53 research outputs found

    Clinical Characteristics of Subependymal Giant Cell Astrocytoma in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

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    Background: This study evaluated the characteristics of subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA) in patients with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) entered into the TuberOus SClerosis registry to increase disease Awareness (TOSCA). Methods: The study was conducted at 170 sites across 31 countries. Data from patients of any age with a documented clinical visit for TSC in the 12 months preceding enrollment or those newly diagnosed with TSC were entered. Results: SEGA were reported in 554 of 2,216 patients (25%). Median age at diagnosis of SEGA was 8 years (range, 18 years. SEGA were symptomatic in 42.1% of patients. Symptoms included increased seizure frequency (15.8%), behavioural disturbance (11.9%), and regression/loss of cognitive skills (9.9%), in addition to those typically associated with increased intracranial pressure. SEGA were significantly more frequent in patients with TSC2 compared to TSC1 variants (33.7 vs. 13.2 %, p < 0.0001). Main treatment modalities included surgery (59.6%) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors (49%). Conclusions: Although SEGA diagnosis and growth typically occurs during childhood, SEGA can occur and grow in both infants and adults


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    Public Opinion and Sentiment Before and at the Beginning of COVID-19 Vaccinations in Japan: Twitter Analysis

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    BackgroundCOVID-19 vaccines are considered one of the most effective ways for containing the COVID-19 pandemic, but Japan lagged behind other countries in vaccination in the early stages. A deeper understanding of the slow progress of vaccination in Japan can be instructive for COVID-19 booster vaccination and vaccinations during future pandemics. ObjectiveThis retrospective study aims to analyze the slow progress of early-stage vaccination in Japan by exploring opinions and sentiment toward the COVID-19 vaccine in Japanese tweets before and at the beginning of vaccination. MethodsWe collected 144,101 Japanese tweets containing COVID-19 vaccine-related keywords between August 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. We visualized the trend of the tweets and sentiments and identified the critical events that may have triggered the surges. Correlations between sentiments and the daily infection, death, and vaccination cases were calculated. The latent dirichlet allocation model was applied to identify topics of negative tweets from the beginning of vaccination. We also conducted an analysis of vaccine brands (Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca) approved in Japan. ResultsThe daily number of tweets continued with accelerating growth after the start of large-scale vaccinations in Japan. The sentiments of around 85% of the tweets were neutral, and negative sentiment overwhelmed the positive sentiment in the other tweets. We identified 6 public-concerned topics related to the negative sentiment at the beginning of the vaccination process. Among the vaccines from the 3 manufacturers, the attitude toward Moderna was the most positive, and the attitude toward AstraZeneca was the most negative. ConclusionsNegative sentiment toward vaccines dominated positive sentiment in Japan, and the concerns about side effects might have outweighed fears of infection at the beginning of the vaccination process. Topic modeling on negative tweets indicated that the government and policy makers should take prompt actions in building a safe and convenient vaccine reservation and rollout system, which requires both flexibility of the medical care system and the acceleration of digitalization in Japan. The public showed different attitudes toward vaccine brands. Policy makers should provide more evidence about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines and rebut fake news to build vaccine confidence

    Dynamic Analysis of the Coracohumeral Ligament Using Ultra-Sonography in Shoulder Contracture

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    The coracohumeral ligament (CHL) is related to the range of motion of the shoulder joint. The evaluation of the CHL using ultrasonography (US) has been reported on the elastic modulus and thickness of the CHL, but no dynamic evaluation method has been established. We aimed to quantify the movement of the CHL by applying Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), a technique used in the field of fluid engineering, to cases of shoulder contracture using the US. The subjects were eight patients, with 16 shoulders. The coracoid process was identified from the body surface, and a long-axis US image of the CHL parallel to the subscapularis tendon was drawn. The shoulder joint was moved from 0 degrees of internal/external rotation to 60 degrees of internal rotation at a rhythm of one reciprocation every 2 s. The velocity of the CHL movement was quantified by the PIV method. The mean magnitude velocity of CHL was significantly faster on the healthy side. The maximum magnitude velocity was significantly faster on the healthy side. The results suggest that the PIV method is helpful as a dynamic evaluation method, and in patients with shoulder contracture, the CHL velocity was significantly decreased

    Motion Analysis of the Extensor Carpi Ulnaris in Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex Injury Using Ultrasonography Images

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    The subsheath of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) tendon, a component of the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), is particularly important as it dynamically stabilizes the distal radioulnar joint. However, the relationship between TFCC injury and ECU dynamics remains unclear. This study aimed to analyze ECU movement and morphology using ultrasonography (US) images. Twenty wrists of patients with TFCC injury, who underwent TFCC repair, were included in the injury group, and 20 wrists of healthy volunteers were in the control group. For static image analysis, curvature and linearity ratios of the ECU in US long-axis images captured during radioulnar deviation were analyzed. For dynamic analysis of the ECU, the wrist was moved from radial deviation to ulnar deviation at a constant speed, and the velocity of the tendon was analyzed using particle image velocimetry. The static analysis showed that the ECU tendon was more curved in ulnar deviation in the injury group than in the control group, and the dynamic analysis showed that only vertical velocity toward the deep side during ulnar deviation was higher in the injury group. These results suggest that TFCC injury caused ECU curvature during ulnar deviation and increased the vertical velocity of the ECU during wrist deviation

    mDia and ROCK Mediate Actin-Dependent Presynaptic Remodeling Regulating Synaptic Efficacy and Anxiety

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    社会からの隔絶が不安を招く神経メカニズム、マウスで発見 : 引きこもりからの社会復帰へ向けた神経科学からのアプローチ. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-11-24.Here, we show neuronal inactivation-induced presynaptic remodeling and involvement of the mammalian homolog of Diaphanous (mDia) and Rho-associated coiled-coil-containing kinase (ROCK), Rho-regulated modulators of actin and myosin, in this process. We find that social isolation induces inactivation of nucleus accumbens (NAc) neurons associated with elevated anxiety-like behavior, and that mDia in NAc neurons is essential in this process. Upon inactivation of cultured neurons, mDia induces circumferential actin filaments around the edge of the synaptic cleft, which contract the presynaptic terminals in a ROCK-dependent manner. Social isolation induces similar mDia-dependent presynaptic contraction at GABAergic synapses from NAc neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) associated with reduced synaptic efficacy. Optogenetic stimulation of NAc neurons rescues the anxiety phenotype, and injection of a specific ROCK inhibitor, Y-27632, into the VTA reverses both presynaptic contraction and the behavioral phenotype. mDia-ROCK signaling thus mediates actin-dependent presynaptic remodeling in inactivated NAc neurons, which underlies synaptic plasticity in emotional behavioral responses