815 research outputs found

    Transition from Band insulator to Bose-Einstein Condensate superfluid and Mott State of Cold Fermi Gases with Multiband Effects in Optical Lattices

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    We study two models realized by two-component Fermi gases loaded in optical lattices. We clarify that multi-band effects inevitably caused by the optical lattices generate a rich structure, when the systems crossover from the region of weakly bound molecular bosons to the region of strongly bound atomic bosons. Here the crossover can be controlled by attractive fermion interaction. One of the present models is a case with attractive fermion interaction, where an insulator-superfluid transition takes place. The transition is characterized as the transition between a band insulator and a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) superfluid state. Differing from the conventional BCS superfluid transition, this transition shows unconventional properties. In contrast to the one particle excitation gap scaled by the superfluid order parameter in the conventional BCS transition, because of the multi-band effects, a large gap of one-particle density of states is retained all through the transition although the superfluid order grows continuously from zero. A reentrant transition with lowering temperature is another unconventionality. The other model is the case with coexisting attractive and repulsive interactions. Within a mean field treatment, we find a new insulating state, an orbital ordered insulator. This insulator is one candidate for the Mott insulator of molecular bosons and is the first example that the orbital internal degrees of freedom of molecular bosons appears explicitly. Besides the emergence of a new phase, a coexisting phase also appears where superfluidity and an orbital order coexist just by doping holes or particles. The insulating and superfluid particles show differentiation in momentum space as in the high-Tc cuprate superconductors.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Factors Influencing the Number of Eggs Recovered from Rabbits Superovulated with FSH or PMSG: Analysis of Five Years of Data from 509 Rabbits

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    To determine the best conditions for superovulation in rabbits, we analyzed the influence of age, season and hormone treatment on the numbers of eggs collected over five years from 509 rabbits aged 4–10 months using follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) or pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) hormone stimulation. The number of eggs recovered was significantly higher in younger rabbits in both treated groups (P < 0.01–0.05). The number of eggs collected from rabbits treated with FSH were significantly higher than from rabbits treated with PMSG at all ages (P < 0.01). Seasonal differences were not observed in either hormone treatment group as they were maintained under constant temperature, humidity and light cycle through the year. Thus, younger rabbits are more sensitive to hormonal superovulation treatment with both FSH and PMSG, and FSH offers a better regimen for egg collection

    The Hypervariable Region 1 Protein of Hepatitis C Virus Broadly Reactive with Sera of Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Has a Similar Amino Acid Sequence with the Consensus Sequence

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    AbstractHypervariable region 1 (HVR1) proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) have been reported to react broadly with sera of patients with HCV infection. However, the variability of the broad reactivity of individual HVR1 proteins has not been elucidated. We assessed the reactivity of 25 different HVR1 proteins (genotype 1b) with sera of 81 patients with HCV infection (genotype 1b) by Western blot. HVR1 proteins reacted with 2–60 sera. The number of sera reactive with each HVR1 protein significantly correlated with the number of amino acid residues identical to the consensus sequence defined by Puntoriero et al. (G. Puntoriero, A. Lahm, S. Zucchelli, B. B. Ercole, R. Tafi, M. Penzzanera, M. U. Mondelli, R. Cortese, A. Tramontano, G. Galfre', and A. Nicosia. 1998. EMBO J. 17, 3521–3533.) (r = 0.561, P < 0.005). The most widely reactive HVR1 protein, 12-22, had a sequence similar to the consensus sequence. The peptide with C-terminal 13-amino-acids sequence of HVR1 protein 12-22 (NH2-CSFTSLFTPGPSQK) was injected into rabbits as an immunogen. The rabbit immune sera reacted with 9 of 25 HVR1 proteins of genotype 1b including HVR1 protein 12-22 and with 3 of 12 proteins of genotype 2a. These results indicate that the HVR1 protein broadly reactive with patients' sera has a sequence similar to the consensus sequence, can induce broadly reactive sera, and could be one of the candidate immunogens in a prophylactic vaccine against HCV

    Role of leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 in severe acute pancreatitis

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    IntroductionIntrapancreatic activation of trypsinogen caused by alcohol or high-fat intake and the subsequent autodigestion of the pancreas tissues by trypsin are indispensable events in the development of acute pancreatitis. In addition to this trypsin-centered paradigm, recent studies provide evidence that innate immune responses triggered by translocation of intestinal bacteria to the pancreas due to intestinal barrier dysfunction underlie the immunopathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. Although severe acute pancreatitis is often associated with pancreatic colonization by fungi, the molecular mechanisms linking fungus-induced immune responses to the development of severe acute pancreatitis are poorly understood. Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is a multifunctional protein that mediates innate immune responses to fungi and bacteria. Mutations in Lrrk2 is a risk factor for Parkinson’s disease and Crohn’s disease, both of which are driven by innate immune responses to gut organisms.DiscussionIn this Minireview article, we discuss how activation of LRRK2 by the recognition of fungi induces severe acute pancreatitis