1,047 research outputs found

    Cultivares de arroz de sequeiro para o Território Federal do Amapá.

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    Non universality of entanglement convertibility

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    Recently, it has been suggested that operational properties connected to quantum computation can be alternative indicators of quantum phase transitions. In this work we systematically study these operational properties in 1D systems that present phase transitions of different orders. For this purpose, we evaluate the local convertibility between bipartite ground states. Our results suggest that the operational properties, related to non-analyticities of the entanglement spectrum, are good detectors of explicit symmetries of the model, but not necessarily of phase transitions. We also show that thermodynamically equivalent phases, such as Luttinger liquids, may display different convertibility properties depending on the underlying microscopic model.Comment: 5 pages + references, 4 figures - improved versio

    Seletividade de herbicidas e dinâmica populacional de plantas daninhas na cultura do girassol para a produção de biodiesel.

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    Os experimentos foram instalados em Prudente de Morais, MG, em 2010 e 2011, com o objetivo de avaliar a seletividade e a eficácia de herbicidas aplicados em pré e pósemergência na cultura do girassol, bem como de estudar a dinâmica populacional de plantas daninhas. O trabalho de 2010 foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 11 tratamentos e três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por dez herbicidas, sendo quatro pré-emergentes e seis pós-emergentes (alachlor, imazaquin, metribuzin, trifluralin, chlorimuron-ethyl, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl, [fluazifop-p + fomesafen], imazapyr, imazethapyr e sethoxydim) e uma testemunha. Foram avaliados os efeitos fitotóxicos, altura das plantas, número de folhas e a biomassa seca da parte aérea e raízes aos 60 dias após a aplicação. Em 2011 o trabalho foi conduzido a campo, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram dos herbicidas alachlor e trifluralin (préemergência), fenoxaprop-p-ethyl e sethoxydim (pós-emergência) e duas testemunhas (capinada e sem capina). Foram avaliados o ciclo da cultura, o início de florescimento, a altura de plantas, o diâmetro do caule, a maturação fisiológica dos aquênios, o diâmetro de capítulos, o número de plantas quebradas, o número de plantas acamadas, o estande final e o rendimento de aquênios. Com base nos resultados pode-se concluir que os herbicidas que apresentaram maior fitotoxicidade ao girassol foram: imazaquin, metribuzin, chlorimuron-ethyl, [fluazifop-p + fomesafen], imazapyr e imazethapyr. Os herbicidas pré-emergentes alachlor e trifluralin, e os pós-emergentes fenoxaprop-p-ethyl e sethoxydim mostraram-se seletivos para o girassol. O fenoxaprop-p-ethyl poderá vir a ser utilizado em um programa de manejo integrado de plantas daninhas no girassol, pois apenas trifluralin, alachlor e sethoxydim são herbicidas registrados para esta cultura

    Allergic contact dermatitis to shoes induced by dimethylfumarate: A new allergen imported from China

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    BACKGROUND: In the last two years several cases of severe contact dermatitis related to newly acquired sofas and armchairs originating from China have been published. The responsible allergen is dimethylfumarate (DMF), an extremely potent sensitizer and irritant found in sachets inside the furniture. Recently, cases of contact dermatitis related to shoes and riding helmets have also been described. METHODS: We evaluated two patients with allergic contact dermatitis related to shoes manufactured in China that were contaminated by dimethylfumarate found in sachets placed inside the shoeboxes. RESULTS: Patch tests with DMF extracted from the sachets inside the shoeboxes showed positive reactions. Postitive reactions were also obtained using small fragments of the shoes and tissue of the "MouldProof" sachet. The patients were instructed to avoid the suspected shoes and were treated with topical corticosteroids. CONCLUSIONS: Contact dermatitis induced by dimethylfumarate should be suspected in appropriate cases. It is important to remember that this allergen is not included in most series for patch testing

    Clinical and Genetic Characterization of Portuguese Patients with Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type Ib

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    Patients with pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib (PHP-Ib) present hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia, as a consequence of a resistance to PTH action, through its G-protein-coupled receptor, in the renal tubules. This resistance results from tissue-specific silencing of the G-protein alpha-subunit (G(s)α), due to imprinting disruption of its encoding locus--GNAS. In familial PHP-Ib, maternally inherited deletions at the STX16 gene are associated to a regional GNAS methylation defect. In sporadic PHP-Ib, broad methylation changes at GNAS arise from unknown genetic causes. In this study, we describe the clinical presentation of PHP-Ib in four Portuguese patients (two of whom were siblings), and provide further insight for the management of patients with this disease. The diagnosis of PHP-Ib was made after detection of GNAS imprinting defects in each of the cases. In the siblings, a regional GNAS methylation change resulted from a known 3.0 kb STX16 deletion. In the other two patients, the broad methylation defects at GNAS, which were absent in their relatives, resulted from genetic alterations that remain to be identified. We report the first clinical and genetic study of Portuguese patients with PHP-Ib. The genetic identification of a hereditary form of this rare disease allowed an early diagnosis, and may prevent hypocalcemia-related complications

    Controle de ervas daninhas na cultura da pimenta-do-reino na região Transamazônia.

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    Pancreatic lesions and metabolic aggravation are prevented by low doses of sitagliptin in a rat model of type 2 diabetes

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    Introduction: The management of type 2 diabetes is designed to reduce disease-related complications and improve long-term outcomes. Inhibition of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) activity by sitagliptin has been shown to improve glycaemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) by prolonging the actions of incretin hormones, but the real impact of low-dose sitagliptin treatment on cardiometabolic risk factors and pancreatic lesions is almost unknown. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of low doses of sitagliptin on cardiovascular risk factors and histological pancreas parameters in Zucker Diabetic Fatty rats (ZDF (fa/fa)) an animal model of T2DM. Materials and Methods: Twenty weeks old diabetic obese (fa/fa) ZDF male rats were treated with vehicle or sitagliptin (10 mg/kg BW/day) during 6 weeks (n=8 each). The following parameters were assessed: glycaemia, HbA1c, insulin, lipidic profile; blood pressure. Specimens for pancreatic histopathology were stained with haematoxylin-eosin and periodic-acid-Shiff, examined by light microscopy. Endocrine and exocrine pancreas was evaluated semiquantitatively concerning inflammatory infiltrate, fibrosis, vacuolization and congestion, and scored from 0 (absent) to 3 (severe and extensive damage). Results: Sitagliptin in diabetic obese ZDF rats promoted a positive effect on dysglycaemia, dyslipidaemia and prevented the increase of blood pressure. Endocrine and exocrine pancreas presented a reduction/amelioration of fibrosis severity, inflammatory infiltrate, intra-islet vacuolation, and congestion vs the vehicle-treated diabetic rats. Conclusion: Simultaneous improvement of a sustainable glycaemic profile and of pancreatic histopathological lesions supports the favorable cardiovascular risk profile and may prove beneficial in decreasing long-term complications of T2DM.The authors are very grateful to the support of Fundação Merck Sharp & Dohm

    Efeito de culturas antecessoras à cana-de-açúcar na composição florística de plantas daninhas.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi de avaliar e identificar a composição florística de plantas daninhas em áreas de produção de cana-de-açúcar, nas diferentes estações do ano, no município de Felixlândia, MG, em resposta a diferentes cultivos antecessores ao plantio da canade- açúcar. O experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Experimental da EPAMIG, no delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com seis tratamentos e quatro repetições, utilizando-se a variedade SP81-3250 de cana-de-açúcar. Os tratamentos foram os cultivos antecessores ao plantio da cana de: milheto (Pennisetum glaucum), crotalária (Crotalaria juncea), mucuna preta (Stizolobium aterrimum), guandu anão (Cajanus cajan) e soja (Glycine max), acrescido de uma testemunha (pastagem degradada de Brachiaria decumbens). Foram avaliadas a composição florística e as frequência, densidade e abundância relativa e o índice de valor de importância. Foram identificadas 23 espécies de plantas daninhas, distribuídas em 19 gêneros e 13 famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram as Leguminosae e Solanaceae, com quatro espécies, seguidas por Malvaceae, com três espécies, e Convolvulaceae e Rubiaceae com duas espécies. A espécie B. decumbens foi encontrada em todos os períodos do ano e em todos os diferentes sistemas de plantio da cana-de-açúcar nos períodos de inverno e primavera. As espécies Acanthospermum australe e Richardia brasiliensis apresentaram o maior IVI no período de outono. As diferenças encontradas na composição florística tanto em relação ao cultivo antecessor utilizado como às épocas avaliadas se tornam relevantes para o planejamento do manejo adequado das plantas daninhas na cultura da cana