543 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic Properties of Low-GWP Refrigerant for Centrifugal Chiller

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    In refrigeration and air-conditioning industry, HFCs refrigerantssuch as HFC-134a, HFC-245fa, R-410A and R-404A were developed as CFCs or HCFCs alternative refrigerants which have Ozone depletion Potential (ODP). But HFCs have high global warming potential (GWP), there are urgent needs to reduce HFCs emissions. AMOLEA is a next-generation solvent and refrigerant brand developed by AGC under the concept of dramatically reducing GWP with superior performance. AMOLEA yd that consists of HCFO-1224yd has the good characters such as low-GWP, non-flammable, low-toxicity, good-chemical and thermal suitability, good-compatibility with oil and equipment components. HCFO-1224yd has similar thermal properties to HFC-245fa, so it is suitable to use as the refrigerant to alternate HFC-245fa and HCFC-123 for centrifugal chiller, organic Rankine cycle system, heat pumps. This paper shows the properties of HCFO-1224yd, including critical parameters, vapor-liquid coexistence curve, vapor pressure and PVT properties, were determined experimentally. The measurements of vapor-liquid coexistence curve in the critical region were made through visual observation of the disappearance of meniscus at the vapor-liquid interface within an optical cell. The vapor pressure and the PVT properties were made using the constant-volume method. The saturated liquid densities were obtained by the method using pyrex glass floats. The new experimental data and correlations were presented. On the basis of measurements of the density-temperature relation along the vapor-liquid coexistence curve near the critical point, the critical density was determined by the observation of disappearance of the vapor-liquid interface and of the intensity of critical opalescence. The critical density was determined as 530kg/m3. The critical temperature can be determined as the saturation temperature corresponding to the critical density. The critical temperature was determined as 429.1K. The critical pressure was determined by extrapolation of the vapor pressure measurements to the critical temperature as 3.379MPa. The correlation equation of vapor pressure and saturated density were developed. The root mean square deviation was 0.6% in the correlation equation of vapor pressure. In case of saturated density, the root mean square deviation was 0.9%

    Measurement of redshift dependent cross correlation of HSC clusters and Fermi γ\gamma rays

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    The cross-correlation study of the unresolved γ\gamma-ray background (UGRB) with galaxy clusters has a potential to reveal the nature of the UGRB. In this paper, we perform a cross-correlation analysis between γ\gamma-ray data by the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) and a galaxy cluster catalogue from the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. The Subaru HSC cluster catalogue provides a wide and homogeneous large-scale structure distribution out to the high redshift at z=1.1z=1.1, which has not been accessible in previous cross-correlation studies. We conduct the cross-correlation analysis not only for clusters in the all redshift range (0.1<z<1.10.1 < z < 1.1) of the survey, but also for subsamples of clusters divided into redshift bins, the low redshift bin (0.1<z<0.60.1 < z < 0.6) and the high redshift bin (0.6<z<1.10.6 < z < 1.1), to utilize the wide redshift coverage of the cluster catalogue. We find the evidence of the cross-correlation signals with the significance of 2.0-2.3σ\sigma for all redshift and low-redshift cluster samples. On the other hand, for high-redshift clusters, we find the signal with weaker significance level (1.6-1.9σ\sigma). We also compare the observed cross-correlation functions with predictions of a theoretical model in which the UGRB originates from γ\gamma-ray emitters such as blazars, star-forming galaxies and radio galaxies. We find that the detected signal is consistent with the model prediction.Comment: 11 pages, 24 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Analysis of sFas IL-6 levels in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy: Pre- or poststeroid pulse treatment

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    Kimihito Maeda, Yuichiro Ohara, Masato Hashimoto, Hiroshi OhguroDepartment of Ophthalmology, Sapporo Medical University, School of Medicine, Sapporo, JapanPurpose: To investigate whether serum levels of soluble Fas (sFas) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) could function as an index of the efficacy of steroid pulse treatment, we examined the serum level of these proteins before and after steroid pulse treatment in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy patients.Methods: We gathered the blood of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy patients before or after steroid pulse treatment, obtained serum with a centrifuge, and measured the serum levels of sFas and IL-6 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).Results: There was no difference in serum IL-6 value between pre- and poststeroid pulse treatment. Serum sFas value was significantly decreased in both pre- and poststeroid pulse treatment. Furthermore, there was a recognizable improvement in the degree of the extraocular muscle thickening after treatment in cases in whom the serum sFas value was lower than 3 ng/ml prior to the beginning of the therapy. In patients who had a serum sFas value of more than 3 ng/ml, there was no improvement in the degree of thickening of the extraocular muscle.Conclusions: Serum level of sFas is an accurate index of the outcome of steroid pulse treatment in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy and may become a useful index to gauge the status of convalescence.Keywords: sFas, IL-6, ELISA, thyroid associated ophthalmopathy, steroid pulse treatmen


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    Integral representations of q-analogues of the Hurwitz zeta function

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    Two integral representations of q-analogues of the Hurwitz zeta function are established. Each integral representation allows us to obtain an analytic continuation including also a full description of poles and special values at non-positive integers of the q-analogue of the Hurwitz zeta function, and to study the classical limit of this q-analogue. All the discussion developed here is entirely different from the previous work in [4]Comment: 14 page

    Hierarchy of the Selberg zeta functions

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    We introduce a Selberg type zeta function of two variables which interpolates several higher Selberg zeta functions. The analytic continuation, the functional equation and the determinant expression of this function via the Laplacian on a Riemann surface are obtained.Comment: 14 page


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    AIM: Understanding of the relationship between caregiver burden and the degree of behavioural deficits in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is relatively limited. Therefore, it is worthwhile to examine the correlations between the various relevant factors to improve the efficacy of care for patients with AD. The aim of this study was to investigate the specific contributions of frontal lobe dysfunction in AD patients to caregiver burden, while controlling for other predictor variables. METHODS: Participants included 30 pairs of caregivers and patients with AD. The Zarit Burden Interview and Frontal Assessment Battery were used to measure the caregiver burden and patients' frontal lobe function, respectively. To investigate the effects of frontal lobe dysfunction on caregiver burden, hierarchical regression equations with steps incorporating additional predictor variables were fitted. We also performed a correlation analysis between the individual subdomains of the Zarit Burden Interview and the predictor variables. RESULTS: Our study suggests that the degree of frontal lobe dysfunction in AD patients predicts their caregiver burden, when other factors of daily functional limitations and neuropsychiatric symptoms are controlled. Daily functional limitations and neuropsychiatric symptoms affected caregivers' psychosocial burden, whereas frontal lobe dysfunction affected caregivers' burden due to the increase in the dependency of the patients. CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that to ameliorate the disabilities of patients and reduce caregiver burden, there is a need for interventions that focus on psychosocial burdens, as shown in previous studies, as well as on excessive dependency due to frontal lobe dysfunction.博士(医学)・甲第661号・平成29年3月15日© 2017 Japanese Psychogeriatric SocietyThis is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/psyg.12231, which has been published in final form at http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/psyg.12231. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving

    Constraining dark matter annihilation with HSC Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    Searches for dark matter annihilation signals have been carried out in a number of target regions such as the Galactic Center and Milky Way dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), among a few others. Here we propose low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) asnovel targets for the indirect detection of dark matter emission. In particular, LSBGs are known to have very large dark matter contents and be less contaminated by extragalactic gamma-ray sources (e.g., blazars) compared to star forming galaxies. We report on an analysis that uses eight LSBGs (detected by Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam survey data) with known redshifts to conduct a search for gamma-ray emission at the positions of these new objects in Fermi Large Area Telescope data. We found no excesses of gamma-ray emission and set constraints on the dark matter annihilation cross-section. We exclude (at the 95% C.L.) dark matter scenarios predicting a cross-section higher than 10^-23[cm^3/s] for dark matter particles of mass 10 GeV self-annihilating in the b_b channel. Although this constraint is weaker than the ones reported in recent studies using other targets, we note that in the near future, the number of detections of new LSBGs will increase by a few orders of magnitude. We forecast that with the use of the full catalog of soon-to-be-detected LSBGs the constraint will reach cross-section sensitivities of ~ 3*10^-25 [cm^3/s] for dark matter particles with masses less than 10 GeV.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, accepted to JCA