93 research outputs found

    Challenges and prospects of plasmonic metasurfaces for photothermal catalysis

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    Solar-thermal technologies for converting chemicals using thermochemistry require extreme light concentration. Exploiting plasmonic nanostructures can dramatically increase the reaction rates by providing more efficient solar-to-heat conversion by broadband light absorption. Moreover, hot-carrier and local field enhancement effects can alter the reaction pathways. Such discoveries have boosted the field of photothermal catalysis, which aims at driving industrially-relevant chemical reactions using solar illumination rather than conventional heat sources. Nevertheless, only large arrays of plasmonic nano-units on a substrate, i.e., plasmonic metasurfaces, allow a quasi-unitary and broadband solar light absorption within a limited thickness (hundreds of nanometers) for practical applications. Through moderate light concentration (∼10 Suns), metasurfaces reach the same temperatures as conventional thermochemical reactors, or plasmonic nanoparticle bed reactors reach under ∼100 Suns. Plasmonic metasurfaces, however, have been mostly neglected so far for applications in the field of photothermal catalysis. In this Perspective, we discuss the potentialities of plasmonic metasurfaces in this emerging area of research. We present numerical simulations and experimental case studies illustrating how broadband absorption can be achieved within a limited thickness of these nanostructured materials. The approach highlights the synergy among different enhancement effects related to the ordered array of plasmonic units and the efficient heat transfer promoting faster dynamics than thicker structures (such as powdered catalysts). We foresee that plasmonic metasurfaces can play an important role in developing modular-like structures for the conversion of chemical feedstock into fuels without requiring extreme light concentrations. Customized metasurface-based systems could lead to small-scale and low-cost decentralized reactors instead of large-scale, infrastructure-intensive power plants

    Two-dimensional TiOx nanostructures on Au(111): a Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and Spectroscopy investigation

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    We investigated the growth of titanium oxide two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures on Au(111), produced by Ti evaporation and post-deposition oxidation. Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (STM and STS) and low-energy electron diffraction (LEED) measurements characterized the morphological, structural and electronic properties of the observed structures. Five distinct TiOx phases were identified: the honeycomb and pinwheel phases appear as monolayer films wetting the gold surface, while nanocrystallites of the triangular, row and needle phases grow mainly over the honeycomb or pinwheel layers. Density Functional Theory (DFT) investigation of the honeycomb structure supports a (2 x 2) structural model based on a Ti-O bilayer having Ti2O3 stoichiometry. The pinwheel phase was observed to evolve, for increasing coverage, from single triangular crystallites to a well-ordered film forming a (4*sqrt(7) x 4*sqrt(7))R19.1° superstructure, which can be interpreted within a moire-like model. Structural characteristics of the other three phases were disclosed from the analysis of high-resolution STM measurements. STS measurements revealed a partial metallization of honeycomb and pinwheel and a semiconducting character of row and triangular phases

    Excitation Wavelength- and Medium-Dependent Photoluminescence of Reduced Nanostructured TiO2 Films

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    The performance of TiO2 nanomaterials in solar energy conversion applications can be tuned by means of thermal treatments in reducing atmospheres, which introduce defects (such as oxygen vacancies), allowing, for instance, a better charge transport or a higher photocatalytic activity. The characterization of these defects and the understanding of their role are pivotal to carefully engineer the properties of TiO2, and, among various methods, they have been addressed by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. A definitive framework to describe the PL properties of TiO2, however, is still lacking. In this work, we report on the PL of nanostructured anatase TiO2 thin films, annealed in different atmospheres (oxidizing and reducing), and consider the effects of different excitation energies and different surrounding media on their PL spectra. A broad PL signal centered around 1.8–2.0 eV is found for all the films with UV excitation in air as well as in vacuum, while the same measurements in ethanol lead to a blueshift and to intensity changes in the spectra. On the other hand, measurements with different sub-bandgap excitations show PL peaking at 1.8 eV, with an intensity trend only dependent on the thermal treatment and not on the surrounding medium. The results of PL spectroscopy, together with electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, suggest the critical role of oxygen vacancies and Ti3+ ions as radiative recombination centers. The complex relationship between thermal treatments and PL data in the explored conditions is discussed, suggesting the importance of such investigations for a deeper understanding on the relationship between defects in TiO2 and photoactivity

    The key role of interband transitions in hot-electron-modulated TiN films

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    Titanium nitride (TiN) is an emerging new material in the field of plasmonics, both for its linear and nonlinear optical properties. Similarly to noble metals, like, e.g., gold (Au), the giant third-order optical nonlinearity of TiN following excitation with fs-laser pulses has been attributed to the generation of hot electrons. Here we provide a numerical study of the Fermi smearing mechanism associated with photogenerated hot carriers and subsequent interband transitions modulation in TiN films. A detailed comparison with Au films is also provided, and saturation effects of the permittivity modulation for increasing pump fluence are discussed

    Unfolding the Origin of the Ultrafast Optical Response of Titanium Nitride

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    Ultrafast plasmonics is driving growing interest for the search of novel plasmonic materials, overcoming the main limitations of noble metals. In this framework, titanium nitride (TiN) is brought in the spotlight for its refractory properties combined with an extremely fast electron-lattice cooling time (<100 fs) compared to gold (approximate to 1 ps). Despite the results reported in literature, a clear-cut explanation of the origin of the ultrafast and giant optical response of TiN-based materials upon excitation with femtosecond laser pulses is still missing. To address this issue, an original model is introduced, capable of unfolding the modulation of TiN optical properties on a broad bandwidth, starting from the variations of electronic and lattice temperatures following ultrafast photoexcitation. The numerical analysis is validated on ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy experiments on a simple structure, a TiN film on glass. This approach enables a complete disentanglement of the interband and intraband contributions to the permittivity modulation. Moreover, it is also shown that, varying the synthesis conditions of the TiN film, not only the static, but also the dynamical optical response can be efficiently tuned. These findings pave the way for a breakthrough in the field: the design of TiN-based ultrafast nanodevices for all-optical modulation of light

    Distribution of killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors genes in the Italian Caucasian population

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    BACKGROUND: Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) are a family of inhibitory and activatory receptors that are expressed by most natural killer (NK) cells. The KIR gene family is polymorphic: genomic diversity is achieved through differences in gene content and allelic polymorphism. The number of KIR loci has been reported to vary among individuals, resulting in different KIR haplotypes. In this study we report the genotypic structure of KIRs in 217 unrelated healthy Italian individuals from 22 immunogenetics laboratories, located in the northern, central and southern regions of Italy. METHODS: Two hundred and seventeen DNA samples were studied by a low resolution PCR-SSP kit designed to identify all KIR genes. RESULTS: All 17 KIR genes were observed in the population with different frequencies than other Caucasian and non-Caucasian populations; framework genes KIR3DL3, KIR3DP1, KIR2DL4 and KIR3DL2 were present in all individuals. Sixty-five different profiles were found in this Italian population study. Haplotype A remains the most prevalent and genotype 1, with a frequency of 28.5%, is the most commonly observed in the Italian population. CONCLUSION: The Italian Caucasian population shows polymorphism of the KIR gene family like other Caucasian and non-Caucasian populations. Although 64 genotypes have been observed, genotype 1 remains the most frequent as already observed in other populations. Such knowledge of the KIR gene distribution in populations is very useful in the study of associations with diseases and in selection of donors for haploidentical bone marrow transplantation

    LeukoCatch, a quick and efficient tool for the preparation of leukocyte extracts from blood

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whole-protein extracts from peripheral blood leukocytes are ideal for basic and clinical research. However, lack of a simple preparation technique has limited the use of such extracts. The aim of this study is to develop a simple and easy system that can selectively obtain leukocyte extracts without hemoglobin.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A filter that captures the leukocytes but not RBCs was set at the bottom of a 10-mL medical syringe by sandwiching it between plastic stoppers. The capturing efficiency of leukocytes with this tool, called LeukoCatch, was examined using human macrophage cells (MONO-MAC-6). The abilities of LeukoCatch system to capture the leukocyte proteins and to remove the hemoglobin from RBCs were tested by western blot analysis using human blood samples.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>This study presents the development of LeukoCatch, a novel tool that allows the preparation of leukocyte extracts from blood samples within 3 min without centrifugation. Tissue-cultured human macrophage cells were tested to determine the optimal filter numbers and pass-through frequencies of LeukoCatch, which was then applied to 2-mL blood samples. Samples were passed 2~5 times through a LeukoCatch equipped with 5 filters, washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline for red cell removal, and leukocyte proteins were extracted with 0.5 mL of elution buffer. Western blot analysis of the purified extract indicated that more than 90% of hemoglobin was removed by the LeukoCatch and that the protein recovery rate of leukocytes was at least 4 times better than that of the conventional centrifugation method.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that LeukoCatch is useful not only for diagnosis at the bedside but also for basic research using blood samples or tissue culture cells.</p

    Autopsy as a site and mode of inquiry: de/composing the ghoulish hu/man gaze

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    For centuries the autopsy has been a key technology in Western culture for generating clinical/medical as well as cultural knowledge about bodies. This article hails the anato-medical autopsy as a generative trope and apparatus in reconfiguring Western humanist knowledge of bodies and bodies of knowledge and takes up the possibilities of working with the concept of autopsy in disrupting qualitative research methodology. In doing so, the article outlines and returns (to) a series of research-creation experiments assembled at an academic conference, which engaged with the challenges for social science knowledge laid out by Law’s (2004) After Method book. Our research-creation experiments centred autopsy as a theoretical-methodological gaze and apparatus for de-composing qualitative research methodology by engaging with post-humanist and new material feminist thinking