011, 2013). It was established that all parameters of seed formation and development were increased significantly under treatment of steroid glycosides ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ in mentioned concentration. Differences were significant at the 5%-level of significance. Concentration of 0.001% was more effective than other both preparations. These preparations stimulated all phases of seed development. Number of fruits was increased by 16-39%, a number of seeds per one the pod was also increased by 17-38%, mass of 1000 seeds was increased by 9-12%. Thus, the seed productivity of parental line 3/14C F1cabbage hybrid named ‘Krasotka’ was increased by 44 to 105% as result of the action of steroid glycosides. Thus, ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ in concentration of 0.001% can be recommend as physiological stimulators to improve seed productivity in parental lines necessary for development of F1 cabbage hybrids.Получение F1 гибридов капусты белокочанной связано с трудностями принудительного опыления: слабой завязываемостью семян и низкой семенной продуктивностью исходных родительских линий. Цель настоящей работы: повысить семенную продуктивность самонесовместимой родительской линии 3/14С F1 гибрида капусты белокочанной Красотка с использованием вторичных метаболитов растений – стероидных гликозидов. Эксперимент провели в 2013-2015 годах на базе ВНИИ овощеводства. Размножение линии 3/14С осуществляли путем инцухтирования цветков в состоянии бутона, используя в качестве стимулирующих факторов водные растворы стероидных гликозидов молдстима и мелонгозида в концентрациях 0,1%, 0,01%, 0,001% и 0,0001%. Установлено, что стероидные гликозиды молдстим и мелонгозид в исследуемых концентрациях существенно повышают все показатели образования и развития семени. Положительные эффекты препаратов проявились на всех этапах опыления-оплодотворения и развития семени и выразились в существенном повышении всех параметров семенной продуктивности. Различия были существенны на 5%-ном уровне значимости. Наиболее эффективной для обоих препаратов была концентрация 0,001%. Завязываемость плодов выросла на 16-39%, осеменённость плода – на 17-38%, масса 1000 семян – на 9-12%. В результате семенная продуктивность родительской линии3/14С F1 гибрида капусты белокочанной Красотка увеличилась на 44-105%. Следовательно, препараты молдстим и мелонгозид (в концентрации 0,001%) можно рекомендовать как физиологические стимуляторы для повышения семенной продуктивности самонесовместимых линий в процессе получения F1 гибридов капусты белокочанной методом принудительного опыления


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    Utilization of natural biostimulators- secondary metabolits of plants in carrot production was studied. Purified fractions with glycoside content are characterized with extraction and adsorption chromatography from the next plants: linarosides – from Linaria vulgaris Mill. L., melampyrosides - from Melampyrum nemorosum L., genistifoliosides - from Linaria genistifolia L., verbascosides - from Verbascum phlomoides L., melongosides - from Solanum melongena L. and tomatoside – from Solanum lycopersicum L. The former substance was registered under market mark “ecostim”. Prospective preparations for the improvement plant resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses have been identified in laboratory tests. Treatment of carrot seeds with water solutions of such substances accelerates plant growth, increases yield and improves quality of storage roots. We determined regimes of seed treatment (substance concentration, time of exposition) and gave recommends by using of natural regulators in the technologic scheme of carrot cultivation. Using secondary metabolites of higher plants stimulates the energy of germination (on 1,5-6,7%) and increases the field germination of carrot seeds (on 23-40%). It accelerates leaves growth and increases the mass of storage roots, improves biochemical characteristics of storage roots (accumulation the β- carotene and decreasing of nitrates content). Yield of storage roots increases on 4,2-8,5 t/ha, and yield of market quality roots increases on 4-6 t/ha


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    Development of F1 cabbage hybrids is concerned to difficulties of artificial pollination, low ability to developovary leading to low seed productivity in parental lines. The aim of the study is to improve the seed productivity of self-pollinated parental line 3/14C for F1 cabbage hybrid ‘Krasotka’. Secondary plant metabolites such as steroid glycosides can help overcome these difficulties and increase the seed productivity (Blandinskaya et al., 2013). 3/14C-line was propagated by backcrossing flowers in bud stage with artificial self-pollination, using water solutions of steroid glycosides ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ (in concentrations 0.1%, 0.01%, 0.001% and 0.0001%). Seed productivity was evaluated according to methods that were elaborated earlier (Bukharov A.F. et al., 2011, 2013). It was established that all parameters of seed formation and development were increased significantly under treatment of steroid glycosides ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ in mentioned concentration. Differences were significant at the 5%-level of significance. Concentration of 0.001% was more effective than other both preparations. These preparations stimulated all phases of seed development. Number of fruits was increased by 16-39%, a number of seeds per one the pod was also increased by 17-38%, mass of 1000 seeds was increased by 9-12%. Thus, the seed productivity of parental line 3/14C F1cabbage hybrid named ‘Krasotka’ was increased by 44 to 105% as result of the action of steroid glycosides. Thus, ‘Moldstim’ and ‘Melongozid’ in concentration of 0.001% can be recommend as physiological stimulators to improve seed productivity in parental lines necessary for development of F1 cabbage hybrids

    The Zhenya Mammoth ( Mammuthus primigenius (Blum.)): Taphonomy, geology, age, morphology and ancient DNA of a 48,000 year old frozen mummy from western Taimyr, Russia

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    This paper reports the results of an in-depth analysis of the frozen remains of a woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) named Zhenya, which has been dated to 48,000 cal BP. The carcass, found near the mouth of the Yenisey River in eastern Siberia, was a juvenile male whose ontogenetic age at death was 8-10 AEY. Its reconstructed live height at the shoulders (pSH 227.4 cm) was the equal of some adult female woolly mammoths and extant elephants. The large stature and a flaked off tusk tip that matches breaks on tusks of male African elephants are indirect indications that this mammoth most likely had reached sexual maturity, had been expelled from its maternal herd, and had been in at least one fight with another male. The mammoth's bones were relatively healthy, although some had minor lesions. Rudimentary upper second molars (M2/m2) were present, but no lower second molars were found in the alveoli, and the left tusk had never developed. Despite the abnormal development of the upper and lower second molars, the cheek teeth which were in wear (Dp4/dp4 and M1/m1) showed normal function without any indications of developmental delay. The completed growth of the light-colored dentin bands on the tusk strongly suggests the Fall of the year was the season of death. This season is also supported by accumulated fat in the upper parts of the torso, indicative of physiological preparation for the winter ahead. The few minor traces of carnivore scavenging, the little disturbed condition of the carcass, and the absence of bone modifications made by human actions, along with the social status of this young male animal, are interpreted here as highly probable evidence that the Zhenya Mammoth died from unrecoverable injuries inflicted during a bull-to-bull fight. The mineralogical analysis of site sediments revealed that the mammoth's burial in situ took place in the Yenisey River valley seasonally inundated by the river, which together with Fall's freezing temperatures protected the carcass from scavengers. An analysis of ancient DNA provides strong support for Zhenya's mitochondrial lineage within the deeply diverging clade III haplogroup B