26 research outputs found

    ¿De vuelta a Los ocho años? A propósito de La guerra de Figueres, de Guillermo Villegas Hoffmaister

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    El libro de Guillermo Villegas Hoffmeister, “La guerra de Figueres”, tiene sin duda el subtítulo exacto Crónica de ocho años, porque eso es lo que es. Basado en alguna documentación escrita, en sus propios recuerdos personales y en una revisión de los periodos de la década de 1940, la obra se presenta ante todo como un producto de entrevistas realizadas por el autor a distintos personajes de la época. El resultado final es una narrativa descriptiva y parcializada, que combina alguna información interesante con datos sin importancia y algunas notables inexactitudes históricas: por ejemplo, el autor afirma que ¡el partido republicano nacional fue fundado por Maximiliano Fernández en 1909!, y en lo que parece ser producto de un lamentable descuido de él y de la EUNED, fecha la batalla de tejar el 13 de marzo en vez del 13 de abril de 1948…UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Artes y Letras::Centro de Investigación en Identidad y Cultura Latinoamérica (CIICLA

    Immunostaining patterns in spiral ligament fibrocytes of the cochlea.

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    <p>Immunostaining patterns in spiral ligament fibrocytes of the cochlea.</p

    Retained expression of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> cells in type 3 area at P72.

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    <p>(A) Triple immunostaining for BrdU, IB4 and Aqp1. (B, C, D) Enlarged image of corresponding boxed area in (A). Arrows indicate BrdU positive Aqp1 expressing fibrocytes. Note that BrdU was injected in between P6 and P12, indicating that those BrdU positive Aqp1 expressing type 3 fibrocytes were long-term BrdU retaining cells. Nuclei were stained using DAPI (B). Scar bar = 100μm.</p

    Proliferation of type 3 fibrocytes after intense sound exposure.

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    <p>Double immunostaining was performed for PH3 (A and E) and Aqp1 (C and G) simultaneously, and nuclei were stained using DAPI (B and F). D is a merged image of A, B and C. H is a merged image of E, F and G. We observed PH3 positive cells increased endothelial cells (thin arrows) and type 3 fibrocytes (thick arrows) after acoustic damage. Scar bar = 50μm.</p

    Characterization of long-term BrdU label retaining cells in the SL.

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    <p>Double labelings of BrdU/IB4 (A-F), triple labeling of BrdU/IB4/Caspase3 (H), BrdU/IB4/Pou3f4 (I and G) were shown. Nuclei were stained using DAPI. BrdU positive cells were co-labeled with anti-DAPI (B, C, E, F and H). 11.44 ± 0.80% (at P13) or 9.33 ± 1.03% (at P28) of BrdU<sup>+</sup> cells were also positive for IB4<sup>+</sup> (B, E, arrowheads). BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> cells were negative for Caspase3, indicating that the labeling was not due to apoptosis. 3.52 ± 0.68% (at P13) of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> cells were positive for Pou3f4 (I and G arrowheads), indicating the SL fibrocytes proliferate during the neonatal stages. Scar bar = 100μm.</p

    Spatio-temporal changes in the distribution of BrdU<sup>+</sup> cells.

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    <p>Comparison of the percentages of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> cells in Type 1, Type 2, 4, Type 3, Type 5 region at P13(A), P28(B) and P42 time point. <sup>#</sup>P > 0.05, *P < 0.05.</p

    Distribution of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> fibrocytes at Na,K-ATPase α1 or Cx26 positive area.

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    <p>Triple immunostaining for BrdU, IB4, Na,K-ATPase α1 (A-C) or Cx26 (E-F) were performed at P13, P28 and P42 after BrdU administration. The percentage of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4 cells was compared among Na,K-ATPase α1 positive area, Na,K-ATPase α1 negative area and Stv, or among Cx26 positive area, Cx26 negative area and Stv. <sup>#</sup>P>0.05, **P<0.01, *P<0.05. Scar bar = 100μm. (n = 3 per each group).</p

    Proliferation of SLFs after intense sound exposure.

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    <p>Experimental design indicating the duration of BrdU treatment and observation time points in noise-damaged mice (A); Time course of threshold shifts following exposure to a 120 dB SPL of octave band noise for 2h (B); Histological evaluation (C(a-c)) and triple immunostaining for NkCC1/Cx26/Aqp1 (C(d-f)), BrdU/IB4/Aqp1 (D(e-g)) were performed at 1 day and 14 days after noise exposure. Some BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> type 3 SLFs even entered type 1 area (D(g)). The number of type 3 fibrocytes did not change significantly (D(d)), but the number of BrdU incorporating type 3 fibrocytes increased during the time-course (D(h)). Arrow heads: BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup>Aqp1<sup>+</sup> fibrocytes. <sup>#</sup>P > 0.05, *P < 0.05. Scar bar = 100μm.</p

    Distribution of BrdU-positive cells in the lateral wall of cochleae.

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    <p>Experimental design indicating the duration of BrdU treatment and observation time points in naive mice (A), BrdU was injected daily in between P6 and 12 and the remained BrdU was examined by immunohisitochemistry. Representative examples of immunohistochemistry for BrdU on P13(B), P28(C), P42(D), P72(E) after BrdU injection; BrdU-positive cells were located in the SL and Stv. Their number was significantly reduced in the SL at P42 and P72 (F). <sup>#</sup>P > 0.05, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. Scar bar = 100μm.</p

    Distribution of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4<sup>-</sup> fibrocytes at S100 or Aqp1 positive area.

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    <p>Triple immunostaining for BrdU, IB4, S100 (A-C) or Aqp1 (E-F) were performed at P13, P28 and P42 after BrdU administration. The percentages of BrdU<sup>+</sup>IB4 cells were compared among S100 positive area, S100 negative area and Stv, or among Aqp1 positive area, Aqp1 negative area and Stv. <sup>#</sup>P > 0.05, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. Scar bar = 100μm.</p